
It Takes Courage
Rated scene next chapter! Comment if you want me to update ;)
I read through the first entry and was startled at its last sentence: “Love, Lee Hyori” in a fancy handwriting. Curiosity really got the best of me and I kept on reading through its contents word by word. I laughed as well as cried along with the book. Hyori really went through a lot. She was really the person that I thought she was inside.

I’ll tell you the truth right now. I had a crush on Lee Hyori for quite a while now. One of the reasons why I went on Family Outing was because of her, so that I could get closer to her, so that I could feel her silky hair brush past me whenever she walked past me. Despite my outgoing personality, confessing my feelings to the girls I like has never been my forte. So she would never know that I loved her, no matter how many times I wanted to tell her or at least show her. I was such a coward.

I read her entry about Big Bang’s one and only Choi Seunghyun. I have already guessed that Lee Hyori would fall in love with TOP, and that fact really hurt me inside despite my Cheshire smile on the outside. I actually cried the day the group decided that Hyori would kiss TOP on stage. I would have never guessed their first interesting night *cough* together, though. I almost yelled out, “TOP DID THAT?!?!” after I read that section. You know, I sincerely pitied poor Hyori, but I admired her strength. She kept fighting all the way to success even after this traumatizing act that TOP did, especially when she found out that TOP had a girlfriend at that time. More than that, she lost her whole family that day. My heart ached at that entry, and I yearned to give her one of the biggest hugs I could ever give somebody.

The worst part was the next part. I was especially scared at the words “revenge” and “bring Big Bang down.” A bystander would have seen me with a frightened look on my face gaping at a harmless little notebook in my shaking hands. This image only intensified when I saw the sentence “OK, I just got into the Big Bang apartment as a girl named ‘Ji Song,’ so my plan to bring them down could begin.” LEE HYORI WAS JI SONG? I contemplated that fact for a moment. No wonder she was that good-looking, and no wonder she had at least fourteen layers of makeup on her. I shook my head in incredulity. Big Bang really WAS at stake. I smiled at the sentence that said that I was the nicest person she has ever met, though. She finally noticed me, even if it was by accident.

Suddenly I heard the jingle of keys outside, and Ji Song, or should I say my beloved Lee Hyori, entered. I panicked for a little bit, but forced a nervous smile.

“Uh hi, princess!” I said half-heartedly with a blank expression on my face.

“Hey, Daesung!” she greeted happily. Her cheery look suddenly vanished when she saw the little notebook in my hand. She pursed her lips. “How much do you know?”

“Enough,” I answered quietly. “Can we talk for a little bit?” I motioned her to sit down somewhere, which she did obligingly.

Lee Hyori’s POV

I know that it is a really risky idea to keep a personal journal when you are a celebrity. I only kept one because it seemed to keep me sane whenever I am going through one of those days. Now I don’t know if it could help. Daesung already found it, and read through the whole thing in the process.

“What is there to talk about? You already know everything, and now my revenge against TOP will not be carried out!” I burst into tears towards the end of my last sentence, not caring if it would smudge my mascara.

What Daesung did was really unexpected. He gently lifted my chin and wiped away my tears for me. I had a good look at his eyes and found love and caring, not lust like in TOP’s. “I have something to tell you. I love you. Instead of your revenge, could you love me instead? Please?”

I thought about it. My heart was beating so fast. Did I love Daesung? He was sincere with his confession, I was sure of that. I looked at him with wide-open eyes.

“Please, princess?” He looked down while still holding my chin.

My heart skipped a beat when he said that magical word. Yes. My true lover was Daesung, not TOP. He would treat me like a human being, not a toy. He would make me smile, not cry. He would make my heart flutter, not ache. He would fill me with positive thoughts, not negative ones. He would love me, not my body. He would love me.

I smiled and kissed him lightly on his forehead. He looked up in surprise, and I laughed at his flustered expression. “Is that a yes?” he asked tentatively. I rolled my eyes and kissed him on the lips, flustering him some more. I giggled at his reactions. After he finally settled down, he broke into his famous smile and bear hugged me.

“Now, Hyori, could you do me three favours?” he asked. I giggled at his pleading face.


“One, wash your face; I want to see Lee Hyori, not Ji Song.”

I laughed out of pure glee. “Araso.”

“Two, help me bring Big Bang back together. Seungri really is leaving.”

“Daesung, I wrote that email. Once he knows that it is fake, he will come back.”

“That’s a relief! And last but not least, help me bring Seungri and Jiyong back together.”

“Ara—” I stopped in mid-word. Was I really going to give up my plan of revenge that quickly? For all I know, Daesung could just be using me again. Then again, when I looked in his eyes, he really did love me. I took one look at Daesung’s expectant face, though, and smiled. I was ready, but with one condition. “Araso. But you also need to help me with one thing, Dae Dae.”

“Anything for my princess!”

“Get TOP to apologize sincerely to me, and to make it up to me in some way.”

“Deal! He needs to do so anyways.”

I smiled. I was making the right choice. And it was all because of Daesung.

Taeyang’s POV

GD walked out of the door with a blank face. The blank face was the scariest. That meant that he was hurt beyond pure pain. Poor lad, I thought. I really pitied him. It would really hurt to love someone with all your heart without getting any love back. But how would I know?

All of a sudden Daesung and Ji Song barged into the room, Daesung smiling like an idiot and Ji Song looking at the ground. “Great news, hyung!” Daesung exclaimed.

“What the hell happened to you?” I asked with a confused face on. I was confused because first, Daesung was crying just a minute ago, and second Ji Song and him were holding hands. I eyed their linked hands.

“The best thing ever, that’s what,” he responded, with a soft look at Ji Song.

After a second of thinking about it, I widened my eyes. “OMO, you can’t do that, Daesung! You can’t do that to Seungri! You can’t help his girlfriend cheat on him! He’s your own band member! How can you do that to him?”

“Let me explain!” he answered, still smiling like an idiot.

“No, let me explain,” Ji Song suddenly spoke up, her voice shaky and nervous.

Daesung looked at her with wide eyes, but he nodded when Ji Song looked at him with earnest eyes.

“From beginning to end, this is what happened,” she said.
I'm so sad today. It's the last day I see Timothy. He won't come to the conservatory tomorrow and I'm leaving the day after that. SO SAD. :'(

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teddiebears #1
love this, thank you
T.O.P the Spy
kekekeke !!!!
i raed all in one go it rilly good story
dragon2010angel #4
i love this story a lot great just wonderful
fullmoonhearts #5
A very great ending
fullmoonhearts #6
This is definitely the best fanfiction I've ever read!!!
Um but maybe just maybe you could make it more of a struggle for Daesung to convince Hyori to give up her revenge?
I know I sound critisising so you don't have to listen to me.
Can't wait to see what happens next!!!