Chapter 21;


Your eyes fluttered open in shock.

You let Chunji's lips meet yours and as you enjoyed it, Chunji slowly pulled off. "I'm sorry, for liking you. It's weird isn't it?" Chunji asked you, staring into your eyes.

"I... I don't know. You're my brother. I'm your sister. But, we love each other... in a different way. I... I don't know how to handle it..." You whispered.

Chunji pulled you into his embrace and then he said, "Whatever it is. Don't worry... I will protect you forever. As a brother, and as a man."

You hugged him and then he said, "We should get back to Seoul soon. Mum and Dad are worried about us."

"Will... they a-accept it that-" You wanted to ask but Chunji placed his finger on your lips.

"I will handle all the consequences, okay?" He smiled softly at you and you nodded.

Then, Chunji's lips met yours again.


The next morning, the both of you took a plane back to Seoul and Chunji interwined his fingers with yours as the both of you entered your house again. "WE'RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You yelled at the house.

"Omona!!!" Your mother ran down to the door-way where you and Chunji were.

You quickly released your hand from Chunji and ran to hug your mother. "Omma!!! I missed you so much!!!" You said.

"I missed the both of you too. Chan Hee, come here!" Your mother dragged him in the big hug, followed by your father who came along.

"So, how was the holiday?" Your father asked the both of you, as you all sat in the living room together.

"It was... fine..." You smiled at your family, but they weren't convinced.

By looking at your flustered face, they knew something wasn't right.

Chunji saw it too and then held your hand. "Actually... we have something to say."

The both of your parents looked at each other and then turned to Chunji.

"I love ~~~~." He said.

Your mother nodded and then said, "Of course. I mean Chan Hee... the both of you are siblings. A family! And this trip was for the both of you to just be together... as siblings..."

"No, in the sibling way... In the... man and woman way..." Chunji's voice trailed off as he saw the shocked expressions on your parent's face.

"Y... You!!!" Your father's face turned red and then pointed at Chunji, his fingers trembling.

Your mother covered , her lips already white in shock.

Chunji quickly hid you behind him. "It's not ~~~~'s fault. I... I love her."

Your father then slapped Chunji on the face.

"I'M DISAPPOINTED IN THE BOTH OF YOU. WHAT IS THIS!??!" Your father yelled and then your mother dragged you from Chunji.

"Tell me!!! Tell me what's going on now!??" Your mother cried out.

"Appa!!! Don't hit Chan Hee oppa!!! It's me... It's me..." You begged your father, now on your knees.

Your mother hit you on the shoulder and then said, "I told the both of you to bond as siblings. Not in any other way..."

Chunji quickly dragged you to your feet and then said, "Don't hit ~~~~, Omma!"

Chunji protected you from your parents and then your father said, "Out. The both of you. Don't appear in my house anymore. You aren't my children."

You cried out and then went to your father. "Please... Dad, throw me out. Not Chan Hee..."

"This isn't the time to beg me! ~~~~. I raised you and Chan Hee up, as siblings. This is what you all tell me?! I wash my hands off the both of you." Your father walked back to his room and your mother started walking away.

"OMMA!!!!!!!" You kneeled down and Chunji kneeled with you.

"Please forgive ~~~~..." Chunji said as he sobbed next to you.

"Either the both of you stop this nonsense, tell us it's a lie, or I'm never going to see the both of you as my children. This is... just !!! It's wrong!!!" Your mother turned back and you could see her tears streaming down her cheek.

"Sorry... I... I wil-" You wanted to say but Chunji stopped you.

"Sorry Mum. But I decided. I will leave. With ~~~~."

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Chapter 26: Whoa...this is so sweet story ever. One side i feel that i live both of them being couple but another sides of me feel that that's wrong coz they are sibling, ood related...

Anyway....nice story....and i will read the sequel ^^
i don't know what to say. i'm speechless of how awesome writer you are. really you're a good writer :)

you know what? i've been screaming and spazzing the whole time! i really really love this fanfic. this is the first time i've read a fanfic about Chunji 'coz i always read L.Joe fanfics... (l.joe is my bias)

i hope you read this comment since you said you like reading stuffs like this :)
keep up the good work. your readers are here to support you! hwaiting~!
Love it. ♥ Heading to read the sequel now.
T_T ended…. anyway SEQUEL!
there's no more ...... :[
Awwwwww i really love this story but there's no more :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :/ :[ :/ :/ :/
vivi2133 #6
YESSSSSSSSSSSSH SEQUEL!!!! :D <3 thank you ;____; lol
when it said that Chunji had dyed his hair red, i was like, 'what, is this? his comeback already?' xD aha...probably not funny, but i was spazzing pretty hard LOL. GOING TO READ DA SEQUEL RIGHT NOW :D
is it really the end ?
YAYYAY! Sequel~ sequel~
Author-nim, SARANGHAE!
1say16 #9
what ? the ending is confusing sequel pls