Singapore Concert

Grab The Dream

Ahhh finally were here after 6 long hour of flight from korea. Now i know how the noonas feel when they come to Malaysia before. I feel so tired i might pass out. The vehicle arrived and we goes straight away to our hotel. The fans was so crazy. We went out first since were the youngest. There were alot of fans chanting our name. Well our fans was not alot but it does make us happy and i saw apink's fan. 2 years gone we were fans but now were the artist. Its one successful dream.

In the car

Eclipse: hyung the fans was so crazy.

M: yeah i cant believe that we have fans now.

Eclipse: those years us as a fan has gone.

M: yeah i miss all those moments.

Eclipse: im tired. How could joonhyung hyung handle this. After got to his room he need to go and check upon the concert venue.

M: yeah pity him. We should listen to him. I dont want to burden him plus we need to do the best and make this a successful concert.

We got to our room and we got a message from joonhyung.

From rapper hyung

M and eclipse. You guys could rest for about an hour. After an hour the cars will pick you up and went to the concert venue. Thats it have a good rest boys.

Ok so we got an hour of rest. We straight away head to bed and sleep.

After nearly an hour my alarm rang loudly and it wake us both. 

Eclipse: hyung cant we sleep somemore? Im too tired.

M: dude its our time to practice okay now get up sleepy head.

Eclipse: okay...okay.

We wash up and head down to the lobby where our vehicles are waiting. I miss all my moments with my family have a trip here as we pass the singapore zoo. 

Eclipse: hyung...ya okay?

M: uh...yeah...i...just get chocked up with memories here with my family.

Eclipse: its okay hyung tomorrow night we will meet them and we could party there.

M: yeah speak of it i didnt tell them yet.

I get my phones and call my parents.

Mom: son!!!!WE miss you so much!!!! Its hard for you to call like this normally you would just whatsapp us or send a simple message. Is everything ok?

M: mom i miss ya too...everything is okay mom. Im having a great time here. Mom ive got big news.

Mom: what is it son tell me?

M: tomorrow afternoon we will continue our asia tour at.....

Mom: where?

M: im coming home!!!!

Mom: youre coming to Malaysia!!!!????

M: yeah mom....and tomorrow night i might sleep at the house. I miss all of them niece and i cant wait to meet the new baby!!! She's so cute.

Mom: okay son see you soon. Dont get hurt,behave okay. Do well on your concert today.

M: alright mom thanks. I need to go. Bye mom.

Mom: bye son.

I cant imagine how happy my parents are. I hope i could bring them to the concert night at Malaysia. I need to ask joonhyung about it. Soon after we arrived. We head backstage where joinhyung are waiting.

M&E: hi hyung.

Joonhyung: finally you here. What makes ya so long?

M: this sleepyhead doesnt want to budge from the bed..

Joonhyung: okay now listen.

We listen to a simple order by joonhyung and its all about how he wants the concert goes tonight.

Joonhyung: got it boys.

M&E: yes sir!

M: hyung about the other concert at Malaysia?

Joonhyung: yeah

M: can i have two extra tix for my parents. Please hyung....?

Joonhyung: i will try to get it for you.

M: thanks hyung.

Joonhyung: now go for your rehersal.

I goes straight for the rehersal.

The concert night.

I was praying that tonight concert going to be sucessful. Its 20 minutes before the concert starts. First performance will be dance group consisting of gikwang,yoseob,sungjae,minhyuk,hyunseung and me myself.

We dance and after we had done its time for my partner dj Eclipse to entertain and lift up the mood. I rush to the changing room as our song thats with our girls wont be that long from now. Next it will be Beast sunbaenim performance time. After them it would be us. Eclipse was so rushing as he get to the changing room.

Eclipse: i wont put this mask first i need air....air...

M: lol relax man.

Eclipse: its easy for you to say. Hyung you only wear glasess.

M: okay relax okay. Here take the fan and sit at my chair here.

Beast sunbaenim already done their performance its our turn next. As they saw us the fans goes crazy. We perform sucessfully. That night was so great. 

We got back to the hotel and there were still aome fans waiting for us at the hotel lobby. I told them take care. Now its time to sleep. Tomorrow will be my homecoming yeah!!!.






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Nice fic I like it ^_^