Chapter 20

Stop Ruining Me

~ Hana's POV ~


I'm now walking on the sidewalk, heading home, trying not to burst into tears. Why am I about to cry? Well, I'm basically done with life. I'm not feeling suicidal. I just want to go into an empty room, cry in the corner, and block out the world with music blasting through my ears. It sounds great, but I will never get such a chance to do that with all the nagging and hatred I receive. "Block out the haters" is was most people say. But it's not that easy.


I walked by the grocery store. "It's pretty dangerous for a young lady to be out here at this time." An old lady with grocery bags in her hand said while looking directly at me, which forced me to stop walking and look at her. "The sun is setting...aren't you scared someone might hurt you at this hour? I heard this is the time when gangsters start lurking around the neighborhoods. Especially because you're female, you can be kidnapped and !" She half shouted, making me widen my eyes.


"Calm down! I walked these sidewalks, alone, at this time all the time. Nothing bad ever happened to me when doing so." I explained.


"Even though no one has done anything bad to you yet, doesn't mean they won't do anything bad to you at all." Her words gave me chills. Her words reflected my life. Many people who I've known never turned their backs on me, but they did eventually and unexpectedly.


I looked away from her for a second. I started looking at the direction I was going in to reach home. "You're really scaring me about the whole gangster thing."


She softly laughed, causing her face to wrinkle a bit. Though, it showed so much of her aegyo with that eye-smile of hers. "I guess you aren't going to go home alone." She said.


I had a confused expression on my face. "You're going to walk me there?"


"No, silly girl! I'm going to drive you there."


"But you're a stranger."


"Yes, I am. But what can an old lady, like me, do to you?"



She drove and drove until she reached my street.


It's pretty unsafe to get in a ride with a stranger and for them to drop you off on your street. But what can this old lady do to me? Well, I shouldn't underestimate elders because they can be vicious too. But for some reason, I trust this old lady to not do anything bad to me.


"Is nobody home?" I asked her once she slowed down her car in front of the house.


"How am I supposed to know?" She asked. "Go knock on the door to check and see. If you're sure nobody's there, then contact your mom or come back in my car and I'll drive you to my place. I mean, if you have a key or some way to get in your house, I suggest using or doing that." Half of what she said was pretty clever. But the other half made me feel quite hesitant. Being in her car and her knowing where I live is already dangerous enough. Going to her place was another story. But without any other second wasted, I got out of her car to knock on the front door.


"Anybody in there?!?" I screamed. I rang the door bell too, but no response. I walked back to the lady's car and talked to her through the window. "Do you have a phone I can use?"


"Of course not. Plus, I thought you, youngsters, already had these little gadgets with you 24/7."


"Mine was taken up."


She sighed. "Hop in. You can't just hang around outside."



"This is your house?" I asked, amazed at how big the interior of the house was.


"Yes!" She giggled. "What? You don't believe this house is mine?"


"W-well I-I..." I stuttered.


"Haha, I know you didn't mean it like that." She smiled. "Are you hungry?"


"Um, not at this moment."


"Ok, but if you need anything, just ask. I'll be upstairs watching K-Dramas." She said. "See you later!" I watched her as she rushed upstairs.


"Does she have a home phone?" I asked myself as I investigated. I carefully looked through her things. Gosh, I'm becoming a creep. "Ah, there you are!" I grabbed the phone and dialed my mom's number. It kept ringing and ringing, but she never picked her phone up. I panicked and called Yoona. "Pick up...pick up!!"


"Hello?" Yoona asked over the phone.


"Yoona!" I nearly screamed, a little relieved. "Where are you and where is mom?"


"I'm dress shopping with mom at this fancy store."


"Why are you dress shopping and why didn't you guys invite me?!"


"We're dress shopping because you, mom, and I are going to Taehyung's grandma's elegant birthday party tomorrow. And we were going to invite you to shop with us, but we figured you already had a lot of dresses."


"No, I really don't." I was extremely irritated at this point. "So when are you both going to arrive home?"


"Maybe midnight. We have to do much more than dress shopping!"


I gave up on asking her questions because the more I knew about what they were doing, the more angered I became. "Ok, bye!" I hanged up on her immediately and put the phone up.


I turned around and saw the old lady standing in front of me. "AAAAAAHH!" I screamed. I put my hand over my chest and tried to catch my breath. "Were you standing here the whole time? I thought you were watching your dramas!"


"No, but I've been standing here long enough to realize you're a third wheel." She explained. "And I had a feeling something fishy was going on downstairs so I came to check, but all that happened was you were using my home phone." She laughed.


"Ok then." I said. "Oh, and for me, being a third wheel is nothing compared to...never mind."


