Chapter 10

Come On Teach!

Yoongi ‘played’ with Jinri in the arcade, really he was just doing what the young girl was telling him to do. At the moment they were playing air hockey, so far Jinri was winning by one point. They were playing aggressively so they had a close game. They were too aggressive so the puck hit them which caused them to have a red mark on their hands. Hojin eventually came and walked over to Jinri and back hugged her.


“Careful babe, I don’t want you to get hurt.” Jinri frowned.


“I’m already hurt because of the puck you idiot.” Hojin took her hand and kissed it.


“Better?” Jinri glared at him with her face flushed, she pushed the laughing boy away. Yoongi was sad, he wanted to be like that too. With Jungkook, but that was impossible, because they could get in trouble. Besides, there’s a bunch of other people in the world.




Jungkook on the other hand was sitting down, munching on french fries while he spaced out. Jimin, Hoseok, and Taehyung sat away from him, they knew that if they were around Jungkook when he was sad or mad, or both. They wouldn’t be able live to see the next day, they pitied Jungkook. Jungkook liked Yoongi but the teacher was very wary of what would happen.


The three understood him, since it was quite obvious that he liked Jungkook. Plus risking Jungkook’s reputation as the son of a very successful businessman and woman was dangerous. If Jungkook and Yoongi dated, it would make headlines, it’d probably make their future terrible for them too.


When Jungkook hooked up with girls from school though it wasn’t risky, because those were children of businessmen and women too, plus if his father ever introduced them to him he’d be familiar with them, which would please his parents.




The ride back to the hotel for dinner was awkward, since Hoseok and Taehyung sat across from Yoongi. Yoongi was by himself this time, instead of having Jungkook sit next to him. Jungkook was with Jimin and was right behind him. Yoongi decided to sleep since he didn’t have anyone to entertain him this time. When Yoongi woke up they just arrived, he rubbed his eyes and got off the bus.


While he walked to the hotel he felt someone’s presence behind him. It was most likely Jungkook’s but he didn’t want to talk to him. So Yoongi quickly walked to the hotel which made Jungkook sigh and kick at the rocks.


Dinner was quiet too, even though Jungkook sat next to Yoongi. Yoongi was quiet and stuffed a lot of food in his mouth.


“Slow down teach your face is a mess.” Jungkook was going to wipe the corner of his lips but Yoongi turned his face away.


“I-It’s fine, I can do it by myself.” Yoongi wiped the corner of his lips and proceeded to eat as quickly as he could. Jungkook was going to ask him something before Yoongi stood up.


“I’m done, goodnight everyone.” Jungkook pouted and held onto his wrist.


“Can’t you stay with us a bit more teach?”

“I’m sleepy Mr.Jeon, please let me go and let me sleep.” Jungkook let his wrist go with a frown, Yoongi left while Jungkook stopped eating.




The last day was a mess, Jimin, Hoseok, and Taehyung were with each other making a sand castle. Jungkook was off playing basketball in the water with the school’s ex-basketball team. Yoongi was under his umbrella with Jinri. Nothing happened that day, Jungkook was just thinking about basketball.


Yoongi was quiet and tried not to think about the younger, but that was impossible. The three that were making a sandcastle glanced at the two from time to time just in case something happened, nothing did though.


The three sighed, Jimin opened his mouth to speak.


“Tough love right there.”


“I don’t understand Jungkook’s so thick headed, he doesn’t understand that Mr.Min isn’t dating him for his own good.” Hoseok sighed at what Taehyung said.


“Well if you think about it, he flirted with Jungkook too. It was obvious he liked him though, Jungkook probably knew it too which was why he didn’t stop seeing him. Plus since he said that he doesn’t know if he likes him or not would be confusing, and that hurts too. Especially since he ran away after he kissed him.” The two nodded at what Hoseok said, they looked into the distance for awhile before going back to making their sandcastle.




Yoongi was looking outside from the bus, he held tight onto his Kumamon. His neck illow was around his neck while a light blanket was covering his bare legs. Yoongi looked down at his Kumamon, he poked his cheeks while thinking.


‘He won’t ignore me for a long time right?’




Yoongi’s head hit the window which made a faint sound.


