sankyu~~ for all the comment i receive until the lasted chappie...arigato neh~~ and sorry for all grammar mistake and typo neh...

happy reading my beloved reader kkkkk


Junsu wake up to the sound of the waves hitting the shore smiling happily he looks at still sleeping Yoochun.

“Chuniiee~~~ wake up~~~ you say want to accompany me to play today…Chuniie~~” Junsu shook Yoochun body in attempt to wake the man.

“Su..its still early..lets sleep a bit more neh..” Yoochun said, pulling Junsu into his arm hugging him to sleep more. Junsu pouting but still snuggled closer to Yoochun, sleep some more.

“Why I must listen to you huh?” Yoochun ask Changmin crossing his hand against his chest, glaring at Changmin.

“Oh come on, its fun don’t you think?” Changmin trying to convince Yoochun and Yunho to follow his suggest.

“I don’t mind since I know that I'm stronger than that Park..” Yunho said confidently.

“Excuse you…did you think you only the man here huh! Fine let's do this..” Yoochun agree nonetheless since he want to prove that he better than Jung Yunho.

Well, here the thing is…after breakfast they went to Seongsan Sunrise Peak. Seongsan is a volcano creater former over 5000 years ago. There was a rather lenghty steep set of stair that took you up the side of the creater to the top. The sign on the bottom said it was a 30 minute hike up so Changmin coming up with fun games for him of course which is Yoochun and Yunho will carried Junsu and Jaejong on their back and climb up the stair to see who can finish it till the end. Of course Yunho confindently say he will finish it without sweat and Yoochun wont backed down easily agree to Changmin challenge.

Leeteuk just watch Changmin smirking at the fool Yunho and Yoochun that fall in his trap. For Changmin, he just wanted to have fun and play around so what more interesting to see he hyung suffer right. (insert Changmin evil laugh)

“Chunnie…can you do it?” Junsu ask worried about his fiancé.

“Of course I can.. don’t you trust me hrmmm..” Yoochun ask, pinching Junsu nose lightly. Junsu just nodded and went behind Yoochun to climb on Yoochun back since Changmin urge him to do so but before he can do that Yoochun grab him, carried him bridal stlye.

“If I need to carried you, I'm rather carried you like this so I can see your face. it motivated me more don’t you think…hmmm.” Yoochun said charmingly at the bashful Junsu. Changmin just rolled his eye before take a look at Yunho also carried Jaejoong bridal style not waiting to lose to Yoochun.

“Okay let's started!!” Changmin announced, lead the way to the top.

“Yah Heechul let's go already…oh are you calling Hangkyung shii?” Leeteuk ask as he saw Heechul on the phone. Heechul just nodded and motioned Leeteuk to go first.

“Ermm…can I talk to Hangkyung shi?”

“Speaking. Who this?” Hangkyung answer coldly.

“Ermm..i..im Heechul, Yunho friend. You help me other day..” Heechul said nervously not knowing why.

“Ahh~~ Heechul shii… I'm been waiting your call.” Hangkyung said truthly.

“Ermm…well I want to say thank you for helping me before..”

“And…” Hangkyung ask, teasing.

“And..nothing. I just only want to say that ..” Heechul said annoy a bit.

“You owe me some lunch date don’t you think Heechul ah…” Hangkyung whisper ily. Heechul breath hitched.

“I'm..no-not remember it..beside I'm in Jeju so let's just forget about it..okay” Heechul stutter a bit.

“Nope…but it seem it my lucky day right since I'm also at Jeju, should we have lunch later.”

“Ah…I got to so bye.” Heechul hang up panicky and hurriedly to follow Leeteuk and the other climb up the stair.

“Did I'm that handsome that’s why you keep staring at me..” Yoochun ask teasingly since Junsu keep stare at him.

“I'm not..” Junsu bite his bottom lip a bit.

“So I'm not handsome.”

“Ehhh…no!! you are handsome…really..” Junsu hurriedly said then he regret it when Yoochun smirking at him.

“So you do stare at me because I'm handsome right..”

“No I'm not…humph..” Junsu said, crossing his hand a bit but change it in the second.

“But..its not mean that you not handsome….ermmm I'm mean I'm not staring at you in admire your handsomeness…ehhh no..no…that not what I mean..”

