Too Many Coincidences Ch. 8 (SHINee's Kim JongHyun Love Story)

Too Many Coincidences~ (SHINee's Kim JongHyun Love Story)


Sabrina P.O.V.-

“Yah! Sabrina! Sabrina!”

I opened my eyes slowly as I heard the sound of faint yells. I got up and saw myself surrounded by everybody on a chair on the outside of the pool. I saw that I was wrapped up in my towel and that everybody’s faces looked worried.

“What happened?” I managed to say my eyes still adjusting to the sun shining down on my face.

“It was all TaeMin’s fault!” everyone yelled pointing at the innocent boy.

“Eh? It wasn’t my fault! You guys were chasing me and you know how I don’t like those games….. but even though… mianhae…” he pouted.

“What did he do?”

“Well, we were playing a game, and we were all chasing TaeMin. We were splashing him with water and grabbing his legs from underwater and well… while you were in the corner relaxing, TaeMin accidently bumped into you and he didn’t know, he was pushing himself against the wall and he pushed you down in the water, we started yelling at him and he got even more afraid of us and well………….. let’s say that you were underwater for a very long time….” SeoHyun explained.

My eyes bulged open for I had never remembered that. I coughed and sneezed a few times and SeoHyun went on.

“So, MinHo and Siwon dove in to get you out and put you here, and we’ve been waiting for you to wake up for 10 minutes,”

“Jeongmal?!” I panicked. Everyone nodded.

“Do you feel okay? Do you need to go to the doctor?” SeoHyun hammered me with questions.

“Anniya, I’m just feeling a bit sick,” I coughed.

“Oh! I’ll get you some medicine!” SeoHyun offered.

“I’ll get you another towel!” Joi said and Nichkhun and Victoria went with her to search for one.

“I'll make food!” Onew smiled running towards the kitchen. Key ran along too.

“Oh! I’ll get you some water!” TaeMin grinned and ran with the 2 other SHINee members.

“Yah! TaeMin-ah! Why would she want water when she has been in it for 10 minutes??” MinHo yelled grabbing TaeMin before he could leave for the kitchen.

“Oh….” Was all TaeMin got to say.

I laughed at that scene but started coughing again. It seemed like water was still inside my system, specifically my throat, nose, and ears.

“Kenchana?” I heard beside me.

“Oh, umm…. Neh?” I lied.

“Hmm… you sure?” He smiled. It was of course my personal “healer,” Kim JongHyun.

“Neh,” I replied. I saw that HyungJun and Siwon didn’t mind me but were in the pool playing around.

I felt very special and cared for since everyone was thinking about me and they didn’t even bother to change into dry clothes. They were all still in their bathing suits, hair wet and all.

“I have your medicine!” SeoHyun ran over to me. She had a towel wrapped around her shoulders and was handling a bottle of medicine.

“Take some,” she commanded handing me the medicine.

I took a quick dose and winced at the taste. It tasted bitter and not very bubble gum-ish to me.

“Kamsahamnida, I think my throat is clearing up a little,” I smiled.


“Sabrina! Here’s your extra towel!” Joi handed me the towel and Victoria and Nichkhun sat down staring at me.

I dried my hair a little and wrapped it around my legs. A small breeze caused me to shiver and I huddled inside. I looked towards Victoria and Nichkhun and saw Nichkhun quickly put his towel on Victoria’s bare legs.

“Yah, here, wear this,” he laid it on her lap and she giggled.

“Oh, kamsahamnida,”

“I’m going to check on the food,” SeoHyun said as she got up.

“Araseo,” we nodded.

As she walked back into the kitchen, HyungJun started yelling and screaming inside the pool.

“SeoHyun-ah! Watch out!” HyungJun yelled. He ran to another part of the pool and Siwon brought a big wave of water hitting SeoHyun.

“Yah!!” she screamed. She was drenched in water and her towel was soaking wet. Next to her a big puddle of water was next to her on the ground.

“I just dried off!” she yelled.

“Oh, mianhae,” Siwon apologized.

She began to stomp away but slipped. She slipped on the large puddle on the floor and she went flying into the pool.

“AHHH!” she shrieked. She fell, back first and then plopped quickly under the water. We all got up to see if she was alright but Siwon beat us to it.

“SeoHyun-ah!” he yelled and dove in to get her. She slipped into the biggest part of her pool, 6 ½ feet.Siwon quickly got her out and she started coughing and splashing around in his arms. He struggled as he carried her because of the heavy towel that was soaking wet on her. He got to the end of the pool and let her go.

“Ahh! I’m all wet again!” she coughed and sneezed.

We all stayed silent and a maid immediately came over to help her get dry. They both went upstairs and SeoHyun coughed and sneezed all the way there.

