Too Many Coincidences Ch. 4 (SHINee's Kim JongHyun Love Story)

Too Many Coincidences~ (SHINee's Kim JongHyun Love Story)



“Ahh…” I stuffed the paper in my binder to show to my mom until I heard screams come from the hallway. “Ahh! What is that?! What happened??” I jumped out of me seat and hid in the corner of the room. “Uhh… come on let’s check it out...” Siwon grunted and lazily pulled open the door and the screams filled the room. I quickly hid behind them and peered out the door. “Huh?” was all I could say and I out.


Sabrina P.O.V-

“Wha-what happened?” I opened my eyes slightly and found myself on the couch in the ‘HQ’ surrounded by a lot of people. “You’re okay!” Joi screamed and gave me a hug. “Kenchana?” SeoHyun asked her face in worry. “Neh, but what happened?”

“Well…” SeoHyun started. “You sort of… fainted…”


“Well,” SeoHyun stopped and looked behind her. I looked also and saw a girl sitting on a chair holding an ice pack to her head.

“Who’s that?” I whispered to Joi. The girl looked really beautiful! Her skin was flawless and her hair was nicely parted in the middle and her hair was nicely curled. She wore big sunglasses that covered her eyes, nice even make-up, and wore really expensive clothing.

“That’s Shin SeKyung!” Joi whispered in my ear.

“Who’s that?”

“Uhmm… she’s like Korea’s beauty!”


“Mhmm… SeKyung Eonnie!” Joi ran over to the girl and she smiled. “Neh?” her voice was very fit for her and was perfect for an actress. “Kenchana?” Joi questioned her. “Neh, I feel fine now, how about your new friend?” the girl looked towards me and I quickly hid my face. Suddenly I felt someone grab my hand and pull me off of the couch. “Eonnie, this is Sabrina, she’s a foreigner from Nevada. And Sabrina, this is Korea’s beauty, Shin SeKyung!” SeKyung smiled and shook my hand. “Annyeonghaseyo,” I bowed down all the way to my knees and she chuckled. “Annyeonghaseyo,” she smiled again and I saw that she had beautiful white teeth.

“So you are from America?” she asked. I nodded my head nervously. “Jeongmal? Did you like it there?” she asked in amazement. “Oh, neh but I like it here better!” I replied. She chuckled again, “Jinjja?” “Neh,”

“I’ve always wanted to be an actress there; I’m working on my English,”

“Ah Jinjja?”


Suddenly it got all quiet until I asked another question.

“Wait! I still don’t know what happened,” I told everyone.

“Oh yeah! You know how SeKyung eonnie is famous?” SeoHyun started to explain.

“Neh,” I replied.

“Well, those girls that were out there weren’t really fond of her….”

“Eh?! Wae?? She’s so nice and pretty!” I blurted out. SeKyung grinned, “Oh, kamsahamnida,”

“Hold on, let me explain! You fainted because SeKyung eonnie was running away from them because they were like pulling her hair and stuff, and when she ran in here, she accidently ran into you… really hard that you fainted and she hit her head on the table, but not that hard!”

“Jeongmal? Oh… Mianhamnida!!” I bowed down to SeKyung and she waved her hands. “Anniyo! It wasn’t your fault!” “But, why don’t they like you?” I asked. “Oh, I’m actually dating someone really famous… he goes to this school too… and all of those girls get jealous easily,” she started to blush. “Wah! I can’t believe I go to a school with famous people!!” I jumped up and down in excitement and Joi gave me a look. “You can’t be like a fan girl in front of them because they might not want to hang out with you… because… you know…” I understood what Joi was saying and I kept quiet.

“Who is it?” I asked Se Kyung. “Oh…” she started and we heard a loud knock on the door. “YAH! OPEN THE DOOR!” I heard a really deep voice on the outside of the door. I jumped and hid behind the couch. Siwon and HyungJun laughed and opened up the door. “Why do you always do that?” Siwon laughed and let the people in. I looked up and saw these five good looking guys. “Oh… my… gosh…” I brought my hands up to my mouth to prevent screaming. “Yah, who’s that?” one of the guys asked hiding behind Siwon. Joi gave me the look again and I blankly followed. “Oh, that’s our new friend Sabrina, she’s from America!” HyungJun explained. “Not a crazy fan?” the guy asked again. “Nope!” HyungJun laughed nervously.

“Oh, araseo!” the guys got all in a straight line and did their famous introduction. “Annyeonghaseyo! We are SHINee!” they introduced themselves in front of me. “Oh! Annyeonghaseyo! I’m Sabrina Hanks!” I said back nervously. “Ahh! Annyeong!” They all wore awesome outfits and were really nice. “So you go to this school?” I randomly asked. “Neh, we are seniors except TaeMinnie,” I noticed that it was Onew the leader who was talking. “But… you can wear anything you like?” I asked quietly. Suddenly they stopped what they were doing and looked at each other, including Shin SeKyung. “Oh! We have to change into our uniform! Thank you Sabrina!” I smiled when they thanked me and I watched them as they ran into the bathrooms to change.