She squinted at me. "What are you hiding?"




She placed her hand on my shoulder. "It's alright. It's your business anyways."


She turned around and started walking towards the stairs. "Can I stay here for the night?" I asked while her back was facing me.


"You didn't even have to ask. I already have your room ready." She said and then face me. "I know, I sound very creepy right now. I just had a feeling you couldn't go home tonight."



"Here's your room for the night." She said as she opened the door to this luxurious room. I gasped at how amazing this room looked.


The door bell suddenly rang. "I'll get that!" She said. "Most of the necessities will be found in your room. If you want to take a shower, there's a bathroom down the hall." Afterwards, she rushed downstairs.


I walked into the room and scanned almost every inch of it. It was just too beautiful and classy to resist.


I walked to the drawers and pulled one drawer out. It had different types of shirts in it, but I chose to get the T-Shirt for the sake of simplicity. The next drawer had different colored sweats in it, but I chose to grab the gray one out of the rest. All I needed now was a bra and underwear. I guess I have to reuse the ones I'm wearing no matter how disgusting it is. "It's only for one night." I said to myself.


I walked to the restroom and while doing so, I heard a guy's voice from downstairs. I was curious, but I continued on with my business. 



I got dressed and brushed my teeth a disposable toothbrush after I decided I wasn't going to eat later. At this moment, I just want to sleep.


I opened the door to get out of this steamed up restroom and headed downstairs to wish the elder a goodnight.


"Uh..." I said as I saw a dude in the living room. "Who are you?"


"Ah, this is Jimin, my grandson." She said when she saw me enter the room. "He's staying here for the night too. Anyways, he's being a good boy and staying here until tomorrow because tomorrow is my birthday party!"


"Really?! Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I asked and laughed a bit.


"I wanted it to be a suprise!"


"Hello? I exist too, you know." Jimin butted in and then directly looked at me. "So who are you?"


"I'm a stranger." I bluntly answered.


The old lady scoffed. "She's not that much of a stranger anymore. Anyways, are any of you hungry?"


"No." Jimin and I answered at the same time.


"Ok, ok, goodnight then." She chuckled and walked upstairs.


"Goodnight!" We both yelled to her.


Jimin and I looked at each other in awkward silence, but he broke the silence, finally. "What's your name?"


"Hana...Park Hana."


"Hey, that's my surname too! We have one thing in common I guess." He smiled cutely. 


"You're really adorable." I chuckled and then realized I actually said that aloud. Oh well. It's too late to take it back now.


Now that we're learning names, I got reminded that I still don't know the old lady's name. She doesn't even know mine. "What's your grandma's name." I asked without shame.


"She prefers to be called "Luna"."


"What a cool first name." 


"Yeah, it is. Oh, are you sure you're not hungry? Since you're the guest, I can cook for you if you want."


"No, I'm not hungry. But thanks for the burdening offer." I laughed. "And remember, you're the guest too." I stared at him for an extra second and walked up stairs. "Goodnight!" I yelled. 


"Goodnight!" He yelled back.


This was the first time in so long that I felt so cared for and happy. The interesting part is that the people who I've only knew for less than a day are the ones who cared and made me happy. Maybe that's because they don't know what ever else is going on in my world. But I can tell that Luna knows something is up when it comes to what's going on in my world. She just doesn't know what it is.



I looked at the digital clock on the night stand. Evidently, it was only 1:00 am.


My stomach was growling loudly. I slowly slid the blanket off my body and quietly got out of bed. I carefully tip-toed to the door and opened it without it making a noise. I tip-toed downstairs and into the kitchen. I the kitchen light and was about to scream, but I slapped my hand against my mouth. Then, I placed that hand to my side. "Jimin, what are you doing?" I whispered to him.


"Well, what are you doing?" He asked and raised his brow.


"I'm hungry as , okay?"


He chuckled. "See, I knew you would starve!" He pointed his finger at my face.


"Can you answer my other question?"


"Oh, right. I'm also hungry so I'm making some ramen noodles. Want some?"


"I guess."


I watched him as he poured water into the pot and let it boil. "What flavor do you like?" He suddenly asked and turned his head, facing me.


"Beef?" I responded in an unsure way. I like a lot of flavors, but I guess beef it is.


"Wow, that's my favorite too! That's another thing we have in common." He said, enthusiastic. I chuckled at his childish behavior.



"Here you go." He passed the bowl of noodles to me.


"Thank you." I said and then slurped the noodles up.


"Damn, what are you? A pig?" He asked jokingly.


"You don't understand how hungry I am. Then again, you're a chubby guy. Maybe you would understand."


"Chubby guy? I'm not a chubby guy. Honey, I bet I'm more fit then you."


