Too Many Coincidences Ch. 14 (SHINee's Kim JongHyun Love Story)

Too Many Coincidences~ (SHINee's Kim JongHyun Love Story)


Sabrina P.O.V.-

“Okay, we will be starting now,” Coach Bang stated as he walked over to JungMin and Nichkhun. “Here is what we’re going to do, once I send in one group, the group following them will have to wait 5-6 minutes until we get the call. You and your partner will be directed to a certain part of the ship to do your obstacle. After everything, I’ll present the people who won, lost, the best groups, and the last groups, araseo?” everyone nodded and stared straight ahead as Coach Bang told Nichkhun and JungMin to go follow the employee. I saw them nod at each other and follow down.

“FIGHTING!” Victoria and Minho screamed and everyone did too.

Group 1- JungMin and Nichkhun

JungMin P.O.V.-

“Where are we going exactly?” I asked the employee. He glared at me and turned back forward. I looked at Nichkhun and we both looked at each other in confusion.

“We are here….” He whispered and walked away.

“Must be part of the act…” Nichkhun whispered and I nodded. “What are we supposed to do here?!” he yelled at the employee who was walking away, but he kept on walking. We shrugged and turned around and saw some creepy clown smiling at us.

“Ahhh!” Nichkhun and I screamed. I laughed and the clown pulled open a curtain and motioned us inside the area. Some kind of carnival music started and these dark red and yellow lights went around the room. After that, some weird laughter surrounded the room. “Yah, mwoya?!” I chuckled. “I thought that there weren’t allowed any lights…” I stated. “Maybe not a lot of lights or bright lights…” Nichkhun replied. “So what are we supposed to do?” I asked and he shrugged. Suddenly, a card on a string fell down in front of our faces and I opened it up and read it out loud. “It says: Complete each carnival game and win every single one or else you’ll be stuck with some freaky clown thugs.” I laughed and Nichkhun did too and we walked over to this one carnival game that you had to pop the balloons. “Wah, jeongmal?! This is easy!” I exclaimed and looked around for the darts. “What are we supposed to pop it with?” I asked. Then, a basket slid over to us with a single red ball inside. “Mwoya?!” I showed it to Nichkhun and he laughed. I squeezed the ball and a squeaky noise came out. I looked back in the basket and saw something white sticking out in between it. I pulled it out and read the paper to myself. “It says that we have to pop all 10 balloons with only this ball,”

“Jinjja? Araseo, this’ll be a bit challenging, but I have a strong arm,” Nichkhun replied and starting stretching his right arm for his left arm was connected to my right arm.

“Let’s start then,” I commented and got myself ready to hit the first balloon when I heard a ticking noise coming from somewhere in front of me. “Yah, mwoya?” I said to myself and looked up and saw a big timer that had 9 minutes on it. “Yah! Nichkhun-ssi! We’re being timed! Hurry! We have to do it in the certain time period!” he nodded and I took the first shot. It bounced off the wall and back into my left hand. I tried again but harder. “Yes!” and I handed the ball to Nichkhun.


“Nichkhun-ssi! You have this! You can do it!” I looked up at the timer and saw that there was only 39 seconds left. Nichkhun eyed the balloon and took his stance. He pulled his right arm back and ‘Whoosh!’ the ball went straight like it was cutting through wind. It hit the last balloon and popped it instantly. “YAH! THAT WAS AWESOME!” I praised him and gave him a high-five. We started at the wall of popped balloons until some clown popped out from behind the counter.

“Oh sh-“ I could hear Nichkhun almost cuss in English. The clown stared at us with an abnormal smile and was holding out a card. We went closer to him and he grabbed my arm. “Yah! NEIGH! NEIGH!” I whinnied like a horse. I grabbed the paper from his hands and he ran away.

“What was that?!” Nichkhun laughed.

“I was releasing my inner horse!” I exclaimed and opened up the next letter.

-Oh JungMin…. You crack me up~xD-

-Group 2- HyungJun and Joi

Joi P.O.V.