“Aigoo…” I shook my head and started to run up the stairs.

“Yah! Where are you going?” Joi yelled.

“To help! I don’t want her to get *sneeze* sick too!”

“Araseo,” she replied and followed me up.

“I better go too,” Victoria whispered to Nichkhun and followed.

“Jakkaman! Take this towel and cover yourself!” Nichkhun yelled at her. She quickly ran back to him and grabbed the towel wrapping it against herself.


The four of us came back downstairs and saw the 8 boys eating in front of the pool still in their bathing suits. The four of us had changed into our pajamas and were already dry.

“What’s to eat?” Joi asked sitting next to TaeMin grabbing a plate of pizza that Onew, Key, MinHo, and TaeMin made.

Victoria sat next to Nichkhun and SeoHyun and I sat together separate for the group to try not to spread any germs. We sat in silence and Siwon came over.

“Here, I made this for you two,” he smiled and handed both of us a bowl of soup.

“Oh! Kamsahamnida!” I smiled happily taking the soup.

“Mmm….” SeoHyun gave a small smile and took it from him.


After we finished eating, the boys changed into their spare clothes and we all went into the movie theater to watch the movie. SeoHyun handed everyone a bag of popcorn and started the movie. She started the movie, Avatar and everyone kept shut. At the end on the right, HyungJun sat at the end, and then Siwon, SeoHyun, Me, Joi, Key, JongHyun, TaeMin, MinHo, Victoria, Nichkhun, and Onew sat at the other end.

-SeoHyun P.O.V.-

I popped the popcorn into my mouth and drank all of my tea. My voice was a little raspy but my nose was the worst. My nose was stuffed with many boogies and I couldn’t breathe right. I clutched onto my pink Domo stuffed toy and wrapped my blanket around me.

“Kenchana?” Siwon asked me.

“Mm…” I sneezed.

“Jinjja?” he questioned me this time his eyes focused on the screen.


Then I saw something light up in the cup holder and saw that I had a new text message. It was from YongHwa. I clutched onto my cell phone tight and smiled widely. I opened the text and saw that it read:“Annyeong! It’s oppa~^^ I hope you are doing well and I can’t wait to see you tomorrow~~^^’ I replied back but then I saw that he was calling me. I accepted the call and answered whispering.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Who’s that?” Siwon stared at me.

I looked at the name on my phone and saw that it was YongHwa. I put it back on my ear and answered.

“YongHwa oppa!” I grinned.

“Oppa?!” he yelled at me. Suddenly everyone stared at him and he pretended like nothing happened.

“Mmm! I’ll be right back!” I whispered. I exited out of the room and went up to my room to talk to him.


SH= SeoHyun & YH= YongHwa

YH: Hello? SeoHyun?

SH: Neh! Oppa! How are you?

YH: Feeling great! But, what’s happened to your voice?

SH: Oh, I’m a little sick, that’s all.

YH: Eh?! I told you not to get sick… Aigoo… stay home and rest, araseo?

SH: Anniya! I’m just a little sick; I’m still able to go out!

YH: Aigoo, your voice sounds terrible, drink lots of tea and rest.

SH: I will.

YH: Araseo. Don’t come tomorrow, okay?

SH: Mmm………..

YH: Yah! I’m not joking!

SH: Araseoyo.

YH: Okay, rest now. Annyeong~

SH: Annyeong~


-End of Phone Call-

I ran back downstairs to the movie theater and saw that it was on the last few minutes. I sat back next to Siwon and I huddled back up in my blanket.

“Who was that?” he glared at me with serious eyes.

“Oh, no one,” I lied keeping my eyes glued on the screen.

“SeoHyun-ah, answer me,” his tone started to get scary.

I thought for a moment for I only kept this “secret” between Sabrina, Joi, Victoria, and me but I broke out.

“YongHwa oppa, I met him on Thursday,” I blushed. I looked over at Siwon and saw that he ignored my words and looked back to the screen staying quiet until the end of the movie.

At the end of the movie, we all got up and went to the front door to say good-bye to the boys. I guided them out of the house and they waved except Siwon. He quickly entered his car and left first.

“Yah, what’s up with him?” Joi asked peeping her head through the door.

“I don’t know,” I replied softly. We all went back inside and I showed everyone their rooms. They all settled in and we all immediately fell asleep at approximately, 7:30 p.m. We were all exhausted.

-Sabrina P.O.V.-

I woke up to the sound of yelling coming from downstairs. I quickly slipped on my slippers and ran down. I saw SeoHyun, Victoria, and Joi covered in flour in the kitchen. They were throwing it at each other and I laughed.

