Chapter 10

Another Life

            He was dubious that the company was collecting a group of troublemakers instead of a group of idols. Eric was the leader, just because his birth date was the earliest. To his advantages, he was tall and exceptionally handsome, not a typical face you will find in Korea, the perfect representation of a leader. He also the mastermind of causing pandemonium without being convicted. Lucky for them to possess a cunning calculative mind like him that undeniably be handy to lead the group in the future.

            He met Andy first. They had history long before in America, though not a sweet one. Andy was a typical shy boy because he was the youngest, in the eyes of outsider the least. Between the members he was the cheeriest of all, and also the receiving end of many playful pranks when they were bored, which was everytime. As he was the cute maknae, he had no choice than to accept the token of affection from his hyungs. However if you make him angry, he would definitely get his revenge in the way you least expecting it. They had learned their lesson so they knew.

            During the audition too, he met Hyesung, a singer with pretty face and pretty voice. Nothing other than pretty could be used to describe him. Therefore, the guy would try hard to appear intimidating but failed miserably, as he constantly nagging at every member’s misbehaviour which was pitifully ignored. Not to mention the way he sobbed when they watch sad movie. His discreetly favourite target of pranks, because the way he react was so awkward.

            Then there was Minwoo, the rural guy who excel at dancing. He felt an unbelievable admiration toward this guy because despite the small body, he emitted some sort of charisma, it was intimidating. Some sort of bold manner that was not entirely unlikable by others. In fact, the man was placidly observant, caring, creative, and secretly naughty too. They always fight without reason and became the best friend instantly.

            Lastly was Junjin. He might looked like tough neighbourhood gang, but actually he was an innocent cinnamon roll. The type which you would happily pranked, then felt pity and guilty afterward, because he was helplessly clueless. He was the energetic guy whom would liven the atmosphere from his every actions, it was hard to keep a serious discussion when he was around. And his athletic ability was no joke, he wonder if the boy never joined a school gang before to acquire that sharpness and agility, rival of Minwoo in dancing. The only time he stop goofing was when he sleep.

!@$^&%#*$(^@$ The noises hurt his head.

            Kim Dongwan. He was such a weirdo with many sensitiveness and a rocket high of self-confidence. Everyone seemed to like him, maybe because of his chatty mouth and bright personality. He was loud most of the time with blundering behaviour and he wondered if the man have no limit of embarrassment. He might be irrationally dislike the guy but somehow that guy seemed to enjoy his prank after prank. He know he should not hate the member, so he constantly clung onto the back of the short guy like a koala to neutralize his feeling, again to his surprise, the short guy did not mind him much.

            During the promotion of their first album, the group had thought of a signature pose that could bring a hit to the school teenagers; a manse pose in which they flung open their jacket and pointed their hand to the sky. They wanted to show it during a broadcast, but disappointed sighs from other members made him turned around to find what went wrong. Dongwan the troublemaker had difficulty with his jacket, his button was stuck. Just like that they failed their first attempt to make a hit. Dongwan just laughed it off but he could not resist the need to chew that someone.


            Minwoo asked Dongwan out for lunch. It was the first time they would meet in the daylight, other than some shady places like the night club, and it felt awesomely refreshing. Dongwan sure fascinating him so much, he could not specify why he liked the person to the brink of obsession, thing he teased Hyesung once.

            Sure he like Dongwan’s sophisticated voice, his handsome face, and muscular body; the complete package of an idol (well minus his height but he was damn cute so pass). Everytime he watched him, that person seemed to radiate some ball of energy that made him happy and he was wittedly fun to hang around too. However he could not place his feeling very well when he looked into those eyes. Like Hyesung told him long back, there were stars in his eyes – which he assumed he was naturally born with the warm gaze – but if you stared deeply enough, it kind of harbouring some heavy secret; he could not resist to unravel the man himself. Maybe that was the reason he always came back to Dongwan.

