My life in Seoul University.

"Key, are you sure you still want to come to class?” Onew hyung asked. I weakly nodded as I slung my worn out bag on my fragile shoulder. Honestly speaking, I really don’t feel like coming to class, but if I didn’t, that’ll just prove that I’m incompetent.

“Key..” I felt him put a hand on my right shoulder, stopping me from my pace.

“ You don’t have to—“ He continued.

“No, hyung. It’s okay. I’m fine, really. Let’s go.” I explained. He simply nodded as he walked beside me, still eyeing me in anxiousness.


Soft murmurs were heard as we entered the very disorganized classroom. Students started to move away from our path, as if I’ve got a contagious disease. Damn these immature brats. I cursed under my breath. Onew hyung moved a little further from me and faced them.

“Yah. What’s your problem?!” Onew hyung hissed. I reached for his hand and pulled him, convincing him to stop.

“Hyung, please don’t do this. It’s fine, I’m alright. I promise.” I whispered coldly. He shot them daggers as he slammed his bag on his desk.

“You. Everyone. Mind your own business. GET A ING LIFE!” Onew hyung squalled as he pointed a finger on each one of them. I buried my face on my aching hand for cover up. I just can’t seem to stand all of the humiliation I’ve been through this day. Onew hyung already did a lot for me, but I was the one who keeps on messing everything up.


“Yah. Will you stop yelling?” Someone voiced out. My head shot up to perceive who it was and a small surprised gasp came out of my mouth as my eyes landed on a very familiar figure. He was facing and standing coldly in front of Onew hyung.

“J—Jonghyun?” Onew hyung stuttered.  Jonghyun simply ignored his question as he moved around the room to look for a vacant seat; as if nothing happened. My blood seethed in anger as memories of the senior’s bullying flashed before my mind. He was there. Jonghyun was there but he did nothing to stop them. I thought we were friends. Or at least, acquaintances. A sad tear suddenly rolled down my left cheek and I quickly wiped them away.

“Key.. just don’t mind them.” I just kept silent and stared at the plain boring white wall. How could I possibly ignore them?  I heard shuffling of feet as the professor entered the classroom filled with awkward silence. I looked in front and found an old professor studying the whole room with a judging eyes.

“Everybody, on your seats. Now.” As soon as her gaze landed on me, I quickly looked away as I bit my lower lip.

“Mr. Kim Kibum.”

“Ye—yes ma’am?”

“I believe that you should  be taking the seat beside Mr. Kim Ryeowook.” My mouth fell open. Really? Beside him? I don’t even know him! I looked around and found him staring at the professor with the same shocked expression I had.


“No buts. Move now.” She continued to fix the class’s seating arrangement as I took the seat beside Ryeowook’s. As expected, he instantly faced the other side and ignored my presence.


“This is going to be your seating arrangement for the whole semester. Now, let’s start with the lecture. Bring out your notebooks.” Everybody groaned in chorus as they took their notebooks out. This is going to be a very long boring semester.



The whole lecture was as uninteresting as I thought it would be. She was lecturing about something my aching head couldn’t comprehend. I just feel so tired and dizzy. I can’t do this anymore. I rested my right cheek on my hand as beads of sweat formed on my forehead.

“Would you mind explaining everything I tackled about?” I was in deep trance to the point that I didn’t notice that I was the one she’s looking and pointing at.

“Yah. She’s talking to you.” Ryeowook whispered and nudged me from the side, bringing me back to the bitter reality. I abruptly stood up and tried to pick out something stocked from my chaotic mind. My heart was pounding like crazy to the point I thought it would jump off my chest.

“I—I think—“ I stuttered.

“See. You can’t even say something. Sit down.” I quickly followed her command and released a long exasperated breath.

“Hey. What the hell are you doing? Are you alright?” Someone nudged me again from the side.

“I’m fine.” I spat. Ryeowook just gave me a what-the- look and rolled his eyes. Since when did you care? Since when did people care about me?

I tried to focus on the lecture as much as I could but I could barely remember anything. I couldn’t even write properly with my state. Everything just feels so uncomfortably painful. My hands, my body, my head, and my feelings. I feel so cold yet sweat keeps on rolling down my face.

“Hey. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine.” I lied again for the umpteenth time.

The class ended and everyone bid the strict professor goodbye. I quickly grabbed my things and stood up, but my feet are wobbly. I almost fell down but I felt someone grabbed my arms for support.

“Yah! You’re sweating. How come you’re saying you’re fine of you aren’t.” Ryeowook spat.

“Stop lecturing me. I already had enough for the day.” I pulled my arms away from his grip as hard as I could, but I failed to.

“Kibum-ah.” Onew hyung said.

“Don’t touch me. I’m fine. Let’s go, hyung.” Ryeowook hesitantly let go of my arms. As soon as I stepped away from him, I stumbled down.



The last thing I could remember were their loud screams of my name in a state of panic.








OMG. Sorry for the error. LOL. I pasted the whole story for 3 times? Sue the damn lag internet. =))


@vampireme12 & @SinFulCoLor, Thank you so much for letting me know. :))



BTW thanks again for reading. <3

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SHINeeStarification #1
damn i wish i had a friend who owned a salon TT.TT
OH MY... Jjong... you. ;D
luhans-vaqina #3
YAY. Jjongie saves his Bum(mie). ^^
Comments are L.O.V.E. :))))
Ashyunchick20 #5
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about Shinee!~ :D :D
Thanks!~ ^_^
bohyemi #6
@Crishii, Omg THANK YOU SO MUCH. :')
Don't say you're not good in writing, 'cause you are. :)<br />
<br />
At least you know how to write fluff, I don't. I'm all angsty and I don't like it.
bohyemi #9
BubblesLovesYou #10
Yah! Update! I have waited to long! :"( all my favorite arthurs are not updating! Wahhh:"""(