happy reading~~


“Su ah…I'm sorry okay, today I need to go to office..” Yoochun said dejectedly since he don’t want to leave Junsu and he want to take care of Junsu himself..

“Aish…I don’t even graduate yet but appa want me in office already…” Yoochun complain. Junsu became sad hearing that and Yoochun of course notice it, he smile saw Junsu sad face.

“But don’t worry because I found someone that can accompany you till I come back…just a minute neh..” Yoochun said before going to his room he stay right now since he don’t want to make Junsu uncomfortable with him if they share a room like always…for him Junsu is more important.

“Tada….” Yoochun said showing a cute middle size bunny plushie.

“I bought it for you so he can accompany you when I'm not here….you like it?” Yoochun giving the plushie to Junsu that accept it with smile and automaticly Yoochun smile too.

“You like it…” Yoochun ask the happy Junsu that hugging the plushie. Junsu just nodded and hugging it tightly, smiling brightly. Yoochun thought at least Junsu start open up to him again. Its not like Junsu not talking at all, its just he not talk much lately just saying some short word but only with Jaejoong, Yunho and Changmin and not Yoochun but yoochun not feel sad anymore seeing the smile in Junsu lips made him think how much he miss that smile and swear to himself that he gonna made Junsu smile more…


“Jae hyung can I going out today?” Junsu ask Jaejoong that preparing lunch for them. Jaejoong look surprise a bit.

“Out? Where to? You not fully recovery yet Junsu ah….”

“I just…please hyung, just for a while. I really need to meet this person..”


“Please hyung…” Junsu plead. Jaejoong sigh and nodded giving him permission.

“But you need to bring Gary hyung with you okay…”

“Umm…arraso, gomawo hyung..” Junsu hug Jaejoong before going to his room to change his cloth. Jaejoong texting Yunho to tell him about it or Yunho will get angry later on.

Later that afternoon Yunho and Yoochun got back asking about Junsu…

“I don’t really know but Junsu say he need to meet someone and its really important so I agree….but Gary hyung with him so don’t worry neh…” Jaejoong explain to Yunho and the worried Yoochun.

“But still I'm worry…Junsu not even healthy yet…and we don’t even know who he meet…” Yoochun say in dead worried and the same time Yunho got message from Gary that give information about they location.

“Grave? Why Junsu meet someone at graveyard….”Yunho said in puzzled. Yoochu that snatch the phone and immediately walk to his car and drive to the location but Yunho following him after bid a goodbye to Jaejoong.


“Junsu ah…are you sure you gonna meet that person here?” Gary ask but Junsu not listen to it and keep looking around.

“Sorry I'm late…I need to buy a flower first…” Someone greet Gary and Junsu. Gary immediately went infront Junsu protecting him from the stranger.

“Gary hyung…its okay. Anyeong Gwi hyung..” Junsu greet the man politely.

“Shall we?” Gwi said before walking to a certain grave. At the same time Yunho and Yoochun arrive…seriously Yoochun driving skill is the best, Yunho thought getting dizzy…

“Yah!! Let's observe first..” Yunho said to impatient Yoochun and drag Yoochun to the nearest bush….hiding behind it and observe Junsu with the stranger. Yoochun not leave with any choice just stay with Yunho to observe his lover beside Gary is there with these two.

“Its been a while right…” Gwi say putting the flower on the thomb that have Kim Junho name on it. Junsu touch the thomb and cry feeling guilty.

“Don’t be…its not yours fault..” Gwi said, understand Junsu feeling.

“I'm sorry….its…I'm…sorry..” Junsu said in sadness. He don’t want to cry but he cant help it since this is the first time he visit his hyung, Kim Junho grave since he don’t know where it is before…

“It should be me that apologise to you… I shouldn’t leave you after saying such awful thing to you…miah Junnie ah..” Gwi say sitting beside Junsu infront of Junho grave.

“Hyung not angry with me anymore?” Junsu ask in tears.

Gwi shook his head and smile to the broken Junsu. “ not, its my fault actually. I'm shouldn’t shout at you like that, did I scare you that time?”

“Ummm…but I'm not scare anymore..” Junsu said smiling to Gwi still in tears making Gwi smile at cute Junsu.