“bwahhahah…you are so cute Su ah..” Yoochun laugh at Junsu cute face as he explain but fail.

“Meanie..” Junsu pouting, hide he face on Yoochun firm chest.

“But you love this meanie..” Yoochun said nuzzling Junsu soft cheek with his nose.

“I'm not..” Junsu said still pouting.

“Oh!! you not??” Yoochun faked shoked hearing Junsu word and pretended to be sad. Junsu that notice Yoochun stop walking, widen he eye seeing Yoochun hurt face of course its just fake but Junsu failed to notice it.

“That’s not what I mean…I'm..im..li-like you…a lot..” Junsu said with red face that spread till his ear. Yoochun chuckle watch Junsu trying hard to look everywhere but him.

“I know…I just teasing you love..”


“But still you like this meanie right..hmmm?” Junsu just nodded not dare to look at Yoochun face.

After they climb to the top they decide to find some larva caves to hike down, then they went to hedge maze and once again they playing Changmin game.

“So the loser will pay for dinner tonight at winner choice..okay..call?” Changmin ask explain the rule.

“I'm not gonna join it, its just waste a time.” Yoochun said, not wanting get involve with Changmin way to have fun. Yunho nodded at that.

“Why afraid you gonna lose…chicken..” Changmin provoked both Yoochun and Yunho and once again they agree to race to look who will got out first from the hedge maze.

“Why you!! Fine I'm in..” Yunho agree and Yoochun nodded agree silently.

So they end up having some competition over who gonna pay for dinner. They split with three group, Heechul with Changmin, Yunho and Jaejoong and of course Yoochun with Junsu.

“Leeteuk hyung are you in..” Changmin ask Leeteuk that just watch them in amuse.

“nope…just have fun okay. I'm gonna wait at the exit okay.”

“Why afraid that…” Yoochun cant even finish his word as Leeteuk stare at him daring him to finish his sentence. Yoochun laugh nervously.

“Let's started shall we..hahaha..” Yoochun said, grabing Junsu infront him making a human shield. Leeteuk just walk away, going to wait them on the hedge maze exit.

After a while in the maze, Yunho just remember something.

“Oh come on Chull hyung. Trust me will you. I'm already memorized the map already.” Changmin said, leading the way out from the maze.

“Right..im forget you are expert in this kind of game..glad we team up hahah…ahhh what we should eat tonight..” Heechul already thinking the menu for dinner since he confident with Changmin.

“Boo..i think we gonna lose..” Yunho said getting a confuse look from Jaejoong.

“Changmin really like this kind of game and I'm sure he memorise the maze map already..aish that brat, he already know that he gonna win that’s why he making a bet for dinner tonight.” Yunho grumble.

“Yay!!! We out and no Yunho hyung and that y hyung….haahah we win..” Changmin jumping around happy that he win the game but he stop celebrate when Yoochun walk toward them with Junsu holding some ice cream.

“Wh-what the…how came you come out first!!” Changmin exclaim loudly, shock that Yoochun beat him.

“Oh actually…”

“Why cant he been here first huh…just admit your defeat Min ah..” Leeteuk answer before Yoochun can explain what happen.

Actually Yoochun and Junsu not going through the maze since Junsu is scaring a bit so they end up going out even before they went futher more and they went to buy ice cream for all of them.

“Arghhh good bye to my expensive dinner tonight…arghhh…” Changmin groan angrily.

“Su ah..what you want to eat for dinner hrmm?” Leeteuk ask. Yoochun not bother to explain just follow the flow.

“Emmmm i just want to eat Jae hyung food…hehheeh Jae hyung for is sooooo good neh Chunniee neh..” Junsu said excitedly at thought having Jaehoong food for dinner, not that Jaejoong not cook for them but Junsu just love homemade food more that eating out side.

“I'm think I'm too tired to cook today…ah..ah..” jaejoong said tiredly getting out from the maze surely take time.

“Waeeee~~ I want Jae hyung foooodd.. Chunniee~~~~” Junsu whine to Yoochun that just laugh softly since he know Jaejoong just teasing Junsu.

“Aish…let's go eat, I'm starving already..” Changmin said, looking for some good restaurant there.

“You always starving even you just eat two hours ago..” Heechul said.


“Su baby..are you sleepy…” Yoochun ask Junsu that lying on the bed, tired.

