Too Many Coincidences~ CH.2 (SHINee's Kim JongHyun Love Story)

Too Many Coincidences~ (SHINee's Kim JongHyun Love Story)


Sabrina P.O.V-

“Sabrina! Sweetie… Wake up!” I slightly opened my eyes and found a person looking over me. “What?” I questioned trying to discover the person in front of me. “Come on! It’s time for school!” I looked up and saw that it was my mom. “Uhh! Can’t I just be home-schooled or something?” I asked pulling the covers over my head. “No… but you can be late,” she pulled the covers down onto the floor and I got up slowly. “What time does school start?” I wondered finally opening up my eyes fully. “In 45 minutes so you better hurry up!” I stared at my little hello kitty clock and saw it read: 5:52 a.m.

I was surprised to see school started at close to 6:30. “Seriously? How does school start that early?!” I lifted myself off my bed and grabbed my uniform out of my closet and pulled them on. “Ready,” I grouched sitting myself at the kitchen table. “Hon, you look great!” I got myself ready for the ‘paparazzi’ and smiled for the camera just like every time I went to a new school.

“What’s to eat?” I asked motioning myself towards the pantry. “Cereal, cereal, cereal, eggs,” mom explained finishing packing my lunch. I grabbed a cereal box from the pantry and settled myself a bowl and other utensils. “Here’s your lunch, your backpack, your P.E. uniform and school schedule,” mom stated as she loaded them all in the car. “Come out when you’re finished eating, I’ll be in the car!” she shouted as she closed the door behind her. I ate quickly moving my eyes towards the clock once in a while and dropped my dishes inside the sink. I quickly examined myself in the mirror before I left and ran out the door. “Okay, I’m ready…” I whispered clutching my fists. “Are you nervous?” mom asked as she started to drive. “A little,” I replied constantly fixing my hair. “Don’t be! I asked the principal if he could stay with you the whole day today, he can speak English so don’t worry, all right?” I smiled at that comment and finally calmed myself down.


“We’re here!” my mom yelled as she pulled the car into a parking space. “Noooo!” I shrieked not wanting to move out of my chair. “Relax! You’re going to do great!” mom popped up on the passenger side of the car and pulled me out of the car. “Here are your things! Have fun!”

“Wait!” I yelled pulling her arm back. “What is it?” she asked. “Can’t you come in with me?” I requested afraid of going in by myself. “Haha, of course sweetie,” I followed her lead as we walked into the school office until we were greeted by the lady at the front desk.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Okay! So from here on out…. The story will all be in Korean... I don’t mean it’ll be typed in Korean but whatever people say is in Korean (LOL… I know it sounds weird but it only makes sense…). If it has a special font like this: This is the font. If it is in that bolded font, that means they are speaking in English. But simple words like: Annyeonghaseyo, kamsahamnida, mwoya, jinjja, etc., will be used. Sorry if that was all confusing but…. Hehe… yeah... On with the story!

“Annyeonghaseyo, how may I help you?” I could easily understand what she said and I asked for the principal. My mom had surprisingly been studying her Korean as well that she could speak sentences perfectly, understand phrases, and write in Korean too but I was still a little better. We waited near the front desk as the lady got up and left. “Principal Oh will be with you shortly,” she replied amazed at our perfect Korean. Me and my mom sat down at a nearby couch and sat silent as we waited. “Mom, when does the late bell ring?” I whispered trying to read the times on my schedule. “In about…. 2 minutes?” she replied looking down at my paper. “Annyeonghaseyo,” I heard a deep voice call in front of me. I looked up and saw a very formal man standing in front of me. “A-annyeonghaseyo…” I stuttered standing up along with my mother. “Wah! You know Korean already?” he exclaimed. “Neh!” I replied confidently. “That’s great!” he said to me in Korean. “I’m Principal Oh, I will be escorting you through your classes today,” he introduced himself. “Ah, neh, I’m Sabrina Hanks, This is my mother, Dana Hanks,” I shook his hand and introduced him to my mom. “Nice to meet you,” he smiled and motioned us towards his office. “Have a seat,” he pulled out two seats and sat in front of us. “Here is the paper work,” mom notified pulling out pieces of paper out of her bag. “Great,” he took the papers from her hand and examined them slowly.