“How I found you?” Junsu nodding at that and waiting for Gwi answer.

“it when the anniversary of you adopted parents…its all over the news and there I saw you…but I'm not sure at first so I ask my friend to investigate first and then I'm sure its really you when I saw that woman slap you that time….” Gwi said feeling angry when he rember seeing Junsu get a slap by Minseo that time.

“Oh…Umma..ah no.. its ajuhma.” Junsu said staring at Junho grave.

Yoochun and yunho frown, they have same thought so Junsu meet with his step mother so that’s why Junsu became sick and isolate himself.

“How are you?” Gwi ask started conversation with Junsu.

“I'm…good, too good actually… umma, appa, hyungie and Minnie treat me like they own family…” Junsu said happily to Gwi sharing all the story with Gwi infront of his hyung, Junho grave.

“How about your fiancé? I read it before on newspaper that its say you and Park Yoochun is engage, so…did he treat you well?” Gwi ask in his hyung mode.

“Chuniiee…he nice…really nice to me and he say that he love me. I feel lucky to have him as my fiancé…” Junsu say remembering the time he with yoochun and smile sadly and Gwi saw it.

Yoochun that hear Junsu word feel happy and sad at the same time because he can feel there something wrong in Junsu word.

“If he so perfect just like you say then why are you sad?” Gwi ask and Yoochun also wait impatiently.

“Its…ajjuhmma doesn’t like it….she say that I'm did’t deserve Chunnie…” Junsu say staring at his hyung picture on the thomb.

“Why? I mean why you need to follow her word? You should remember that she not your umma..” Gwi said firmly so Junsu can understand it that he don’t need to worry about her anymore since he got he own family anymore.

“Its not that…its just I feel that too…” Junsu said getting a supprise gasp from Yoochun since he don’t know that Junsu will feel like that.

“I'm always seeing him with other girls and honestly I think that I really not suit enough for him and sometimes I wonder….when he gonna leave me…” Junsu said crying a bit and making Yoochun sad and angry. Yoochun want to go and comfort his lover but been held by Yunho since he want to know about this ‘ajjuhmma’ and what the conection with Yoochun.

“ don’t love him?” Gwi ask want to test Junsu but Yoochun that hearing the question froze thinking that Junsu not love him like he does.

“I love him!! I love him so much….that I think if he leave me then i…I don’t want to live anymore….” Junsu said not hesitant at all making Yoochunsmile hearing that.

“I can take it if hyungie don’t want me anymore but I don’t think I can take it if Chunnie leave me….im a bad boy right… I want Chunnie for myself…” Junsu said in tears.

“Yes you are bad bod…” Gwi said getting surprise from Junsu and both Yunho and Yoochun.

“You are bad bod when you think about other people more than yourself. You know sometime Junho want to send you to orpahange because he cant bear to see you be beat up almost everyday by his umma but you always smile brightly to him saying its okay cause he there with you… that’s make him more determine to protect you and will always make you smile because he really hate seeing you in sadness and always cry..” Gwi said remembering Junho, his other half.

Junsu smile, trail his finger on Junho grave. “Chunnie say the same thing too….that he really hate it when I cry or sad, he say that he love to see me smiling always…” Junsu word make Gwi smile seeing the most sincere smile on Junsu lips and Junsu look so radiant when talking about his family and especially about his fiancé, Park Yoochun.

“Then…you should be grateful that he love you right… why you need to think about that woman? She got nothing to do with you, she not even your real mother..she just your step mother Junnie ah…will you listen to me and follow your heart or the Jung not you family…”

“No!! they are my family…they are the only family I got…” Junsu said quickly, shaking his head in protest what Gwi saying.

“Then…you should think about them more than that ajjuhmma right..” Gwi said getting a nodded from Junsu.

“And if you think you cant do it then here…I bring it back to you..” Gwi say getting out the locket necklace from his pocket showing it to Junsu.

“Hyung…i..thank you…” Junsu said hugging the older man since that necklace have Junho and his dad picture in it and they add Gwi picture on the other half of the love locket.

“Remember that we always with you…giving strength when you feel weak and now you got something more worth with you….your family…your own family…” Gwi said put in the necklace on Junsu neck.

Junsu smile playing with the necklace on his neck.

