A Crush? (c)

YEWOOK Collections
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Ryeowook stayed on the seat he sat since around 7 AM and waited patiently to find out who would be his new friends on Social class III-C. He just finished his second year on Hyundai high school about two weeks ago and received days off for 14 days before he stepped into the new class. He saw familiar faces like Lee Sungmin, Kim Junsu, Go Dongwan and Ji Jinyoung walked in to the class and he stood up immediately to do the hi-five with his classmate on II-D.

“glad we have you here, Ryeowook… don’t forget to teach me economy and accounting. I think I’m on those two..”

“if you in those majors… why you even bother have your in social? they’re important. don’t skip class, Jinyoung-ah..”

“I promise I won’t skip again, Ryeowook-ah… [hugged Ryeowook] we just have less than a year in our third years in this school.. I won’t waste any second again.”

Released the hug, he hugged his others friends while saying, “good… now all of us need to do our best and graduate with full satisfaction.. okay? [all of them nodded] are you guys with me?”

“yes… don’t leave us, okay?”

“I won’t Sungmin-ah… I won’t abandon you.. you guys are my friends..”

“thanks a lot.. you’re the best, Ryeowook…”

He smiled to Junsu and Dongwan, tapped their arms and then looked around, noticed almost everyone was filling the class.

“I guess our first major will be start soon… find your seat, guys..”


Ryeowook and his friends passed their early classes until 9.40 AM before all the students heard the bell that signed them it was time for break. They went out straightly from the class, perhaps went to the canteen to fill their stomachs or throats. Ryeowook was still sitting on his seat, ignored the invitation from his buddies cause he still wanted to find his mistake on the first assignment of accounting.

“so I should put this company cash on debit and this on credit? you’re stupid, Ryeowook! how could you forget that?”

“are you talking to yourself, Ryeowook-ah?”

Ryeowook looked up, found his classmate, Judy, was talking to him in wonder. “hmmm I think so.. I’m reckless… forget about the basic debit and credit..”

“human makes mistakes, Ryeowook-ah.. we can’t be always perfect.. cause that’s what we are.. we learn from our mistakes..”

“but this is the basic and I don’t know what I was thinking earlier till I forgot to put what should be on debit and what should be on credit..”

“then next time you’ll be more careful about it.. [smiled] come on! it’s time for us to have some rest.. go outside.. we’ll continue this major tomorrow.. okay?”

“thanks Judy.. you’re making me feel better… okay.. I will go to canteen.. see you later.”

“see you later.”

Ryeowook walked faster out of his class to get together with his friends after he closed all the books on table.

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He checked a message that made his phone beeped on his way to canteen, didn’t pay attention on the alley and it was too late to realize that he bumped into someone. Both of them were fall and Ryeowook saw his phone on the ground next where he sat. He saw another student fell across where he fell on his , found that he was a boy.

Thanks God.. at least I’m not hurting a girl..

He looked clearly when the other student met him by the eyes, shocked cause it was the popular Jongwoon everyone was talking about. he was a selfish brat who had a masterpiece brain for sciences especially physic and chemistry. He also didn’t forget about the record Jongwoon had on girls around them cause Jongwoon loved to give them high hopes but never turned into a –

“yaaa! why you have to texting someone when you’re on your way walking around? it hurts, you know..”


“sorry… just need to replied my mom… [stood up] I do sorry…”

Ryeowook gave his hand to help Jongwoon stand on his feet, glad that his friend took his hand and stood up next to him.

“thanks… I’m sorry… I’m having a bad day… sorry for yelling at you.”

“it’s okay.. [smiled] it’s my fault.. I won’t do it again. wait.. turn your body.”

Jongwoon followed the order, he felt Ryeowook’s hands on his back and , in sudden he smiled to himself.

“you’re having dirt on your back and pants… wait up… I’m cleaning of them.. done… clean like a new one.”

“you’re funny, Ryeowook.. [Ryeowook seemed surprise] you’re making me feel better..”

“but…” suddenly lost for words.

“’see you around, Ryeowook… I should go back to class..”

Ryeowook still shocked cause Jongwoon knew his name, a normal student who didn’t know anything about popularity except always being called for social competition. He was still there, blushed with the smile Jongwoon left to him few seconds ago.


