Chapter 16 Dongwan's past_2

Another Life

Wow I can't believe I've updated;; were you waiting?


            It was a night in his third year of engineering student. As usual, his damn curiosity got him into trouble again as he snooped around the old warehouse hidden at the far back of the town when he heard the rumours about what was going on there. Then, he got caught.

            “Well well.. look what we have here?” the owner of the chilling voice came out from under the shadow with an arrogant grace. His charisma engraved a deep impression in Dongwan’s mind.

The leader of the pack closed onto him who was pinned on the ground, “So what you have to offer to make us let you go?”

“I can sing,” he answered without thinking. He did not even know why he said that out of nowhere, mostly since he had stopped singing for quite some time. Even idiocy has its limit but not to Dongwan.

            All of the scoundrels laughed. Despite their laughing, Dongwan started to sing. The noisy atmosphere immediately quietened, leaving Dongwan’s beautiful melody and the gaping of the herd’s mouths. It took them seconds to realize Dongwan’s had stopped singing.

“That’s impressive,” the leader stalled, rising the tension from his follower in the air. “I’m entertained. Fine, I let you leave.” With a wave of his hand, his underlings let go of his twisted arms.

Dongwan got up and brushed his dirtied trousers. The leader looked briefly at him with a mysterious smile before the pack followed him into the dark alley, leaving Dongwan alone.

            He should has known he was lucky and learned from the lesson. But he went back.. with his guitar.

Everytime he went, he performed songs for the gang and even got some money in return. Somehow, his passion and confidence in singing grew again and every trip he made there was becoming more enjoyable by day. He found his way around the gang and made friends with them. With his indisputable charms, Dongwan even gained favour from the leader. The fearsome leader was called JE.

            Season changed fast and he graduated his uni despite his crazy underground life.

“Don’t come here again,” JE drank his can of cold beer. “You should find a job. Besides, we don’t need a bystander here.”

He did not want to leave.

“You aren’t skilled in fighting. We both knew what happened that day.”

He begged to stay. Of course because of easy money – part of it – but also because of the leader too. His loyalty was tied.

“You’ll do anything?” JE gave him a side glance while he downed his beer. He was checking Dongwan out from up to bottom.

“Ok, I have a job for you.”

            Dongwan’s first mission as a spy was seducing a nice young lady to dig secrets about his brother, the leader of a rivalry gang. JE sure has good eyes to know what Dongwan could do best. With his look, personality, and appeals, any girl would fall easily into his trap. And he did a good job to secure the information too.

“Break her,” JE commanded.

Dongwan was shocked. He never expected it must come to this extend.

“Why? I’ve told you not to be emotionally attached with your target. If you don’t break her you will never be able to move on, she will never too.”

Dongwan was reluctant.

“Think of it as a prank. You love a good prank, don’t you?”

            So he did. Do not ask what he did, he did not want to remember. He did not know what happened to the girl after that, JE ordered him not to care further. It was the best for him, he said.

Rule number one: Never show your weaknesses. You used other’s weaknesses for your advantage, and the same they will step all over you. Rule number two: Play their game and win it. Follow their flow, pretend they are in power, make them let their guard down, but always have the upper hand. Rule number three: Fake it until you believe it. How you want to make people believe in you if you know you are faking? Be deceived like them.

            Those were things that JE taught him, and they worked brilliantly.

            His mother eventually knew what he got himself into. For the best of both of them, he leaved his home and his heartbroken mother. There was no way to turn back from this road he has chosen.

            JE not only taught him how to survive in the dirty world, he was also his saviour. Because of the occupational hazard, Dongwan countlessly get into hot messes, being captured, barely got killed, but JE always got his back. Learning from his job nature and the nature of this part of life, he learned that trust is a luxury he could not give anyone.. but leader JE was the only exception.

            This life – the life of a spy – thrilled him to the bone. As a daring person Dongwan naturally was, he stepped up his game little by little. Kissing and touching became a bore, he learned how to give best service in bed. Women have fallen for him, later he challenged for men which he successfully mastered the art of seduction too. Everything you could imagine, he had done it. And he was not even 25.

            The only thing that kept him human was he did not kill anyone by his own hand, yet.

            It took him some time to figure out that JE also intentionally used him as a psychological weapon to destroy his enemy. Not that he cared much, it was fun.

            The problem is, no one could make him fully satisfied anymore. This was just a game where he played against everybody. He hated how he now can easily decipher beyond anyone’s hypocrisy mask; it was getting tiring.. and lonely. He wondered how anyone could ever felt this lonely though he was going around seducing women (and men) and touching their warm bodies under his.

To that note, only JE knew the real him – the insecure whiny bare-faced Dongwan who would rant about everything he disagree – which was the reason he devoted his life to that man.

            Another thing that killed him silently inside, he had became the person he once firmly hate – hypocrite and manipulative – but he was already too deep in the game and too late to realise that by that time.


Six years was a very long years. He thought he will be doing this life forever, until that day.

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Chapter 22: Dongwan's guilt haunts him that's why he doesn't let himself be happy...but he wants to change that so badly, he's repented. I do hope he'll embrace minwoo and friends and allow himself some happiness. Eric is a mystery though, he's almost a supernatural point in this story... hmm
eflvoegyu #2
Chapter 20: Hello! I'm sorry for put my comment just now^^ i'm too absorb ed into your fic kkkk. Well, honestly, i'm kinda confused a little but finally i got it lol
The feeling was great and i felt pity for Dongwan. He is just need a person who would be with him in his pity life. And well, i'm surprised to see Eric behaving like that lol didn't suit him at all hahahaha.
I hope someday Dongwan would fine whatever he needs in life. Happy ending for Dongwan please!
Btw good luck writer-nim! Can't wait to read your next chap!
ricwannie #3
Chapter 19: I love the mood of the story. Who is that particular person? I don't want the night to end. So romantic.
Chapter 16: omg... I finally caught up... wow wannie totally messed up back then... and he was so good at being criminal too! but gosh i kinda want to see him in action as a spy hehe~~
ricwannie #5
Chapter 16: Interesting story line and love all the character development. Looking forward to the next chapter. :)
yuricha #6
This is really good!! can't wait for your next update *_*