Mission Finding for M part Hayoung

Grab The Dream

We arrived at the airport around the next morning at 6am and we goes straight to hotel. We need to sleep. 

After we woke up around 12 noon and we head straight to M oppa's house. When we arrived there he isnt home. We being greeted by his mother.

Mom: ahhh Hayoungie, Eunji, Chorongie and Syl come in.

We talked to her mother about the problem. Good thing shes one understanding mother. 

Mom: dont worry, he will love you back and take you as his wife. Dont worry Hayoungie. You will soon be one of this family.

Hayoung: thanks auntie....

Mom: dont call me auntie,call me mom or eomonim. M he will be back around 8pm. So you want to wait or enjoy your time in Malaysia.

Hayoung: Ill wait. Eonnie go on have fun. Its rare to get to come here.

Chorong: ill wait with you. 

Eunji: okay eonnie. Anything ill be at Syl's house. Just give me a call if sonething bad happened.

Eunji eonnie and Syl goes off. Ill wait for M oppa doesnt matter if its midnight or next morning,ill wait. While waiting for M oppa we got to do some cultural Malaysian housewife would do. We even learn some tradisional Malaysian dishes. As the evening comes we prepare for dinner. We ate dinner but M oppa still havent come back. We finish our dinner and i wait for him at the lawn garden. I saw a shooting star and i make a wish " hope M oppa will make me his first and last ". 

Soon after M oppa arrived.



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Nice fic I like it ^_^