“e.” Yoongi made sure he didn’t cuss while he rubbed the spot on his head that hit the window.Yoongi yawned and stretched his arms, they were finally back in Seoul. The grey haired man put his blanket over his shoulder while he held onto his Kumamon tight. Kumamon had the neck pillow on his neck this time. Jungkook eventually came down to get his duffle bag, by a coincidence. The two’s bags were next to each other, Yoongi flushed while their shoulders were touching.


Jungkook quickly got his bag though and swung it over his shoulder.Yoongi was disappointed and quickly made his way to his to get home. When Yoongi put his luggage in his trunk he quickly got into his car. He had Kumamon in the passenger with the blanket on him, Yoongi sighed and placed his forehead on the wheel.


“Stupid stupid stupid.” Yoongi muttered like a mantra while he bumped his forehead on the wheel.




“Hey Yoongi!” Jin’s face was on the screen of his phone.


“Hi hyung.” Yoongi lightly smiled, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to smile.


“What’s wrong?”


“Oh nothing, I’m just… sad that the trip’s finally over ya know?” Jin nodded, Yoongi was thankful at the fact that Jin was oblivious and didn’t know he was sad.


“How was the trip then?”

“Oh it was nice, I actually got to get bath bombs and got a bit tan.”


“How was Jungkook?” Yoongi froze at this, JIn smirked.


“What did you guys do anything?”

“N-no it’s just that, Jungkook and I almost kissed.” Jin squealed.


‘We actually did kiss though…’ Yoongi thought.


“That’s great!”

“No it isn’t.”


“Yes it is, I should end this now so that you could text him or something.” Yoongi pouted.


“Ahh hyuuung.” Jin smirked at Yoongi.

“Come on Yoongi, a little bit of flirting wouldn’t hurt, how do you think I got with Namjoon?” Yoongi snickered.


“I don’t even want to talk about that.”

“Yeah so talk to him, night Yoongi!” Jin waved at him, Yoongi smiled.

“Goodnight hyung.” Yoongi waved back at Jin and ended the call. He sighed, Jin doesn’t know what actually happened at the beach.





Yoongi couldn’t sleep, the weekend was tomorrow, so he didn’t have to see Jungkook. But there was looking up at the ceiling, Kumamon in his arms. He had Jungkook’s hoodie on, it slightly smelled like the younger. Which made Yoongi think of the times when Jungkook would creep up on him and hug him or spin him around. Without knowing, a tear fell sliding down Yoongi’s cheek.


“I messed up…”




Jungkook’s grades were dropping, he slept during class, but that’s because he would be up at night thinking of Yoongi. He didn’t care about his grades though, it was May, June was gonna come soon which meant that he didn’t have to deal with anything.


Jimin, Taehyung, and Hoseok on the other hand were worried for Jungkook. They didn’t want him to be messed up just because of a heartbreak. He looked scarier now too, Yoongi seemed to be getting thinner too, everyone noticed it. They were like two people who had a forbidden love.


But they did have that forbidden love, and since it’s forbidden, it’s affecting them and everyone.




Jimin knocked on Yoongi’s door, Jimin heard quick footsteps to see the teacher with wide eyes.


“Hi teach.” Yoongi blinked but quickly let him in, Jimin set down the tray of food on a desk. The two stood awkwardly in the room before one of them spoke up.


“You’re getting thinner nowadays I-I think you should eat.” Yoongi nodded and sat down in the desk that had the tray. Instead of eating the rice and meat he just sipped the orange juice. Jimin frowned, he was so thin, and he lost an appetite.


“Teach you need to eat, you’re a living skeleton.” Yoongi nodded and ate small portions, Jimin sighed.


“Mr.Min, you and Jungkook need to make up.” Yoongi stopped eating and placed his chopsticks down.


“I don’t see a reason why we need to, he hates me which is good. He needs to find someone better than me so that he can have a good life.”


“You two are practically going through something like depression! You guys completely changed, Jungkook became an emo kid who won’t even smile, and you look thinner nowadays.” Yoongi looked down at his hands. He was playing with his fingers because he really didn’t want to talk about this.He didn’t understand why it mattered, Jungkook can do better, and since he could it was the best for them to be friends not lovers. Even though they both wanted something more than a friendship.