‘BRRIINNGG!’ The school bell rang and I jumped out of my seat. “Ah, the late bell…. We should be going now, thank you for the paper work Mrs. Hanks, I will upload them on my computer soon,” he grinned and shook my mom’s hand and motioned us out of his office. “Bye mom…” I whispered giving her a small hug. “Bye sweetie! I know you’ll do great, I’ll be here at 2:10 to pick you up, okay?” I nodded and she exited out of the building. “You are already good at your Korean; do you still need me to you?” Principal Oh wondered. “Oh, anniyo! I think I still need a little help,” He chuckled and we walked out of the office. As we walked, he explained every little thing about the school that I felt like I’ve been here a million times. “Here is your first class, math right?” he asked as we stood outside of the door. “Neh,” I nodded matching the room number with the one on my paper. “I will introduce you to the class, araseo?” “Neh,”

We entered the room and the whole class stared at me. “Annyeonghaseyo, this is Sabrina she will be joining your class, please be very friendly with her and don’t worry, she can speak almost perfect Korean so don’t worry about having to speak English araseo?” he chuckled and the whole class nodded their eyes glued on me. “Annyeong, my name is Mrs. Hwang, I will be your math teacher for the rest of the school year!” she seemed very nice and I smiled. “Please take a seat right over there next to JooHee,” she pointed towards a girl in the corner and I took a seat next to her. “Annyeong! I’m Kang JooHee, but you can call me Joi!” she whispered. “Oh, annyeong…. I’m Sabrina,” I shook her hand and she giggled. “What’s your schedule?” she asked as she looked over at the paper in my hands. “Ah! We have the next period together! So we have 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 6th period together!” she pointed out and I grinned. “Jinjja?! So we have math, science, P.E., and history together?” I repeated. She smiled and helped me catch up on the work they were doing. “So, why did you move to Korea?” she asked as she flipped through the math textbook. “My dad is a marine in the navy so we travel around a lot,” I answered.

“Jeongmal? Wah, that must be fun!” I secretly shook my head and she laughed. “Wae? (Why)”

“Because… it’s very hard having to learn new things and get used to new things every time,” I explained. She nodded understanding my problems that she felt like my first best friend that I could tell everything to. We kept talking until I heard the teacher call my name, “Sabrina! Will you come here please?” I looked up from my desk and moved towards the teacher’s desk. “Yes Mrs. Hwang?” I asked nervously.

“Principal Oh was wondering if you could manage by yourself or be with a classmate for the rest of the day because he just got called for a very important meeting, will that be okay?” she wondered. “Oh, of course! I’ll find someone…” I said thinking if Joi would me. “I’ll do it!” I heard come from behind me; I could obviously tell who it was. “Ahh, Joi! You will Sabrina?” the teacher looked past me and I turned around.

“Sure! Sabrina and I have just gotten to be great friends!” I smiled and she smiled back to me. “Well, that’s great! Thank you Joi! You and Sabrina can leave a little early so you can show her the next class, don’t you have it together?” Joi nodded and the teacher gave us the permission to leave the class early anyways. “Well, next is science class, one of my favorite classes! Many of my other friends are in it, I’ll introduce you to them…. But don’t be nervous okay?” Joi stated. “Umm…. Okay….” I replied confused. “Oh and after this period, we have a free period, which means we have 15 minutes to do whatever we want!” “Jinjja? That’s so cool!” I grinned. “Mhmm… I usually hang out with my friends in our little ‘secret room’ it’s where we hang out and play video games, talk, listen to music, and other stuff and we don’t get caught, it’s pretty great,” she admitted. “How did you get the room?” I questioned her curious of how her and her friends get their own room. “Oh, I have connections,” she scoffed trying to act like a cool person. I punched her arm playfully and she laughed. “The bell is going to ring soon,” she looked at her watch and I stared at the classroom door. “Is the teacher mean?” I asked out of the blue. “Not at all! He lets us do whatever we want, but he does assign lots of homework though,” I sighed and slid my back down the wall. “Hey, there he is now!” Joi whispered nudging my head with her elbow.

