My life in Seoul University.

I practically spent the whole weekend with someone who doesn’t belong to my circle of friends. Jonghyun was the least person I would want to be with but he somehow helped me forget my past misery, to my relief. We played cards the whole night while drowning ourselves with gallons of sprite. He suggested that we buy chips from the convenience store across, but I protested that we shouldn’t because it’s late, after all. I slept on his bed, and he slept on the other one across his. I learned that his roommate Taemin was out with his family this weekend so the dorm is free for Jonghyun’s visitors. He said that Taemin was a new student in Seoul University, just like me. I wonder if he’s suffering the same troubles I’ve been going through. Do the seniors bully him too?

I was on my way to the cafeteria again. It was past 5 in the afternoon and I can hear my stomach grumbling loudly. The streets outside the campus were damp, as usual. Leaves casually falling as the cool breeze rapidly shake them out from their branch. There were three teenagers laughing loudly, sitting on the sidewalk, probably drunk. What the hell? It’s just past 5 yet they’re already drunk. And to add on to that, tomorrow’s a school day. I hissed in annoyance as I tried to ignore them. I diverted my gaze to the cafeteria as I crossed the street with an inaudible sigh. I managed to pass through them without getting noticed.

“Hey you.” A female voice suddenly interrupted my thoughts. . Don’t tell me I got noticed? I slowly turned around and met those crazy students.

“What?” I asked, still trying to be polite as much as possible.

“Being impolite, huh?” She spoke, alcohol reeking out of her breath.

“Well, sorry for being impolite. But I guess it is you who’s being one.” She gave me a quizzical look and smirked.

“Whatever, .” Seriously? I turned around to ignore her but a hand suddenly stopped me, pulling me backwards.

“I’m not yet done talking, .”

“Be thankful that you’re a girl, or else I’ll rip your head off.” I hissed.

“Being impatient right there, huh?”

“Back off.” She suddenly touched my cheek, giving it light comforting .

“What the—“ I slapped her hand away.

“Don’t touch me. What’s wrong with you?” She just smirked.

“You’re so pretty.”

“What’s your problem? Crazy.” This time, I was running out of patience. I quickly my heel and ran back to the dorm. That girl was giving me creeps. Is she just drunk? Or she’s just plain crazy? Pretty my .


I came back to the dorm panting with empty hands. Why does everything have to be so complicated? I just wanted to buy food, but then a crazy girl suddenly shows up and scare the out of me. This place is so weird. Really weird.

“Hey.” Oh no, not again.

“What do you want?” I hissed. I quickly smashed my keys on the door knob to open it in no time.

“Hey hey! Hold it right there. I’m not gonna eat you.” The voice was very familiar, and it belongs to..

“Hyung!”  I rushed to his side and attacked him a tight hug.

“W—wait! You’re ch—choking me.” I let go of him and laughed at his reaction.

“There you go. So.. what’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” I answered.

“I know It’s not nothing, Key.”

“Well..” I hesitated for a while but finally decided to tell him the whole story. He patted my head with a heavy sigh and pushed me to the door.

“Is that so. Never mind those kids. Let’s go inside. I’m cold.”

“Okay, hyung.” As soon as I opened the door, Onew practically threw himself on his bed and wrapped his indigo colored wool blanket around him.

“Are you sick?” He shook his head and sneezed loudly. What a way to lie. I laughed inwardly and shook my head.

“I should make some porridge.”

“Thanks.” He flashed his famous toothy grin and clapped his hands in a childlike manner.

“Chicken porridge?”

“Uhuh. Thank you, Mom.”

“Yah. I’m not your mom, hyung.”

I chuckled as I made my way on our mini kitchen to make some. I boiled the spring chicken for about twenty minutes, and let it cool for a ten. I sliced the chicken into tiny bits, as I was letting the rice to simmer in heat. When all the rice grains already popped, turning into porridge, I mixed the minced chicken and its broth into it to add some flavor.

“Smells good, Key.” I inwardly smiled at my amazing cooking skills. This is one of the things I’m good at.

“Well, my mother taught me. She owns an eatery, remember?” I smiled at the vivid memories of my mom teaching me how to mince onions way back then. It never fails to lift up my mood.

“Hm. What did you do this weekend?” My smile faltered as soon as I remembered the first day of the weekend. Donghae. I quickly tried to block him from my mind and just told Onew about being in Jonghyun’s dorm the whole time.