“Yah! Mwoya?!” I laughed.

“SABRINA!! You’re awake finally!!” They screamed at me.

“Huh?” I looked at the digital clock on the oven and saw that it was already 12:30 in the afternoon.

“We have been awake since 9:30!” They exclaimed.

“Jeongmal?! Wah! I must’ve been so tired,”

“Well, want to help us bake cookies and sweets?” SeoHyun asked.

“Sure! What for?” I answered.

“Ah, just for fun! We’re going to go to SHINee’s solo concert today! It’s for their concert here! They must be very nervous since it’s their first concert dedicated to them so after the show we are going to surprise them!” SeoHyun smiled clapping her hands.

“Jinjja?!! Oh! I will join!” I giggled.

We got all of our ingredients and supplies together and got to work. Victoria made little Bundt Cakes for each of the members, Joi made cupcakes, SeoHyun made chocolate strawberries with designs and the members’ names on them, and I made cute cookies made from scratch. Once we finished, we put them in baskets and went up to change.


“Okay! Let’s take the treats to the car,” SeoHyun explained.

We carefully took the baskets into SeoHyun’s car and happily rode in the car to the auditorium.

“We’re here!” SeoHyun squealed as she pulled into an empty parking space.

We all got out of the car and carried the baskets of food into the auditorium. We entered through the back to go through the backstage area but were stopped by a police guard.

“The entrance is that way,” the man barked at us.

“Oh, we are actually the friends of SHINee,” SeoHyun explained.

“You are only allowed if you have an invitation, pass, or with the manager,” he chuckled pushing us away.

“Yah! Don’t touch me!” SeoHyun screamed.

Suddenly someone came bursting out of the door. I looked at his face and saw that it was the SHINee manager.

“Yah! Let them in,” he told the guard.

The police guard immediately obeyed and apologized to us. We entered the building and the manager looked at us confused.

“What are you girls doing here?”

“We have a surprise for SHINee after the show,” Joi explained.

“Oh, Jeongmal?”

“Mmm!” we replied.

“Araseo, you may set up in their dressing room,” he smiled at us and guided us towards their dressing room.

“Is the concert already starting?” Victoria asked.

“Neh, in 10 minutes, they are already behind the stage,”

“Ahh,” we nodded our heads and took everything out of our baskets.

“I will be out there, call me if you need anything!” the manager ran out of the room and we started setting up the room with the treats and decorations.


“Aigoo! We’re done!”

We all sat down on a sofa located in the room and closed our eyes for a bit. Suddenly, we heard someone trying to open the door and we all freaked out. We turned off the lights and hid behind the sofa.

The door suddenly opened and we heard the voices of SHINee. The lights came on and we popped out from behind the sofa.

“SURPRISE!!” we all yelled.

“WAHHH!” they looked at the treats settled on the table and were surprised by the wonderful decorations.

“Do you like it?” Joi asked.

“Neh!! It’s great! Why did you do it though?” JongHyun asked.

“We wanted it to be a special time since it is your first concert dedicated to only you!” SeoHyun explained.

“Wah!! It’s great!!! Did you make the treats yourself?” TaeMin asked going closer and closer to the table full of yummy treats.

“Mmm! But you have to take the one that has your name on it,” I announced.

Suddenly they ran towards the table devouring each treat. The 4 of us laughed and watched them eat happily.

“How was the concert?” Victoria asked.

“It was fun!” Onew laughed taking a bite out of the little Bundt Cake.

“Kamsahamnida,” the SHINee members thanked us.

“You’re welcome!”

“Oh! I almost forgot!! I have to go!!” SeoHyun suddenly jumped out of her seat and exited out of the room.

“Yah, where is she going?” Key asked looking at us confused.

“I don’t know,” the three of us replied.

“But, how are we going to get home?!” I pointed out. We all looked at each other in surprise and jumped out of our seats.

“YAH!! SEOHYUN-AH!!! WAIT FOR US!!!” We yelled running down the hallway.

-SeoHyun P.O.V.-

“Aigoo…” I looked at the time on my phone and saw that it was already 6:20 and I was sure that I was late. I jumped in my car and started driving towards the mall. Halfway there, I remembered that I forgot about the girls and……….

-End Chapter 8-







Other Clothes… LOL~





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Geegee123 #1
Chapter 20: Love your story! Please updatee!! :)
leeron #2
Chapter 20: Plz update soon !!! I really love this story !!! I want to know what heppend next !!!!
xoImACrazyxo #3
I hope you update soon!!!!I really like it :)
Come on I already read Ch.18 so hurry up lady! Please....
Love the story by the way.<3
I like this so far(:<br />
Update soon! :3