Reasons To Date Kim Seokjin

Lust or Love?


Warning! This chapter will get a bit y.


Jin was nervous, but nonetheless very excited. It was finally the day for his and Jungkooks date. All members were out of dorm and would be back very late, so they had all evening for themselves and Jin had come up with a perfect plan to show Jungkook that he would be amazing boyfriend. Now he only had to wait till Jungkook returns, he had gone out with V, to give Jin some time to prepare everything. Finally Jin heard front door opening and hurried to greet Jungkook.

Jungkook sighed before opening the door of their dorm. He was worried about the following evening. He had just took of his jacket and shoes when suddenly he was pulled in a tight hug and kissed like there's no tomorrow. When Jin finally pulled back, Jungkook could only stare at other breathless.
Jin smirked - "I decided that theme of this date will be "Reasons to consider dating Kim Seokjin" and this would be reason number one - you will always be greeted like this... and second - If you'll be a good boy, I'll spoil you with your favorite meals..." - Jin continued leading Jungkook into the living room.
Jungkook looked at the sight in front of him amazed - their messy living room was turned into cozy romantic cave. The lights were turned off and room enlightened by countless candles, couches were pushed aside and replaced with pile of pillows and blankets, next to them stood their coffee table full with Jungkooks favourite dishes and snacks. Jungkook had no idea how Jin had managed all that in such a short time.

While eating they casually chatted - Jin told Jungkook about his little troubles with preparing their date - how he had tried to make every dish at the same time and ended up putting wrong ingredients in wrong dish (to Jungkook everything still tasted amazing) and how he might have damaged their floor a bit when moving the couches and covered it with carpet. Jungkook told Jin about his day with Taehyung and how he had contemplated throwing himself under a bus, because of his best friend being exceptionally alien that day. It was nothing uncommon for them to have such a talk, because every Bangtan member knew that Jin genuinely cared about them so they often shared their adventures of the day with their elder hyung, but with the atmosphere in the room this particular time seemed so much personal and intimate.
Jungkook felt comfortable with how their date was going so far. Jin was just being Jin - the sweet, supportive and understanding hyung he always was.

When they had finished their meal, they laid down on the pillows continuing their chat and snacking with fruits.
Suddenly Jin smirked mischievously and reached for something behind the table. Jungkooks eyes widened in surprise when he saw that it was a bottle of wine.
"Number 3 - I will ignore the fact that you're minor and even let you have a drink... with condition that it's with me" - Jin said opening the bottle and pouring wine in the glasses, that Jungkook had failed to notice before.
"Hyung, are you trying to get me drunk to get in my pants?" - Jungkook theatrically gasped.
"Sweetie, we both know that I don't need to get you drunk to get in your pants" - Jin said seductively and gave one glass to Jungkook.
"True" - Jungkook admitted smiling - "Too bad you're not using such an amazing opportunity."
"Too bad you're not using the opportunity to have such an amazing boyfriend as myself" - Jin said back.
Jungkooks smile dropped. With all the comfortable taking and teasing he had forgot what it all was about, what Jin really wanted from him and Jungkook couldn't help but feel a bit guilty about his motives for agreeing to their date. He once again started to have second thoughts about seducing Jin, something in they way Jin looked at him told him that his effort to assure that Jin doesn't fall for him might have failed.
"4th reason" - Jin said interrupting Jungkooks thought - "Whenever you will get that sad look, or any sad look or get upset about something... this is what's gonna happen..." With that said Jin put aside their glasses and pulled Jungkook in a tight comforting hug.
They stayed with Jungkook snuggled against Jins chest and  Jins arms protectively around Jungkook for some time and younger couldn't deny that being held like that was definitely something he wouldn't mind.
After a while Jungkook reluctantly pulled away.
"So what else you got?" - Jungkook asked to pick up the mood.
"Actually I didn't really come up with much" - Jin admitted pouting, but added - "I just think I'd be a pretty decent boyfriend. I'd date me."
Jungkook laughed - "I bet you would."
"So you should too, even if I don't have any more reasons why. But there is something I want to give to you" - Jin said reaching in his pocket.
Jungkook eyes widened in shock when he saw the ring in Jins hand.
"Don't worry I'm not proposing" - Jin laughed seeing Jungkooks expression - "It's kind of like a promise ring... because even if we're never more than friends with benefits or just friends, you're incredibly important to me Kookie... and I want you to always remember that you can trust me... this ring... it's promise that I will always take care of you and if you're upset or hurt about something or by someone, you can come to me and I'll support you however I can... so will you accept it?"
Jungkook only nodded unable to find words to express what he was feeling at the moment.
Jin smiled, happy that Jungkook had accepted his promise and slid ring on Jungkook pinky.
"Thank you, hyung" - Jungkook finally spoke - "You can't imagine how much this means to me... I just hope you won't change your mind."
"I won't" - Jin promised leaning in and capturing Jungkooks lips in a sweet kiss. None of them wanted to pull away and soon what started as a sweet comforting kiss turned into a heavy make out session.
They separated only for a moment, agreeing that none of them wanted to be interrupted by other members so they blew out candles and moved to Jungkooks room, where they immediately fell down on Jungkooks bed, limbs entangled, and reconnected their lips.