“Ryeowook… so will you help your juniors to understand accounting better for the Gangnam competition next month? you don’t need to tutor them every day… but just when they need someone to ask and the teachers are busy, will you teach them?”

“sure, sir… it will be my pleasure cause I also can learn for my own… glad I can help..”

“they’re still lacking some skills, Ryeowook… since you already on the third grade, we can’t ask you to come with us again. you need to focus on your national exam cause it will needed for you to enter university…”

“I know.. that’s why teach some juniors will help me to enrich my knowledge.. [smiled] and it’s time for re-generation now.. I will help as much as I can.”

“you’re nice, Ryeowook.. I like your spirit. [smiled] have you chosen to apply to the university you want?”

“still thinking about it, sir.. confuse which one should I take.. Korea University or Kyunghee University.. both are good in social things.. also always participate the competition on entire Korea..”

“such a nice choice you have.. if I were you… I’ll choose Korea University since they got the first on Accounting Competition last month.. did you know about it?”

“yeah… that’s make the choice easier now.. thank you so much, sir..”

“well, I’m also glad I can help.. but once again, thanks for your cooperation..”

“you’re welcome, sir…”

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Jongwoon kept looking from his window to see outside, found it charming and entertaining cause it helped him to feel not alone in the dorm he stayed for over 2 years. He wasn’t come from a rich family again after his dad founded guilty on the corruption he made to enrich his companies and jailed for 10 years. He wasn’t there when his mom called him that his dad got a heart attack then died on his 4th year at prison. He hated his father even he used to admire him a lot on his old days since he was a perfect father in this world for him. Every single thing on his old house was given in to the court and his mom decided to sell the big house a year after the death of his dad and now lived in small house on the south side of Seoul.

Jongwoon didn’t want to stay around Gwanghamun cause he didn’t want to be known as a criminal’s con again. he passed his junior high under every pressure he had from his friends. He told his mom that he would try to live alone on Gangnam and find something to do for his life. He was thankful that he got a clever brain so his scores could make him enter the prestige high school around the area, which was Hyundai High School. No one knew about his past and background as much as he didn’t want to get attach to his friends on school.

He sighed when he heard his phone rang behind him, took few steps to grab it and read the message that just came in. it was from his close friend, Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk was the only one he allowed to enter his days as the closest person that knew about what happened to him. Eunhyuk was also helped him in getting his part time job on his dad company as a staff and offered him a room on the public dorm next to his house. He still remembered declining Eunhyuk's request to stay together on his house cause he felt he took granted from Eunhyuk’s kindness, and he didn’t want that.

Eunhyuk: what’s up?

Fine. Nothing to do. what are you doing?

Eunhyuk: just lying around on my bed.. watching TV. why don’t you come over?

No. I have to get ready… I need to copy many documents today cause I have tutoring on Monday so I’ll skip work.

Eunhyuk: everyone said you’re diligent employee.. who knows you’ll be recruited soon.

I hope.. thanks a lot for the help.

Eunhyuk: don’t mention it. it’s okay. btw, did you saw Ryeowook from III-C Social class?

Yeah.. have you found something about him?

Eunhyuk: I think you two will meet on Monday.. are you serious you’ll hit this guy? he seems straight.

I’m straight too but I can’t deny the feeling I feel the moment I met him again..

Eunhyuk: what do people going to say to you? you use to flirt to girls, Jongwoon-ah…

Since when do I live for people? I can tell them to off!

Eunhyuk: what if he doesn’t like you? will you back off?

Let just think that I’m trying my best first… hope he feels the same.. I love his eyes so much.

Eunhyuk: but he doesn’t love a thing from you.. don’t you think it’s too rush, Jongwoon?

I don’t know.. I always like him since the first time he helped me during welcoming party when we entered the school.

Eunhyuk: but I think he doesn’t remember about it at all.

Then it’s time for me to make him know that I clearly remember him.

Eunhyuk: okay then. just don’t hope too high. It’s hurt when you fall back to the earth.

I promise. Thanks Eunhyuk-ah.. I should go now..

Eunhyuk: be careful, mate. See you at school Monday..

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On Monday, Ryeowook allowed to leave the class on the 4th major after the first break to give a quick tutor for the juniors who had their places on Economy Debate. They were gathered on the library, Ryeowook found Shin Donghee as another tutor from third grade, who was his ex-teammate for all social competitions. He had the hi-five with him and separated the team from economy and accounting cause each of them needed to be prepared well. Ryeowook always liked how Donghee could manage many people cause Ryeowook was under his surveillance when they were representatives from the school.

