Dating Spree

Mama Baek
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A/N: not proofed. Enjoy! (〜^∇^)〜



Baekhyun do not know how he ended up with Chanyeol’s sister inside his house squishing at showering his son with kisses and more. His son’s giggles and some gurgles echoed through the house while Yura can’t help but to squish the child.


“He’s so cute!” Yura pinch Kyungsoo’s chubby cheeks.


“He’s so squishy asdfghjkl” She rains kisses again. “I thought he will inherent Chanyeol’s ears!” Yura laugh rowdily slapping Baekhyun’s shoulder violently. The brunet was frozen on his spot when Kyungsoo look at them in a questioning manner.


“Who’s Chanyeol Mama Baek?”


Oh no.


“Baekhyun… you didn’t tell him?” Yura whispers while eyeing little Kyungsoo sitting on the floor with a plushie on his little arms.


“Mama Baek?” The toddler asks again.


“Oh I forgot I bring Donuts!” Yura gets Kyungsoo attention to foods, Kyungsoo beams at starts chanting ‘Donuts Donuts’ while running round and round.


“We’ll talk later,” Yura said before running after Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo face has a smudge of donut filling as the toddler continues wolfing his box of donut from his lovely auntie. Baekhyun smile watching his child squealing and giggling on the floor.



“So you did not tell him?” Yura pops beside the brown-haired person causing the latter gasp and hold his dear heart because to shock on the elder’s presence.


Baekhyun take a deep breath sitting on the chair near him and Yura sit next to him “I-I c-can’t I-I’m not ready yet…” “But Kyungsoo is a smart boy he’ll understand and besides he’s always looking for a father,” Yura look at him in the eyes “He needs to know the truth you can’t hide everything, Baekhyun.”



Messing his brown locks Baekhyun do not know what to do.



“He needs to know who his father is; it’s for his own good.” Yura gave Baekhyun’s hand a little squeeze and a reassuring smile.



Dingdong! Dingdong!


“I think that’s the pizza is already here!” Yura chirps and walk to the door. She saw Kyungsoo trying to reach the door knob so she does help the kid and they both greet the delivery man.



“Mr. Are you my daddy?” Kyungsoo asked time Yura gave the payment for the pizza he looks up innocently and somewhat his small voice was expecting for a ‘yes’. Yura, the deliveryman and Baekhyun was shocked from the toddler’s question.


“I’m sorry buddy… I’m not,” the deliveryman raffles Kyungsoo’s soft hair and left.


Baekhyun wants to cry when he saw his son’s rejected face as the door shut closed and Kyungsoo’s mood turns gloomy, the kid barely speak and neglect his favorite pizza. He hates it when his baby is sad, when his little Kyungsoo is hurt and Baekhyun hates himself letting these things happen and hurt his son more.



Later that night Kyungsoo’s energy was fully drained from playing with his auntie, Kyungsoo tug Baekhyun’s pants and raise his little arm to be carried a sign of Kyungsoo wants to sleep.



“I’ll do the dishes before I go home, go on sing a lullaby to that fur ball” Yura smiles.



Kyungsoo was already asleep on Baekhyun’s shoulders as he travels to the ladder and go straight to the toddler’s room, tucking the smaller on his bed Baekhyun plant a kiss on the toddlers forehead.



“I’m sorry…” Baekhyun choked “I’m that you have to go through this my little angel…” Baekhyun care

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ANNOUNCEMENT! This story will undergo major revision to fix grammatical errors. The storyline will not be affected though some parts of the story might get additional scenes. Thank you for understanding!


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Chapter 26: Hope you will update soooooon><
Chapter 26: I hope Baekhyun can relax and enjoy the moments instead of being like this... I hope he can see the good parts of life more!!
grammey #3
Chapter 26: Baekhyun is being unreasonable. He is being his own worst enemy. It will be interesting to see how you get him past himself.
teufelchen_netty #4
Chapter 26: ais these two. Soo is sweet
Chapter 25: Thank u for updating:)
Chapter 7: Kaisoo are so cute:)
deamustika #7
Chapter 24: You're back author-nim!! Thank you for continue writing this Mama Baek.
*pardon my english
teufelchen_netty #8
Chapter 23: i miss this story
chan_baekii #9
Chapter 23: ı miss mamabaek :'((
Chapter 14: Omg I'm back hereeee. I miss Mama Baek so much awee well chanyeol's noona is so cool with giving them a lesson haha