Too Many Coincidences Ch. 17 (SHINee's Kim JongHyun Love Story)

Too Many Coincidences~ (SHINee's Kim JongHyun Love Story)


Too Many Coincidences

Chapter Seventeen

-Sabrina’s P.O.V.-

We all joined our chaperones and waited for further instructions from them. As we waited in a group, we watched as other schools gave us dirty looks and others stared in awe at SeKyung and SHINee.

“Okay, so I’m going to give you guys your keys to your cabins and you’re going to settle all your things in the room, check the schedule of activities that will be put outside of your doors, get ready for the 1st activity, get changed in your camp uniforms, and meet at the activity hall, araseo?” one of our chaperones explained quickly.

“Neh!” we all replied.

“So here is the key for the girls and the one for the boys,” SeoHyun took our key and JungMin took the one for the guys.


“Here it is!” SeoHyun jammed the key in the lock and we entered the room gasping at the amazing set-up and great outside view of the beach and ocean.

We all found ours beds and put our things down. After that, we looked outside our door and saw that someone had put our schedule out. We looked at our activities and saw:

-11 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. - meet instructors and learn basic rules

-11:31 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - game: water volleyball and water obstacle

-12:31 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. - snack time

-1:01 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. - arts and crafts

-1:46 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. - science experiments/ competition

-2:31 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. - quiz time: math

-3:16 p.m. – 4:16 p.m. - wrestling

-4:17 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. - reveal ranking of schools (for the end of the day)

-4:31 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. - talk about homework assignment

-5:01 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. - work on assignment and costumes

-6:31 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. - campout with different schools

8:15 p.m. - LIGHTS OUT!


“WOW. Looks like it’s going to be a busy day,” I commented.

“I know! Well… let’s get ready! Here are our uniforms!” SeoHyun tossed a big bag in the middle of the floor and we stared inside.

“We have to wear this the whole day?!” I questioned and pulled out the uniform.

-Walking to the Activity Hall-

“Why do we have to wear this?” I whined as we walked. “Don’t we have an activity shirt to go over this “bathing suit” or something?” We wore red shorts with the camp logo on the side that we could wear in the water, these light water shoes, a white half top bikini thing with the camp logo and a white sweatband that we wore around our wrist. (SNSD’s and 2pm’s Caribbean (CABI) Bay outfits- CABI song. Picture at the bottom!)

“Nope! There was no shirt of any kind… sad, huh?” SeoHyun looked over at me.

“Sort of…” I said quietly as we entered the activity hall. The whole place was packed with all of the teenagers that were on the boat and we actually spotted the boys sitting at a table saving a seat for us. All of the boys were wearing a red sweatband around their wrist, water shoes, red swimming trunks with the camp logo on it, and a white jacket/sweater that covered their back.

“Over here!” they yelled at us. We all joined up with them and sat down.

“Yah! Why do you guys get sweaters?” Victoria mumbled.

“I don’t know… we got it from that guy over there. He’s handing out red sweaters to the girls, too,” Nichkhun answered and us girls got up immediately to receive one.


“This, this is more comfortable,” I stated as we sat down waiting for the instructors to talk.

“Hello everybody! And welcome to this year’s annual High School Competition and Camp!” a guy (instructor) welcomed us and the girl next to him started to talk as well. They both were wearing the same uniforms everyone was wearing except they had visors and whistles hanging from their necks.

“Annyeong! I’m Im YoonA one of the camp leaders and this is Ok Taecyeon. And these are our two other helpers, Kwon Yuri and Hwang Chansung. And welcome to Caribbean Bay! I hope you guys all have fun here in camp and… may the best school win!” everybody cheered and so did I. The four leaders were very young and about our age. We all settled down and Taecyeon started giving out the rules.

