My life in Seoul University.



Well, in my imagination.. the old building kinda looks like this. :))




Three normal days already passed. Yes, people’s random rudeness and constant making fun of me already became normal. It’s not like I can do anything about it, right? Thank God it’s weekend. Most students will leave the dorm to stay in their respective homes.

“Key, I’ll be going now.” Onew announced as he slung a lime greenish bag on his shoulder.

“Sure, hyung. Take care.” I replied as I looked up from reading my favorite book.

“You sure you don’t wanna come?” Onew confirmed.

“Yes, I’m fine. I’m not a kid anymore!” I made a pout causing him to chuckle.

“Well you look like one..”

“Yah!!” He continued to cackle causing me to join him.

“You go now, hyung. You might miss the bus.“ He glanced at his wrist watch and waved at me. I did the same gesture as he headed towards the door.

“Bye hyung.”

“Yeah. Call me if you need something. Bye.” He smiled. I sadly sighed as soon as he closed the door. I wish I could go back to Daegu, but I don’t have enough money for my bus fare. It’d be a waste since I’m conserving pennies I have.


I plopped down on my bed, contemplating if I should at least enjoy the weekend alone. Should I wander around? I guess the seniors are not around so it’s pretty much safe to roam around the campus. I took a quick shower and put on layers of clothes, good enough to keep me warm. I grabbed my gray beanie as I head out the dorm. Where should I go? My feet continued walking ‘til I found myself standing in front of the very same old huge building I was when I first came here. I hesitantly went inside since it was very dim and silent inside. Are students like me even allowed to enter this?


I went near the bulletin board to check any school announcements that are posted and a particular one caught my attention.


SDFP Organization, open for new members: Free registration

Dance workshops will start on July 13 (Tuesday); 7 – 8pm

Where: University’s dance studio (Rm 03)

Visit for more information


I grabbed a flyer and reread it. Should I join? I shrugged as I slid the thin piece of paper in my bag. I felt my stomach grumble as I checked the time. 1:57pm. Damn, now is not the time to feed baby anacondas in my stomach. I grunted.I passed through the dim aisle as I involuntarily fixed my fringes. I was about to exit the building when I heard a loud thunder from the outside. I peeked through the old structure’s stained window and found the whole place dripping wet with rain. A bright yet frightening lightning struck through the blurry scene as I unintentionally covered my ears. A loud thunder comes right after a frightening bright lightning. I mumbled to myself. I sighed in exasperation as I my heel to head somewhere comfortable. The whole place was extremely dark and the large scary paintings aren’t even much of a help. I held my bag tightly as I could and took a seat on the bare cold large stairwell across the bulletin board from before. Another loud thunder was heard from the outside and I shivered in surprise. I put my bag on my knees and bowed my head down. I hugged my knees to find comfort and warmth. I should have stayed in the dorm. This whole place was practically eating me out, if not for killing time and boredom; I shouldn’t be in here alone. I squeezed my eyes closed as I waited for the rain to subside. Ticking of the large antique Grandfather’s clock and drizzling of the rain outside were the only things I hear, until I heard footsteps coming closer. I didn’t dare looking up because I was practically shaking from nervousness. It was as if a ghost would suddenly show up and scare the out of me. Or maybe, it could be a senior and beat me until I lose blood. There’s no one to help me out when something like that happened. I’m so helpless.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I gulped. Would you please quiet down your footsteps? I’m trying to relax here. I thought to myself. Sarcasm was the only way to help me out of this situation. I really was feeling scared, but I should fight it, shouldn’t I? I finally convinced myself to look up as my eyes fluttered open. I carefully looked around to find the footstep’s owner and found somebody facing the large bulletin board. Based on its body frame, I assumed that it’s probably a guy. He was standing idly there and probably reading what’s posted on the board. I don’t want to bump onto anyone right now. He might not like my annoying presence so I decided to move away from my spot. I carefully lifted myself and carried my bag as I started pacing away.


. I thought to myself. I stepped on an uneven broken floorboard and it made a slightly audible squeaking sound. I squeezed my eyes closed, hoping that he didn’t hear anything.

“Hey.” Oh no, I’m in trouble. I refused to look back and quickened my footsteps but I could sense him following me. I mentally cursed myself for being so careless as I turned to a left. It was a wide free space made of marble with a large wooden table in the middle. I ran to the nearest corner as I heard screeching sounds; maybe it’s from my shoes. . A dead end.

“Yah! Hey!” I froze in my place and faced the damn cold wall as I fidgeted my fingers. Cold sweat started to reluctantly drip down my forehead and I didn’t bother wiping it. I was very frightened that I even decided not to move or breathe for a while. . I’m busted.

“I won’t bite you. Don’t be afraid.” I sense him move closer as I heard slow footsteps approach me.

“I was just going to ask you if you have an umbrella since it’s raining and I’m alone here so—“ Damn. This guy scared the out of me and all he wants was just an umbrella and a companion?. I turned around to face him and he stopped his long speech.









Wel, I hope you liked this chapter. =)))))))))))))



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SHINeeStarification #1
damn i wish i had a friend who owned a salon TT.TT
OH MY... Jjong... you. ;D
luhans-vaqina #3
YAY. Jjongie saves his Bum(mie). ^^
Comments are L.O.V.E. :))))
Ashyunchick20 #5
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about Shinee!~ :D :D
Thanks!~ ^_^
bohyemi #6
@Crishii, Omg THANK YOU SO MUCH. :')
Don't say you're not good in writing, 'cause you are. :)<br />
<br />
At least you know how to write fluff, I don't. I'm all angsty and I don't like it.
bohyemi #9
BubblesLovesYou #10
Yah! Update! I have waited to long! :"( all my favorite arthurs are not updating! Wahhh:"""(