
Everything Lost

 Jung soon left to meet up with Kimbum when it was almost nine. Before he left he reminded Kang Min what to do. Apparently Jung Yong came early because Kimbum wasn't there yet. Waiting in the alleyway Jung hoped that Kang Min had found Park and took her home safely. A voice startled him, "Well, well, well if it isn't Jung Yong Hwa." Kimbum said it like he was poisonous.

"What do you want?" Jung rushed into the conversation.

"Well, I just want to talk to you, long best friend." he chuckled.

"HA! What did you do with Park?!" Jung was straight foward.

"I don't know, what did  happen to her?" Kimbum acted casual and smirked.

"Quit playing games, I know you took her somewhere! Also, I know you're going to try to kill me, so DO IT!" he opened up his arms.

"You're smart and all, makes me pretty jealous, hahaha, but I just want to talk to you."

"Yeah right, haven't you ever heard of texting cause I'm pretty sure you used it earlier."

"Well I want to see you not to be gay or anything but to you know catch up on our friendship."

"Yeah, well guess what?! No person is my friend if they made my girlfriend leave me for them and THREATEN them."

"Hahahaha, you're funny, since when did I do that, she just wants me, like I said."

"Mhmm, sure."

"Well you've always been in the way." Kimbum showed a litte part of his gun.


 Kang Min drove his motorcycle back to the Club1 to find Park Shin. There were many alleyways so he looked at one afetr another. He came to the last one a scary looking one her saw a figure in the distances.

"You bastard, why'd you come back, to hurt me some more!?" Park yelled, thinking Kimbum came back.

"Park nuna!?" Kang Min said.

"Who is it?"

"Kang Min, Jung hyeong sent me to bring you home."

"Kang min? Oh I remember you, can you me up, I can't walk." Kang Min walked up to her.

"Park nuna are you ok?"

"Yeah, Jung sent you?"

"Uhm, yeah to tell you the truth I've been working for him to spy on you if you're ok."

"Really? That explains why I have the feelings of being followed when I'm with Kimbum."

"Nuna, I know you still live Hyeong a lot, now I have to take you home."

"No, I want to see Jung."

"I can't let you, he'll get mad at me."

"Kang, please I beg you, please."

"Nuna, I can't he told me to take you home if I found you."

"But, Kimbum is going to kill him, he told me."



"You were always just jealous of me, I wasn't in the way," said Jung.

"How was I? But now you'll pay for being born."


 On the way there Park called her dad and the police for backups.

"Appa can you send him off to North Korea?"

"Yes, I can."


 Kimbum took out his gun and loaded his bullets.


"Park Shin Hye, I love you forever, my heart will always be with you, take care."

 Meanwhile Park was limping and Kang Min was running to see what alleyway they were at and she heard him.

"Don't you sound pathetic before you die."


Park ran as fast as she could as Kimbum pulled the trigger.


 Park Shin pushed Jung out of the way. In the mean time the polices had captured Kimbum.

"Take him and send him to Morth Korea." Park Shin's appa said.

"NOOOO! You es." Kimbum yelled.

"Omg, park your arm is bledding."

"Szzzzsss, I know."

"Are you alright!?"

"Yeah, the bullet touched me slightly."

"Thank god."

"Mhm, Jung I'm sorry, I hust didn't want you to get hurt."

"I know, I just found out earlier today, Park why didn't you tell me, you suffered enough already."

"I didn't want you to be hurt because of me, I heard what you said before Kimbum shot, szzzzsss." Park was trying to hold the pain in.

"Here lets take you to the hospital first."

"Appa, thank you." Park said.

"Anytime, Ttal are you ok?"

"Yeah." she said with a weak smile.

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lovedrama #1
HAHAHAHHA! @Chooky, thanks so much! @Deborah hope you like it :3
Omo can't wait to read THE fic... Shame on me... Already read Chappie 12 and 13 while I still has to start reading chappie 1... ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
*Sob Sob cries because of a happy ending*
lovedrama #4
You're welcome :)
Aaaaaaah. What a nice fic. Thanks for sharing.
lovedrama #6
Oh he is a here, but I still like him (: Updating now. <br />
ggrrr!!!! i hate kim bum... he's such a jerk!!! love to kick his till it's black and blue... hahaha... please update soon, i'm on tenterhooks =)
I hope someone will box the evil Kim Bum, he deserved it, he's so mean and evil here. Looking so forward to another updates. Thanks lovedrama. ^_^
lovedrama #9
Chapter 19 one? Ahaha (:
Woah...Omniscient person