Does He Hate Me Or Not? { ON HIATUS }

Hehe, this ain't an update. Sorry >____< Gahh. I'm sorry cos I know how it feels like to see that some story's updated then when you click on it, you see it isn't updated and you feel so.. disappointed? Gahhhh, sorry guys. 

Okay anywayss,

I'm going on a vacation! From [13-15] December. Heh. I'm going to malaysia! KL! Hehe, any of you guys from there? Haha, anyways. I won't be able to update cos I doubt there's gonna be wifi everywhere I go and I hate updating with my phone, cos I make a load of mistakes when I update using my phone.

I can't update today, cos I have to packpackpack. Gahh, I'm trying to rush right now :x so many things to do.

I just had to tell you guys about this so you all understand why I'm not updating :P huhu.

Okay so that's all ♥

Love you loads, take care ^^


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please update
Kiseopsuzy #2
it's only 48 chapter's make it 60 please........it's perfect!!!!!
KimMyungDerp #3
thanks for updating!
Yay~ thanks for updating! x-x but please update soon neh? *dying here*
namstarulee #5
update soon please :)I'm dying here askhadshdsa XD
KimMyungDerp #6
thanks for updating! ^^
marshmallow21 #7
Hehe sorry for making you all wait :( thank you for reading btw :D love you all <3