ermmm.... happy reading~~


“Su..i will pick you up later okay…” Yoochun say dropping Junsu in the morning after spend a night together at they secret place as Yoochun call it.

“Yah….Park where you bring my dongsaeng last night huh?” Yunho ask when he saw Yoochun infront his door.

“It’s a secret right Su..” Yoochun said wink at Junsu.

“Ummm…” Junsu nodded smilling at his hyung.

“ going first…see you later love…”


“Chunniee~~ I'm going to Teukie hyung neh…” Junsu said after meet up with Yoochun at they usual place.

“arrasso…I will fetch you later okay. Did you call driver hyung already?” Yoochun ask. Junsu nodded while pack his thing.

“I'm going to wait driver hyung at the gate neh…bye bye Chunniee…” Junsu said waving at Yoochun but of course Yoochun got another way to say good bye. Yoochun pull Junsu by his waist close to him before kiss his lips making Junsu blush.

“Chunniee….” Junsu protest in shyness.

“What..i just kiss my fiancé…”

“Pabo..” Junsu quickly walk away hiding his blush not that Yoochun not seeing it already.


“Kim Junsu…” Junsu stop in his track hearing his name been call but frown when he realize it’s the wrong surname. Junsu turn back to look who call his name wrongly but got surprise when he saw the person that he really not wanting to meet again after all this years is infront of him again making his trembling in fear and many thought come in his mind and mostly not a good one.

“It’s a right name…so you should not frown like that right…” the woman say.

“um-umma..” Junsu stammer.

“How many time I told you not to call me umma huh!! My son die already or you forget already?? You was there that time…” Minseo say angrily remembering his dead son.

“ are Yoochun fiancé huh??” Minseo say walking toward Junsu in arrogant manners.

“Because of you Yoochun and my daughter break up…all because of you…” Minseo said pushing Junsu a bit.


“Oh you don’t know?? Jessica my daughter and Yoochun is lover but because of you they need to break up.. all because of you. That’s why since before why you still alive huh…the only thing you know is to made my life more suffer after my son really are useless Kim Junsu!!” Minseo said hurting Junsu with her word.

“I…I'm so-sorry umma..” Junsu say but receive a slap from his step mother instead.

“How many time I say I'm not your umma huh!!.. forget it I know that you too stupid. I come here just to warn you to leave Yoochun. Jessica and Yoochun is a happy couple but because of you everthing is ruined…so I want you to leave Yoochun so they can get back together arraso!!..” Minseo said before leave Junsu.

Junsu touch his cheek feel more pain in his chest more than on his cheek.

‘Chunniee and Jessica shii??’ Junsu thought getting sad at the thought Yoochun love someonelse before. He feel insecure since he know Yoochun is straight since he already been with woman all the time before they got together. Junsu just continue walking to Leeteuk café but not before he wipe his tears not wanting to worry the others with his problem.


“Su!! Sorry I'm late baby..” Yoochun say hug his fiancé as soon he arrive.

“Its okay Chunniee…I have fun helping Teukie hyung..” Junsu said happily and flash a bright smile at Yoochun but still its not the smile that Yoochun love to see because theres no true happiness in Junsu eye.

“Su..something happen baby?” Yoochun ask in worry. Junsu act confuse with Yoochun word just shook his head afraid if he speak Yoochun will know something indeed happen today.

“Well..if you say so, should we go now love…” Yoochun smile not wanting to push Junsu more. If Junsu want to tell then he will listen until then he will wait for Junsu himself to tell him.

“ know you can tell me anything right…” Yoochun said when they in car heading home.

“I know…but can I tell later…” Junsu said since he know he cant lie to Yoochun.

“Of course love….anytime, you can tell me anytime..” Yoochun said grab Junsu hand and kiss it lightly.


After some encounter with Minseo, Junsu cant sleep and always wake up in the middle of night after having nightmare about his past. Junsu never tell anyone about it not because he don’t want to but he cant since he not really remember all of that clearly but after meet his step mother everything come back clearly that he wish he can just forget it especially when he umma beat him, cage him and….sold him, he really want to forget it all and the most is when his hyung die infront of him.

Junsu in deep thinking that he not notice a car coming toward him…fast that he don’t have time to react and the next thing he know is he hear someone shout before he faint.

Yoochun quickly running into the hospital after got call from Suk Jin about Junsu got into accident and been brought to his hospital.

“Jung Junsu please…” Yoochun ask the receptionist.

“He in treatment room with Suk Jin shii..”

“Thank you…” Yoochun immediately say and run again to the say room.

“Su!!” Yoochun open up the door to be greet by Junsu sleeping figure.

“Hyung..what happen?” Yoochun ask Suk Jin that still in the room examine Junsu.