“Okay, follow the employee,” Coach Bang instructed and I had to pull HyungJun along since we were tied together. We waddled along like penguins and I secretly loosened up our string on our wrist. I snickered and he the employee turned towards me. I smiled innocently and we kept going until we reached a dark part of the ship.

“Aigoo…..” I could hear HyungJun whimper. “Can we like… sit down or something?” he asked the employee for he was walking away. “Yah! Yah! What are we supposed to do?!” HyungJun yelled at him.

“Calm down! Fine, we can sit down…” I told him and we crouched down. This time, I took off the string and hid it in my pocket. We waited for something to happen when a vampire opened up a screen. “Whoa! Hehehe…. Nice costume…” I told it and it hissed at me. “Okay then…”

“Yah, yah, yah! Get away from me!” HyungJun screamed at it and it showed us inside. I walked inside and HyungJun freaked out. “Wait! Joi! Our string on our ankles is gone! Are we going to get in trouble or something?” he whispered rather loudly in my ear. I looked away and laughed quietly. There were only a few parts of the obstacle with light and the obstacle was covered in fake blood. I led the way for HyungJun was staying behind me.

“So what do we do?” I asked the vampire but it was gone. “Great! Now we’re stuck in some stupid obstacle without directions! This makes total sense!” I scoffed and looked around the place. “I think we just walk around and wait for something to happen,” I told HyungJun but he only whimpered and held tightly to my arm. We walked around and around in the entrance area until I found a door in the corner of the room. I led HyungJun towards the door and saw that inside was darkness with only one light in the middle of the room. I snickered and entered the room. Suddenly, I saw a vampire glaring at us in the corner of the room. I looked over at HyungJun who was still whimpering and shutting his eyes. I walked slowly towards it and it looked at me in a confused way. “Annyeonghaseyo, I was wondering if you could do me a favor…” I whispered. It smiled and nodded its head.


“AHH!! Help me!” I screamed as the vampire helped me take off the string attached to us and pull me behind the set.

“Eh?!” HyungJun looked up and started to panic. “YAH! Joi-ssi! Where are you?!” he looked all over.

“Hahaha!” I laughed quietly with the vampire. “You’re the best!” I gave it a hug and we laughed some more. Finally, I went out and scared HyungJun from behind and he screamed. “YAH! YOU SCARED ME HALF TO DEATH!!” he yelled at me.

“Mianhae! It was just so funny!” I cracked up and the vampire scared him again making him hit it. I apologized for him and it went away.

-Group 3- Minho and Victoria

Victoria P.O.V.-

“Go,” Coach Bang demanded as he finished up the call with the employee. We followed the employee and he left once we got to a closed up curtain.

“I guess we go in here,” Minho looked over at me and we tried our best to walk in. The string was tied tightly and it was almost impossible to run or move quickly.

“Aigoo! I’m scared!” I shrieked and shut my eyes tightly.

“Kenchana, I’ll lead us around,” Minho replied. I opened my eyes for a little and saw that the room was filled with fake, red-eyed spiders.

“Yah, yah, yah!” I bellowed. Suddenly, this card on a string appeared before us. “AHH!” I shrieked and stepped back making us fall harshly onto the ground. “Oh! Mianhae!!” I quickly looked over at Minho and we both got up together.

“Hmm…. What is this?” Minho took the card and squinted as he read the card. “It says: Mission- find the spider that glows and give it to its ‘mother’. If not found in certain time limit, you lose and will have to stay in the obstacle until everyone else is done. “Ah… Jinjja?!” he dropped the card onto the floor and with teamwork, we both trudged ourselves along the obstacle.

“So what’s the time limit?” I asked.

“Uhmm… I’m not sure, but we have to get the ‘glowing spider,’” he chuckled.


“Oish! Where is that stupid spider?!” I grunted. Then, a blaring noise started and fog came upon us. “YOU LOSE.” A man with a deep voice said. “AHHH!” I screamed and closed my right ear with my free arm. Suddenly, a scary man came up to us and told us to follow him. He guided us into this room with no lights I shrieked for he closed the door on us and locked it. “Ohh…” I moaned. “Minho-ssi…. Mianhae… I wasn’t a good partner wasn’t I?” I frowned.