            The fact that Dongwan almost became one of his sworn brothers, he could not get it over. If he could, he wanted to show the man all the things that they could have shared, and that was exactly his mission. Or maybe he just liked the fact that there was someone who he could hug comfortably because of their ‘perfect’ height. He was tired to be teased the smallest by s.

Ding! Minwoo jumped happily when Dongwan replied, ‘Cool. Just finished meeting my client. Meet you later at 12 then :)’

Ding! Another message came in and made Minwoo cursed. Eric just told him for an ‘emergency lunch date’ with their production unit. He could not left Dongwan to have lunch alone...


            “Hey Dongwan! What’s up?” a voice startled him from his daydreaming.

“Hi Minw- Eh? Why are you here?” Hyesung was standing in front of him with a bright smile.

“Minwoo said sorry he could not come because he got work. I’m hungry so I think why not we have lunch together,” Hyesung took a seat at Dongwan’s table. Dongwan almost got up to help Hyesung with the chair then he remembered that Hyesung was a guy. He needed to remember that.

            “Where are you from?” Hyesung asked.

            “I was meeting a client earlier. Since the place is not far from here and Minwoo invited me for lunch, so..” Dongwan trailed off while he waved for the waitress. Both made their orders while the waitress were obviously giddy to see the two handsome man eating at the café. She gratefully enjoyed the eye-candies while she worked, moreover one of them in Shin Hyesung the SHINHWA.

            “So.. What are you doing today? Work?” Dongwan awkwardly started a conversation.

“Today is my day off. But I will go to the company after lunch to see the others.”

“You people sure are free. I’m jealous,” Dongwan joked.

“Because I have recording the whole day yesterday that’s why I’m free today. Wait until our promotion period, that will be the craziest time.”

“Really? I hope you guys take care of your health even though you are busy. The fans must be worried.”

“Nah, they like it more if we show up more on tv. Thank you for worrying, we’ll be fine.” Hyesung chuckled at his friend’s concern.

            Their orders finally came and both enjoyed their lunch comfortably. To fill the atmosphere, Hyesung asked Dongwan about his job as an engineer and Dongwan kindly complied. There were so many funny stories about his job and Dongwan was a good story-teller; the café was livened with their cheery voices. He noticed the waitress glanced curiously towards them everytime their laugh erupted, but who cares? Hyesung was glad he came in Minwoo’s place.

“What are you doing after lunch?”

“Nothing. Go home maybe.”

“Then.. would you like to follow me to the company? We could wait for Minwoo there.”

            Dongwan calculated. There was no reason to turn off the offer. “Sure, why not.”



p/s: wow this chapter is soo jumbled up. you have no idea how much time i spend on this chapter.. and the next chapter too urghh. i cant get my mind off this thing AND I HAVE EXAAAM *SCREAAAAM*. just wanna leave you guessing what dongwan and hyesung will be doing next lol^^

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Chapter 22: Dongwan's guilt haunts him that's why he doesn't let himself be happy...but he wants to change that so badly, he's repented. I do hope he'll embrace minwoo and friends and allow himself some happiness. Eric is a mystery though, he's almost a supernatural point in this story... hmm
eflvoegyu #2
Chapter 20: Hello! I'm sorry for put my comment just now^^ i'm too absorb ed into your fic kkkk. Well, honestly, i'm kinda confused a little but finally i got it lol
The feeling was great and i felt pity for Dongwan. He is just need a person who would be with him in his pity life. And well, i'm surprised to see Eric behaving like that lol didn't suit him at all hahahaha.
I hope someday Dongwan would fine whatever he needs in life. Happy ending for Dongwan please!
Btw good luck writer-nim! Can't wait to read your next chap!
ricwannie #3
Chapter 19: I love the mood of the story. Who is that particular person? I don't want the night to end. So romantic.
Chapter 16: omg... I finally caught up... wow wannie totally messed up back then... and he was so good at being criminal too! but gosh i kinda want to see him in action as a spy hehe~~
ricwannie #5
Chapter 16: Interesting story line and love all the character development. Looking forward to the next chapter. :)
yuricha #6
This is really good!! can't wait for your next update *_*