Ten minutes later, they came back all dressed in their uniforms. I looked at my favorite, Key and I saw he was talking with MinHo and SeoHyun. I looked at Onew and I saw that he was playing thumb war with TaeMin and Siwon. Then I looked at JongHyun and saw that him and SeKyung eonnie were laughing and giggling and holding hands. ‘Ahh…. So SeKyung eonnie must be dating JongHyun.’ I grinned at the cute couple and sat silently on the couch. ‘How can I be calm while SHINee is in the same room as me and that now we are friend?? Or at least I think we are….’ I danced in my seat and saw Onew standing in front of me. “Are you a senior too?” he asked. “Anniyo, I’m a junior the same as SeoHyun, Joi, Siwon, HyungJun, Victoria, Nichkhun, and TaeMin?” I questioned TaeMin last and Onew agreed. “Ahh, well, you can call Me, JongHyun, KiBum, and MinHo oppa or sunbae if you’d like,” I smiled widely and he rubbed my head. ‘Ahh! He touched my head! He touched my head! Okay Sabrina…. Calm down!’ “We’re going to head to our classrooms now, see you guys after school!” The SHINee members headed out and SeKyung except TaeMin stayed with us. I got up to get closer to SHINee’s youngest member, TaeMin but I stayed closer to Victoria.

“Oh, Victoria…” I called.


“I was wondering, why were you and Nichkhun gone for 1st period?”

“Oh, yes! The SHINee members are really good friends of ours and we always go to every show that they want us to come to. We support them at concerts and we bring them their uniforms and things. And for return we get these really good clothes and make-up and such,”

“Jeongmal?!” I was in awe.

“Mmm!” Victoria smiled and my mouth hung down in amazement. “We better get to our classes now!” SeoHyun clapped motioning everyone out of the room. “Aigoo… I have P.E. next…” I grunted. “Heehee! Me too!” I looked at Joi and remembered that we both have P.E. together. “Is the teacher nice?” I asked. “Uhmm… well, the P.E. teachers aren’t very nice like for the boys’ P.E. teacher… he is so mean! Our P.E. teacher is only nice on rare occasions but since we’re doing soccer, she gets really crazy,” Joi replied. “Jinjja? Soccer…. I’m not so good at the sport.” I stuttered afraid of what the P.E. teacher might do to me. “But don’t worry! You are new to this school,” Joi pointed out making me feel better.

We walked into the girl’s locker room and Joi introduced me to our teacher. Her name was Mrs. Lee. She was a bit old maybe in her late 50’s but she was pretty fit! I was amazed on how she told me that she has run a whole marathon without stopping. I wouldn’t have done that myself. She assigned me a locker four lockers down from Joi and I started to change into my P.E. clothes that I kept in my small bag. I started putting on my left shoe until I heard a loud whistle. “Let’s go! Let’s go!” Then all of the girls started running out the door and even Joi did too. “Yah! Joi! Wait for me!” I yelled and Mrs. Lee gave me a look. I turned quiet and followed everyone else tucking in my shoelaces in my shoe. I caught up to Joi on the field and smacked her arm.

“Yah! What was that for?”

“You left me in the locker room!!”

“Oh yeah… mianhae… I forgot to tell you, whatever Mrs. Lee asks you must do in less than 30 seconds… literally. It’s very scary when she gets angry,” I shivered at the fact that I would’ve gotten beaten up by Mrs. Lee if I wasn’t new to the school. “Okay! Let’s run! Three laps around the whole field. “Uhh!” everyone groaned and so did I. “All right, let’s make it 5 laps!” Mrs. Lee yelled. “Aigoo!” this one girl squealed. “Do you want to make it 7?” Mrs. Lee yelled once again. This time everyone kept quiet and started to run. I followed behind Joi.

“Yah, Joi,”


“Isn’t that one of the SHINee members up there?” I asked. I couldn’t exactly recognize him but I could hear the girls squealing.

“Oh yeah! Key Oppa!” Joi yelled waving towards him. He was wearing a camera around his neck and was waving back to her.

“What class is he in?” I asked again blushing at the fact that he started to wave at me too.

“Right now he’s in photography, he loves taking pictures,” I nodded and giggled knowing that it was so cool that he likes to take pictures.


“Okay! Let’s head back to the locker room!” Mrs. Lee instructed. We all ran up the stairs and into the locker room sweating like crazy. “Wow, I think I lost like 300 pounds!” I groaned taking off my shoes. “Wow, you weigh that much?!?” Joi teased. I threw my shoe at her and she threw it back.

