My life in Seoul University.

I entered the other room that was almost identical to ours, but it was slightly larger. The room was well lit, and surprisingly neat. Jonghyun nudged me from the side, bringing me back to reality.

“Til when do you plan standing there, Key?” I glared at him in response and made a bee-line inside his room, making my way to the armchair beside the bed that was probably his.

“So.. what do you have in mind?” I asked while playing with my rubber baller bands.

“Well.. since it’s almost dinner time,” He abruptly stood up and walked to the kitchen’s mini counter.

“I should prepare something edible. Uhuh?” He finished. I snorted in response, not amused by his hospitable suggestion.  He can cook? I don’t think so.

“You can cook?” I skeptically asked, not forgetting to put in a bit of sarcasm in my tone. He looked up, visibly offended with my sarcastic question; his dark brown fringes almost covering his large adorable puppy eyes. I scoffed.

“Sorry, didn’t mean it that way..” He just nodded, mumbling an ‘it’s alright’ as he continued to prepare something to eat. I sighed and drag my feet towards the kitchen to lend some hand, guilt overpowering my offensive  irony.

“Need help with something?” He jumped a bit in surprise and put his hand on his chest, probably not aware with my sudden appearance.

“It’s okay. I can do this.” He flashed a grin as he continued to slice thin portions of meat. I can’t help but raise an eyebrow at his surprising average cooking skills as I watched him. Impressive. As soon as he finished preparing the ingredients, I started cleaning up the utensils he used. He told me to stop and said he can do it, but I refused. This is the only way I can repay him from his kindness. I cleaned the area as squeaky clean as I could, and was proud with my almighty-self. An inviting aroma suddenly tickled my nose, making the corners of my mouth twitch in a small smile. As I turned around, I saw Jonghyun sautéing something that looks oh-so-yummy on the orange round heated pan. He wasn’t as bad as I thought he would be. I guess he was something more than that.

“Hey Jonghyun.”

“Hmm?” He gave me a quick glance, then back to his masterpiece; obviously concentrating on his cooking. I chuckled inwardly. He looks like a kid who was being taught by his mom to cook. Adorable. What? Stop saying adorable, Key.

“I know I’m that adorable, but you can quit staring now.” He bragged; it was as if he heard my mind saying those things. I felt blood rushing through my veins as my cheeks started to burn. Oh my God, that was so embarrassing.

“Shut up. I’m not staring.” I snapped back as I made my way to the armchair from before. I pulled my feet up in a more comfortable position as I crossed my arms. I huffed in annoyance, and I swear I heard him chuckle from the other side. I rolled my eyes again for the umpteenth time.

“Keyyyyy. Dinner is almost done. Can you please set the table?” He whined cutely. Wait, what?? I quickly followed and set the table for us.

“I’ll sit now.” As if on cue, he excitedly placed the food on the table. Wow, it looks delicious. I heard my tummy grumble as I grabbed the fork.

“Oops. I heard that.” He chuckled and my cheek flushed crimson red.

“You can eat now if you want.” He stated as he passed the rice. I mumbled a ‘thank you’ at his small of a keen deed.


We finished eating in a slightly awkward atmosphere and I swear, I wish someone would save me from this misery. Every time I tried to start a conversation, words won’t come out from my mouth. For the sake of keeping my sanity, I just kept quiet. The place mat I’ve been staring at for quite a while had been a nice view.  

“I’ll do the dishes.” I stood up but a hand grabbed it.

“No Key. You’re my visitor.” He flashed a grin, grabbed all the plates, and put it in the sink.

“And this,” He said while waving a fork excitedly.

“can wait.” He finished.

“Okayy?”  I wish I could just stop raising my eyebrows sometimes.



“So.. let’s go out?”

“What? It’s late, Jonghyun.” He glanced at his wrist watch and shrugged.

“8:30? I don’t think so.”

“No.” I protested.

“Come on, Key.”

“But.. It’s not safe outside.” Should I trust him? Can I trust him? What if he just set me up? What if the seniors are waiting for us outside? They’ll scare me to no end.

I cringed at the thought.

“Key. Are you okay? You’re sweating!” He asked worriedly as he rushed to my side.

“Uh— I don’t know.” Jonghyun sighed as he rubbed comforting circles on my back.

“I thought it was something else.  Well.. It’s okay if you don’t want to.” He said with a pout visibly forming on the corner of his mouth.

“Don’t pout, dino head.”


“I just don’t want to go out. It’s not safe.. and— it’s cold.” I lied.

