Moving On.


After Bekah saw them, they went to some cafe.
'You two know each other?' Bekah crossed her arms, sitting across them.
The 2 glanced at each other & quickly turned away.
'Tuh! Yah! I'm asking you two!' Bekah whinned.
'NE! Unfortunately' Jooyeon almost shouted.
'UNFORTUNATELY?! YAH! YOU-' Kevin raised his tone.
'Will you two stop fighting!' Bekah tapped the table.
The 2 stopped talking.
'Ok. How?' Bekah asked again.
'Well I moved..' Kevin was interrupted by Jooyeon.
'A- a- You? How did you meet?' Jooyeon tried to change the subject.
'He's my seatmate on the plane. Back to you two, how?' Bekah explained & raised her brow.
'W- why do have to know? Why does is it concern you any way?' Jooyeon whinned.
'Jooyeon- ah. I saw you kissed. Jooyeon- ah! What will just Eli say when he'll come back?' Bekah just let the words slipped .
'BEKAH!' Jooyeon shouted & stood up.
Bekah & Kevin was shocked by Jooyeon's action. Jooyeon ran away & began to cry.
Kevin also stood up & bowed 90 degrees to Bekah & followed Jooyeon outside.
He stepped outside the cafe, turned his head to side & started to ran again.
Jooyeon was still running on the streets & was crying heavily. She stopped & continued to cry.
*AISH! What was her name again?? Jun? Bwo? Juna? Aish!* Kevin stopped to look for her & continued to run again.
He continued to run & came to a stop when he saw Jooyeon slowly sitting on her legs.
'YAH! YAH!' Kevin shouted & ran again.
He reached Jooyeon & grabbed her shoulders & stood her up. Jooyeon didn't mind who helped her. She continued to cry.
'Yah! Stop crying. People are looking' Kevin said.
Jooyeon said nothing & leaned to Kevin's chest all of a sudden. Kevin was shocked. He wasn't sure if he'll patt her back/ not.
Before he can patt her back, she pulled away & started to wipe her eyes.
'M- mianhe. I- I don't mean to..' Jooyeon said.
'Gwenchana. At times like this, you need someone to talk to' Kevin smiled & offered his hanky.
'Thank You' Jooyeon got his hanky.
'No problem. Just pay me that w/ a dinner' Kevin smirked.
'Bwo? Dinner? Andwae!' Jooyeon shouted at him.
'Jebal. You're in charge during the night right? You should feed me' Kevin pouted.
'To do chores & not to provide food for you' Jooyeon emphasized.
'They're just the same' Kevin grumbled.
'Ani. They're not' Jooyeon turned around & continued to walk.
'Aigoo! That girl..' Kevin sighed.
'Yah! You! Wait up!' He then ran to her.
'Aish. Wae?! Can't you not go home alone?!' Jooyeon started to get pissed.
'I just wanted to say.. I'm sorry. Because of the kiss.. Bekah- sshi thought that you're..' Kevin scratched his head.
'Ani. Gwenchana. It's done' Jooyeon said & started to walk again.
'W- wait. I still don't know your name' Kevin ran up to her again.
'Jooyeon. Lee Jooyeon' She stopped & looked at him.
'Arasso. Got it' Kevin looked away & nodded.
Jooyeon glared at him & started to walk again while Kevin followed but the distance is far. Their whole walk was silent as Kevin only looks at Jooyeon.
- - - -
Jonghyun & Nana was waiting outside of Jooyeon's apartment.
*Ting* The elevator door opened. As usual, Jooyeon walked out first off the elevator while Kevin followed.
Jooyeon was 5 doors away from her apartment & saw Nana & Jonghyun waiting outside, her eyes widened & opened.
Kevin was whistling on his way to his home (& apparently Jooyeon's apartment) & confused why did she stopped.
'Wae? Kaja!' Kevin walked again but Jooyeon grabbed his arms.
'Wait! You can't go home first' Jooyeon said.
'Wae?! It's late. I wanna rest' Kevin walked again but Jooyeon pulled him & hid behind the bin.
'Ok. Buy yourself a dinner first. You see, my friends are waiting outside' Jooyeon explained.
'So?' Kevin peeked at them, earning a hit on his arm from Jooyeon.
'I- I don't want them to know that I'm living w/ a guy. Not now, atleast' Jooyeon explained.
Kevin sighed, 'Arasso. Just call me when to go home. BUT! When the time comes, you have to tell them. I'm the owner of that house, I have the right. Arasso?'
'Ne~ Kahmsamnida' Jooyeon stood up.
'Wait. Wait. Wait' Kevin pulled her.
'Wae?!' Jooyeon grumbled.
'Money. For my supper' Kevin laid his hand.
'AISH. CHINCHA' Jooyeon got her wallet & gave him money good for dinner.
'Thanks' Kevin smiled.
'Now, don't stand up not until we entered the house. Arasso?' Jooyeon then stood up.
She then continued her walk to Nana & Jonghyun. The 2 noticed that Jooyeon was approaching.
'JOOYEON- AH!' Nana called out & raised her hand.
Jooyeon waved her hand & ran towards them.
'Jooyeon- ah. You ok? We haven't seen you after our shift. So, we've decided to visit you' Jonghyun said.
'Let's talk about it inside. Kaja' Jooyeon shouted & pulled them inside.
