Chapter 21

Fulfilling my teenage dreams as a grown woman
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Bobby's POV


The statement I made as a little boy at YG audition could not be more true. "I was supposed to be a star, a superstar". Getting this star life back made me realize how much I loved it and how much I craved it. I enjoy it so much that it make me forget things. Important things sometimes; like checking on people you care, Hyojin to be specific. My free spirit's will to live in the moment did not let me realize it until things got risky.

It has been more than a month since the last time I saw Hyojin. It's not that I put her in a complete oblivion you see. I do think of her when things remind me, like on nights I go back to my empty apartment instead of dorm or when  I see angry little kids on street. But my life was packed. I was doing everything I love again; making songs, performing with friends I love, being in the sport light. My days and nights were packed with schedules. We are working on a new album, touring, practicing. I had to much on my plate. But deep down, I know these are all excuses I made up for me just being selfish. I knew she would be there. I knew she was genuine. I knew I won't have to try hard to make her stay. All these things I have, fame, money, friends, I knew they could go away in an instant that I was enjoying/fighting hard for them. But I knew she'd stay, because she stayed when everyone was once gone. I was taking her for granted. But this is one thing I was not going to admit ever, not even to myself.

Another thing I was in self-denial about is that I might actually like her, not even when I see all this super dolled up pretty girls on everyday basics and still think her smile is prettier. Not even when I have wet dreams about her. I dismissed them as a normal reaction of a guy to a pretty girl. She is pretty, like really. I give her that. But that was it. She is a pretty person who makes me feel at home and whom I like to spend time with. A good friend is the right word, may be? I was living just fine anyways.

It was saturday night, I was hitting the clubs as usual while  I was scrolling through my instagram. I saw Hyojin's face in one of the posts. Wait she doesn't use social media. It was the post of the girl from her company I made friend with during our concerts, Dana. She was also Song guy's sister as long as I remeber. They are apprantly on a MT trip. She looks as fine as usual. Like whatever. Oh there is that Song guy too. He is a weird kid. If you think about all the stuff he did, he is very weird and also suspicous. I was swping throught the pictures and felt alarmed on one specifc picture. Drunk looking Hyojin leaning her head on Song guy's shoulder. Now that I see why are they together in all the pictures. Well people do does the pose when taking pictures. And they do drink at MTs usually. That was untill I found a video of male employees dancing to 'TT. Hyojin and the director guy were joking with each other at the very back corner and she was laughing at whatever stupid he was doing . Hyojin laughing openly jokes? No. Hyojin teasing? Never. She looked more comfortable than she ever was with me. I have never seen her laugh so wide. She looked happy and he looked even happier. I felt a pinch at my pride. She told me I am the only on

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Update please
update please.............
Chapter 1: author-nim Please don't abandon this fic. seriously waiting the new chapter
can't wait to know what happen next...... seriously miss this fic :'(
author-nim update please when u'r free :D
update please
totally miss this fic. Please update author-nim
Thanks for your update author-nim <3
rindes #8
Chapter 21: An update. Yesssss
softyforbb #9
Chapter 21: Aaaalright does this mean we are getting an update soon cause my feels are bursting
Btw i had to reread from the begining not that i am complaining I Love It
still no update :/