
Does He Hate Me Or Not? { ON HIATUS }


I was 5, the time I finished work.
I've been working here two weeks already, and I've getting along well with everybody.
I was about to leave the cafe when it started raining hard.
Just then, my phone rang.
"Jiyoung, where are you?" it was Kiseop.
"I'm at the cafe," I told him.
"You're done with work right? It's raining. You don't have an umbrella do you?" he sounded.. worried.
"I'll come pick you up, wait there," he said, hanging up.
I sighed and went back into the kitchen.
"Oh Bubble, I thought you left already. Did you leave something behind?" Jae asked.
I shook my head. "It's raining, I'm waiting for somebody to pick me up."
"Ooooh, who is it?" Choco asked, raising an eyebrow.
I shook my head and rolled my eyes.
"Bubble ah! Somebody's looking for you!" Jungmin called, coming into the kitchen.
"Oooh, I wanna see who!" Jae and Choco said, following me out.
"Oh Jiyoung ah, hurry up, the rain's getting heavier," Kiseop was there, holding an umbrella, all wet.
"Wahhh, Jiyoung has a boyfriend~" Jae teased.
"No!" I half-shouted. "Aish you guys, go back to work." I felt my face turn red in embarrassment.
"Come," I said, pulling Kiseop to the door.
He opened the umbrella and we walked under it.
Suddenly a strong wind blew and the umbrella flew out of Kiseop's hands.
"Ahh!!" He tried chasing after it, but it went too far.
"Jiyoung ah, let's just run home? Okay?" He said, putting his hands over his head.
I nodded. He took my hand and we ran home.
Kiseop's hand, was very warm, dispite the rain.
He didn't let go until we reached the doorstep.
I was shivering the whole time.
"Are you okay?" he asked when we stepped into the warm house.
I shook my head. I could almost hear my teeth chattering.
As I took my shoes off, he disappeared into the bathroom.
Hmph, how could he go wash up first and leave me standing here shivering from the cold.
Slowly, I finished taking both shoes off.
Suddenly I was being wrapped in something warm.
I looked up and Kiseop was there. He had placed a towel over me.
"Hurry up and change, or you'll get sick again."
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please update
Kiseopsuzy #2
it's only 48 chapter's make it 60 please........it's perfect!!!!!
KimMyungDerp #3
thanks for updating!
Yay~ thanks for updating! x-x but please update soon neh? *dying here*
namstarulee #5
update soon please :)I'm dying here askhadshdsa XD
KimMyungDerp #6
thanks for updating! ^^
marshmallow21 #7
Hehe sorry for making you all wait :( thank you for reading btw :D love you all <3