He looked to the right side when he heard many voices, tried to answer some questions that had been asked.Ryeowook shook his head and talked to his mind.

damn! science teams always trying to beat us… not this time! Social will rule the school!

He continued to teach the first and the second grade for the next hour and escaped from library when the second break of the day happened around 11.30 AM. He was about to go to the canteen but his hand was grabbed from behind, pulled him closer to someone Ryeowook never thought would stop him from his hunger. It was Jongwoon.

Their faces were so close till Ryeowook couldn’t blink cause he was shock from the action but the voices from around them, woke him up from the blank moment.

“what are you doing, Jongwoon? why are you pulling me in?”

Jongwoon smiled friendly to him, tried his best not to scare Ryeowook who still shock about the thing he did.

“nothing.. I just want to talk to you… I controlled myself for two hours inside library… but now.. I can’t control anymore..”

“control what? talk about what?”

Ryeowook wanted an answer, waited for few seconds but nothing came out from Jongwoon’s lips. Instead of words, Jongwoon did something beyond what he ever had on mind. he could feel Jongwoon leaned closer, placed a soft kiss on his lips and stayed like that for a while.

Both of them didn’t move, as Ryeowook still shock from what was going on, it also happened to Jongwoon with his eyes closed, tried to enjoy what he was doing. Their lips still glued to each other but Jongwoon didn’t use his tongue but he Ryeowook’s lips just to know the reaction he would get. He pulled himself away after the crowd was getting louder.

He saw Ryeowook blushed, stared at him with so many questions on his face, and the more Jongwoon wanted to kiss the smaller guy who stood in front of him so much. he saw Ryeowook wanted to ask him but Jongwoon decided to tell his intention first.

“I like you, Ryeowook… I do… and from now… you can get to use to it.”

“I… what…”

Jongwoon didn’t give Ryeowook any chance to ask cause he placed his lips to the forehead for some seconds before he left him with a smile.

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“yaa! are you crazy? I heard what you did in front of the library… are you really going to chase that guy?”

“yeah… why?? you said I can do it..”

“I know you can do it cause it’s your right.. but don’t you think it’s too much? you did it in active hours.. why don’t you wait until the school is over?”

“aaaaaah… Thank you Eunhyuk-ah… you give me an idea… thanks, man!”

“yaa! what will you do? don’t do something stupid… you have brain, don’t you?”

“I’m already lost my brain to this guy… if we didn’t bump each other few days ago, perhaps I already forgot the feeling I have since first grade.. I’m serious with this one, Eunhyuk-ah..”

“okay then… if you are serious with this guy… go get him.. but don’t break the rules.. we have little times now..”

“I won’t make any mistake again.. thank you for telling me this..”

“it’s okay… let’s go back to class…”

Both Jongwoon and Eunhyuk followed some students who also went to the Science III-A class to continue the last two majors on that day.


“he what? what he did?”

“he kissed me… on the lips.. in front of everyone.. and I think some of juniors who also following the competition saw what he did to me… I don’t even know why he did it.. I can’t even say what’s on my mind.”

Sungmin looked piss when he heard about the news and wish something bad wouldn’t happen to his colleague.

“I just wish that the rumor won’t be heard to all the teachers… I should kick that if I meet him!”

“yaa.. don’t do something stupid, Sungmin-ah.. we’re at third grade and it’s not good if we get in troubles.”

“I agree on what Junsu said.. why don’t we ask him gently? Let’s just ask what he means by doing something like that.”

Ryeowook saw his friends, lost his words and couldn’t give any advice at all. he nodded his head, agreed to what Junsu and Dongwan said but still, he couldn’t understand what Jongwoon said to him earlier.

he said he likes me? what does he mean? likes me in what? and why he kissed me? is he insane?

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Jongwoon continue his actions after he understood Ryeowook’s habits since the first kiss moment happened and he knew when the cute guy was alone or left out by his friends. He stayed in being honest to Ryeowook about what he felt cause he planned to confess his feeling at the prom night when the graduation happened. he didn’t kiss Ryeowook on lips as many as he could again but he kiss on the forehead mostly to show his affection.

