New Housemate

From Today , be My Girl
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6 months later , since JungKook had been trained under entertainment company , he have to live with his group member that will debut with him . While HeeJu , she already graduate and decide to open her own clinic .

'This is how lonely people live ' --HeeJu while cleaning up her house . She feel lonely .

'JungKook-ah , noona miss you ' -- she enter her brother's room while cleaning up a bit his room . 

'It's been 4 months ago you left me alone , but noona feel like you had left me for 4 years ' -- while sitting on his bed and looking at his picture that paste on the wall . 

Suddenly , someone is knocking the door . Who is it ? It's impossible to be JungKook since he become a trainee . HeeJu walk out from JungKook room and walk towards the door . When she open the door , she find that a girl whose have straight long hair , pale skin color with her black luggage with her is standing in front of the door . 

'Yes , may I help you ?'

'Annyeonghasaeyo (Hello) . Yes , actually I am searching a room for rent and I see your information down there saying that there are room for rent . Is it still available?' . HeeJu try to retrieve back what she had paste on the gateaway to her house .

'Ah , yes , yes ! Come in ' --HeeJu invite the girl into her house . 

' Have a sit , I will prepare some tea ' 

'You don't need to burden yourself . I'm not thirsty at all ' 

'Eyy , how come ? Since you are my guest , I have to . Just relax first ok' -- HeeJu while heading to the kitchen and the girl sit on the floor in living room . After few moment , HeeJu come back from kitchen and sit with her . She handed the mug for the girl . 

'So, what's your name ? ' --HeeJu start the conversation

'Halla . Lee Halla . Eunnie ?' 

' Just call me HeeJu , Kim HeeJu . By the way , how old are you ? You seems very young '

' I'm 18 ' 

' Owh , really ? I have brother that have same age as yours . Before , he also living here but he left me ' 

' Why ? ' --while gulping her drink

'He is chasing his dream ' 

'Ah , really ? Me too . Actually , I'm from countryside .I'm here to gain money for my parent ' 

'You come alone ? ' -- Halla nods .

'You are so brave . If I was you , I'll just stay and work at the countryside '--HeeJu smile , impressed with her eagerness of coming from far to find money for her family .

' Your parents are not working

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_crownxx #1
Chapter 22: T_T why... why.
I want halla and jungkook married.
I didn't believe that i'm crying while reading this story.THANK YOU for making such a lovely story.I hope you can write other fanfic about this two becouse i'm shipping them so hard.
And once again thank you for making this story :) ;)
_crownxx #2
Chapter 22: T_T why... why.
I want halla and jungkook married.
I didn't believe that i'm crying while reading this story.THANK YOU for making such a lovely story.I hope you can write other fanfic about this two becouse i'm shipping them so hard.
And once again thank you for making this story :) ;)
Chapter 10: haven't done reading it. you make me wanna write a halkook fanfic!! XD
Raaa11 #4
Chapter 22: Its already end? ㅠㅠㅠ i really like the story hehe.. thanks for making this ;)
Raaa11 #5
Chapter 19: Update soon ^^ omg im really curious^^
agewh_ #6
please update soon!!!
Raaa11 #7
Chapter 14: omg new chap hehe... so curious about the next chap and since Halla is still not accept Jungkook's confession i think its gonna be triangle love? Kkk.. will wait for the next chap :)
Raaa11 #8
Chapter 11: Update soon please hehe ^^
vixxexobtobts #9
Chapter 5: Fighting Author. Will be waiting for you to update more hehe ❤️