“Okay. But what should we do? It’s kinda boring you know..”

“Uhh. Do you have your math book with you?”

“Yeah. It’s in— Yah! Don’t tell me we’re going to study?” He asked in shock and I nodded.

“ I in math!” He exclaimed.

“I know, I know. That’s why we’re going to study. I’ll tutor you.”

“What? I thought—“

“But if you want to fail, I might as well study in my own room. It’s not my problem, anyways.” I spat nonchalantly and shrugged, causing him to groan in frustration.

“Fine, fine.” He practically flailed his hands in the air and heavily stomped his feet to get his bag.

“I told you, if you don’t want to I can study alone.”

“But I’m failing in math..”

“That’s why.”

“Fine. Let’s just do this.”

“Good.” I inwardly smirked at my very own victory. But why do I even care about his grades? Oh, yeah right. He’s my friend now.

He placed his math book and notebook on his almost abandoned desk, and sat on the bed with a loud huff. I taught him the basic ideas in Algebra and he seemed to cope up well with it. In fact, he already knew it very well.

“You’re doing a great job. But—“

“Because our professor isn’t as boring as you. I tend to sleep a lot during his lecture.”

“Oh.. I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“You’re welcome.” He flashed his famous killer smile and slammed the book, close.

“Hey! We’re not yet done. There are still 2 pages left—“

“But I don’t want to.” He pouted and flashed his puppy eyes. I was slowly melting into it, still not breaking the eye contact. Snap out of it.

“Let’s have some fun, Key.”

“So you mean I’m boring?”

“No! You taught me well. But I’m really tired of studying.” Well, he has a point.  It really is tiring to study.

“Stop doing that.”

“What? Doing what?”

“Puppy eyes..” I mumbled.

“You find it cute?” . He heard it? He teased, a large grin plastered on his face.

“No. Shut up.”

“Just admit it.”

“I already told you, no.”

“Fine.” He crossed his arms and pouted like a ten year old.



“How old are you?”

“Why?” He asked.

“Cause you act like a ten year old.”

“What?!?! How dare you—I don’t act like a ten year old!!” I laughed.

“You just did.”

“I didn’t!”

“Oh. You did it again.”


“But seriously, how old are you?” He raised his brows and skeptically looked at me.

“Fine, don’t answer.” I shrugged.

“I’m 19. You?”



“I’m 18, hyung..” I said bitterly.  I don’t want to call him hyung. It somehow made me upset.

“Well. Stop kidding around cause I’m your hyung.”

No. I don’t want to call you hyung.


“Cause I don’t want to.”

“Hm. You act like a ten year old too, Key.”

“No, I don’t.” I crossed my arms and huffed silently.

“You just did.”

“Yah! Don’t imitate me! That’s my line, you thief.”

“Okay okay! Chilll, stop shouting.” I glared at him, but his smile didn’t seem to falter. Fail.

“But you can drop the honorifics if you want.” He shrugged as he wiggled his eyebrows.

“Yeah right, Jonghyun. Yeah right.”

“King of sarcasm.”

“I’m not.”

“Ten year old kid.”

“I’m not.”


“I’m not. Wait. What?” I asked, confused. Cute? Did I hear that right? My heart started to beat faster than usual, and I uncomfortably wiggled in my seat.


“Yah! Tell me!”

“I said nothing.”

“Fine. If you don’t want to tell me, then don’t.”

“Told ya. You’re—”

“Cute? I know.” I smirked and I saw his body tense up.









A very very late update. I'm sorry. I've been busy with school works. Kkekeke.

I hope you liked it. I'm so sorry if I'm not that good.. I'm trying my best, but.. @____@


KILL ME NOW. 3 I know I , but I'm still wishing that you guys would like it. -_-




Anyway... THANK YOU SO MUCH! <3 :))

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SHINeeStarification #1
damn i wish i had a friend who owned a salon TT.TT
OH MY... Jjong... you. ;D
luhans-vaqina #3
YAY. Jjongie saves his Bum(mie). ^^
Comments are L.O.V.E. :))))
Ashyunchick20 #5
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about Shinee!~ :D :D
Thanks!~ ^_^
bohyemi #6
@Crishii, Omg THANK YOU SO MUCH. :')
Don't say you're not good in writing, 'cause you are. :)<br />
<br />
At least you know how to write fluff, I don't. I'm all angsty and I don't like it.
bohyemi #9
BubblesLovesYou #10
Yah! Update! I have waited to long! :"( all my favorite arthurs are not updating! Wahhh:"""(