Chapter 18;


You nodded fervently and you realised something and then said slowly, "Chan Hee... how are we going to eat without any utensils?"

"." He muttered.

"My ideal guy type are those that don't curse." You imitated him.

"URGH. Stay here, will you? I will go and get som-" You cut him off.

"It's alright. I can eat like this!!!" You winked and then brought the whole packet of rice to your mouth.

You let some rice fall into your mouth by tilting the packet and then Chunji exclaimed, "YAH ~~~~! That is so unglam!!! Seriously, I wonder whether you are a girl sometimes..."

"Wanna see if I am a girl?" You wriggled your eyebrows, your mouth still full.

Chunji turned as red as a beetroot but you didn't see as you were busy chewing.

"Chan Hee... you didn't put any condiments right?" You swallowed hard.

"OOOPS." Chunji flicked his own fore-head.

He copied you and ate the rice too, but instead of swallowing, he puked out the rice. "Oh gosh, ~~~~-ah, this is the worst rice I've ever tasted in my life. Curses!!! Why didn't I put pepper or salt?!?"

You chuckled and then said, "It's okay. I still like it! It's one of the rare times Oppa cooks for me you know?"

You continued gobbling down the rice much to Chunji's disapproval. "Wait here. I'm going to the nearby supermarket and get us cup noodles alright?"

"You go get them for yourself! I'm eating the rice!" You stubbornly said.

"I'm getting one for you too. When I'm not here, don't force yourself to eat it. I know it's all for me." Chunji smiled and then quickly took his wallet and hand-phone and left for the supermarket.

He walked to the supermarket, as it was just a street away from the hotel and when he got there, Chunji chose kimchi ramen for the both of you and then happily paid the cashier. He smiled softly as he thought of how you ate the rice, even though he couldn't even bear to swallow one mouth of it.

Chunji walked back, whistling but then suddenly, he felt tiny drops of rain on his skin.

"Rain? Rain... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Chunji cursed in his brain and then started running furiously back to the hotel. The rain was getting heavier and water splashed on his body like there was no tomorrow.

All Chunji thought was to run back to you as soon as possible. He ran with all his might, and a sudden flashback came through his mind.


You were wandering around the play-ground with little Chunji, just 7 years old, the both of you.

"Chan Hee!!! Let's play hide-and-seek alright?" You shook his arm.

"Not again!!!" Chan Hee pouted but covered his eyes anyway.

There, you ran out of the play-ground limits, thinking, "Now, Chan Hee will never find me and I'll win!!! He always wins..."

You ran and ran all the way to the other side of the park and hid behind the tree. You chuckled slidely as you peeked out to look at Chunji trying to find you, but, you couldn't see him. "Where did Chan Hee go?!" You panicked.

Chunji, on the other hand, was busy finding you in the play-ground. "Eh? ~~~~ was never good at these games. Why can't I find her?" Chunji thought as he ran around the play-ground, looking in between the slides and see-saw but he still couldn't find you.

You looked up in the sky and saw that it was turning dark and the clouds were getting heavier. Then, it started pouring.

"ARGH!!! CHAN HEE!!!!!" You yelled but no one answered you.

Being only 7, you quickly grew into a panic state and started sobbing in the rain. "OPPPAAAA!!!!" You screamed.

You ran in the rain to go back, but the park was too big and you couldn't remember where you came from.

After running and running unknowingly deeper into the park, you accidentally slipped and cut your knee. Blood started dripping and you wiped your tears, trying to get a clear view of your wound. The rain was washing the blood away and making the wound hurt even more.

"Chan Hee... Where are you..." You mumbled and then a hand suddenly grabbed you into a tight hug.

"Where the heck were you..." It was Chunji, his clothes dripping with rain or sweat, you weren't sure.

"Chan Hee, Omma said not to use that word." You started but then soon started crying.

"I was scared I couldn't find you again..." You mumbled in Chunji's chest.

"It's okay... Everything is going to be alright now..." Chunji caressed your cheek and wiped the tears away and piggy-backed you all the way home, in the rain, which you hated now.


The flashback ended and Chunji ran all the way back to the hotel, now dripping in water and rushed back up to your room.

He saw you whimpering in the corner of the room and flinching every time there was thunder.

"~~~~..." He panted and then you looked up and saw Chunji.

"Chan Hee..." You cried out and ran towards him.

He quickly hugged you and your hair, "It's alright... Oppa's here okay?"

You wrapped your arms around him and then said softly, "Oppa... you are... dripping with water."

"Aish." Chunji muttered under his breath.

"Go and change, I don't want you to be sick." You whispered.

"Who cares." Chunji muttered and then released his arms from your waist and carried you bridal-style and placed you on the bed.

He took off his jacket, shirt and pants, with only his boxers on and lied down next to you, under the blankets.

He hugged you and then whispered, "Sleep."



A/N: HEY EVERYBODY!!! I am very sorry for the late update as school has been EXTREMELY tough these days! I hardly even have time to update so... sorry for this late update!!! I hope... you enjoyed it? Hehehe^^ OMG I REACHED OVER 60 SUBSCRIBERS!!! Thank you everybody! Please continue to support my fic and COMMENT!!! SUBSCRIBE. COMMENT. ENJOY. (Comments keep me going btw!!!^^)

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Chapter 26: Whoa...this is so sweet story ever. One side i feel that i live both of them being couple but another sides of me feel that that's wrong coz they are sibling, ood related...

Anyway....nice story....and i will read the sequel ^^
i don't know what to say. i'm speechless of how awesome writer you are. really you're a good writer :)

you know what? i've been screaming and spazzing the whole time! i really really love this fanfic. this is the first time i've read a fanfic about Chunji 'coz i always read L.Joe fanfics... (l.joe is my bias)

i hope you read this comment since you said you like reading stuffs like this :)
keep up the good work. your readers are here to support you! hwaiting~!
Love it. ♥ Heading to read the sequel now.
T_T ended…. anyway SEQUEL!
there's no more ...... :[
Awwwwww i really love this story but there's no more :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :/ :[ :/ :/ :/
vivi2133 #6
YESSSSSSSSSSSSH SEQUEL!!!! :D <3 thank you ;____; lol
when it said that Chunji had dyed his hair red, i was like, 'what, is this? his comeback already?' xD aha...probably not funny, but i was spazzing pretty hard LOL. GOING TO READ DA SEQUEL RIGHT NOW :D
is it really the end ?
YAYYAY! Sequel~ sequel~
Author-nim, SARANGHAE!
1say16 #9
what ? the ending is confusing sequel pls