I looked up and saw a very young man about 25 year’s old heading towards us with a bunch of papers in his hands. “Yah! Joi, why are you here? The bell hasn’t rung yet,” he glared at Joi with a mean look and she smiled back at him. “I have a reason! This is Sabrina Hanks, she’s the new student,” she pointed me out and I immediately got up from the floor. “Oh, annyeonghaseyo! I’m Mr. Han, you are my new student, correct?” he asked. “Neh,” I replied. “Oh! And it’s very impressive that she already knows how to speak, write, and understand Korean, isn’t that cool?” Joi bragged about me and Mr. Han chuckled. “That is very impressive,” he smiled and opened up the classroom door. “The bell is going to ring soon so you girls can come in,” he motioned us inside and I stood blank inside of the rather large classroom.

“Mr. Han! Where does Sabrina sit?” I looked at the teacher and he sighed. “Uhh… I guess she can sit with you and your table Joi,” Joi grinned and pulled me towards my new seat. “Yes! You sit at the awesome table,” she whispered towards me. I chuckled and heard the bell ring.

Suddenly kids started piling into the room and no yelling and screaming came from the hallway surprisingly. “This is a very quiet school,” I whispered towards Joi. “Well, if anyone horse-plays around, you get in deep trouble, it is a very strict school,” I nodded my head and watched as the last of the class came inside. “Whoa! You are the new foreigner girl!” I heard come from the side of me. “Yah! Don’t be so mean!” Joi defended me. “Sorry… that’s Choi Siwon, he thinks he’s just so awesome,” she explained. “Yah! I am not! I was being really nice because I think that it’s impressive that she knows good Korean,” he yelled back at Joi.

“But he’s really nice once you get to know him,” she admitted punching Siwon’s shoulder. “Annyeong,” I heard again. “Ahh! You must be Sabrina, the foreigner! I’m Seo JooHyun but I go by SeoHyun, it’s very nice to meet you,” the girl was very kind and was also really pretty. I smiled widely and shook her hand. “Yo,” I looked again and saw another person at our table. “Why does this table seem so crowded?” the boy looked up and was surprised to see me there. “Annyeong! I’m Kim HyungJun, it’s very nice to meet you!” the boy seemed very outgoing and kind and I replied back, “Annyeong, I’m Sabrina,” I introduced myself and he smiled.

“Yah, where is that kid?” I heard Siwon say. “Eh?” I blurted out making everyone at our table stare at me. “He’s almost never here!” Joi shook her head in disappointment and I stayed confused. “Who are you looki-“ I asked but suddenly got cut off when I heard the teacher’s voice. “Okay class, today we will be continuing on with lesson 20-1 please finish that up and turn it in when you are finished,” the teacher left towards his desk and everybody started talking. “So, what number did we leave off on?” SeoHyun asked searching through the textbook. “I don’t know,” Siwon replied. I stared at the four and stayed quiet until I felt someone tap on my shoulder. “Neh?” I asked turning myself around. “You don’t have to do this assignment today but just watch and understand how we work in here, we mostly work in groups and partners so it’s pretty easy,” I nodded and he smiled and walked away.

“So Sabrina,” I heard someone say. “Neh?” I replied searching for whoever called me. “Would you like to hang out with us during the free period?” I saw that it was SeoHyun and I smiled widely. “I would love to! It’s so cool that you guys have a period where you can do anything!”

“Yeah, but it’s only 15 minutes, but I guess it’s still pretty cool,” Siwon scoffed. I pushed his arm playfully and the whole table stared at me. “Yah! What was that for?” Siwon grunted. “Sorry, I just feel like I’ve known you guys for a while….” I replied quietly. “Haha, great! You’ve just joined our family!” Joi giggled and gave me a small hug. I grinned and everyone at our table flashed a wide smile. “But, it would’ve been better if you met him,” SeoHyun pointed to the empty seat in front of her. “Who sits there?” I asked interested in this ‘mystery person’. “Our other friend, he’s never here though….” I looked at Joi. “Who?” I whispered to her. “His name is-“ she stopped and looked up at the teacher who was observing us. “Are you finished working?” Mr. Han questioned the group specifically staring at Siwon. “Why do you always stare at me??” Siwon laughed. “Because you are the troublemaker,” Mr. Han smiled and walked away.

