Chapter 34

ICE: Thaw the Frozen Heart [EDITING]

Chapter 34


Areum pushed Kris away. "Ya! What do you think you're doing?!" She glared at him, but he was blankly staring at a distance.

"Why don't I remember anything?" He mumbled above a whisper. "I don't feel anything."

"Yifan?" Areum waved a hand in front of him and he finally glanced at her.

"I don't remember our first kiss," he stated blankly.

"What?" Areum still couldn't understand.

"But I remember my first kiss with her when I kissed her," he mumbled to himself again.

"Wait. Hold on." Areum massaged her temple. "That was the test? You wanted to know whether you still have feelings for me?"


"Wait a second." Her eyes rounded when a thought dawned on her. "You kissed Yeojin, didn't you?" After a moment of hesitation, Kris slowly nodded and she gasped. "Oh. My. Gosh! You- you-"

Areum opened to scold him, but words died in because she was too speechless. She groaned instead and paced around. Kris silently watched her while his own mind was preoccupied. Areum stopped pacing around and approached him with a glare. Without warning, she flicked his forehead and he winced.

"Ack! What was that for?!" Kris rubbed his forehead.

"To heal your stupidity!" Areum crossed her arms. "I can't believe how stupid you are, Yifan! First of all, I am engaged. Engaged, Yifan!" Kris opened his mouth to retort, but she hit his arm. "Shut your mouth and listen. Second, you are married! And most importantly, you should never kiss someone else- an engaged one especially- just to determine your own feeling for your wife. God!" She threw her head back and flung her arms. "You are so stupid! What if someone saw us? What if Yeojin knew?"

Kris lowered his head. "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking straight."

"No, you weren't using your brain at all!"

"I thought I would-"

"Still feel the same way for me the way you do for Yeojin?" Areum finished for him. She then punched his arm. "That is for being such an idiot!" She punched his other arm harder, not minding his plea for her to stop. "That's for using me!" Kris rubbed both of his arms when Areum kicked his shin, making him jump around on one leg. "And that is for being a jerk to Yeojin!"

"Alright! Alright!" Kris shielded himself. "I get it! I'm a stupid jerk! I was just- just-" He sighed. "I didn't understand why I feel what I feel for her. I didn't want it to ruin my friendship with her."

Areum's gaze softened as she heaved out a breath. "But she's your wife now. In fact, she was never just a friend to you. Haven't you realize that?" She took a moment to close her eyes and composed herself. "You don't understand your own feeling? Well then, let me tell you, Mr. Wu. You like her."


"You better go back now." Areum looked away.

Kris bit down his lip. He knew she was right about everything. He lowered his head and turned around when she called him again.

"And Yifan." He looked back at her. "No more hiding. No more running away from your own feeling. No more denying. Just accept it and show her your true feeling."


Yeojin unmounted Sehun's motorbike and took off her helmet, giving it back to him with a small smile.

"Thanks for the ramyeon cup."

Sehun snorted as he swiveled up the visor of his helmet. "You don't have to thank me for treatments you deserve to receive from your boyfriend."

Yeojin chuckled a little, lowering her head. She still couldn't forget what she witnessed but she felt a little better after Sehun's comforting hug and a cup of her favorite ramyeon. After uttering another thanks, Yeojin hesitantly opened and entered through the door on the wall. She momentarily glanced back at Sehun who gave her a smile and a wave. She realized that maybe, just maybe, she was really starting to like having Sehun as a boyfriend.

Just before she closed the door, she saw Kris coming out of the house with a panic-stricken look.

When he got back to the house few minutes ago, he was surprised to find Yeojin nowhere in the house. He started panicking when he called her phone only to find it left in the bedroom.

Kris felt a wave of relief washed over him when he saw Yeojin entering through the door on the wall and with big steps he strode toward her.

"Where have you been?" I'm worried sick!

Yeojin just glared at him and closed the door. "None of your business!"

Kris was taken aback by her snarky reply. "What? Hey, I was just asking. What's with the attitude?"

"Why do you care?" She retorted, narrowing her eyes on him.

Kris was bewildered. He didn't understand her sudden anger. He was just worried. "Because you're my wife!" He raised his voice.

Yeojin's eyes were immediately widened and she opened the door a bit again. She peeked out and breathed out a sigh of relief when she saw Sehun's motorbike was just leaving. She then turned back around and stomped her way to Kris.

