YAY a update today....lets just ignore the chappie titlle since i just playing around lol...

lets enjoy neh~~~


The Kims Mansion

“Jongie…are you agree dear?” Mrs Kim ask her son since Jaejoong keep silence about it.

Kim Jejoong,the only son of Kim family. 25 years old,working with his father at Kim company one of big group in Korean just like The Jung but not as much The jung.

The big doe eye just blink and bit he lips and nod he head as the answer.. the tint blush crept on he cheek when he saw he mom smile brightly at his answer.

“Oh my dear…im sure you will be like Yunho. He really a great man and umma sure he can take care of you and will love you. Umma really like him but who not right…ahhahah” he mom rumblely in delight.

“Im going to tell Mrs Jung about this…cant wait for your wedding..” Mrs Kim already walk away to call Mrs jung so they can plan they son to meet and spend time together until wedding..

Jaejoong still sit at he bed watching he umma out from he room in happiness… He also feel happy and glad that he soon to be husband not any stranger but he crush since the man save him that night, Jaejoong already fall in love with Yunho but after that night they not cross each other anymore. That make he think that Yunho do not know about him since Jaejoong not a social person since he a bit shy.

Jaejoong POV

Its been two month already I wonder if he still remember me or forgot about me?


let me go…please..”

“hahahha that’s not going to happen…cutie like you should not leave alone. Hahahah”

“Help! Someone please help me!” jaejoong just cry not know how to fight not that he not trying it but blame it because of he small body just like girl and there three guy that hold him, he can not do nothing just hope someone will hear him.

“Hey! Want you try do to that guy?” Jaejoong hear someone asking the bad guy. He pray been hear…he hope.

“Its not your business so get lost!!” one of the guy shout at the savior.

“No…please help me..” cry Jaejoong begging that man to help him.

“Yah! What you waiting for finish him…stupid guy want to become hero huh..”

Jaejoong close he eyes when he got thrown aside by he catcher.. He did not dare to open he eyes, afraid the outcome of the fight.


“No…no…please don’t…”

“Hey..its okay now.. you save now” Jajejoong hear the soft voice not the same harsh voice of he captured.

Jaejoong open he eyes, he doe eye widend when he saw the three bad guy is laying on the floor…unconscious. He felt relieve and look up to look at he savior…He eye meet the almond eye and the most handsome man he ever see.

*thump* he heart beating so fast until he afraid it will hear by the man infront him.

“hey..are you okay.. let me look.. omo you hurt lets get you to doctor first ok,then I will send you home or…umph”

Jaejoong just blink and blink not say anything…he just do not know want to say at time like this. He hug the man and cry..cry he heart out,he really afraid soo afraid when the stranger touch him but he felt safe when he hug he savior… he just felt warm and protected.

End flashback

I wonder if he agree with this marriage or been force? I really hope he will accept me willingly

End Jaejoong POV

Jaejoong sleep with restless that night since he not sure if Yunho will accept it or not… eventhough he happy that he will got married with Yunho but not necessarily same with Yunho right??

The Park Mansion..

“No way!!! Im not going to agree with this stupid marriage!!!”  the young among three of people in living room shout out loud.

“Park Yoochun!! You dare to shout at us huh? Your parents?” Mr Park shout at he son.

Park Yoochun, heir of Park group. The player,but serious only if related with work. Always changing partner every week not like serious relationship and not like if someone try to mess with he life just like now..

“Look appa…you know im not gonna accept it, it my life. Should I decide it myself?” Yoochun try to argue with he parent. He principe is easy ‘my life,my choice’ so should they let they son choose they own spouse.

“Look..honey, we promise already… so we gonna keep this promise. The Jung help us when we started this business and since they really like you then we make a promise that you gonna married they son, The Jung” Mrs Park try to explain so her son not argue with he appa.

“Then why Junsu?? He not even a Jung. He jus adopted..right?” Yoochun try to get away with this married since Junsu just adopted son of Jung family.