"Actually there is one more reason that I can give you a trial of" - Jin smirked pulling back and slowly undoing his pants - "But for that we don't need pants." Jin finished his sentence slowly sliding down his pants and underwear. He stepped out of them standing in all his glory in front of Jungkook.
Jungkook looked with his mouth hanging open for two reasons. First, he was shocked that it was really happening, he finally got Jin to have with him. And second, Jin looked hot as hell - his tall, slender body was making Jungkook drool. He was so bewitched by Jins body that he didn't even notice how Jin had gotten him out of his own pants, he came back to his senses when Jin knelt in between his legs and smirked seductively at Jungkook, only to lose it all again when Jin wrapped his lips around his hard and started to sensually bob his head up and down.
After few minutes Jin let Jungkooks slip out of his mouth and said - "there's a bonus to this too... I can ..." And Jin immediately proved it, taking Jungkook all the way in and making younger boy scream out in pleasure.

When Jungkook felt himself getting too close to coming he asked Jin to stop and pulled other in bed, he laid on top of Jin and started another make out session, but this time with their bodies touching and rubbing against each other it felt so much better and neither of them could get enough of other.
Without separating their lips Jungkook pulled out a bottle of lube from his bedside table and only pulled back to confirm that Jin was okay with what he was about to do.
"You have to say now if you don't want to take this till the end... because later I won't be able to stop anymore" - Jungkook warned.
"I wouldn't dream of asking you to stop right now... I want this... I've wanted this for a long time... me Jungkook" - Jin said and that was all the permission Jungkook needed, he mentally made a note - check, he had gotten Jin in his collection, finally...

Jungkook carefully prepared Jin and it didn't take long before room was filled with nothing but moans, skin slapping and kissing noises.
Jungkook kept fast pace, mercilessly ing into Jin and soon older was so close to coming, but Jungkook suddenly stopped.
"" - he cursed.
Jin whined confused - "Why.. why did you stop?"
"I... ... how the ..." - Jungkook cursed again, but then added - "I don't want this to end yet, I want to enjoy it a bit longer."
The way Jungkook was looking at Jin made others breath hitch... he had never seen such a gentle and caring look in Jungkooks eyes... why now suddenly? When all that Jin wanted was for younger to take him hard and deep.
But Jin reconsidered his wish, when Jungkook started to in him again - it wasn't the previous hard, fast and deep pace, instead Jungkook was sliding in him slowly and sensually? all the while kissing Jin gently - with so much emotions Jin wasn't used to feel from Jungkook. The sudden change in Jungkook was almost too much to take, no one had ever taken Jin with so much care and Jin loved it, he loved every second of Jungkook kissing, touching and ing... no what they had wasn't as primal as ing... the way Jungkook slid in him  was what Jin believed could only be called making love.
"Seokjin..ahh" - Jungkook moaned against Jins lips. Tears welled up in Jins eyes, it was the first time Jungkook had ever used his real name ever since they knew each other, and it leaving Jungkooks lips sounded so perfect. Jin had always preferred his real name over stage name, and it had never sounded more beautiful than when Jungkook moaned it.

No matter how desperately they both wanted to prolong it, they couldn't hold back for long and soon released with each others name on their lips.
Jungkook messily cleaned them both up and they laid down catching their breaths, each with their own thought in head.
Jin was the first one to speak - "I know it's not good to say it right after , but Kookie... I love you... please be my boyfriend?"
Jungkook was silent for uncomfortably long time and Jin was starting to feel really uneasy, but finally younger spoke - "I... I... can I think about it first?"
"Of course" - Jin smiled even thought it wasn't what he had hoped to hear. He felt slightly disappointed, but only a bit because Jungkook hadn't at least said no. And that alone was a huge progress.



It took like million years to finish this chapter >< But good news are that next few chapters are almost done :)

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kayandrawa #1
Chapter 18: Omg I'm so looking forward to how Jungkook will fix things with Jin and I dont wanna see anymore self-hatred in him...I just hate it when people hav self hatred and its rly depressing to see that bc I've been there T_T

Anyways update soo please :3
Caramel_lover369 #2
Chapter 18: I love this story.Please update soon and keep up the good work unnie
Chubii #3
Chapter 11: I love the fact that we get the chance to sympathize with Kookie.
Chubii #4
Chapter 10: Wow. A lot of OHHHHH-worthy moments here. I loved it, lol.
Chubii #5
Chapter 9: This was hard to read to be honest ;_;. KOOKIE WHY.
Chubii #6
Chapter 6: Oh god whyy. I so want to see how this will work out (hopefuly?), but yeah, why u do dis.
Chubii #7
Chapter 1: I like where this is going ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Chapter 13: Suga Kookie no D:
Chapter 9: Jin!! TTwTT
I wanna slap Jungkook ><
Chapter 6: I just don't like VKook TTwTT
poor Jin, my JinKook TTwTT