Opening Eyes

Lust or Love?


"We're going to have to finish this some other time" - Jungkook said smiling sweetly at Jin, before leaving to his room.
Jin looked after Jungkook oblivious as to what maknae had meant. Finish what?

But Suga wasn't as oblivious as Jin.
"You really don't see what he's doing?" - he asked startling Jin.
Suga was looking at Jin with a very serious expression, Jin hang his head ashamed - only then he realized that Suga had probably seen how he got by their innocent maknae.
Jin might be oblivious to some things, but he wasn't stupid, he knew his face was like an opened book and the fact that Suga was pretty good at reading people didn't make his situation better.
"I'm sorry" - Jin said silently stil not daring to look up. He didn't want to see the disgust and anger in Sugas eyes that he was sure he'd see there.
"God, hyung, you're so pathetic" - Suga sighed moving next to Jin and forcing him to look up - "I'm only doing this because I'm awesome and I'm seriously getting sick of this . I know you like our maknae, and I mean "like" like. I also know that Jungkook is little , that wants to get in your pants."
"What?" - Jin asked shocked, he had been surprised when he had seen nothing put pity in Sugas eyes, but after hearing what he had said, Jin was simply speechless.
"You really think that all this clinging, touching, teasing is only because he fancies you as a hyung?" - Suga asked, but before Jin could answer continued - "He wants you, Jin. And by wants I mean in the ual way, Jungkook is nowhere close as innocent as you think, so you won't be corrupting him... yes, I know you're worried about it... I also know that you think you're some old ert lusting after young flesh, and well technically, yeah he's still illegal, so if you'd force him into anything you'd be in trouble, but thing is I'm more concerned that if you don't sort it out soon you will be the one that gets ... I mean it Jin, that sneaky dickhead is as and I know he's not ing around anymore, guess he's really obsessed with getting you... so he will get really ually frustrated real soon."
"What the hell do you mean "s around"?" - Jin asked shocked that Suga could say something like that about their innocent maknae.
Suga sighed - "It's really not my place to tell you those things. You only need to know that:
1st - You want to Jungkook.
2nd - Jungkook wants you to him, which is amazing 'cause consent and all that .
3rd... Just talk to him, you probably won't like quite a few things you will get to know, but this is getting way too frustrating not only for you two... this between you too is seriously messing with my lyrics, so if you don't want our next album to sound like some chants, please sort it out."
"I will" - Jin promised, he was still confused as hell and shocked because of things Suga had said, but he knew better than not to trust rappers judgement, if Suga had bothered to put aside his lyrics and talk to Jin it meant he really knew what he was talking, Suga never bothered if it wasn't something serious, he always let others deal with their own problems.
"Oh and hyung, be careful" - Suga added.
Jin looked at other confused - "What do you mean?"
Suga sighed - "Nothing... I just don't want anyone to get hurt and things becoming weird."
"I would never do anything to hurt Jungkook" - Jin said and he really meant it, Jungkook was too important, too precious to him.
"That's not what I meant, I know you'd never hurt him... at least intentionally" - Sugas answer left Jin even more confused.
"Then what?" - Jin asked.
Suga was silent for a moment, he seemed to consider something - "Just before you jump into bed with him, you might want to get to know him a bit better... there's a lot of things you don't know about Jungkook."
"I would never just jump straight into bed with him, I'm not like that" - Jin said, offended that Suga thought he would just go to Jungkook and unceremoniously have with him.
"I know and I really didn't mean to imply that you'd do that" - Suga sighed, frowning slightly - "I just really at this talking thing you're all so fond of."
"Thank you anyways" - Jin thanked smiling, he really was glad that Suga had talked to him and opened his eyes about Jungkooks actions.
"Sure, no problem" - Suga said back, sitting down and taking his notebook. Jin knew their conversation was over.
"And you don't that bad" - Jin added before leaving to his room, he had a lot to think about. Of course he wanted to go straight to Jungkook and confront other, but he knew he needed to carefully think over what's he's going to do - cause even though Suga was right about almost everything he had said about Jin, he had missed one major thing - Jin didn't just want to Jungkook, his feelings for maknae were more than purely ual.





A short update, but I thought better short one than nothing. And I have already almost finished next chapter so if I suddenly don't get sleepy (it's almost 5am here -_-) it might be up soon :)

Also thanks to everyone reading this and commenting ^^

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kayandrawa #1
Chapter 18: Omg I'm so looking forward to how Jungkook will fix things with Jin and I dont wanna see anymore self-hatred in him...I just hate it when people hav self hatred and its rly depressing to see that bc I've been there T_T

Anyways update soo please :3
Caramel_lover369 #2
Chapter 18: I love this story.Please update soon and keep up the good work unnie
Chubii #3
Chapter 11: I love the fact that we get the chance to sympathize with Kookie.
Chubii #4
Chapter 10: Wow. A lot of OHHHHH-worthy moments here. I loved it, lol.
Chubii #5
Chapter 9: This was hard to read to be honest ;_;. KOOKIE WHY.
Chubii #6
Chapter 6: Oh god whyy. I so want to see how this will work out (hopefuly?), but yeah, why u do dis.
Chubii #7
Chapter 1: I like where this is going ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Chapter 13: Suga Kookie no D:
Chapter 9: Jin!! TTwTT
I wanna slap Jungkook ><
Chapter 6: I just don't like VKook TTwTT
poor Jin, my JinKook TTwTT