"Are you crazy?! What if Sehun heard? We're lucky he didn't!"

Kris' brows shot up in surprise. "Why does it matter if he did? It's better if he knew that you are mine!"

Yeojin's jaw dropped at what he just said. She couldn't believe what she just heard. "You are unbelievable! You were the one who told me not to tell him! You were the one who- And then now you- I am yours?" She scoffed to the side. "Now I'm suddenly yours." She mumbled to herself. "Whatever!" She pushed her way past him and walked ahead to the house.

Kris furrowed his brows when she slammed the door to the house. He tousled his hair and frustratedly kicked away a pebble on the pavement.


The lights on buildings he passed were reflected on the visor of his helmet which hid the deep frown on his face. He picked up the pace of his motorbike, weaving its way on the night road, passing several cars. Despite the sound of his motorbike's engine, Sehun could only hear the fast beating of his heart and the statement repeated in his mind.

"Because you're my wife!"

He felt a pang in his heart and his head was suddenly throbbing with pain. So, it's true. No, it has always been true. I've always known it. She's his wife! He very much wanted to forget what he just heard.

He didn't know since when exactly, but he had given up on trying to prove she's Kris Wu's wife a long time ago. Maybe he gave up when he saw how broken she was over her past. Maybe during their study dates. Maybe when he brought her to the museum. Or maybe it was way back when they ran on the running track and she made him smile. He gave up and assured himself that Yeojin wasn't lying even though deep down he knew what was true.

The number of cars became less when he turned at a corner. The road were darker too in this area. Only a few cafes, clubs, and a convenience store still had their lights on. Sehun turned at another corner entering a dark alley. It was eerily silent with only the sound of his motorbike's engine reaching his ears. However, as he got nearer to the end of the alley, a booming music could be heard. 

The sight of the abandoned warehouse with neon lights greeted him. The music became much louder accompanied by laughters and chatters.All types of motorcycle of different sizes and colors were parked side by side. Some had more people flocking around it than the other.

Eyes turned toward him, or more likely his white motorbike, as he passed them. He stopped at an empty spot and killed his engine. Some people murmured wanting to get a closer look but were hesitant at the same time. One person with a can of beer in his hand, though, didn't even have to think twice to ran to him.

The lanky guy threw his arms around the flustered Sehun. "Dude!" He pulled away and held Sehun at an arm's length. "You're back!"

Sehun smirked and unmounted his bike. "Hey, Tao."

"So," Tao draped an arm on his friend's neck, "why are you back?"

Sehun kept silent. His gaze zeroed down to the ground. He wasn't sure himself why he came back to this community he had left. His heavy heart led him here.

Tao waited for him to answer, but Sehun just snatched the can of beer in his hand and gulped down some of it.

"Well, well, well." A brown-haired guy in black leather jacket appeared, giving a slow clap. "Look who's back, everyone!" He raised his voice for more to hear. "The rich smarty pants!" He smirked.

"He just came for a drink, Xiu." Tao stood protectively in front of Sehun.

The guy lifted an eyebrow and smirked cynically. "Doesn't look like it to me." He pushed Tao to the side to stand in front of the taller blonde. "Why are you here, rich boy? You got zero chance if you're here to steal her back."

Sehun lifted his sharp gaze to him. He stood tall and crossed his arms. "Keep her. I just want a race," Sehun finally answered. He wanted this. He needed this to free his heavy heart.

"What?!" Tao gasped.

"A race? For what? What would I get? Or what do you want?" Xiu challenged.

"Nothing. I don't want anything." Sehun shrugged. "Just a race with you."

Xiu chuckled dryly. "Ha! Of course! You're a rich boy. Rich boy doesn't need anything 'cause daddy's given everything to him." He mocked and some laughed. "Alright. But if I win, I want your bike."

Sehun momentarily glanced at his motorbike before looking back at the guy. "Deal."

"Ya!" Tao grabbed Sehun's arm. "Have you lost your mind?! You lost to him the last time, remember?"

Sehun just shrugged off his friend's hand. He mounted his bike and everyone cleared the way for the race's starting point. Xiu came back with his black motorbike. They swiveled down their helmet's visors and looked ahead. People started cheering and when the start was signaled, they wasted no second to speed away. Others quickly clambered on their motorbikes to go to the finish line.

