Please Don't Be Real

It Takes Courage
Sorry for the late update.
I am in Taiwan now, enjoying bubble teas and sh*t.
Thank you guys for reminding me to update with your comments.
*happy face*
But the R-rated scene is postponed for now.
*sad face*
UNLESS I have more comments muahaha.
I'm so evil.
Oh, and to answer a reader's question, I'm not going to reveal if this is going to end well or not.
After Seungri left the hotel, tears poured down his face as if they would never run out. He crossed the busy street without looking both ways like his mother always told him to. In a split second, his world turned dark. Some people around the accident screamed; others ran towards the unmoving body, attempting in vain to help the personality to regain consciousness; some could be seen dialling 911 on their cell phones; the majority just ignored the whole incident as if it didn’t happen.

Seungri’s POV

I was running towards nothing. All was black around me. Nothing but nothingness. Where was I? The last thing I remember was seeing the park on the other side of the street before I ended up here. I could feel my legs moving at their fastest, and they were starting to ache due to the over-exertion of my muscles. I couldn’t stop them from moving, though; it was out of my control, like everything happening in my life. After a while, they were seriously starting to hurt, and I was desperately trying to stop running but failing miserably. Suddenly I spotted a figure ahead with his head turned away from me. I felt my legs run faster no matter how much I wanted to cease the pain it was causing me. I kept watching that figure that never seemed to get any closer. Slowly he turned back his head and I had a good look at his face.

“Jiyong,” I whispered.

Jiyong had puffy red eyes, and his face was drenched in tears. All of a sudden I stopped running, which was a relief to some degree. My relief lasted for only a second, though. Nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to see. The blackness of my environment melted into a scene of a bridge hundreds of feet above water. I saw GD balancing at the edge of the bridge with nothing but a railing in between him and the vast amount of open sea air. The least I could say was that I was horrified.

“Jiyong,” I said once again, louder this time. He just stared at me.

“Jiyong, don’t do this,” I said more forcefully.

He shook his head sadly and mouthed a “Mianhe” before turning around, letting go of the railing in the process. It was as if time stopped. I couldn’t hear myself yell his name after him nor could I move my legs in an attempt to save him from his unjustified death. The only thing I could feel was my heart that was shattering into a million pieces.

The scenery changed suddenly. I was in a hospital. In front of me was a person covered with a white sheet on a bed. I had a really bad feeling about who was under that sheet. I pulled the cover off of the person’s head, which confirmed my prediction. “No,” I whispered, horrified at the sight, “Jiyong.” I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I turned around with tears lingering in my eyes to face the doctor above me.

“Poor fellow,” he said, “died after his heart astonishingly tore itself into two, causing severe internal bleeding and lung failure.” I could only stare.

“Was he your friend?” the doctor continued.

After a pause, I finally replied, “Yes, he was a really close friend of mine.”

“Then sir, may we ask you several questions. This is really a medical mystery to us, and we would love to know if we could find the cause of his death.”

I nodded, my eyes still fixed on Jiyong’s beautiful face.

“First question, did he have any heart problems or any medical conditions in general?”

I shook my head slowly.

“Was he having any difficulties with his girlfriend, then?”

I stiffened. I was the cause of this. I was the cause of Jiyong’s death. The tears hiding behind my eyes finally spilled and I started hugging the cold corpse, frustrated when it did not respond. No, I didn’t WANT it to end this way.

A second later, the scenery changed again and I found myself in a dark forest. It was, in one word, creepy. All of the trees created frightful shadows, there were red eyes shining in the dark, and there was only light from the moon (which means that there was not much). I heard some leaves rustle behind me. I was frozen in fear.

“Who’s there?”

More rustling in my left. I spun around. Nothing.

“Who’s there?” I repeated, becoming increasingly afraid.

A huge rustling of bushes in front of me was heard. My heart pounded like crazy. It was some animal, I know it, I thought to myself. Ironically, what awaited me was very much like an animal.

Jiyong stumbled forward and landed on all fours, facing the ground with his hair dangling from his forehead. I sighed in relief.

“OMO, Jiyong, don’t do that to me, you scared me to death!”

He kept his face down and didn’t answer.


He cackled.

“Jiyong, this is not funny, you are scaring me.”

Still he continued laughing. It became increasingly hysterical and devilish.

“Jiyong, please, what’s wrong with you?” I was seriously becoming scared.

He looked up at me and I screamed. There were no eyes in his sockets and no teeth in his mouth when he opened it to keep laughing. Froth started forming in his mouth and I just continued screaming at the creature in front of me. Jiyong (if it was Jiyong) started shaking and staggered towards me on all fours before falling over, dead. Still screaming, I turned the other way and ran through the forest.