“So, here in Caribbean Bay, we all must play fair, earn points for your school, and most importantly have good sportsmanship. We will begin our first activity soon, so please head out this way,” Taecyeon pointed towards a door and we all followed them. We came out to the beautiful shore of the beach where many obstacles and nets were set up. “Our first activity will be water volleyball and of course a water obstacle,” he smirked and I gulped down. “We will start with water volleyball. May I please have Daegu High School against Cheonggu High School here please?” we all watched as some of them nervously stepped up and others excited. “We will now begin a game. The winning team with 25 points will challenge any school they’d like,” they all got into place and we watched as they played.


“DAEGU HIGH SCHOOL! 25 points will be added to your school! You may now pick your next opponent.” Chansung cheered.

The leader of the school seemed to look at each team with a stink eye and our school looked away hoping not to be picked next.

“We’d like to face the “famous” JaWoon High School please,” the girl pleaded sarcastically and I looked at Desarae who seemed to be turning red from anger.

“Sure! Bring it on.” Desarae replied as she scoffed at them.

“Please! No bad comments!” Chansung reminded them but Desarae only focused on that one girl.


“JAWOON HIGH SCHOOL! WIN! 25 points are rewarded for your team,” Taecyeon recorded their score on a big black board and on his personal clip board.

“HA! Take that,” Desarae laughed and the other team left in shame.

“Please pick your next opponent,” YoonA told them politely.

I prayed that we wouldn’t be picked by Desarae, but I sort of knew that that wouldn’t happen. I followed her gaze as she smirked and pointed specifically towards me.

“We would like to challenge them, please! ChungJu H.S.!” she bellowed and giggled. ‘NOOOO!’ I screamed in my head and embarrassingly got up. I tried not to stare at the other schools but they started to stare at us. I also zipped up my sweater all the way up for protection.

“We’re ready!” SeoHyun smiled and the girls tied their hair up, threw their sweaters on the sand away from the water and took a position. While I kept my hair down, kept my sweater on, and shook nervously in front of everybody. I’m not good with crowds or any public speaking or anything.

“Sabrina! Take a position and put your sweater with the rest of ours,” SeoHyun whispered to me. Everyone was ready but I wasn’t.

“Umm… Are you guys okay?” Yuri came over to ask us.

“Neh! My friend is just nervous to go against her friend,” SeoHyun covered for me.

“Oh, okay. It’s just that we need to hurry this up a little bit,” SeoHyun nodded and ran over to me.

“Come on, Sabrina! We can do this! Don’t be scared… it’s just volleyball!” SeoHyun encouraged and helped me take off my sweater and get in a position away from the whole crowd of people. I looked at SeoHyun and nodded, ready to start.

-During the Game-

“Sabrina! Hit it! It’s coming towards you!” Victoria yelled. After 10 minutes of the game, I didn’t have to do anything at all except now. I stood stiff as a board and gulped as I watched the volleyball aim for my face.

“NOONA!” I could hear TaeMin yell but I was frozen. It all happened when the ball hit me hard on the face.

“Ow!” I cried in pain and fell down in the 4 foot of water.

“Sabrina! Kenchana?!” SeoHyun yelled over me. I couldn’t say anything but I felt someone pull me out of the water and onto the sand.

“Haha! She got hit!” I heard people laugh and I tried to hide my face in embarrassment. I quickly pulled on my sweater and ran towards the girls’ bathroom.


“Oish!! I’m so stupid!” I kept telling myself fighting through tears. I sat outside of the bathroom trying to pull myself together when I saw someone sit right next to me.

“I know… you are stupid,” I could hear him say.

“Yah!” I looked to my side and saw Kim JongHyun sitting beside me. “Uh. Why are you here? Shouldn’t SeoHyun or Joi or some girl be here instead of you? You don’t understand anything.” I complained waiting for him to leave.

“Well… actually, the girls are better at volleyball then us boys are, so I decided to let them win our points for us,” he chuckled. I tried not to laugh, but I couldn’t help it. “But it’s true, you are stupid.”

“Yah! You’re so mean!” I scooted away from him when he laughed.