Xiu quickly sped past Sehun, overtaking him. But Sehun let him be. He had learned that the guy was always like that: bragging and giving it all at the start. He was still the same Xiumin he knew after all.

Sehun, on the other hand, liked to take it slow first. He liked to feel the  light vibration of his motorbike's engine running through his hand to his arm and whole body, becoming one with him. That was what he felt right then along with the push of the wind as he picked up the speed. The feeling that almost resembled soaring thrilled him. It helped lighten the burden he carried in his heart.

The truth he so wanted to prove almost two months ago, now he wished were never true. But he had known this from the start. He threw himself into this mess. Yet, he did not expect himself to like Yeojin this much. He did not expect to fall too deep for her. And now, he didn't want to let her go. She might be Kris' wife, but he would fight to win her heart.

With that in thought, his eyes zeroed on Xiumin who was ahead of him. He sped up and was able to caught up to him. It became a tight competition. Before long, the agreed finish line was in sight. Sehun sped up and overtook Xiumin, securing his place as the winner.

Tao and some others came to Sehun, cheering and congratulating him. Xiumin was very much pissed, but he tried to keep his cool. He then took off his helmet.

"I see you still got it." Xiumin placed his helmet on his lap. "Guess you're not just some rich mama's boy. How 'bout we race once more? Longer distance now."

Sehun smirked when he took off his helmet too. "Yeah, guess I'm getting better than you, huh? Thanks for the offer, but I don't want to embarrass you even more. Got more important stuff to do." He looked away and was ready to put on his helmet again.

Xiumin's eye twitched though he still kept his smirk. "More important stuff? Like a date with your new girlfriend?"

Sehun paused from putting on his helmet and glared at Xiumin. Tao looked anxious of what might come next.

Xiumin's eyes lit up and he grinned, knowing he was successful in gaining Sehun's attention. "I know you've got a new girl."

"He's just bluffing," Tao patted Sehun's shoulder.

Xiumin snickered. "Oh no, I'm not!" He crossed his arms, propping them on his helmet. "Someone came here few days ago asking about you." Sehun furrowed his brows at the revelation. "I told him you're not part of us anymore, and he showed me a picture of you and a girl." Xiumin played with his nails, looking uninterested. "Told him I've never seen her until he showed me a picture of her and this well-known rich guy. Wu something."

Sehun's eyes widened in surprise. What the hell?! Someone's been following us?

"She looks pretty." Xiumin gave Sehun a cunning glance. "I've seen her quiet often around that neighborhood where wealthy people live. It's not far from here. You don't mind if I say hi to her some time, do you?" He smirked.

Sehun clenched his fist and was ready to unmount his bike, but Tao stopped him.

"Just go. Don't take his bait. You know he's only saying empty words," Tao whispered.

Sehun contemplated for a moment, but he agreed with his friend and gave Xiumin one last glare. He sat back down on his motorbike, looking away.

Xiumin scoffed. "Of course you wouldn't mind! You might even allow me to do more with her too, right? Bet she's a ! Because judging from those photos of her with you and her with the other guy, I bet she's a ty bit-"

He couldn't even finished his insult because a fist flew across his face, sending him off his motorbike. When he propped himself up with an arm and wiped the blood off the corner of his lips with the back of his other hand, he saw Sehun standing before him.

"Don't ever insult her!" Sehun gritted his teeth.

Tao held Sehun back and tried to tell him to go before anything became anymore chaotic.

Xiumin chuckled dryly. "Look who's in love with someone else's wife!" Sehun's eyes rounded at what he said. "Oh don't be so surprised." He spit off the blood. "I told you I often saw her around that neighborhood." He stood up, staggering a bit. "I know she lived with the other guy alone. They were being cuddly in the picture too. I may not be born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but I have crawled up and I have connections with your kind. And the rumor about that Wu guy having a wife isn't something new." He smirked. "What a of a girlfriend you have!"

Sehun broke away from Tao's hold and threw another punch at Xiumin. The shorter guy lost his balance for a moment, but he returned the punch harder and sent Sehun down to the ground.

Sehun stood up again and dodged an incoming punch. "You know nothing about her!"

"Do I? Or are you the one who doesn't know the facts?" He punched Sehun on his stomach. "You will never be the one to get the girl! Just like before!" Xiumin punched him again.

