Chapter 21

Another Life

p/s: there's supposed to be more scene with the members at the end but if we gonna wait for that i'll never post this chapter. will let u know when i add. sorry;;

UPDATED: yes a new scene of the members at the end DONE. thank you if you reread^^;


                The room was buzzing with a group of people greeting each other in the slow morning, doing whatever while waiting for everyone to come.

                A soul was restless outside the door, worrying about the upcoming minute of what he decided to plunge into, to possibly starting a big change in his life. His hand was cold and clammy, and he was embarrassed to know if the other person who was holding onto his noticed that.

                That person shook his hand a little, gaining his attention and an encouraging smile was given by that handsome man somehow enlighten his despair, a little. After standing quietly for a while, they finally opened the door and Minwoo pulled Dongwan inside.

                Everyone was staring at the stranger. Not really a stranger, they have seen him somewhere before. Somewhere about an awkward circumstance and even more apprehensively, they knew the boss evidently didn’t like him. That’s been said, Eric was clearly bewildered by the unwelcomed visitor. So.. it was awkward.

                “Ei eii what with the sudden quiet? Did a ghost passing by?” Minwoo joked. He pushed Dongwan nearer into the room and hang his arm around Dongwan’s neck. “Yo guys, meet my friend, Kim Dongwan. He’ll be hanging out here often from now on so please become friends okay?”

                Andy came forward and greeted Dongwan happily, “Dongwan-hyung! It’s been a long time. How are you doing?” Andy hugged him and Dongwan hugged back too, glad to see the maknae was friendly as ever. They ensued to talk about each other’s news and as the shindancers saw Eric was ignoring the friendly scene, they continued doing their own stuff again.

                Dongwan looked around the room. “Where are the others? Hyesung and Junjin?”

“Hyesung-hyung is driving Jinnie here but Jinnie must have been late, like always,” sighed the maknae.

“So, what are you guys doing today?” Dongwan wondered. He really was clueless about today and just took Minwoo’s invitation without asking further.

“Today we’ll be practicing the dance for our comeback,” explained Minwoo.

“Wow really? When is your comeback?”

“In two months plus.”

“Daebak! I didn’t know you need to prepare this early.”

“Ah! Not really. We’ll have concert first before comeback. There’s so much preparation for concert, if we not prepare our new choreo now, we will be in trouble haha,” Minwoo laughed nervously while looking at Andy.

“See. This is what happened if you played around too much,” scold Andy.

Minwoo laughed it off, “Yeah, yeah. Andy, let’s go meet the dancers. It’s been a while since we gathered.”

                The dancers were actually nice people and they greeted Dongwan warmly, thanks to Minwoo’s eager encouragement to get them to know Dongwan. Dongwan was happy and touched at Minwoo’s effort to make him feel accepted; maybe finally he can find a place where he feel belonged in these group of people. He know it was too early to be certain, but there’s hope and he was willingly holding onto Minwoo’s oath from that night.


                Dongwan found a spot to sit by himself in a corner of the room. The team was discussing and he knew it was not appropriate for an outsider to intrude that. It was his first day so no need to push it too much, he thought - they still were wary of him but that was okay. He was satisfied just by observing them from afar and it was more comfortable this way.

                When no one was looking, Dongwan was shocked when someone snatched his hand and Eric pulled him hurriedly until they arrived at a hidden corridor. Eric threw Dongwan against the wall and grabbed the smaller man’s neck with one hand while the other was planted against the wall just besides his head, to intimidate Dongwan of how tall he is.

                Dongwan thought of how Eric was going to hurt him. However, his fear turned to wonder when Eric loosened the tightened grip on his neck. That was not rage in Eric’s eyes like he expected, but the eyes was inspecting him in confusion and frustration.

                “Who are you?”

                Who are you that keep creeping into my dreams each night.

                Who are you that my feeling can’t decide whether to loathe or to weep for.

                Who are you?

Dongwan was taken aback. What he was supposed to answer to that oblivious question?

                “I’m.. I’m Kim Dongwan. What do you mean?”

Eric was staring hard at him like he can’t make sense of something big inside his head.

                “Whatever.” He released the utterly confused Dongwan. “You’re really gonna challenge me, aren’t you little ? If you hurt my friends in any way, I’LL KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS.”

                He walked away.

                “Wait!” Dongwan swallowed his nerve when Eric coldly turned to him.

                “Please. I’m not asking you to like me. Hate me, hit me if you want. But please give me a chance.. to stay.. with someone I can finally trust.”

Eric yanked his hand away. “I’ll hit you as much as I want.”




                Other than that frightening incident, everything else seemed to be going well for Dongwan and Eric was treating him like he was invisible. At least he did not beat him.. yet. So yeah, he was fine.