“Anniya… I have to admit… it was pretty scary,” he chuckled and it made me smile.

-Group 4- Onew and SeKyung

SeKyung P.O.V.-

“Okay….” I scoffed as the employee just randomly walked away from us as Onew and I stood in front of a blank wall. “What do we do?” I asked Onew who was staring at the wall.

“This is a door,” he stated as he suddenly pushed on the wall. Then, it opened up and a weird smell reached our noses. “What is that?” he gave a sour face as he took a whiff of the air.

“Smells like….. Hay…” I examined the smell and we entered. “It looks like a farm…” I whispered.

“Neh… What do we do now?” we both walked further inside and we saw blood all over the place and scary creatures standing around.

“Ahhh!” I shrieked and Onew jumped. “JongHyun oppa…” I said my voice shaking and laughing at the same time. Then, a loud horn played and everything literally came to life. We heard horses, goats, pigs, and… chickens. Then, people started to make weird noises and started to follow us. “Onew-ssi! Onew-ssi!! Come on!” I pulled him over to the corner and then he started to lead. Soon, the chickens were on our tail and they started to run after us.

“Yah! I’m sorry for eating you all the time!! Please forgive me!! You’re just so delicious!!” he yelled at them and I laughed as we ran in circles.

-Group 5- Siwon and Lizzy

Lizzy P.O.V.-

We reached a hotel room door and the employee handed us a card. Siwon took it from him and he read it aloud. “It says: Mission-find the lost ghost girl and give her a message to go back to her ghost family.” We looked at each other in confusion and finally opened the hotel door. Everything was dusty but looked like an actual ballroom instead of a suite.

“Wah, it’s so pretty,” I stated in awe and Siwon looked over at me.

“Jeongmal?” he teased and we went further into the room. Suddenly, the door closed behind us and I screamed. “Yah! You scared me!” Siwon yelled at me.

“Yah, you weren’t startled by the door closing by itself??”

“Anni! Why should have I?!” we went deep into the room and saw nothing but dust, dust, and dust. We kept looking around until soft music started to play. “What is that?” we said in unison and followed the noise. “Where is that coming from?” Siwon said frustrated.

“Ahh!” I shrieked and saw a piano playing by itself. “Right there!!” I shook Siwon’s shoulder and he laughed.

“Seriously?! A piano playing by itself? That’s a classic,” he laughed. Then, I felt someone tap on my right shoulder and quickly turned my head around.

“Yah… oppa! Did you tap on my shoulder?”

“Anni, wae?”

“I felt someone tap my shoulder…”

“Don’t worry… let’s just keep going,” he instructed and I watched my back. We then entered a bathroom and saw a girl brushing her hair. “Ha, that’s a pretty good hologram,” Siwon chuckled.

”Annyeong,” I greeted the young ghost girl. “I have a message for you,” I started. “Your family misses you very much and they want you to come back to them~” I smiled at her and she points towards a door and suddenly disappears. “Hmm… another door?” I questioned myself and we opened the door and found ourselves out on the deck.

“Yes!! We finally got out! That was easy!” Siwon cheered and took off our strings.

“Mmm! Let’s go back to the Coach,” I stated and he nodded.

-Group 6- YongHwa and SeoHyun

SeoHyun P.O.V.-

We opened up a curtain and entered inside the somewhat dark room. “Don’t worry SeoHyun-ah, I’ll protect you!” YongHwa said proudly and I giggled. “What do we do now?” we looked around the room and heard a howling noise.

“Ah!” I screamed and saw these werewolves coming towards us and closing us in. We try to run away from them and they follow our every move. We found a small little corner and squished ourselves inside. “Oppa, what are we supposed to do?” I asked him and he shrugged his shoulders.

“I’m not quite sure, but SeoHyun-ah, if we don’t make it out safely… SARANGHAE!~” he made a cute half heart with his arms and I giggled. Suddenly, we heard the howling again and YongHwa grabbed my arm tight and we ran to another hiding spot.

-Group 7- JongHyun and Key

JongHyun P.O.V.-

We enter a dark room with strips of light of only green. Me and KiBum enter the room and find a big pot in the middle of the room.