Soon people were chanting for them to fight while some others tried to break them apart.

"Hun, stop!" Tao tried to grabbed Sehun only to be pushed away.

The police cars' sirens at a distance were heard and the crowd scrambled away. However, Xiumin and Sehun were still at each other.

Sehun was successful in bringing his opponent down again. He grabbed Xiumin, who was still sprawled on the ground, by his collar and continuously threw punches at him. He might not stop if it weren't for the policemen who broke them apart.


Yeojin climbed inside the bus with slumped shoulder. Today was supposed to be a fun one. It was the camp day after all. But what happened last night with Kris ruined her mood. She sat down at one of the front seats after spotting Sunhee, who was sitting beside Jongdae, waved at her.

She sighed and propped her elbow on the window's frame. What a jerk! She thought of Kris as she looked out the window and heaved out another sigh.

"Everything alright?" Sunhee whispered behind her.

Yeojin momentarily glanced back at her friend. "It's complicated."

"Isn't that Oh Sehun? What happened to him?" Someone said loud enough to make heads turn to look out the window.

Some even stood up from their seats just to have a look. Yeojin looked through the window too and found Sehun who was just coming out of a car. She knitted her brows because she rarely- or almost never even- saw him being driven to school by a chauffeur. But that wasn't what raised questions among the students or made Yeojin's eyes rounded. Instead, it was the bruises on his face.

"Oh snap! What happened to him, Jin?" Jongdae asked in surprise, but Yeojin kept shut because she didn't know either. The last time she saw him yesterday he was perfectly fine.

The students were whispering when Sehun was walking toward the bus. Nonetheless, the whispers almost immediately died down when he climbed inside the bus. He took a moment to throw a sharp gaze at them which made them look away. Yet when his eyes landed on Yeojin's still rounded ones, he lowered his gaze and slowly made his way to sit beside her. There wasn't really any other seat he would like to sit on.

Once he was seated, he leaned his head back. "Don't ask," he immediately told her with closed eyes.

Yeojin only sighed because that was exactly what she wanted to do. But she knew better than to go against his want. Thus, she kept silent and looked out the window again. The bus took off when the senior classes' home teachers had got inside the bus.

After awhile, Yeojin couldn't help but to steal glances at Sehun who was still leaning his head back with closed eyes. She winced when she saw the bruises on the corner of his lips and near his eyes. She wanted to know what happened. She wanted to know if he was okay. She was worried for some reason.

Unable to ask him frustrated her. But then, she smiled when an idea popped in her head. She zipped open her bag and took out a pack of gummies. She ripped it open and took one of the gummies, pressing it to his lips.

Sehun opened his eyes and lifted his head from the headrest when he felt the gummy on his lips. With knitted brows, he turned to look at Yeojin who grinned at him.

"Have some." She pressed the candy to his lips for him to eat.

His gaze softened and he complied, opening his mouth. Yeojin grinned wider and ate one herself. Sehun just silently looked at her with a ghost of a smile as she kept on shoving gummies to him.

How can I not fall for you?


Just when you thought you know Sehun enough. Haha! I didn't originally planned it to be this long, but I think I haven't really shown enough of Sehun.

Anyway, Tao and Xiumin as cameos! I feel bad for making Xiumin somewhat a bad guy here though. But hey, he's a hot badass at least lol.

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190506 ICE: Chapter 72 updated!


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Chapter 82: Missed the story, been few years already, hoping there'll be an update 😭😭😭
Emily345 #2
Chapter 82: Ohh how I miss this story... ?
Will you be updating again ??
2407briana #3
Chapter 82: Whoa whoa whoa I was not prepared for that
mznary #4
Chapter 82: WHAT?!! NOOOO NOO! Yifannnnn!!
miyoonji #5
Chapter 82: So, who is Yeojin going to choose?
tutialawiyah #6
Chapter 82: I was thinking Kris want to step down from his position to protect Yeojin. But what now? Is he seriously wanna give up on everything?? Cmon, atleast you should have one whether it's yeojin or your company T.T
gogogirl26 #7
Chapter 82: Aishhhh.. kris :(
chichiba #8
Chapter 82: Kris is ready to let Yeojin go... im sad?
Chapter 82: :'((
Chapter 82: Are they breaking up?