“I mean, why are you afraid of people?! You’re so shy it’s not even funny.”

“Hey! It’s easy for you because you’re used to it! You perform for millions of people and by the way did you notice that you’re actually I don’t know… FAMOUS?!”

“SO? What does that really have to do with anything? When you make mistakes or something embarrassing happens, you just have to learn how to just let it go. That’s life. And if you don’t like it then go hide in a corner for the rest of your life! We have to learn how to take our mistakes and occasionally make new ones…. It’s not like all of those people are going to remember a girl get hit by a volleyball for their whole life. Just accept it………. Accept the mistakes in life.” He shook my shoulder and gave me his whole speech.

“WOW. That was like….. therapy.” I giggled and nodded my head. “Komawa,” I gave him a weak high-five and he chuckled.

“Good. Now why don’t we go back over there and pretend to play?”

“Haha. I guess,”


When we got back, our team was laughing and jumping up and down in excitement. I ran over to them and they gave me a big hug.

“We won! We won!” They chanted and Desarae gave me a pound.

“Sorry about hitting you…. Yenny really didn’t mean to do it,” she apologized.

“It’s fine! Don’t worry about it,” I grinned and she laughed.

“ChungJu High School, 25 points!” YoonA exclaimed and we all picked another opponent. And this time, I was confident.

-Water Obstacle-

“So far! In third place, is YeungNam High School! Second place is ChungJu High School, and first place is DaeYeon High School! Now onto our next activity! The water obstacle,” Yuri jumped up and down for everyone to see her. “We would like you to team up with one person on your team and decide who will be going first in each round,”

SeKyung eonnie paired up with SeoHyun, Victoria found Joi, Lizzy had her brother, and I was the only girl left with nothing but boys. Minho and Onew were together, Siwon and HyungJun, TaeMin and JongHyun, and YongHwa and Nichkhun. That meant only one thing….. “SABRINA-SSI! I guess this means we’re partners!” I looked to my side and saw the almighty Key holding his hand out to me. I firmly took his hand and he lined us both up behind SeoHyun and SeKyung who were in the front of the line.

“Wait! Why do we have to go second?!” I complained and tried to pull him back.

“Because! Don’t you just want to get it done and over with?” he rolled his eyes and folded his arms together.

“Uh-…” I thought of what JongHyun told me earlier and I tried to shake it out of my head but I couldn’t. “F-fine! But… you better help me!” I begged and he laughed.

“All right! So here is what you’re going to do! You and your partner are going to run down these platforms on the water quickly because they will sink once you put weight on them. Then, you are going to swim to the pole and you and your partner have to reach and eat the seaweed on the string at the top without using your hands. Got it?”


“Then, on your marks… get set…. GO!” Taecyeon blew his whistle and SeoHyun and SeKyung went off. All the girls did the same thing. They lifted the other person up by stepping on each other’s hands and grabbing onto the pole and lifting themselves up.

“All right guys, go!” SeoHyun tagged us and Key and I went hand in hand down the platform and down into the 4 feet of water.

“Okay! Get on my back and gradually get up to stand on my shoulders!” Key instructed and I followed. “Stay balanced!” he groaned in pain as I finally stood up.

“Yes! I almost got it!” I cheered in excitement when the girl next to me purposely pushed me over in the water. “AHHHH!” I screamed as I went face first into the water. The fall was horrible for when I hit the water first, I split my lip open from the height I was standing from the water and the fall gave me so much force on the smooth water.

“SABRINA-SSI! Kenchana?! Kenchana?” Key shook me and I looked at him in pain. “Oh no! Your lip split open! I think we should forfeit,” he began to pull my arm but I stopped him. “Anni! I want to beat that girl,” I growled and wiped the blood off my lips.

“Eh? Ah! Yes. Let’s do it!” he agreed and lifted me up again. I met the girl that pushed me down at the top bring closer and closer to the seaweed. I grabbed onto the pole with both of my hands and got brought myself closer to her face.