Many days passed but since Ryeowook already could read the situation and avoided the place where Jongwoon could be seen or usually stayed in. he also knew that he couldn’t be alone and hurriedly to walked out from the class when the students weren’t in their hurry to go home. He was afraid cause the more Jongwoon pressed him with his feeling, he couldn’t stop thinking about it too. he even felt waiting for a chance to see Jongwoon at least once every day but still he couldn’t understand why.

I love girls… even I haven’t date for once in my life but I never want to end with a guy, right? but why I love to see Jongwoon right now? [sighed] I guess I should find a girl and start to go on a date… yes… I think the best solution is I have to find a girl…

It had been four months since the first day of third grade started and it meant that Jongwoon kept kissing him for almost four months. even he didn’t get the kiss as much as the first two months, still he passed another two months with kisses once in a while when Jongwoon could grab him. he didn’t understand why some part of him were waiting for Jongwoon and the worst was he wished that he would be grabbed at least once a week.

does he really love me? or perhaps he just play with my feeling? no… I can’t become this weak.. I have to tell him for sure…

he determined to make Jongwoon realized that it was a huge mistake to disturb him so far and he would do it today.


Jongwoon was sitting with his friends in front of the class while watching some students played the basketball on the court. He was busy talking to his classmate about the post test that happened before the first break when he saw Ryeowook was walking to science alley. He froze, didn’t know what to do except stayed silence while all his friends kept talking to each other. He knew, somewhere inside his mind that Ryeowook would come to talk to him and he was afraid about what he would hear later. then, the moment Ryeowook went closer, his heart stopped beating and it felt there was only him waiting for Ryeowook there.

“can we talk? somewhere, maybe…”

“oh hi… talk? sure… why don’t you talk to me here… are you sure you want to go somewhere private?”

Jongwoon didn’t mean to insult Ryeowook at all but what happened was beyond his imagination. As he heard the crowd made some noises, he knew all of them were cheering for him and Ryeowook to be a couple. He smiled to his friend but his heart was at lost when he saw there was no smile on Ryeowook’s face.

“so you want me to talk to you here?”

“yes… I think you can tell me everything here…”

“okay… [folded his hands] stop looking for me from today! stop disturbing me! stop kissing me and talking nonsense to me! I don’t like you..at all.. I never like you..would you please stop? I’m not gay like you… I like girls and I think you don’t know that just because I haven’t date anyone so far..but don’t get me wrong! it’s not because I like guys.. I just haven’t met someone..that’s all.. please stop.. you really disturbing me and I don’t like it.”


Jongwoon lost his balance, lost in words he wanted to be found to say something to Ryeowook. he stayed silence until he heard someone defended him.

“yaaa… Ryeowook… don’t you think you’re too harsh? If you don’t like him… you can say it clearly without insulting him for his orientation, right? you….”

“stop…” Jongwoon suddenly talk with his heart full with needles and he held his eyes from crying.

“okay, Ryeowook… I won’t disturb you anymore… [sighed but his eyes saw the floor] I’m… sorry… if so far I disturb you with my silly action..you can have my words.. I won’t disturb you as much as I won’t be around when you’re in some places.. I’m sorry..”

Ryeowook was about to say something but Jongwoon left him in front of class III-A students that staring at him like an eternal enemy. Deep down, he wished Jongwoon would fight back for what he said and didn’t give up easily, but the moment Jongwoon walked away, Ryeowook felt something inside him changed and this time, he didn’t like it at all.

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A week passed after the incident in front of Jongwoon’s class and no one wanted to know more about what he did. Ryeowook felt that everyone around him tried to fake their faces, pretended not knowing what happened. Ryeowook also didn’t want to talk about it to Sungmin, Junsu, Dongwan or Jinyoung cause none of them asked first about his decision that day. The worst thing he found later was he knew that all III-A Science students hated him for being cocky to one of his friends. Ryeowook felt so alone.

Within a week, Ryeowook felt the impact of his solo action towards Jongwoon and the people who used to cheer on them to be a couple changed. The students always avoid him when he was near or when he was somewhere else outside the class. he didn’t mean to hurt Jongwoon but the fact that he couldn’t get Jongwoon out of his head, scared him to the spine. He also knew that his close friends’ behaviors changed when they heard about the insulting in front off III-A Science class.

“hey… rough days? [smiled] why are you always alone since last week? don’t you go outside?”

