
Does He Hate Me Or Not? { ON HIATUS }

The ride home was quiet, nobody said anything, and the radio was turned off.

We were going back home, after the funeral.

I felt lifeless, as I if I was the one who died.

My eyes were heavy, but I didn't feel like sleeping.

I probably looked like a living dead, but I didn't care.

I looked out the window, watching the trees and buildings pass by.

The sky was dark, threathening to rain any moment.

Just  then the rain drops started falling down, wetting everything outside.

It was the rain, that caused Appa to get into that accident.

I was told, that he came back to Korea, to see me.

He had gotten a break from his boss, two weeks, to see me.

He didn't tell anybody, he wanted to make it a surprise.

On the day he arrived in Korea, it was raining, and he didn't have an umbrella with him. He wanted to cross the road, but a car hit into him.

That's how he got into hospital.

Why he died, was due to some rare blood condition, that he had been suffering from for quite some time. According to the doctor, he didn't seek for treatment, and it seemed to get worse after the accident. This was what they've been hiding from me, that day. Appa knew, he wouldn't be able to live that much longer, and he told Mr and Mrs Lee about it. He told them not to tell me, and so they all hid it from me.

On that day he passed away, his body couldn't take it anymore, he was already weak.

The doctor called, and told Mrs Lee that he could pass away on that day, which he did.

I sighed. How could they have hid this from me? I was his daughter, I have the right to know.

The car stopped, and I realised we've reached home.

We got out the car and into the house.

I went into my room and laid down on the bed, not bothering to change into home clothes.

I wanted to cry again, let all the frustration out, but it was like there were no more tears left in my eyes.

Then came a knock on my door, and Mrs Lee appeared.

She was holding onto something, it looked like an envelope.

"On the day he told the news to us, he wrote this, and he wanted me to pass it to you, after he has passed away," she said, putting it on the bed.

"Okay, thank you," I said, sitting up.

She nodded, and left the room, closing the door behind her.

I reached out and held the envelope.

It felt heavy, as though there was something else, other than paper in it.

I carefully opened the envelope, and pour out its contents.

A necklace, along with a few pieces of paper came out, and I picked up the necklace first.

It looked familiar, but I couldn't remember where I had seen it.

I put it down and picked up the pieces of paper.

On the first page, was a letter, filled with Appa's handwriting.


I'm sorry, I didn't tell you about what happened.

I know, you're upset, but please forgive me.

It's going to be difficult, trying to move on, I know. I've been through those times.

Jiyoung, I want you to stay strong, and  never give up in everything you do.

You're grown up now, Jiyoung. Make the right desicions.

Did you get the necklace?

It was your mother's. She asked me to pass it to you, when you're 20, but it seems like I wouldn't be there.

Take special care of it, it was passed down from your grandmother to her, and now it's yours.

When you're married, and have children, pass it down to one of them.

Always remember, Umma and Appa are watching you, up here, in the Heavens.

Don't be sad for too long, the past is the past.




I blinked, and still, no tears would fall.

I was slightly happy, that he would be able to meet with Umma, up there, while I'm still living life on Earth.

I knew they wouldn't to see me sad, so I forced a smile.

I have to move on.


Hello readers, hehe.

I don't know, I made up the reason why he passed away, I hope it made sense. :p

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please update
Kiseopsuzy #2
it's only 48 chapter's make it 60's perfect!!!!!
KimMyungDerp #3
thanks for updating!
Yay~ thanks for updating! x-x but please update soon neh? *dying here*
namstarulee #5
update soon please :)I'm dying here askhadshdsa XD
KimMyungDerp #6
thanks for updating! ^^
marshmallow21 #7
Hehe sorry for making you all wait :( thank you for reading btw :D love you all <3