                Dongwan had greeted Hyesung who was surprised by his presence but genuinely happy to see him, and Junjin who was still indifferent like when they first met. Hyesung was busy as they were now creating his dance part, so he promised to talk to Dongwan later, while the others were taking break after their dance practice. Dongwan went to sit by Andy who was stretching his neck.

                “Does your neck hurt?” Dongwan reach out to squeeze Andy’s neck.

                The maknae gladly let Dongwan’s hand took over. “Sometimes. Maybe because I am becoming an old man haha.” Lol, they are not even that old. Okay, maybe mid-30s is old for an idol who danced vigorously.

                “Here, let me massage your back. I’m good in this stuff,” Dongwan urged Andy to lie on the floor. The younger man complied, but couldn’t help himself from laughing when he saw a very enthusiastic Dongwan.

                Surprisingly to Andy, Dongwan was a true expert in massaging. Even more surprisingly, the massage hurt like hell with every Dongwan’s on point pressure.

                “Yah! Are you crying?” Dongwan laughed when he looked at Andy’s drenched forehead.

                “Omg hyung, that’s really hurt.” Andy wiped his sweats. “But it feels really good.” His neck and back pain which bothered him for quite some time was relieved and Andy felt refreshed like he had been climbing a mountain, judging from the amount cold sweat.

                “I know right,” Dongwan looked proud.

                “What’s this? Someone useless around here suddenly doing something to make himself feel worthy? He might think he’s one of us now.” It was Eric who intentionally passing by them. The room is big enough for him to walk elsewhere.

                Andy retorted, “Hyung! That was rude.” Eric side-eyed Dongwan and walked away.

                “Don’t worry, Dongwan-hyung. Eric-hyung can be a jerk sometimes.” Andy comforted Dongwan who seemed affected by Eric’s words. Andy saw Junjin and called him over to promote Dongwan’s massage.

                Junjin looked at Eric who was watching them from across the room with unapproval painted all over his face. However, the cute maknae was persistently calling him so over he went.

                “Jinnie! You must try Dongwan’s massage. It’s really good, really! You have back pain right? Hyung, can you massage Jinnie too?” Andy looked at Dongwan with puppy eyes. He even acting cute for the sake of other members. What a sweet maknae.

                Dongwan was going to agree but Jinnie was faster to decline the offer.

                “Nah, I’m fine. Don’t want to trouble you.”

                Dongwan said, “No why! I don’t feel troubled at all.”

                “Come on Jinnie! It will be good for your back. Mine feels lots better after that massage.” Andy pulled Junjin’s hand so he sat down. Dongwan began to massage his back.


“Jinnie-ah! You’re the only one I can trust now.” Eric held both his shoulders firmly.

“Why hyung?”

“Don’t you ever sided with that bastard.”

“Who? What are you talking about?”

“Dongwan.” Eric looked sternly into his eyes. “The others are falling into his evil trap. I’ve no one to have my back other than you. Will you promise me?”

“B-but hyung-”



                “Ok! You’re good to go now,” Dongwan patted his back cheerily. That man was clearly satisfied with his own service.

                “Do you feel better?” asked Andy.

                “Y-yeah..” Junjin felt guilty when he remembered what Eric had told him. He looked around to find the leader but he was not in the room.

                Dongwan was rummaging the bag he brought. He pulled out some small aluminium packages.

                “Take these. These herb drinks can improve your energy. You’re still young why are you guys getting all this pain aishh.” Dongwan gave each drinks to both Andy and Junjin. “But don’t tell the others. That’s all I brought.”

                This man is interesting. He randomly provided them with herb teas that night when they went wasted and now this. Junjin kept thinking of how can the man knew a lot of random stuff and also how can he always pull some random health products from his bag. What other things might be inside that mysterious bag?

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Chapter 22: Dongwan's guilt haunts him that's why he doesn't let himself be happy...but he wants to change that so badly, he's repented. I do hope he'll embrace minwoo and friends and allow himself some happiness. Eric is a mystery though, he's almost a supernatural point in this story... hmm
eflvoegyu #2
Chapter 20: Hello! I'm sorry for put my comment just now^^ i'm too absorb ed into your fic kkkk. Well, honestly, i'm kinda confused a little but finally i got it lol
The feeling was great and i felt pity for Dongwan. He is just need a person who would be with him in his pity life. And well, i'm surprised to see Eric behaving like that lol didn't suit him at all hahahaha.
I hope someday Dongwan would fine whatever he needs in life. Happy ending for Dongwan please!
Btw good luck writer-nim! Can't wait to read your next chap!
ricwannie #3
Chapter 19: I love the mood of the story. Who is that particular person? I don't want the night to end. So romantic.
Chapter 16: omg... I finally caught up... wow wannie totally messed up back then... and he was so good at being criminal too! but gosh i kinda want to see him in action as a spy hehe~~
ricwannie #5
Chapter 16: Interesting story line and love all the character development. Looking forward to the next chapter. :)
yuricha #6
This is really good!! can't wait for your next update *_*