“Jonghyun? You mean, Kim Jonghyun?”

“Yeah hyung, your ex friend.”

“You’re friends with him?” He asked with a brow raised, almost jumping out, reaching the top of his head.

“He seems nice, though.” I admitted.

“I know. It’s just that—”

“I know hyung.” I interrupted him to keep him from thinking about his painful memories in losing one of his close friends.

“Almost done!” I stated.

“Okay, I’ll set the table up.” He made a bee-line through the room, moving to the kitchen to prepare the utensils.

“Hyung, can you please pass me two  bowls?”

“Sure.” Before I knew it, the bowls I was asking for was now waving in front of my face.

“Calm down, calm down. This won’t run okay.”

“Sorry.” He quickly complied as he went back to his seat, humming in the process.

“Just sit. I’ll bring it there after I fill this up.”

“You really sound just like my mom.” I rolled my eyes as I filled the empty bowls with scoops of chicken porridge.

“Hey Key! I saw—“ The door suddenly shot open and a familiar called my name.  Who could it be?

“Oh. I’m sorry to interrupt, I thought you were alone.” He slightly bowed, mumbling an apology.

“Jonghyun-ah. Join us if you want to.” I suggested.

“Y-yeah. Join us.” Onew said with a sly smile.

“Eh?” He studied the room and spared a glance at Onew who was sitting on the edge of the counter, playing with his spoon and fork. Jonghyun pointed at himself, asking me if we were talking to him.

“Duh. Come inside.” I saw him hesitate for a while, but then, complied with our request.

“Thank you.” He flashed a genuine smile as he made his way to the mini dining area.

“So.. What brought you here?” I asked while placing bowls of porridge on the table.

"Yeah. What brought you here?"

"Hyung! Stop acting like Patrick Star!"

“Uhh..” He tilted and scratched the back of his head, as if he was trying to comprehend my question. My question isn’t that hard, you babo.


“Well.. I just came to see if you’re okay.” He admitted.  Onew and I shot him a quick surprised glance as he chuckled shyly.

“What? Why?” Onew asked with a teasing grin plastered on his face. I was the one who should be asking that. I kicked his foot under the table causing him to scrunch up his face so badly. Thankfully, Jonghyun didn’t notice it as he was busy fiddling with the fork on his hands.

“Uhmm. Because I saw you running a while ago.” He shyly admitted.


“What happened? Are you okay?”

“Uhh. I guess I am? I just bumped in to some drunk students.”

“Drunk? At this hour.”

“Exactly. At this hour.” We all chuckled in unison.

“Well.. is it really okay for me to join you guys?”

“Aigoo, Jonghyun. Just dig in.” He quickly nodded and started digging in his porridge.

“Wow. This tastes good. Where did you buy it?” I mentally slapped myself at his dorkiness and chuckled.


“Key cooked it.”

“Really? Wow,” He moved a bit closer to me to whisper something. Maybe he doesn’t want Onew to hear it.

“It’s delicious.” He whispered. I looked down and I felt myself blush.

“Yah. Don’t even try to whisper again, I heard it.” Onew stated.

“Aigoo. Kids these days.”

“Hyung!” Jonghyun and I yelled in unison.

“What?” He asked while acting all innocent.

“No one’s gonna buy that, hyung.” I smirked.







Hello! An update. <3 What a lame update I give you. Sorry, I'm really not that good in writing.

And ENGLISH IS NOT MY MOTHER LANGUAGE. So it's very hard for me to express emotions in writing.

OMG. I just want to pull all of my hair off. LOL. This is so stressful. I really want to write, but I guess.. Err.

Nevermind. LOL. So how are you guys?





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SHINeeStarification #1
damn i wish i had a friend who owned a salon TT.TT
OH MY... Jjong... you. ;D
luhans-vaqina #3
YAY. Jjongie saves his Bum(mie). ^^
Comments are L.O.V.E. :))))
Ashyunchick20 #5
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about Shinee!~ :D :D
Thanks!~ ^_^
bohyemi #6
@Crishii, Omg THANK YOU SO MUCH. :')
Don't say you're not good in writing, 'cause you are. :)<br />
<br />
At least you know how to write fluff, I don't. I'm all angsty and I don't like it.
bohyemi #9
BubblesLovesYou #10
Yah! Update! I have waited to long! :"( all my favorite arthurs are not updating! Wahhh:"""(