“Just give him a chance, he’ll treat you right. You two can date and still be together right after college. I mean you’re a teacher but 4 years wouldn-” Yoongi slammed his hands on Jimin’s desk, he was shaking. Jimin noticed, his eyes were wide at the teacher’s sudden behavior.


“That’s the thing Jimin! I can’t do it for 4 years, it’s too risky! His parents are successful in the business too… I’m pretty sure they’d be disappointed in him if they figure out he’s dating me. Even if Jungkook does graduate, they’ll still be disappointed. They’ll kick him out and be disgusted since they’ll most likely want him to marry a pretty girl instead of a skinny low life like me…”


Jimin didn’t know what to do. Later on he noticed that Yoongi was crying and that his hands were balled up into fists. Jimin stood up and hugged him, Yoongi hugged him back and bawled his eyes out. Jimin patted his head while he cried.


“It’s ok teach.”




Jungkook passed by Yoongi’s room, he looked through the windows slightly. He saw his best friend and Yoongi hugging, Jungkook’s eyebrows furrowed. The two separated and Jimin wiped away his tears. The two held hands, while Jimin said something that made Yoongi sigh.




“Just think about it teach.” Yoongi sighed and slightly nodded his head, Jimin smiled. Yoongi didn’t feel good, he didn’t want to make up with Jungkook, he deserved someone better.




Jealousy raged in Jungkook, the man walked away from the classroom and almost walked into someone. A girl was in front of him, Jungkook raised an eyebrow at her.


“I-I like you Jeon Jungkook, can you be m-my boyfriend?” The girl looked down, Jungkook smirked. He leaned down towards her ear, his lips landed on her ear.


“I don’t like you but I want something from you. Meet me in the secluded classroom here later after a school.” Jungkook kissed her ear and patted her and walked away.


‘Some action, finally.’




Yoongi was done grading papers, he stretched in his seat. It was 4, he sighed and started to gather up his things. He grabbed his bag and swung it over his shoulder. The man walked out of his room not bothering to close it since the janitors were going to clean it. Yoongi was close to the doors before he heard a bang from the classroom to his right. Yoongi froze, he got scared, he slowly walked up to the classroom. He heard a groan, Yoongi opened the door to see a girl on a desk while Jungkook was making hickies on her neck.


Yoongi’s eyes widened, a wave of betrayal, anger, and sadness hit him. He quickly shook his head.


“Jeon Jungkook.”


Jungkook stopped and turned his head to see Yoongi at the door with a stern look on his face, he smirked at him.


“Hiya there teach!” The girl on the other hand was flustered, she was going to walk away before Jungkook held onto her wrist.


“Stay.” Jungkook’s voice became lower, the girl got scared and lowered her head.


“Would you like to watch, we wouldn’t mind putting on a show for you.” Yoongi glared at him.


“I’d never want to see that.” Jungkook laughed at him, Yoongi felt hurt when he laughed.


“It’s against the rules to have here at the school, go to the office now.” Jungkook smiled.


“You’re funny, my family probably wouldn’t care. They want me to take over the business and have a pretty rich wife. Unlike you, a low life flimsy boy who manipulates others. So if I do go to the office they wouldn't care.” Yoongi’s eyes and mouth were wide open with shock at what he just said.


“So stay out of my business you nosy teacher, get your own buddy or something.” Jungkook walked past him and purposely bumped into his shoulder. Yoongi was shocked at what just happened.


When Yoongi was sure that the two were far away, Yoongi cried. His tears already fell out earlier but this time he was a mess. He was sobbing, Yoongi collapsed. He sat down on the floor silently crying with his face buried in his hands.




Jungkook and the girl were outside of the school by now. Jungkook let go of her and shoved his hands into his pockets.


“Lets continue next time, Mr.Min being a made me lose interest.” When Jungkook heard her going away, he sighed.



‘He wanted me to have a good life, so here I am having the time of my life by ing people.’


Jungkook fished out of his phone and called his friend.


“Yeah man so what’s the address for the party?”




Yoongi was writing on the whiteboard when he heard the door open. He thought it was the principal or some teacher, it was too early for a student to be there. He was shocked to see Jungkook stumbling in with a smile on his face.


“Hiya teeeeaaaaccccchhhh.” Yoongi grimaced, Jungkook suddenly hugged him, Yoongi smelled the alcohol.