“Did you told them about your past?” Gwi said ruffled Junsu hair.

“Not yet…if before I cant since I cant remember all what happen but now after meet ajjuhma I'm…can remember not all of it just a few event…” Junsu said lowering his head.

“Its up to you to told them or not….but let's just forget about the past and treasure the present more…”

“Thank you hyung…I want to introduce you to my family and Chunnie too…” Junsu said happily and get up from the grass and need to leave since it late already.

“I cant wait to meet them too…live for you not for other arraso…” Gwi said for the last time before they part away.

Gwi stare at Junho grave for the last time before saying something…
“If before I feel regret leave him that time but now I'm glad since he meet he own family and I know you will always watching over him right…love..”

“I'm sorry to disturb you…but we need to talk” Yunho said showing himself and Yoochun.

“Jung Yunho shii and Park Yoochun shii…nice meet you” Gwi said camly to the man, he didn’t think that they will meet this soon.

“Can we ask about Junsu? we want to know?” Yunho said straight forward since he really want to know about this ajjuhman and why she not like Junsu with Yoochun.

“I'm sorry…that’s I cant tell, its not my story to tell…its Junsu. you should ask him first and if he don’t want to then I will, I give my promise…” Gwi said since it should be told by Junsu not him.

“Fine….i also like to hear from Junsu himself…then let's meet again some other time, this is my card..” Yoochun said giving Gwi his card name and getting Gwi card name.

“Let's meet in better place soon…bye..” Gwi said leave these two at Junho grave. Yunho stare at Junho grave still thinking.

“Let's head home and ask Junsu…” Yoochun said head off to the car already and Yunho follow since it better if they ask Junsu himself.


“Where Junsu?” Yoochun ask the first thing when he arrive at Yunho mansion.

“He still not home…” Jaejoong answer truthlly.

“What? But the car at garage already and Gary hyung arrive already right..” Yunho said in confuse.

“Yunho…I'm sorry Junsu said he want to go somewhere else so I drop him at bus station. I want to send him but he say that Yoochun shi will know where he is…” Gary said report to both Yunho and Yoochun.

“I will know it??” Yoochun mumble before his eye widen getting the meaning right away.

“I will be back soon with Junsu!!!” Yoochun rush to his car.

“Yah where to!!” Yunho shout at the rush Yoochun

“To our secret place!!” Yoochun shout back before drive away to they secret place.

“Baby…wait for me neh….”


I'm soooooo sorry if it not sooooooooo intereting and not so much Yoosu but will make up in next update..

Don’t forget to leave some comment neh~~

Till the minna san^^

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Nainaap #1
Chapter 31: When I want to read a light hearted and cute story, I'll always come to this
nacchanthecloud #2
Chapter 31: This is sooo romantic ❤❤
finn96 #3
Chapter 31: Love the storyline~~~~ it's a good one!! I really like yoosu couple hope u can write more bout them :)
sisca23 #4
Chapter 31: finally,the end too xixixixi...junsu's so lucky man hehe..maybe his past wasn't good but in this present he have the best family who always be his side..always protect his..always love his just the way he are..and he have yuchun who love his so much hahaha...and i love your poem hehe...thx because you finished this story hehe..and i will wait your next stories..
tsubakisworld #5
Chapter 31: Oh my god Sun this was so sweet T___T I'm so happy for Yoosu But really sad that its the end already ToT I really loved this Story author nim thank you for your Hard work ^^~
sisca23 #6
Chapter 30: keep fighting,authornim!!! and dont forget to continue playboy love too xixixi...junsu,you're so loved xixixi..and you must be joyfull and dont be sick again hehe...
tsubakisworld #7
Chapter 30: Oh god you really scared me I thought it really is the last chapter xD But I really dont want this Story to end T_T I love it so much its really awesome and you did a really great Job author nim T^T anyway cant wait for the next chapter author nim hope you will be able to update soon ^^~
tsubakisworld #8
Author niiiiim Where Are you T_T? I really miss this Story you cant just leave Like this T^T pwwweeeaaas update super soon T~T
sisca23 #9
Chapter 29: i want happy ending!!!!and please,update soon hehe..
giggley #10
Chapter 29: Please be a happy ending!! ^^