I scoffed. "First of all, don't call me honey. Second, prove it. Prove how "fit" you are." What the hell am I getting myself into?


He stood up from his seat and lifted up his shirt. My eyes widened. "Holy ." I said as he pointed out his abs.


He smirked at me and then pulled his shirt down to continue eating. "Impressed?" He asked.


"Pretty much."


Minutes have passed without us saying another word to eachother. It actually wasn't awkward because we were more focus on our food than eachother. Because my curiosity was striving, I just had to know more about him. "So tell me about yourself." I all of a sudden said.


"What do you want to know, specifically?"


"What's your favorite colors?"


"Why such simple questions? But my favorite colors are blue and black...what about you?"


"Black, white, gray, and red."


He looked shocked. "That's pretty unexpected from a girl like you. I thought you would like pink, purple, and all those girly colors."


"They're not girly unless you make it girly."


He looked at me confused. "What do you mean?"


I wondered to myself. "I don't even know anymore." I laughed. "Just forget what I just said."




I slurped my last noodle as he did the same with his. "Done!" We both said at once and then looked at eachother.


"We need to stop talking at the same time." I said jokingly.





It's 8:35 am at the moment. I was close to changing back to the clothes I had on before I changed into the sweats and T-Shirt, but I heard a knock on "my" bedroom door. "Good morning, Luna!" I said once I opened the door.


"Ah, so you found out what my name is!" She exclaimed. "Your name is Hana, right? I overheard you talking with Jimin last night when I was walking up to my bedroom."


"Yes, ma'am. My name is Hana."


"Oh, don't call me "ma'am". Just call me "Luna"."




She smiled at me. "I forgot what I was going to say..." She said as she tapped her chin. "Oh, yeah! I was wondering if you would like to stay here until later in the day, since today is my birthday party."


"Of course! I'll stay until later in the evening because my mom might get mad at me. But I don't even think she's worried about me. Same with my sister. When I called my sister yesterday, she didn't even care to ask where I was. My mom was with her, but she didn't care to ask either. And speaking of mom, she assigned me to do chores and fix up our janked up house that a boy I know wrecked. But I didn't do the chores yet so I'll be busted. "


"Wait, hold up. So a boy that you know destroyed your house?"


"Not all of our house. Mainly just the living room area. Mom was gone. My sister was gone. It was just him and I. I was in my room at the time when he abused our furniture and . Later, I got out of my room and discovered what he did. My mom got home and saw the mess. She first blamed me for it and then a neighbor came over and said she witnessed the boy did it. My mom added on to my other punishment just because I didn't look after the boy and she later gave the boy a punishment: chores and fixing up the home with me."


"What do you mean she added on to your other punishment? You had another punishment beforehand?!? And the boy's probably only 8."


"Yes, I had a punishment beforehand. It's a long story, but all of it is because of the same boy. He's not even close to 8. He's 17 years old. He caused so much trouble in my life and so much bad rumours about me that everyone believes. Because of him, everybody hates me. I don't understand him. I don't know what he has against me."


"Sooner or later, you'll find out. For now, just know that not everybody hates you. I don't hate you. Jimin doesn't hate you. Maybe that's because we don't know you that well. Who knows. Also, you remind me of me in highschool. I knew this one girl who hated my guts. She would do anything to destroy me. My life had gotten so bad, I wanted it to come to an end. I found a hand gun in my house. I grabbed the gun and pointed it to my heart. Tears kept flowing out of my eyes. I was close to pulling the trigger, but I stopped. I didn't stop because I was scared to shoot myself. I stopped because I remembered my grandma saying there was at least one person in the world who wanted me to live. I didn't have to know who that person was. I just had to know that that person wanted me to continue my life. That I will regret killing myself because of the stupidity of my mind."


My eyes became watery. Her story was so deep. I let her enter my room and we both sat on the edge of the bed.


She continued talking. "Days later, I started going to a therapist. I remembered my therapist telling me that suicide is not the answer. Self harm is not the answer either. Blah blah blah, she kept telling me to stay positive and that everbody is beautiful, including me. She gave me so much hope and motivation. She soon made me realize that life does get just takes time. I want you to keep that in mind. So if you're going through something bad, remember what I just said. I promise, you will feel 10 times better. If you ever need to let it all out, don't harm or kill yourself. Instead, I suggest crying and/or writing it out. My therapist gave me this journal where I can write out all my feelings. It's pretty helpful."


I watched her walk to the bookshelf and grab the journal. It was nothing fancy. It was just a plain, black-leathered journal. "You can find whatever I wrote in the past in this journal. There's quite a lot of blank pages...I want you to write in them. Let out all the anger, stress, and sadness into these pages. I'll put this journal on your pile of clothes so you will remember to pick it up."