“Why are you here at school, you’re drunk.” Yoongi was going to carry him to his desk before the younger trapped him.


“No, why do you ignore me? You don’t love me anymore, makes me sad teach.” Yoongi froze in his spot when Jungkook started to rub circles on his hips and kissed his forehead, nose, and neck. He came back to his senses when the younger started to him.


“Jungkook.” Jungkook hummed and nibbled on his collar bone.


“J-Jungkook!” Jungkook didn’t budge, Yoongi pushed him off of him. Jungkook looked at him with a smirk on his face.


“Wow, you know how to say no now. Should’ve said it before, especially when I flirted with you.” Yoongi was stunned, Jungkook walked to his desk.


“Gave me false hope back then!”




The trio came in the room to see Jungkook sitting in his desk with his arms over his face. Hoseok was worried and walked over to him and poked him. Jungkook looked up with half awake eyes, when he looked at Hoseok he smiled.

“Hyung I ed three chicks last night, it was nice. Cause they had massive and nice butts ya know, plus they even begged” Jungkook lightly laughed, Hoseok looked at him with shock. JImin and Taehyung noticed that Yoongi tensed up in the room. Yoongi stood up, his chair made a squeak.


“I-I, I’m going to get coffee.” The three looked at him leave while Jungkook laughed.


“He’s scared of everything, why did I like him?” Hoseok pushed Jungkook out of his seat, Jungkook winced while Taehyung and Jimin were shocked at the man who was mostly relaxed and happy.


“HOBI!” Taehyung yelled, Hoseok didn’t care, he looked at Jungkook who was rubbing his shoulder.


“What the hell was that for!?” Jungkook was held by the collar.


“Jungkook, if you still like Yoongi, you need to ing flirt with him again. Not ing have !” Jungkook smirked and stood up.


“Fine, I’ll go and find him right now then.” Jungkook walked out while the three stared at him leave.




Yoongi splashed water onto his face, he needed to stop being so sensitive about everything Jungkook did. Yoongi pouted, he didn’t like being jealous, sad, or angry at everything Jungkook did. To him he felt like he didn’t deserve to feel that way since they were just friends before Jungkook kissed him. Yoongi flinched when a hand landed on his shoulder.


“Listen here you old man, just pretend that we’re okay again so I don’t have to deal with the three’s .” Yoongi nodded, Jungkook took his hand and held it when they walked out. Yoongi felt butterflies in his stomach he wondered if Jungkook had them too.




A/N: I feel sorry for not updating in like a week or something, so tomorrow the next chapter is gonna be up. I’m really bad angst too so IM SORRY, I’m saying sorry too much here oml. Really Yoongi and Jungkook are supposed to be saying that =_=. But can we talk about how people said that Yoongi and Jungkook were brothers during hyyh. I was here like, don’t deny the sugakookie, EMBRACE IT! I’m like, such trash for them nowadays, like I wonder if there are better fanfics about them in other languages I can’t speak LMAO!





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Chapter 3: I saw he is scared of balls and I lost it
Chapter 1: The reason I am reading this is because sugakookie/yoonkook is my otp ship. This story is not bad at all.
Ahh~ This isn't trash a enjoyed it! And honestly hope you update it even tho I'm late by like a several months ^•^
Chapter 18: Yay! I was wondering when we would get an update :) They are so cute and tiny demanding Yoongi has Jungkook wrapped around his finger x3 I wonder where Jungkook left for that'll take a day? And he didn't even actually tell Yoongi! I hope he attest left a note xD can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 17: I just found this story! Its adorable! Keep up the good work!
minswagger9393 #6
Chapter 17: OMG OMG !!!! FINALLY YOURE BACK :'''
ITS BEEN A LONG TIME :"))) i really miss this story and sugakookie sweet moments :D
SarakMay #7
Suga looks like jack frost in the picture. Lol
xxpanda23xx #8
Chapter 17: I will never unsuscribe :) because I know that you are busy and I love your stories!
lilyrasy #9
Chapter 17: I will not unsubscribe bcuz I love sugakookie ^^
Jungcock really for Yoongi and they are so cute ><
MelXMacd #10
I'm her cousin (/•ิ_•ิ)/