Does He Hate Me Or Not? { ON HIATUS }

It was still raining heavily when I finised washing up and changing into new clothes.

I was looking out the window when there was loud, fast knocking on my door.

"Jiyoung ah! Hurry up!" It sounded like Mrs Lee and Kiseop.

I ran to the door and opened it.

"Yes? What happened?" I asked. Their faces seemed to be filled with shock.

"Your appa," Mrs Lee said.

"Appa? Why? What happened to him?" What happened and why were they reacting like this?

"He's in the hospital," she whispered.

"What? He's here?" 

She nodded and pulled me out of the room.


Kiseop sat next to me as we rushed to the hospital in the cab.

Mrs Lee was on the phone, trying to contact Mr Lee.

"What happened? When did he come here? Why is he in the hospital?" I kept asking. 

I couldn't see anything outiside, the rain was too heavy.

I felt tears spring into my eyes. How come I didn't know that he was coming here? I felt so angry at myself, for no reason.

The tears started falling down my cheeks.

"Jiyoung ah," Kiseop said, pulling me into a hug.

I continued sobbing, all the way to the hospital.


Appa was still in the emergency place when we reached.

We were sitiing on the seats, waiting for him to come out.

Please be alright. Please be alright.

A while later, a doctor, and some nurses, pushing those movable hospital beds came out.

We immediately stood up.

"Relatives of Mr Jung?" the doctor called out.

As the nurses pushed the bed away into some ward, the doctor came to speak to us.

"Mr Jung had been in a car acciddent. He was crossing the road when a car hit him." the doctor started. 

Car accident. Same as what happened to Umma.

The doctor went on explaining, but I didn't pay attention. I just seemed to be dazing off.

I was worried. Worried he'd just.. pass away. And then I'd be left alone.


I didn't know when the doctor was done explaining, but then I felt a tug at my hand; Kiseop was pulling my hand.

"Don't you want to see your father?" he asked.

"Oh." I said, as I let him pull my hand all the way to the ward. 

I felt weak, as though all the energy had been drained out from me.

Kiseop's hand was warm, like it had been just now, and it somehow made me feel safe.


ah okay, i was really distracted writing this chapter, I don't know why, so if there's any mistakes, do let me know :)

This might be my last update for the day :/ so you now have to wait till Wednesday :(

I love you guys ♥ take care :)

Oh and

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please update
Kiseopsuzy #2
it's only 48 chapter's make it 60 please........it's perfect!!!!!
KimMyungDerp #3
thanks for updating!
Yay~ thanks for updating! x-x but please update soon neh? *dying here*
namstarulee #5
update soon please :)I'm dying here askhadshdsa XD
KimMyungDerp #6
thanks for updating! ^^
marshmallow21 #7
Hehe sorry for making you all wait :( thank you for reading btw :D love you all <3