'Oh! They're inside now. Gotta go' Kevin stood up & entered the elevator.
'What now?' Jonghyun asked.
'How are you?' Nana added.
'Fine' Jooyeon said, sitting on the couch.
'Did Bekah & You talked after what happened on the cafe?' Nana asked.
'Ne' Jooyeon answered.
'What happened?' Jonghyun asked.
'Nothing' Jooyeon answered.
'Bwo? What nothing?' Nana got confused.
'Ask Bekah. She started it' Jooyeon said.
'So you haven't still made up eh?' Nana crossed her arms.
'Jooyeon, you're friends. Forgive her' Jonghyun said.
'I did!' Jooyeon defended herself.
'Then why aren't you still in good terms?' Nana asked again.
'Because she said something again' Jooyeon explained.
'Related to Eli again?' Jonghyun interrupted.
Jooyeon nodded & lowered her head.
Nana sighed & rolled her eyes 'Jooyeonnie, when can you forget Eli?'
'I will never forget him. He's been part of my life for 3yrs. 3yrs is so long Nana. It's not that easy' Jooyeon answered back.
'You know what Jooyeon. I don't know if you're willing to wait forever, but if I were you, I'll move on. Promises can be broken & leaves you expecting so much. You're the only one who'll get hurt, while he's enjoying his life' Nana picked her bag & turned around.
'Ah! Right! Talk to Bekah ASAP. Or else, you'll loose another friend' Nana turned around to face her.
And with that, Nana left, leaving Jonghyun with Jooyeon.
'What? Are you going to scold me too?' Jooyeon glared at him.
'Ani. We're not here to scold you, we're here to help. But it seems that you misunderstood us. Just because of your love & the pain that Eli left you' Jonghyun said & approached the door.
'Move On Jooyeonnie. You're getting worst as time pass by' He turned around to say it & left.
Jooyeon was sitting on the couch, dumbfounded then her phone suddenly rang.
'Yah! Are you done? It's getting late' Kevin was on the other line.
'...' Jooyeon said nothing & started to tear up.
'Hello? Hello?' Kevin said but Jooyeon hung up.
'Hello? HELLO! Aish' Kevin paid for his food & went home.
- - - -
'Aish! It's so cold' Kevin complained when he got inside.
She saw Jooyeon on the couch looking pale & sad.
'W- wae? Gwenchana? You look pale' Kevin said sitting beside her.
'Have you ever felt the feeling of being dumped & yet your friends scolds at you wherein fact they should be comforting you?' Jooyeon said.
'You must be taking their actions wrongly. They just wanted you to be happy again. To be in your old self when you haven't met your ex yet' Kevin explained but still, she isn't listening to him.
Keving grabbed her shoulders to face him, 'Joo, you should be moving on w/ a smile on your face. Let him see that you are still living happily even he's gone. & besides, who wants a guy who dumps her girl? He isn't a real man if he dumps a girl. The girl should be the one who does the dumping'
Jooyeon slightly smiled.
'Everything happens for a reason. Maybe, you're not really destined. Maybe you'll meet another guy who is really for you. The man that will give you a good life & cute babies but that man isn't just your ex. You'll meet him someday' Kevin continued.
'But I still have less than 2 weeks to wait for his comeback' Jooyeon said.
'HAHA. You think he's really going back?' Kevin laughed while Jooyeon nodded.
'Then, if you believe that he'll be back then why are you crying so hard? Haha' Kevin then stood up.
'When you have time, i'll show you how to move on positively. Just like what your friends wanted you to do' He smiled.
'But now, we should rest. It's been a tough day for us, especially for you. Good Night' He then proceeded to his room.
'Ah! I forgot to tell you. Make up w/ your friends. You're very lucky to have them. Say sorry to them, arasso?' He turned around to give his last words.
'Ne. Arasso. Good Night' Jooyeon nodded & stood up.
Kevin smiled once more & entered his room.
'G- gomawoyo Kevin-shi. Gomawo' Jooyeon murmured.
She then turned off all the lights & went to her room & sleep.
[A/N] OMG! Super sorry for the late update T.T I'll do a double update. SORRY!
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yeah, i started to like U-KISS because of this fic :)
kaheeueejuyeonnana #2
wow ..AFTERKISS!!!
i like kevin and jooyeon....
so sweet..! love the update ^^ i hope it'll be a great ending. thanks for updating~~!
update soon ^^
what?? so eli gonna married with lizzy.
i hopr lizzy won't do something bad. and also eli.
please update soon ^^
NieyaOzil #6
Pipe down.. thanks now I know what it means.. :)
Update soon..
ooh.. what's going to happen next? with lizzy and all.. i hope kevin and jooyeon will be together ^^ update soon
NieyaOzil #9
WOW.. THE SITUATION SEEMS SO COMPLICATED.. erm, i got a feeling Lizzy and Eli are being forced to get married with each other.. can't wait for the next update :)
NieyaOzil #10
I love love love this story... aaww I think kevin really likes Jooyeon and yaya Nana and Minhyuk are seeing each other.. :) But feel ban for jonghyun.. I hope he's fine that jooyeon just want him to be her friend and not more than that.. about Eli, I hope he doesn't ruin Kevin and jooyeon moment.. I hope he will get married to that girl who has been fixed for him