“Yah! Remember me?” I yelled in her face and her attention span was to me. Her face was in shock and I smirked. “Bye bye!” I stuck my tongue out at her and kicked her on the bare stomach and she fell down with her back first. “Hahahaha! That’s what you get!” I laughed hysterically and finally got ahold of the seaweed. I pulled it down and jumped back into the water carefully. “Let’s go!” I grabbed Key’s hand and shoved a piece of seaweed in his mouth.


“Are you sure you’re okay?” Victoria asked as we had settled down for our snack in the dining hall.

“Yes! I’m sure!” I told them but I could tell that they still didn’t believe me. “Aren’t you guys happy that we’re only 2 points away from DaeYeon H.S.? We only need 2 points and we’re tied!” I jumped up and down but they stayed quiet. “Oish… why are you guys like this?” I pouted.

“Annyeong!” I heard an energetic voice come behind me. I turned around and saw Desarae smiling happily down at us along with KyuHyun. “Hi! May we join you guys?”

“Of course! Take a seat!” I invited them to sit down and Desarae kept the mood up.

“Congratulations you guys! You’re in second place!” she clapped and so did KyuHyun. “We’re only in fourth so don’t worry… we’ll catch up!” she giggled and we laughed too. “But, I saw what happened between you and that one girl… are you okay?” she looked towards me and at my busted lip.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah! I’m fine! Don’t worry,” I grabbed her shoulders and shook her around.

“Okay….. We’re going to head over to the craft room for our next activity. Do you guys want to sit with us?”

“Sure! Is that okay with everyone?” I asked the rest of my group and they happily agreed.

-SeoHyun’s P.O.V.-

“Come on, SeoHyun!” Sabrina called out to me as they all went out the exit door.

“Okay, okay! I’m coming! I’ll be there soon,” I called back and cleaned up the table that we were sitting at. I threw the rest of the trash away and threw my sweater back on. As I zipped up my sweater half-way, I felt a tap on my shoulder. “Neh?” I looked around me and saw KyuHyun standing there.

“Oh! KyuHyun-ssi! Why aren’t you with the others?” I asked him as we walked to the activity room together.

“Hmm…” he shrugged his shoulders and we continued walking. ‘Hmm…. He doesn’t really talk much…’ I said to myself but didn’t really care. He was really nice to me and I should still be nice to him even if he may seem shy.


“Yay! Look at the charm I made!” I smiled as I showed off the shiny, sparkly, and dazzling red heart that I had made.

“Wow! How did you make that?” the girls’ questioned me.

“Well-“ I started, but the instructors had cut me off.

“All right everyone! I hope you are all good in science, because the science experiment competition is up next!” YoonA cheered and we all moaned. “Don’t worry! It’ll be lots of fun…” she snickered and we got up to go into the next room. ‘I better keep this in a safe place!’ I put the charm into the pocket of the uniform jacket and headed off with the rest of my friends.

-Sabrina’s P.O.V.-

We had all finished the science experiments and math quizzes and we all head off into wrestling. The game was not exactly “wrestling”, but it was just as dangerous. What we had to do was put these different colored bands around our waists and your opponent had to hold onto the other person’s band. Then, you had to try to push them down without letting go of the band.

I got my game face on and smiled proudly, for I knew that this would be easy for me. Our school went first against Desarae’s school and I started us off.


“All right! You must follow the rules, or else you and your school will be eliminated from this game, araseo?!” Taecyeon yelled to us sternly.

“Neh!” Me and the other girl I was facing agreed and I looked deeply into her eyes, creating a scary glare. She looked down, frightened by my actions, and I sort of felt bad.

“Ready, set, GO!” he blew viciously onto his whistle and I made my first move.

-Sabrina P.O.V.-

“Yes! Go SEOHYUN!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. YongHwa gave me a thumb’s-up while the girls cheered louder than me.

“Can you please keep it down over there?!” I looked to my side to see JongHyun covering his ears and staring at us.