“Ah..dont worry he just faint because of surprise….nothing serious” Suk Jin say confort the worried Yoochun. Yoochun just nodded and went beside Junsu and took his hand.

“I'm so worry when I got your call…” Yoochun admit.

“Don’t be…just make sure he rest for the rest of the day..neh. I'm going neh Chun, he can be discharge as soon he wake up okay…” Suk Jin said getting  a nodded from Yoochun.


“Chunniee…are you mad at me?” Junsu ask in cautions since Yoochun not say anything when they leave the hospital and head home. Yoochun still in silent and concentrate in driving and ignoring Junsu. he actually feel really worried and angry with Junsu since Junsu say he will go with driver but the truth is Junsu is walking to Leeteuk café. Junsu lied to him. Yoochun notice that lately Junsu not been honest with him, always thinking about something and sad most of the time. He also notice Junsu not sleep well nowday if you notice the slight black bang under his eye. Yoochun want to ease Junsu problem but he cant if Junsu be secretive with him.

Junsu bite his lips feeling like crying when yoochun clearly ignore him.

“Junsu ah…are you okay? I'm sorry worry when I got Yoochun call.” Yunho said hugging Junsu as soon he and Yoochun arrive.

“Suk Jin hyung said Junsu okay, he just need to get some rest…he just shocked that’s all..” Yoochun said.

“Then let's get you some rest neh…come” Jaejoong said, dragging Junsu to his bedroom to rest. Yoochun just watch before excuse himself, he need to calm himself first or he gonna get angry with Junsu and that’s the last thing he wanted.


“Where Chunnie?” Junsu ask Yunho that enter his room alone without Yoochun.

“He say he got something to do…he will come later okay..” Yunho explain softly scared Junsu will get sad. Truly Junsu know that Yoochun will leave him….since today the reason why he not pay any attention when crossing is because he saw that Jessica kiss Yoochun cheek and that make him more insecure that ever….

He been thinking that Jessica have everything that he don’t have…she is pretty, clever of course and…a girl, since Yoochun is straight before so its no wonder if Yoochun choose Jessica that him. That’s why Junsu just thought that he should just leave Yoochun and let Yoochun been with Jessica since Yoochun look happy with her. Junsu want to be a good boy for his umma like he hyung told him to.

So, he been avoiding Yoochun as much as he can. Junsu always giving many excuse when Yoochun call him or want to meet him. At first he thought that Yoochun love him since Yoochun calling him asking about him and all but everytime Junsu went to find Yoochun at college, he will always with Jessica and it make Junsu feel more insecure…again.

Eveynight he cry thinking that he and yoochun wont be together and he always got nightmare, woke up in the middle of night, dreaming about his hyung and his childhood past…bad and good.


Sorry if it too short….im been hospitalizes lol so cant write more than this, sorry neh~~

Promise to write more next chappie neh…

And short preview nex chappie..

“Su…baby I'm sorry…”

“I hate you!!! I hate Chunniee!!”

Till then minna san^^ and I'm sorry if the update gonna be late…mian

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Nainaap #1
Chapter 31: When I want to read a light hearted and cute story, I'll always come to this
nacchanthecloud #2
Chapter 31: This is sooo romantic ❤❤
finn96 #3
Chapter 31: Love the storyline~~~~ it's a good one!! I really like yoosu couple hope u can write more bout them :)
sisca23 #4
Chapter 31: finally,the end too xixixixi...junsu's so lucky man hehe..maybe his past wasn't good but in this present he have the best family who always be his side..always protect his..always love his just the way he are..and he have yuchun who love his so much hahaha...and i love your poem hehe...thx because you finished this story hehe..and i will wait your next stories..
tsubakisworld #5
Chapter 31: Oh my god Sun this was so sweet T___T I'm so happy for Yoosu But really sad that its the end already ToT I really loved this Story author nim thank you for your Hard work ^^~
sisca23 #6
Chapter 30: keep fighting,authornim!!! and dont forget to continue playboy love too xixixi...junsu,you're so loved xixixi..and you must be joyfull and dont be sick again hehe...
tsubakisworld #7
Chapter 30: Oh god you really scared me I thought it really is the last chapter xD But I really dont want this Story to end T_T I love it so much its really awesome and you did a really great Job author nim T^T anyway cant wait for the next chapter author nim hope you will be able to update soon ^^~
tsubakisworld #8
Author niiiiim Where Are you T_T? I really miss this Story you cant just leave Like this T^T pwwweeeaaas update super soon T~T
sisca23 #9
Chapter 29: i want happy ending!!!!and please,update soon hehe..
giggley #10
Chapter 29: Please be a happy ending!! ^^