We both finished changing and we gathered our stuff and headed towards the door. “What’s your next class?” I looked at my schedule and saw that my 5th period class was reading. “Reading?” Joi grabbed my schedule from my hands and searched my paper. “Cool! You have reading with TaeMin!” she smiled. “Jinjja?? How do you know?!” I asked in excitement. “Well you do have Mr. Choi and all the time I talk to TaeMin and I see him go into his classroom. So I bet TaeMin will you this time,” “Great!” was all I could say and the bell rang.

We walked into our normal hallway and found ourselves with TaeMin. The girls (and guys) didn’t get all crazy because the teachers are always watching the students and the hallway was pretty quiet, only filled with a little bit of sound. “Annyeong!” Joi greeted.

“Annyeonghaseyo,” TaeMin replied.

“Ahh, TaeMin, I was wondering if you could Sabrina to Mr. Choi’s class, she’s in the same reading class as you,”

“Oh! No problem,” He looked at me and grinned and I embarrassingly snorted. “Kenchana?” he asked me. “Oh, neh… mianhae…” we kept walking in silence and I mentally slapped myself for acting so embarrassing in front of my 3rd favorite member in SHINee.

We said goodbye to Joi as TaeMin and I entered our classroom. He brought me up to the teacher and left me for the rest. “You must be Sabrina,” he looked like he was older than Mrs. Lee, maybe in his 70’s and was wearing a nice suit. He surprisingly gave me a seat next to TaeMin for extra help and TaeMin gladly gave me a book and other supplies that I needed for this class.


After class I told TaeMin my next class, history, and he smiled.

“That class is so much fun!”


“Neh! That teacher is very fun and nice!”


Apparently he told me that his class was right next to mine and that he would take me there.

We walked silently until he asked me a question.

“Ahh, Sabrina, how old are you?”

“Me? Oh I’m 17, how about you?”

“I’m 17 too! What month is your birthday?”

“Oh, it is in March, wae?”

“Jeongmal? Mine is in July, hehe… may I call you noona?” he asked his voice very cute and even himself.

“Araseo,” I smiled.

We got to our destination and I saw that Joi was already inside talking with SeoHyun and Siwon. “Well this is my class!” I announced. “This is my class,” he pointed to the room next to mine and I laughed. “Wow! We’re very close to each other!” “Mmm! I will see you after class! Bye Noona!!” I smiled at the fact that he called me noona and entered the crowded room. “Ah! There you are!” Joi and SeoHyun exclaimed in unison. “Wae? Am I late?” I wondered looking at the clock. “Anniya! We just thought that you got beat up by some crazy TaeMin fans…. Ehehe…” SeoHyun replied softly. I chuckled and was introduced to the fun teacher, Ms. Jung. She let me pick my own seat and I of course sat in the empty seat that Joi, SeoHyun, and Siwon were saving me.


After class the three of us met up with TaeMin and then we each departed from each other to get our things. I started going towards the front of the school to meet my mom until I remembered to go to the ‘HQ’ to hang out just for a little today. I watched my back as I secretly made my way towards the room and double checked for anyone who was following me. I entered the room and everyone was there already listening to music and dancing and singing. “Whoa! A party!” I yelled over the loud music. Joi and SeoHyun were happily dancing along with TaeMin, MinHo, and Siwon, Victoria and Nichkhun were eating snacks with the other couple or the “Lovely Couple” Kim JongHyun and Shin SeKyung, and Onew, Key, and HyungJun were singing crazily. I went over to Joi and SeoHyun and gave them hugs. “I have to go now, just remembered to stop by,” they pouted and so did I. “Why are you guys partying around?” I asked them. “We always do this at the end of the day, just to hang out with each other,” SeoHyun giggled. “Neh! You should stay noona!” TaeMin flashed a cute face and I giggled. “I would love to but my mom should be here to pick me up….” I frowned and so did he. I said bye to everyone and exited out of the door. I examined my phone and saw that my mom texted me to walk out to the front and search for the car. I did as told and started to walk out. I was so relieved on how my first day in school was in Korea and how many amazing things happened to me. I started inputting Joi, SeoHyun, Victoria, Nichkhun, Siwon, HyungJun, TaeMin, and SeKyung eonnie’s phone numbers into my phone as I walked and was excited for what was awaiting for me tomorrow.

End Chapter 4-

Shin SeKyung: SHINee Kim JongHyun's Girfriend!~^0^

Real Name: Shin SeKyung- Korean Actress


SHINee members: From left to right: Lee JinKi (Will go by both either Onew/JinKi), Choi MinHo, Kim KiBum (Will go by both Key/KiBum), Lee TaeMin, and Kim JongHyun:


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Geegee123 #1
Chapter 20: Love your story! Please updatee!! :)
leeron #2
Chapter 20: Plz update soon !!! I really love this story !!! I want to know what heppend next !!!!
xoImACrazyxo #3
I hope you update soon!!!!I really like it :)
Come on I already read Ch.18 so hurry up lady! Please....
Love the story by the way.<3
I like this so far(:<br />
Update soon! :3