I ran blindly, not caring about the scratches the tree branches and bushes gave me. I was practically running with my eyes tightly closed, but I didn’t care due to my overwhelming fright. When I felt no more leaves in my way, I opened my eyes. Big mistake.

I was in my hotel room. I looked around me, confused. Where was GD? Is he alright? I spun around in confusion and spotted a fresh trail of blood before me. A pretty cleaning lady came in. “Uh excuse me,” but I hardly finished asking her what this trail was when she just took one look at me, gave me a high-pitched scream, and ran out as fast as she could (quite awkwardly) in those high heels. I stood there, confused. I was Seungri from Big Bang. She looked as if she just saw a ghost. Did I have something on my face?

I had the peculiar urge to follow the trail of blood and it led out the door. Thankfully, the hotel carpet was white so it was rather easy to see. I slowly walked down the hall and felt my heart beating faster and faster. I arrived at the other Big Bang door. My heartbeat was at its quickest and it almost seemed to pound at my rib cage so much that it hurt. I opened the door. “TOP? Daesung?” No answer. “You guys there?” No answer. I shrugged. Probably getting a snack. The trail of blood led to the other side of the bed.

I practically screamed when I found out what the trail led to. There was Jiyong’s dying body sprawled out on the ground, covered in blood and dirt. His blood was still oozing out of all of the cuts that the murderer afflicted on him, and I almost vomited after smelling the nauseating blood. His eyes, wide open, had a horrified expression; his hair was still as perfect as ever if you did not notice the blood on it; and his expensive clothes were all ripped in a monstrous fashion, showing his frail and bruised body. He was breathing heavily, and his chest was painfully moving up and down in pure agony. The most horrifying thing, however, was the fact that Jiyong’s heart was cut right out of his body. It looked as if someone just cut a hole around his heart and took it out with his bare hands. I shook with fear and anger at the hideous act a person could do to him.

I looked around the room in fear and spotted the full-length mirror on the other side. I got a good look at myself, and what I saw made my eyes widen in disbelief. I had blood stains everywhere, my face, my clothes, just everywhere. In one hand (with was also drenched with blood) was a knife with warm red liquid trickling down from it, and in the other was a real beating heart—GD’s heart. I gaped at the unfamiliar reflection in the mirror and almost screamed like the cleaning lady before me. “No,” I whispered, “Did I do this to him?” I backed away from the mirror in shock.

To my surprise, my reflection just stood there and started crying silently. “Unfortunately, you did do this, Seung hyun. I am sorry.”

I gaped. I mean, wouldn’t you be surprised if your own reflection started talking to you? “Who are you?” I asked.

“You don’t recognize me? I’m you, Seung hyun. Well, part of you. I am your conscience, your love for Jiyong, your true inner feelings and emotions.”

“I didn’t do this, did I? I don’t remember doing this.”

My reflection sighed. “I tried to tell you before. Do you know when your heart starts beating faster when GD is around? Do you know how you start to miss his presence when he is NOT around? Do you know how you always cried whenever you thought that you couldn’t be with him? Do you know how you seemed so happy before when you were still playing around with Jiyong? Do you know all of those happy and loving dreams that you had with GD? That was me, Seung hyun. I did all of those in you. That was the only way to tell you.”

“Tell me what?”

“That your heart belongs to GD.”

“… But I can’t love him.”

“Seung hyun, look at what you are doing to him. You are killing him inside, emotionally. You have stolen his heart [he pointed at the beating heart in my hands], and now you are practically killing and torturing him with his love for you. All of those scenes before this was what he was going through inside after you rejected his love for you. He wanted so much to die and ease the pain of his agonizing rejection, he died inside several times already, and he was going crazy like a mad dog over his love for you. His heart is wounded, Seung hyun, and only you can heal it.”

“But, it is his fault for loving me! I owe him nothing!” I was at my wit’s end to convince myself that it was all for the best and that GD would get over it eventually.

My reflection sighed again. “Here, let me show you something.”

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teddiebears #1
love this, thank you
T.O.P the Spy
kekekeke !!!!
i raed all in one go it rilly good story
dragon2010angel #4
i love this story a lot great just wonderful
fullmoonhearts #5
A very great ending
fullmoonhearts #6
This is definitely the best fanfiction I've ever read!!!
Um but maybe just maybe you could make it more of a struggle for Daesung to convince Hyori to give up her revenge?
I know I sound critisising so you don't have to listen to me.
Can't wait to see what happens next!!!