Chapter 12

Another Life

                Finally Minwoo got to lunch with Dongwan. He knew Hyesung brought Dongwan to the company and he himself was excited to show the guest around, but the meeting took longer than he expected. He noticed something different with Dongwan after his encounter with Hyesung. The charming man seemed more at east; his smile was sweeter and last longer and the look in his eyes, there was more sincerity? Openness? He wondered if anything happened between the two men but of course he was glad as well. Seeing the person in front of him happy made his heart elated.

                Dongwan revealed his journey to the company (minus the part with intimate Hyesung.. he did not knew why he felt like he should kept that a little secret..) and also the story of the members he heard from Hyesung. Minwoo just laugh at Hyesung’s informed complaints and he too shared his version of the members’ moments. Whether the story was embarrassing, awkward, and exciting, he wanted to tell Dongwan all. He also updated Dongwan with their progress in recording the album because Dongwan seemed interested. Eating lunch together always fun, so they met a few times more when their schedule allowed.

                Then one day, someone grabbed his shoulder when he was busy narrating a funny moment from their practice room to Dongwan. He turned to look and saw Eric with irked face. “Yah! Here you are! Do you know how many time I called you?” Eric scolded the startled man. “I’m having lunch. What?” “We have meeting. NOW.” With that Eric pulled Minwoo to his feet and dragged the protesting man to the door. Dongwan saw that vicious side-glace Eric threw in his direction before both men disappearing from his view.


                An unknown number texted him. He was astonished to know it was Eric, asking him to meet at an unfamiliar dining place. Well, at this rate his number might as well had been known by all the members already. Although feeling alarmed, he was looking forward in meeting the mysterious man from his dream. There was a score between those two that need to be settled.

                Dongwan arrived at the appointed place. Despite that the dining was a bit secluded and not crowded with customers, he found the environment was actually calming and brightly lit by the sunny evening, not matching the tension he felt for the upcoming meeting. The doorbell ringed as he pushed through the door and looked around inquiringly. A waiter approached him and asked him to follow her to the end corner of the room. Eric was waiting for him at a table quite isolated from other visiting customers.

                Dongwan greeted Eric cheerfully but from Eric’s sharp glare, Dongwan immediately knew this was a serious business so he copied Eric’s unfriendly attitude. As soon as he sat on the only empty chair, Eric pulled out a brown file and tossed it across the table. The file dropped perfectly in front of Dongwan, and the recipient tensed when he saw his name was written on the file, in capital letters. Dongwan clenched his fist under the table and look daringly at Eric. When Dongwan did not make a move, Eric gestured him to open the file, which Dongwan cautiously reached for it.

“Aah.. I never thought you are suspicious of me this much.”

“I am right,” replied Eric short.

                Dongwan took a fleeting look at one by one of the neatly organized sheets of paper inside the file. He did not need to read all of them to know it comprised of his life history, dating back as far as 10 years ago. The ugly history of his dark period that leaved him a deep scar unhealed by time, the episode that made him despised himself.

                There were information on what organization he joined, a ‘job description’ of his position, and some data on his victims as well. The memories grew strong as he read through them, he could smell the mushy odour of the dark alley he was once accustomed to. Unintentionally, he smirked at the memories, the devil behind his mind suggesting he should kept the file for future reminisce. The resume was already arranged nicely for him.

                Eric waited patiently for a long while for Dongwan to put the stack of paper down on the table. Dongwan met his eyes and posed a nonchalant look. Rule number one: Never show your weaknesses. Dongwan cringed when he remembered the mantra he used to repeat long back, a natural defence of him.

“Where did you get this?” he asked airily with a simple smile.

“That’s why we have private detective, dear.”

“What do you want me to do with this resume?” his fingers played with the edge of the papers.

Eric bend over closer, intimidatingly, “Stay away from my friend.”

Dongwan sighed, “In case you are blind or being left out, Minwoo is the one coming after me. I never told him to.”

                Eric wanted to put his hand on the other’s neck but instead, he spoke in a deep voice as he controlled his rage, “I know what type of person you are, playing around with people like they are toys. If you are not going to back off, I’ll tell them everything.”

                Dongwan exhaled tiredly at Eric’s meaningless threat, “What’s the difference? Either way, the loss is on me.” Dongwan flipped through the papers again. “By the way, this story is like what? Four or five years ago? Don’t you think I’ll be a changed man by now?” Dongwan bluffing a sour face.

                Eric snorted, “Then tell me this. The past three years, you almost got married two times but then called them off. TWO TIMES SCUMBAG. What sick game are you playing?”

                Hearing Eric’s accusation, the wrinkles around his eyes twitched. Dongwan almost lashed out at the unjust words that were thrown at him but he knew better that if he did he will lose. Rule number two: Play their game and win it.

Shut up.

Dongwan laughed.

                “If you wanna tell them, you will already did. I wonder why you must consult me first.. You can’t tell them, isn’t it? Not to Minwoo the least.” Dongwan waited for Eric’s reaction but his expression was as still as a stone. “Because he will hate you. And it will prove just what type of untrustworthy friend you are.” He could tell Eric was gritting his teeth at his childish return. However, Eric did not deny it either.

                Eric stood up and towering above Dongwan, showing his dominance in the situation. “If you hurt my friends in any way, I will kill you.”

                Dongwan rises too. Rule number three: Fake it until you believe it. “Isn’t that lovely. Don’t you think I have lived long enough?” With a snide smile, Dongwan took his leave as Eric eyeing him out of the damned room.

                Damn it! How dare he! Who the hell Eric think he is! He has no right to say anything because he did not know the slightest reason Dongwan did the thing he did, no matter how wrong it seemed in the other’s eyes. This was why he never wanted to tell anyone about his shameful past. He doubt anyone would try to seek his reason and understand him, rather than looked at him with hatred. He was tired. He was tired with all this bull. And just as he thought he could open his heart again to those guys...


p/s: i know. this chapter is a mess. but im too tired to write properly anyway. i just hope u got the point across hahaa.. TT TT i've been postponing this chap for a month lol. Ooow seemed like Eric hated Dongwan what to dooo - - - -

next chap ill disclose dongwan's past and also a date with minwoo?? ^^

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Chapter 22: Dongwan's guilt haunts him that's why he doesn't let himself be happy...but he wants to change that so badly, he's repented. I do hope he'll embrace minwoo and friends and allow himself some happiness. Eric is a mystery though, he's almost a supernatural point in this story... hmm
eflvoegyu #2
Chapter 20: Hello! I'm sorry for put my comment just now^^ i'm too absorb ed into your fic kkkk. Well, honestly, i'm kinda confused a little but finally i got it lol
The feeling was great and i felt pity for Dongwan. He is just need a person who would be with him in his pity life. And well, i'm surprised to see Eric behaving like that lol didn't suit him at all hahahaha.
I hope someday Dongwan would fine whatever he needs in life. Happy ending for Dongwan please!
Btw good luck writer-nim! Can't wait to read your next chap!
ricwannie #3
Chapter 19: I love the mood of the story. Who is that particular person? I don't want the night to end. So romantic.
Chapter 16: omg... I finally caught up... wow wannie totally messed up back then... and he was so good at being criminal too! but gosh i kinda want to see him in action as a spy hehe~~
ricwannie #5
Chapter 16: Interesting story line and love all the character development. Looking forward to the next chapter. :)
yuricha #6
This is really good!! can't wait for your next update *_*