“Oh…so you will agree if you married Yunho since he the jung right?” Mrs Park try to lure her son to agree.

“Ewwwww.. I rather married that Junsu kid than that arrogant  Jung. Not in my life even in my after life” Yoochun shiver at the thought married with Yunho as the man is he rival in business since everyone like that Jung Yunho.

“Oh! Then you agree married Junsu? I know you will agree…just a second I want to tell Mrs jung about this. Can not wait to tell her..” Mrs Park jump happily hearing her son word.

“Wh..what? how is this turn like this…Umma did you…umma!” Yoochun shout but  Mrs park already walk away to call Mrs Jung telling their son wedding is soooo gonna happen. Yoochun just palm he face at he idiot,stupid mouth.

“Great just great…how I lost to that crazy old woman??” Yoochun mutter himself but sadly got hear but Mr Park

*smack* “Yah! That’s my wife you talking about!”

“Well that my umma too…gee can not belie…” yoochun cant even finish he word when Mr Park glare dangerously at him..

“Whatever….do not let me hear you finish your word Yoochun or you soo going to regret it.” Mr Park warn he son.

“Aish! Arasso…arasso.. Cant believe I lost to umma. Satisfied APPA?” Yoochun ask sarcastic..

“Oh, of course I satisfied with it chunnie since you agree to married Junsu….hahaahha. oh and I also wonder how you fall in your umma trap, poor you..hahhahha” Mr Park mock Yoochun as he walk away.

“On second thought since when you win over MY WIFE…hahahhha” Yeah MR Park just like to mock and torture he son.

“Well that’s MY UMMA!!!” shout Yoochun at Mr Park retreat back.

‘Aish! Cant believe I will got engage with that Junsu kid. The stupid and idiot one I ever meet’ Yoochun grumble not satisfied that he got trap with this stupid arrange married.

‘Thank God we only got engage for now and the marriage is next year,so I got a time to think a plan to cancel this stupid marriage. Plenty of time’

Yoochun still with he so not satisfied with the marriage and planning to do everything he can to broke their engagement later on..

But…we still not know what will happen in future right. We just a planner but fate had it own plan for us….


no comment no update                                        

kidding XDXDXDXD will update tommorow or next week kkkkk

lets just wait and see, till then minna san~~

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Nainaap #1
Chapter 31: When I want to read a light hearted and cute story, I'll always come to this
nacchanthecloud #2
Chapter 31: This is sooo romantic ❤❤
finn96 #3
Chapter 31: Love the storyline~~~~ it's a good one!! I really like yoosu couple hope u can write more bout them :)
sisca23 #4
Chapter 31: finally,the end too xixixixi...junsu's so lucky man hehe..maybe his past wasn't good but in this present he have the best family who always be his side..always protect his..always love his just the way he are..and he have yuchun who love his so much hahaha...and i love your poem hehe...thx because you finished this story hehe..and i will wait your next stories..
tsubakisworld #5
Chapter 31: Oh my god Sun this was so sweet T___T I'm so happy for Yoosu But really sad that its the end already ToT I really loved this Story author nim thank you for your Hard work ^^~
sisca23 #6
Chapter 30: keep fighting,authornim!!! and dont forget to continue playboy love too xixixi...junsu,you're so loved xixixi..and you must be joyfull and dont be sick again hehe...
tsubakisworld #7
Chapter 30: Oh god you really scared me I thought it really is the last chapter xD But I really dont want this Story to end T_T I love it so much its really awesome and you did a really great Job author nim T^T anyway cant wait for the next chapter author nim hope you will be able to update soon ^^~
tsubakisworld #8
Author niiiiim Where Are you T_T? I really miss this Story you cant just leave Like this T^T pwwweeeaaas update super soon T~T
sisca23 #9
Chapter 29: i want happy ending!!!!and please,update soon hehe..
giggley #10
Chapter 29: Please be a happy ending!! ^^