My life in Seoul University.

We grabbed breakfast together in the dorm’s cafeteria. Surely, there are lots of meals I can’t afford so I’ll just stick to ordering plain cereals. Onew ordered a 1 piece fried chicken meal, and my jaw dropped open.

“Seriously? Chicken for breakfast?” Onew just shrugged as we searched for a comfortable place to sit. Only few students were around since it was still early for school. We started eating our food as soon as our butts landed on the comfy chairs. By just watching him munch his food delightfully made me feel full.

“I’ll just get us glasses of water.” I nodded and Onew hyung stood up to get some.

“Well, well, well. Looks like the new transferee is enjoying being served by a hyung, huh?” Three guys suddenly came up mocking me. I tried to ignore their rude appearance and just continued eating.

“Ignoring us, huh?” I slowly lifted my head to give them a good look. The one who’s talking to me looks a bit chubby and rude, the other one who’s standing on his left side looks as bored as hell and seems uninterested to what’s happening as he was just looking at his nails, and the other one standing on his right really looks familiar. Kim Jonghyun. I let out a silent gasp as our eyes met. He quickly shifted his gaze to avoid mine and growled a bit, loud enough for me to hear. What’s wrong with this guy?

“Yah. Are you even paying attention to me?” I diverted my gaze to the one who was talking and mumbled an apology. I shouldn’t be apologizing. I’m not even doing anything wrong. I slapped myself inwardly and let out a frustrated sigh, obvious enough for them to notice.

“Yah. Did you just sigh in front of my face?” I didn’t respond because I know it wouldn’t make the situation any better.

“Yah I’m talking to you!” I seethed with anger when I saw him spill his cola on my food. Do they always do that to get someone’s freaking attention?

“My cereal!!” I screamed. I didn’t care about other people’s weird stares, I just cared about my food, my money. Their mocking laughter filled the whole inside of the cafeteria as I buried my face into my empty cold hands.

“Let’s go guys. Retreat.” The fat guy commanded and the two other quickly complied.

“Do they even know how much money I have to save each day to survive this whole semester?” I mumbled inaudibly to myself.

“Key. Are you okay?” Onew rushed on my side and I just gave him a weak smile.

“I’m sorry for not butting in. I—I got scared. Sorry, Key.”

“It’s okay. It’s not your fault. It wouldn’t be helpful if you in, though.”

“But still..”

“It’s okay. I swear. At least you didn’t get into trouble because of me. But you owe me a meal.” Onew chuckled messed my hair a bit.

“Sure thing, kiddo. What do you want?”

“Anything.” Onew nodded and ordered a sausage meal from the counter. As soon as he handed me my food, we started eating without any words.

“Thank you, hyung.” He choked on his food and stared at me with disbelief.

“What?” I asked innocently.

“You called me hyung.”

“So what? You are my hyung.”

“Well. This is the first time I heard that from you, since yesterday.” This guy is really weird.


“You just plainly call me Onew or Onew-sshi.”


“Aish! Never mind.” Onew hyung’s face suddenly flushed red which gained a laughter from me.

“Yah. Stop laughing.”

“Okay, hyung.”

“See! You called me hyung again!”

“Aigoo. Was it really such a big deal?”

“Not much.”

“Then why are you over reacting?”

“Nothing. You just seem like the person who never uses the word ‘hyung’.”

“Yah! What do you mean? Am I not nice?” Onew hyung just laughed and shrugged it off.

“Well. It’s just that you just acted like a cool hyung to me. I really wanted to call you that since yesterday, but I was a bit scared. I thought you wouldn’t like it.”

“What made you think I wouldn’t like it?”

“This school is basically full of bully kids.. So..”

“Alright alright. I get your point.”

“Well if you don’t like it, what should I call you?”

“Just call me ‘hyung’. It’s fine, dongsaeng.” He flashed me a meaningful look, and we both laughed in unison.

“Why is it that everything you do seems funny?”

“Because I’m a cool hyung.” I mockingly scoffed.

“Starting tomorrow, let’s just order food and bring it upstairs.”

“Yes, hyung. Thank you so much.”








Another brotherly Onkey update! :))



Any guess who the seniors are? :)

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SHINeeStarification #1
damn i wish i had a friend who owned a salon TT.TT
OH MY... Jjong... you. ;D
luhans-vaqina #3
YAY. Jjongie saves his Bum(mie). ^^
Comments are L.O.V.E. :))))
Ashyunchick20 #5
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about Shinee!~ :D :D
Thanks!~ ^_^
bohyemi #6
@Crishii, Omg THANK YOU SO MUCH. :')
Don't say you're not good in writing, 'cause you are. :)<br />
<br />
At least you know how to write fluff, I don't. I'm all angsty and I don't like it.
bohyemi #9
BubblesLovesYou #10
Yah! Update! I have waited to long! :"( all my favorite arthurs are not updating! Wahhh:"""(