“emmm…I'm soooo tired. Today is so fun neh…” Junsu said excitedly.

After having lunch, they decide to make one final stop at the Jeju Mini-Mini Land, a park full of miniature statues and famous building. Its so fun for Junsu of course with he being run around seeing the cute mini building and Yoochun being tired run after the hyper Junsu.

“Then let's just sleep and skip dinner shall we…” Yoochun said getting ready to lie down too. Junsu sit up abruptly.

“Noooo…I'm not sleepy..Chuniiee~~I want Jae hyung food…food!! Food!!” Junsu said, kicking his leg just like a kid that his toy just got stolen.

‘adorable’ Yoochun thought, smiling at the cute act.

“arraso..so let's go downstair neh…come now..” Yoochun said, holding out his hand as Junsu not hesitantly take it and walk out with Yoochun.

“oh Kangin hyung you here?” Yoochun ask, shock that Kangin was there.

“Ah…that I'm in business trip and it finish already so Yunho invited me to join you all..” Kangin explain not really convicing.

“Oh really…” Heechul said with a knowing smile. Kangin just ignore it since he busy looking for he soon-to-be-lover or wife?

The thought of making Leeteuk as he wife shocked the hell him but when he imagine him with Leeteuk than no one is more perfect than Leeteuk so that’s why he ask for Jaejoong help.

He never thinking about marriage but when meet Leeteuk he been thinking about it all the time so he sure Leeteuk is the right one for him.

“Teukie hyung with Jae hyung in the kitchen preparing our dinner. Please make yourself confort neh..” Changmin said, smirking to the obvious man.

“Am I that…”

“Yes you are but don’t worry Leeteuk hyung totally dense in this so keep up a good work…hwaiting?” Heechul said playfully to the older man.

“Chuniie~~ what are they talking about?” Junsu tugged Yoochun shirt a bit getting his fiancé attention.

“Nothing that important..” Yoochun answer smilling to the cute kid..err..man. Junsu pout not satisfice with Yoochun answer.

“Don’t worry about it love…just eat well and sleep well so we can go out play all day long tomorrow arraso..” Yoochun said hugging Junsu sideway a bit.

“I'm always sleep well stupid chunnie..”

“Oh really…then why you twitching in sleep last night..hrmmm.” Yoochun stare at Junsu wanting some answer from the younger man.

“That’s..ermmm..molla..” Junsu bite his lip a bit and lowering he head. Yoochun smilling saw Junsu guilty act

“Next time just tell me okay…so we can play hard until you tired so you will sleep well…arasso. Always tell me okay..” Junsu nod, smilling brightly at understanding fiance of him.


I got carried away writing this chappie lol

Comment is loved^^

Till then minna san~~

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Nainaap #1
Chapter 31: When I want to read a light hearted and cute story, I'll always come to this
nacchanthecloud #2
Chapter 31: This is sooo romantic ❤❤
finn96 #3
Chapter 31: Love the storyline~~~~ it's a good one!! I really like yoosu couple hope u can write more bout them :)
sisca23 #4
Chapter 31: finally,the end too xixixixi...junsu's so lucky man hehe..maybe his past wasn't good but in this present he have the best family who always be his side..always protect his..always love his just the way he are..and he have yuchun who love his so much hahaha...and i love your poem hehe...thx because you finished this story hehe..and i will wait your next stories..
tsubakisworld #5
Chapter 31: Oh my god Sun this was so sweet T___T I'm so happy for Yoosu But really sad that its the end already ToT I really loved this Story author nim thank you for your Hard work ^^~
sisca23 #6
Chapter 30: keep fighting,authornim!!! and dont forget to continue playboy love too xixixi...junsu,you're so loved xixixi..and you must be joyfull and dont be sick again hehe...
tsubakisworld #7
Chapter 30: Oh god you really scared me I thought it really is the last chapter xD But I really dont want this Story to end T_T I love it so much its really awesome and you did a really great Job author nim T^T anyway cant wait for the next chapter author nim hope you will be able to update soon ^^~
tsubakisworld #8
Author niiiiim Where Are you T_T? I really miss this Story you cant just leave Like this T^T pwwweeeaaas update super soon T~T
sisca23 #9
Chapter 29: i want happy ending!!!!and please,update soon hehe..
giggley #10
Chapter 29: Please be a happy ending!! ^^