“I think no one would talk to me again after what I did in front of Science class…”

“aaaah… the insulting? [sighed] the truth is.. I don’t even know why you did that, Ryeowook.. I mean… it’s not necessary thing you should do.. if you don’t like Jongwoon

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1638 streak #1
Chapter 20: Another twin AU and these time with a happy ending, yey ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I love this twin plots and wished there would be more of this. I think this gives room to play around with Yeye's different characters. Thanks for writing and sharing another one.

At first I thought Yesung will hate Wookie so much and will try to sabotage their relationship. And force Wookie to break up with his twin. It's nice that the tiny man could open his eyes and show him how beautiful the world could be, when you're truly in love.

I was thinking about an bittersweet end, like in the previous story. That Yesung might would disappear for his twins and Wookie's sake. It must be so painful to think that the person you're in love with didn't really sees you. The moments he secretly cries at night where really touching and so sad. At first I thought he deserved it, for being such a jerk to Wookie in the beginning. But when I understand he really loves Wookie, I was afraid for the moment Wookie might had to choose between them.

It also shows a strong bond between the twins. That each on of them is ready to share or give up everything for their twins sake. Others might would have start fighting or hate each other. But their brotherly love goes deep as well, and this was so nice to read.

Thank you so much for this sweet story with an hapoy ending. I really love to read this twin thing and wished there would be more like this. You created really amazing works. A pity you dissappeared from here. But I appreciate each story you were keeping here ❤️❤️❤️
1638 streak #2
Chapter 19: OMG this was such a heartbreaking story T^T I have no clue for whom I should feel more sorry for. Yeye? Jongwoon or even Ryeowook? It's such a tragic love triangle. It's sad that Yesung didn't gave Wookie a try after he told him that it's him he felt in love with. But I can understand the bitterness you have to feel, for always standing in someone's shadow. So it's understandable at the other hand, that Yeye had a hard time to believe in his luck at the end of his life.

That he had to go in such a tragic way is really painful. But I'm happy he could go with a clearer mind and in peace in thoughts of his twin. And that he was a happy ghost at the end, that Wookie and his brother found their ways to each other. Like a guardian angel watching over them from above. I hope that they can meet in heaven and be in happy peace as a trio.

I really loved the idea of Yesung and Jongwoon being twins. It's such a powerful dynamic and I believe they could have a very strong bond with each other. Besides this bittersweet ending, I loved the drama in that story and the story in general.

Thank you for writing, sharing and keeping another wonderful Yewook work. I really would love to hear from you one day. But for the moment I blessed with the pieces you left for us ❤️❤️
W_pamls #3
Chapter 26: hai Nicky, I'm very thankful that you made a lot of amazing story especially for yewook. also sorry I just make this one comment when actually I read all your story from 'dream' till 'mute'

really, I adore you!
I wish I'm already a yewook shipper back than, and found you so I can talk properly to you, cause I want have a friend, which one I can share my yewook heart.

I enter yewook world when many old yewook shipper already off and deactive. feel like.. I left behind.. and full of regret. #I'm sorry for babbling.

last. I wish, I really wish.. you comeback. I know it's too much but, yeah.. at least I say it ... even you, maybe you, never gonna read this. thankyou :)
1638 streak #4
Chapter 18: This three shot was such a sweet thing. Very soft and fluffy. Wookie was such a cute baby and Yeye a cool, possessive but very caring lover. I liked their chemistry in here. Very gentle and tender.

I expected Ryeowook to end as a mess without Yesung. But that it's the other way around really took me by surprise. A nice surprise, because it made Yeye's character a bit softer, I think. And I like it that Wookie also wanted to take care of his boyfriend as well and not only be the reserving end of everything. Really nice to read.

I like all your sweet Yewook works here. And even you aren't active here anymore and I just found your stories after then, I'm starting to miss you. I'm really grateful that you keeped your works here so I have the chance to read them (I hope for a while more). Thank you for writing and sharing this sweet story. I will come here for the next one soon ❤️❤️
1638 streak #5
Chapter 15: Sorry to say this, but damn, Wookie's dad is really a jerk and badass in here. How he could do this to this fluffy couple? This was so unfair. It seems that Wookie was really happy for the first time in his life and he destroyed this for the sake of money. It's like he hadn't really known his son. I'm sorry for his passing, but it was for the best, what could have happened to the couple. I don't believe that he would have ever accepted Yeye at Wookie's side. And he had his ways to separate them for a lifetime. An unfair treatment for the two. Both had suffering so much.