“Yah! Don’t you want to win?!” Victoria yelled at him. I nodded along with her.

“Uh- Sorry…” he bowed to the powerful Victoria and sat down in the sand.

I watched as SeoHyun pushed the girl down with her elbow pushing down on the girl’s shoulder and we all clapped.

“Yay! Sabrina, you next!” SeoHyun called me out and I stood in my spot as straight as a board.

“Yah, don’t get hurt, this time…” JongHyun scrambled up from the sand and stood next to me.

“I-I’ll try….” I yelped and walked stiffly down into the “spotlight.” I tied the band onto my waist and eyed the girl I was facing. She looked very preppy with reddish/auburn hair with light bangs and her hair pulled up into a half ponytail along with carefully applied make-up. She had cute expensive pink pairs of heart earrings and a really clear/doll-like face. I gave her a bright smile and she just scoffed and looked towards her little group of friends or her, “posse.” I cleared my throat and grabbed onto her band.

“Haha! Can you speak… Korean?” the girl laughed in my face as she spoke broken English.

“Neh, I know Korean. You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, right?” I replied back in perfect Korean and smiled sarcastically.

“Uh!” she squeaked in a high voice and kept a grim face.

“Let’s get this started…” I whispered and she smirked evilly.

“1,,2, READY GO!” Yuri instructed and I tried to trip her up with my feet. She dodged each one perfectly and for a preppy/popular girl, she was really strong! She must’ve been hiding her muscular side from her friends. I finally took my last move as she pushed me down onto the mat. I coughed a few times and SeoHyun and Joi helped me up back to our group.

“Mianhae… she was really strong,” I admitted as I got a drink of water.

“Kenchana! We all have those moments… of failure…” Joi joked and we all laughed.


“Gather around! Gather around!” YoonA spoke into the microphone in the theater in the camp building. I sat next to TaeMin and Lizzy, the young ones, and listened closely to the instructors.

“We will now be revealing the ranking of the high schools right now!” Yuri cheered and everyone paid close attention. “In 5th place, HanGwang H.S.! 4th place, ChungJu H.S.!”

“Yes!! We made a place!” I jumped up and down in my seat and startled TaeMin.

“3rd place, JaWoon H.S.!” I looked at Desarae in awe and she gave me a thumbs-up for our placing, too. “2nd place, Cheonggu H.S.! And finally… 1st place…” we all gave a drum roll and they threw confetti in the air, “1st place goes to, EunKwang Girls’ H.S.!” we could hear the girls, or the students, of that school cheering and squealing with excitement. They were all in the back of the theater but we didn’t even look back. “Now, we have one final thing to discuss,” YoonA grinned and the girls calmed down. “Now, just like school, you have a homework assignment, or may I say… project,” everyone moaned and YoonA shushed them. “Before you get all angry, here is what it is about: You and your school group will need to create a dance and song to perform in front of everybody. It doesn’t matter if you split your group into boys and girls or make an even division of people in your school group. You have to make-up a dance and make your song, too. You also need to come up with a catchy name and have a certain style of costumes. Finally, every individual here needs to make up their own dance or make their own song and perform it in front of everybody by themselves. This will determine our final three top groups. You may work for an hour and a half and then, you’re on your own! Let’s not procrastinate, araseo? Besides… it’s due tomorrow! Do well, FIGHTING!” everyone quickly got up into their whole groups and started talking loudly over all of the other noises.

“Okay! I have a plan!!” SeoHyun shouted and got into the middle of our little “huddle.”

“What is it?” we all asked.

“Okay! So… the boys will be in one group and us girls will be in the other group,”

“Uh…. That’s it?” Key chuckled.

“Uh… yes,” she said back.

“Araseo….” He replied in defeat.

“Let’s get to work!!” all of the girls got together and I joined up.