“Look!” I look into the pot and see a single piece of paper on the bottom.

“It says: ‘Mission: Come up with the right brew for the witches in order to escape or face the consequences.’” I look over at Key who was looking all around him. “I don’t get it… what do we do?”

“First we need to find an apron or something to cover our clothes with,” he replies.

“Mwoya? Our mission is to make a potion of some sort so we can escape! Not care about our clothes!” I chuckled but he glared back.

“These clothes are new for your information. Besides! There’s only 1 apron there, see?” he points to a corner and literally drags me over to it.

“Well hurry up and put it on!” I demand and he wraps it around himself.

-5 minutes later-

“Ah! I’m so confused! Why can’t you do it yourself? You can cook!” I whined.

“Araseo…. But it’s just me escaping… hehehe,” he smirked. “Besides, I’m not going to be with you all the time; you have to learn how to manage by yourself,”

“Pffft!” I stuck my tongue out at him and he did the same.

-A few minutes later-

“Done!” Key exclaimed and clapped his hands loudly.

“What do we do now?” I questioned him.

“I don’t know….”

Suddenly, a cackling noise came from each corner and these scary and ugly witches came out and went up to the pot.

“Mwoya?!” I stared at them with a weird look and Key laughed.

“Uh… you should laugh more attractively… no one will like you for that laugh, ha!” the witches turned their heads toward him and sort of hissed at him. We both backed up and saw the door slam open.

“Yes! An exit!” we yelled and worked together to get to it.

-Group Eight- Sabrina and TaeMin-

Sabrina’s P.O.V.-

“Yay noona!! I’m so excited!” TaeMin bounced up and down as we reached a weird looking door I looked forward and tried not to freak out.

“N-n-neh…” I stuttered.

We entered the room slowly trying not to trip for we were tied together tightly. The room was big and had lots of bright white lights coming down from the ceiling. We kept walking until a note fell in front of our faces.

“Whoa!” It hit my face and I laughed nervously. I opened the note and read it out loud, “It says: ‘Mission: escape from the aliens’ ship without awakening them…” I closed the note and dropped it on the floor. “A-aliens?!” I turned towards TaeMin whose face was in terror.

“N-n-noona? Over t-there…” he pointed behind me and these bloody looking creatures came limping towards us.

“I’m guessing those are the aliens! Run!”

TaeMin began to run and I tried my best to follow and try not to fall. It was like he was dragging me and my ankles started to hurt from the string wrapping around my ankles so hard.

“Where do we go? Where do we go?!” TaeMin panicked and I began to lead.

“This way!” I instructed and we ran faster. As we ran, I accidently tripped and fell hard on the ground making me hit my knees on the hard cement floor.

“Noona! Kenchana?!” he replied cautiously still looking for the aliens behind us.

“Ne-“ I started but TaeMin cut me off.

“Hurry we have to go! They’re coming!” TaeMin freaks out and pulls me up. “Let’s go!” I try to follow as he dragged me along.

-After all the obstacles-

-Sabrina P.O.V.-

“Phew! Finally finished,” I said to TaeMin who was helping me walk over to our meeting place.

“I know! It was so fun! I’m sorry that you tripped though,” he pouted and I grinned.

“Kenchana, I’m just glad that we got it done and over with,”

We arrived at the place where we started and everyone was sitting down in front of Coach Bang who looked more irritated than ever.

“We’re here!” TaeMin smiled and waved his hands at everyone. They looked at him in a weird way as in telling him to stop.

“Where have you two been?!” Coach Bang screamed.

“Uh-“ TaeMin looked at him in surprise and hurriedly made a way to our seats. I tried to keep up for the string felt like it was creating a hole through my ankle.

“Mianhamnida, we had a dilemma,” TaeMin answered bravely.

“What was your dilemma?”

“Noona tripped and fell in the obstacle and it was sort of hard for her to move around,”

“Araseo,” he looked at the two of us and nodded.

“Now since everyone’s here, I would like to tell you guys who passed and who…. Failed,” he a T.V. that was standing next to him and a picture of each of the groups popped up. “Group one- JungMin and Nichkhun- Pass.”