I'm happy you gave us such a beautiful ending for this story. How they trust and complete each other was so wonderful to ready. And even Wookie don't give a for money, it's nice that he could help to improve Yeye's life, after years of living just for the smallest things.

Thank you for writing and sharing this beautiful love story. It's one of my favorites in this collection ❤️❤️
1638 streak #6
Chapter 13: OMG this wS really a sad and emotional story. At first I also thought Yeye was just a ert jerk, but then he becomes such a softhearted darling. And Wookie was so blinded by the toxic people around there, damn. I never thought that I could hate Minnie in a story, but in here he was a real . It would have been interesting to know what happened with the teacher then. He was the real ert jerk, in my eyes. Thank God, Yeye could protect Wookie as good as it was possible from that damn teacher. I was shocked reading what he caused for Kyu. I'm sure Yeye can't forgive himself for that, but imagine this might could have happened to his Wookie, I'm sure it wasn't a joke, when he said he would kill him then.

Oh and I'm so happy that they found each other years after that hurtful scenarios, then T^T At first I was afraid that Yeye wouldn't give Wookie a second chance, because he really hurt him damn much and I could have understand when he said 'No!' to him at the end. But to read how Wookie broke down then was also very sad to read, I wanted to hug them both then T^T But Yeye was such a sweetheart at the end. So broken in his first interview but the proudest man in the second one. That's why I would have liked to know what happened to the teacher. I can imagine him opening the newspapers one day and choke on his morning coffee reading the great news about Yewook. Haha, at least he would have deserved this.

Thank you so much for writing and sharing this beautiful part of Yewook's collection. And thank you for giving them their happy end they deserve so much ❤️
1638 streak #7
Chapter 10: So this time you gave us a little psycho Yeye. But a sweet and lovely psycho I have to say. Nagh, why he had to kidnap Wookie in the first place. He better had shown up with a flower bouquet and chocolates >_< If he had asked Wookie that way, I'm sure the little boy would have followed him to the end of the world T^T

He's so lucky Wookie has such a big heart, especially for him. Wookie must have been a little crazy, too. More or less accept everything and fall in love with his kidnapper. They're a crazy but cute and fluffy couple. Yeye regrets that he acted the wrong way at first, but I'm sure he will make up for this for the rest of their lifetime.

Thank you for sharing this part of your Yewook collection. It was a very emotional read, especially when Yeye decided to let Wookie free. I had teary eyes during the car ride back to Wookie's home. Until your next ❤️
1638 streak #8
Chapter 8: Oh I love this bittersweet one shot so much. What I liked the most is that it was Yeye who starts with having a crush on Wookie and not the other way around. But he suffered so much, it really hurts while reading.

Maybe Wookie needed the years of distance to Yeye to recognize his feelings fully, so the change in his behavior isn't a wonder. I'm so glad that Yeye didn't moved on, even he planned it for one day. But destiny didn't want it, so it let him meet again. And I'm glad that he didn't turn into a ice old and accept Wookie happily and that they are happy now.

Thank you for writing and sharing this beautiful chapter. It was so nice to read ❤️
1638 streak #9
Chapter 7: Oh Yeye was such a jerk in the first part of the story. Wookie is just too pure and an angel that he is fine to deal with his badass attitude. But I'm happy with the soft and fluffy ending. Just one question is unsolved. Why Yeye can't remember his past? As a ten years old he was old enough to keep childhood memories. So this is the only question left after reading this sad but also sweet Yewook story. Thank you for sharing this with us.
1638 streak #10
Chapter 5: This story was a cute and fluffy high school AU. With the right dose of little drama and Yeye wasn't too much of a jerk. I love to read about Yewook in high school ^^ Hope the rich kids will become a bit more mature with times and don't play around with cars like they are just big toys. But it's nice they accept Wookie on Yeye's side and don't dropped their respect for Yeye because he didn't played the game to the fullest end. Maybe they are just bored with all their money. But it's sad, when you think about Wookie's life condition before. Hope they learned and you didn't showed them as bad guys, so I think they did.

Thank you for sharing this sweet little story in this collection ❤️❤️