“So who is it?” I asked once again. “Oh yeah he’s our friend,” Joi stated. “Yes I know that! But who is your friend??” I shouted in her ear. “Yah! If you’re going to yell at me, I won’t tell you!” she teased me pulling my ear. “Please?” I pouted. “He’ll probably be in the free period; you can meet him then,” I shrugged my shoulders and went back to watching the group work.


“Okay class! You are dismissed!” Mr. Han motioned everybody out of the classroom and I walked with Joi, SeoHyun, HyungJun, and Siwon down to the ‘secret room’. “Here it is,” HyungJun opened up a door and we entered. “This is the room?” I was amazed by its size and everything else inside it. There was a T.V., a huge radio, video games scattered on the floor, and more. “How do you not get caught?” my eyes focused on the flat screen. “Our friends asked if they could have this spare room and Principal Oh agreed,” Joi explained. “Wow! Who are your friends?” I asked very interested. “You’ll meet them soon,” I smiled and sat down on a chair. “The ‘love birds’ are coming,” Siwon blurted out looking at his phone. “Who?” I kept asking. “Our friends,” Joi said.

“You have other friends coming?” I questioned. “You’ll see,” Joi instructed. I got up and started looking at the many video games scattered on the floor and piled them up near the T.V. until I heard the four others run to the door. “They’re here,” Joi pushed herself towards the door and opened it slightly. “You’re here… finally,” she yelled. I stared at the door and saw two people come in. “Sabrina, I would like you to meet the love birds,” Joi introduced. “Annyeonghaseyo,” the girl smiled and the guy grinned. “Annyeonghaseyo,” I replied and went up to shake their hands.

-End Chapter 2-

Yay! Sabrina is starting school but is a little nervous… but she pulled through! She even made her first friends! Joi, Siwon, SeoHyun, and HyungJun… (Hehe, Super Junior, SNSD, and SS501!!)

Ooo!~ They even showed Sabrina their special ‘secret room’ ! It’s really neat!

And, who are the love birds? Message me who you think it is… and wait for the next chapter!

Please message and rate me what you think I really appreciate feedback!!

New Characters!!

Choi Siwon: Siwon is the troublemaker of the “family” or the little kid in the family. He always finds something entertaining to do but it isn’t very ‘fun’, he does things to get people in trouble or to annoy them. But the good side of him is that he is very kind and caring of situations even if he may like to fool around.

Seo JooHyun (SeoHyun) - Seo JooHyun (most commonly known as SeoHyun) is a very sweet girl. She is very intelligent and sweet but she has a very scary side to her. Whenever there is trouble she has the power to bring anyone down and correct any wrong. She’s like the mom of the “family”.

Kim HyungJun: HyungJun is the cool guy. He likes to use his coolness to impress anyone and make himself look strong and courageous. Except, he isn’t. He knows how to act cool but anything like bugs, snakes, and scary movies make him shiver. He easily gets scared. Other things he is afraid of: ghosts, heights, monkeys, any animals with hooves, the ocean, germs, babies, pickles (which he had a bad experience with), and even more (Haha~ I just made all of that stuff up, it isn't true.. Keke~). He’s known as ‘Baby’ the one that everyone is head over heels for but he gets scared of things easily.

Mr. Han- Mr. Han, the science teacher, is one of the best teachers to talk to. He understands every single problem since it wasn’t a while since he was in high school. He loves teaching and loves all of his students.


Girls Uniforms:

Boys Uniforms:



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Geegee123 #1
Chapter 20: Love your story! Please updatee!! :)
leeron #2
Chapter 20: Plz update soon !!! I really love this story !!! I want to know what heppend next !!!!
xoImACrazyxo #3
I hope you update soon!!!!I really like it :)
Come on I already read Ch.18 so hurry up lady! Please....
Love the story by the way.<3
I like this so far(:<br />
Update soon! :3