Everyone clapped and looked at the two who were cheering together. “Group two- HyungJun and JooHee (Joi)- Pass. Group Three- Minho and Victoria- Fail, unfortunately these two had to wait in their obstacle as their punishment,”

“Why did we anyways?” Minho popped out of his seat making Victoria stand up too.

“We felt that your theme, spiders, was too weak unlike everyone else’s,” Coach Bang stated and Minho and Victoria sat back down in defeat.

“Anyways, Group four- JinKi (Onew) and SeKyung- Pass, Group five- Siwon and SooYoung (Lizzy)- Pass, Group six- YongHwa and SeoHyun- Pass, Group seven- JongHyun and KiBum- Pass, and last but not least, Group eight- Sabrina and TaeMin- an unfortunate fail,”

I looked at TaeMin who looked like he was going to cry but was still smiling and accepting the results.

“Now, I would like to congratulate the best players of the contest. Once I call your names come up here, accept your awards and take a quick picture for our own hall of fame. Now for the rank of the best players in third place…. Group six YongHwa and SeoHyun! They were the most entertaining to watch. It was a sort of romantic comedy,”

The two gave each other a hug and a high-five and made their way to the front. YongHwa accepted the award but gave it to SeoHyun. She giggled and they took a really cute picture together by forming a heart with their arms.

“In second place, Group one, JungMin and Nichkhun! These two had really good teamwork,”

Nichkhun gave JungMin a pound and JungMin let Nichkhun take the trophy. They took a nice picture with them putting their arms on the others shoulder and smiling wide for the camera.

“Finally in first place… Group three! Minho and Victoria! Although these two failed in their obstacle, they managed to keep calm and stay brave,”

I clapped the loudest for these two and they smiled widely. They bowed down multiple times and Minho kindly gave Victoria the trophy. They posed with a thumbs-up for the camera and returned back to their seats.

“Now, for the worst groups. In third place, Group two, HyungJun and JooHee (Joi)! Unfortunately Ms. Kang played a little joke on her partner making a wrong move in their work,”

Joi and HyungJun both received a certificate and took a quick little picture together. Everyone else stayed quiet and laughed a little.

“In second place, Group eight, Sabrina and TaeMin! To be honest, I saw how terrified the two were especially Mr. Lee…” everyone turned their heads toward TaeMin and chuckled.

“Hehehe…” TaeMin joined along sarcastically.

We received our certificates and took a picture together. SeoHyun looked at me and pouted and I just smiled.

“Finally in first place…. Group seven, JongHyun and KiBum! As I watched them in their obstacle in the hidden camera, I heard lots of nagging come from both of them making it seriously annoying to watch,”

“Yah!” Key yelled back but Coach Bang ignored him.

Key grabbed the certificate from Coach Bang and looked away from the camera as it clicked.

“DIVA!” everyone suddenly yelled together and Key stuck his tongue out but smiled at the same time.

“Now! After all of your hard work, I decided to give you guys a little surprise…” Coach Bang smiled for real and everyone gasped as he clapped indicating beautiful lights to come on all around the ship. “I hope everyone will enjoy the rest of your stay,” he waved good-bye and left. The smell of delicious food came towards us and the sound of music started to play.

“Let’s party!” I heard Siwon yell and we all untied the strings on our ankles and went off to of course… PARTY!

-End Chapter 14-

-Hey SHAWOLS and SONEs and E.L.F.s and otherssssssssssss!!! ^0^ LOL :D Please message me, comment below, and subscribe!!!!! I would really. SUPER. DUPER. LOVE. IT. xDDDDD Thank you!!!! :))))





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Geegee123 #1
Chapter 20: Love your story! Please updatee!! :)
leeron #2
Chapter 20: Plz update soon !!! I really love this story !!! I want to know what heppend next !!!!
xoImACrazyxo #3
I hope you update soon!!!!I really like it :)
Come on I already read Ch.18 so hurry up lady! Please....
Love the story by the way.<3
I like this so far(:<br />
Update soon! :3