
Grab The Dream

Finally i had done my exams. This just not the end of exam also the ending of my school days. My parents decided to give me presents since the exam ends on my birthday that is on December. 

Dad: Hey so i got something for you.

M: what is it dad?

Dad: we one decided to give you ticket going to korea.

M: what seriously?

Dad: yeah but youre not going alone. Bring one friend to accompony you.

M: really. Thanks dad.

Dad: the one that will accompony you are Syl since he is your bestfried.

M: okay dad.

Dad: you will stay there for 2 weeks. You will be going there this friday.

I really greatful with this. Im so happy.

M: ( while holding the ring )ill be there this friday.


Finally the day that ive been waiting comes. We take flight at 10am and will arrived there at 4pm.

Mom: take care son. Have fun,i know you really want to go korea.

M: yeah mom.

Dad: i have book a hotel for 2 weeks there. The adress ive already whatssapp to you. Have fun son.

We take off just like that. I felt sad because this the first ive been far from my family.

Syl: dont cry hyung. We will be going to apink's country. Before its their visit now our visit.

M: yeah. I need to take a nap since the trip is long.

We arrived there on time at 4pm. I check again the adress that dad had given to me. I use my ability to talk in korean and take a taxi. Soon after we check in to our room and sleep. That night.

Syl: what did you decide to do tomorrow. Since tomorrow is saturday.

M: i dont know.

While surfing the internet i saw that apink have share a poster about an audition for rappers and it is being held tomorrow.

M: i wanna go this tomorrow.

Syl: thats a good idea. Isnt it a-cube company.

M: yeah.

Syl: goodluck hyung.

Im so nervous for tomorrow. I chose the farewell song that i do at the graduation ceremony. I wrote it by myself. I need to sleep.


Its been a year. I miss him alot. I still wear the ring and hug the teddy bear that he give me. Hope to see him soon here.





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Nice fic I like it ^_^