We began to write our song, or SeoHyun did, and we put it all together with a special music producer. He listened as we sang to our own tune and he put the rest of the surrounding music in it. We all thanked him and grabbed our C.D. from him. Then, we went into a big dance practice room that was in the building and only finished half of the dance.

“Okay girls, it’s time to get back in the theater! Let’s go!” Taecyeon yelled into each of the rooms and instructed us to get out.

“Hey! At least we got some down…. We have to wake up really early tomorrow to finish it…. OH MY GOSH! WE STILL HAVE TO DO OUR SOLO PERFORMANCE!!!” I shouted over the noise in the theater.

“Kenchana! I think we’ll have some time tomorrow…” SeKyung shook my shoulders and we sat down.

“All right! I hope all of you got most of your presentations done today for you will still have time tomorrow,” Yuri said and I could hear everyone let go of their breath. “But now, we are going to have dinner! Everyone except the top 5 ranking schools go to the banquet hall!” all of the other schools left the room until it was just us and the other schools left. “The rest of you will be going on a little campfire dinner with the rest of your top 5 competition! So, let’s go!” the three instructors took us outside to a beautiful location on the beach and we all stood by our classmates.

“Everyone here will be having dinner together and a nice bonding time before tomorrow. I expect only nice things to be happening here while we’re on our break. No fighting or anything allowed… until tomorrow! Eat well guys! See you tomorrow! Oh, and remember, lights out at 8:15. Have fun!” the instructors ran off back into the building and all of us stood around the campfire in silence.

“Annyeong!” a high pitched voice popped out near Desarae’s group. We all looked over to see a really preppy girl along with her friends. I recognized that girl. It was the girl that I went against in wrestling. “My name’s MinAh~” she gave some sort of cute gesture and almost all of the boys melted. “Why don’t we all introduce ourselves?” she suggested. “I’ll start off… again! I’m MinAh and these are my two friends, Yang JungYoon, or JiYul, and JiEun,” she pointed towards the two girls and gave a fake smile.

“Oh! You can call me IU!” the one girl, JiEun, called out.

“Yah! Did I tell you to speak?! Besides, the name, IU, doesn’t fit you at all,” she tried to whisper at her harshly, but we all heard her. She turned back towards everyone and gave another fake smile. IU backed up and apologized quietly.

“Wow… who do you think you are?” another voice came out of the all-girls school, EunKwang Girls’ H.S. We all turned our heads to the group of girls and my eyes popped wide open. That girl looks so familiar… I looked towards SeoHyun and saw her eyes were almost popped out of her head. ‘Wow… it really is a small world.’

-End Chapter 17-

So… who do you think the girl is?? Message/Comment if you have an idea~ xD Thanks for reading!

New Characters!

Name: Bang MinAh

Real Name: Bang MinAh- from Girl’s Day


Description: Popular girl from Desarae’s school, JaWoon H.S. She may seem sweet and innocent, but she has the worst personality ever.


Name: Yang JungYoon (JiYul)

Real Name: Yang JungYoon (JiYul)- from Dal Shabet


Description: Part of MinAh’s little popular “posse.” She listens closely to and doesn’t talk back to MinAh, for she respects her a lot. She’s more close to MinAh than any other of her friends.


Name: Lee JiEun (IU)

Real Name: Lee JiEun (IU)- famous solo artist


Description: Part of MinAh’s “posse.” MinAh doesn’t like IU much for deep down inside, she thinks that IU gets more attention than she does because she’s pretty, smart, and can sing. Except, MinAh doesn’t show her weakness towards her. Although, she’s only friends with her because she counts on IU to get her everything from coffee to food.

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Geegee123 #1
Chapter 20: Love your story! Please updatee!! :)
leeron #2
Chapter 20: Plz update soon !!! I really love this story !!! I want to know what heppend next !!!!
xoImACrazyxo #3
I hope you update soon!!!!I really like it :)
Come on I already read Ch.18 so hurry up lady! Please....
Love the story by the way.<3
I like this so far(:<br />
Update soon! :3