"Luna..." I quietly said and looked directly at her. "...thank you."


She smiled and got off of the bed as I did too. "I'm wishing my birthday party is going to be fancy. So it's a requirement for everyone to be dressed formally. Nothing too special, but something pretty neat and appropriate. I have plenty of dresses for you to wear, but I know you won't like any of them." She laughed. "I want you to go dress shopping with Jimin. He also needs to buy some formal wear for himself, so be prepared."


"I'm flattered you want me to go shopping with him, but I don't have any moneywith me."


"Everything is on Jimin, don't worry."


"That's a bit burdening, don't you think?"





"I don't like this dress. Also, orange not my color." I pointed out to Jimin as he said the poofy, orange dress would look cute on me. "It's not like we're going to a dance or anything. It's literally just a birthday party."


"A formal birthday party." He corrected me.


"Just help me find a dress that's simple..." I said and looked around. I walked to the corner of the store and saw a pretty, light pink dress. "Looks like I already found one." I said to myself. I grabbed the dress and headed into the dressing room.


I looked in the mirror after I made dress fit onto my body perfectly. I scanned myself from head to toe. The dress's length almost reached my knee cap. The bottom of this dress flowed nicely and wasn't skin tight. There were tiny bits of glitter on appropriate areas of the dress. The rest I couldn't describe because it was just so beautiful, yet simple.


"Jimin!" I yelled for him from the dressing room. He looked at me and then came closer to where I was. "Come in here." I whispered and he entered the dressing room I was in. "What do you think?" His eyes widened after he scanned my body. I felt uncomfortable with him doing so, but I'm the one who asked for it.


"You look beautiful." He softly replied.


I smiled at his compliment, but I felt as if I needed to to get rid of this awkwardness between us. "Are you saying I'm ugly when I'm not in this dress?" I smirked.


"N-no, I mean you always look pretty...I just..."


"Don't worry, I know what you mean, silly llama." I said and hit his arm.


"Silly llama?" He raised his brow and I nodded.



It's exactly 6:30 pm. Finally, the birthday party actually starts. I was hoping it would start sooner so I can get home sooner, but mom probably wouldn't care anyways.


I kept hearing the doorbell ring because there were so many guests coming here.


I looked in the mirror that was attached on the wall just to check if I looked decent enough in the dress I wore and the makeup I had on my face. "Stay calm and don't be awkward." I heard Jimin say from behind me. I turned around to look at him and smile. "That's just a little reminder since you know absolutely nobody here besides Luna and I."


"Who's coming anyways?"


"Family friends, aunts, uncles, cousins...just a lot of family members on my mom's side of the family."


"It feels wrong being here. I'm not part of the family..."


"But you can be a family friend."


"Ok...that makes me feel slightly better. Plus, this party probably won't even last that long, right?"


" will last until midnight." He laughed. "Just a little warning: every time my uncles come for a party, no matter how small or big, they tend to bring a lot of alcohol and then everybody gets drunk...everybody gets crazy."


"But come on! How can they be that turned up at an old lady's party?!?"


"Don't underestimate! And sometimes Luna gets drunk and crazy too. She did at her last birthday party."


The door bell rang and Luna opened it. Jimin and I both looked down from the stairs to see who it was. "Yoona?!?!?" I yelled and excused myself from Jimin to go to her. "What are you doing here?"


"I said mom and I were going to Taehyung's grandma's birthday party. What are you doing here?" Yoona asked.


"I'm here for Luna's birthday party. I think you're at the wrong house because I'm pretty sure Taehyung's grandma is not Luna."


"Who's Luna?"


"That lady who opened the door for you."


"That's Taehyung's grandma! I didn't know her name was Luna." She laughed while I was freaking out on the inside.


"Say what?"


"Indeed, I am Taehyung's grandmother." Luna butted in and placed her hand on my shoulder. "I'm suprised you know Taehyung." She said to Yoona.


"Hana knows him too!" Yoona said. "She knows him very well."


"What have I missed?" Mom said as she walked through the front door. "Hana?!? Why are you here?"


"It's a long story." Luna said. "Are you guys thirsty? Hungry? Anything?" We all shook our heads "no" and Luna continued greeting the other guests.


I quickly left mom and Yoona to go to the restroom upstairs. Once I reached the restroom, I went in and locked the door behind me. I looked into the mirror and talked to myself. "I really hope Taehung doesn't come...but I doubt he won't." I sighed.


"Is anybody in there?" A familiar voice asked outside of this restroom. I panicked because I realized it was Taehyung's voice. It's not like I can hide from him. Sooner or later he will have to see me. 


I slowly opened the restroom door and looked at him directly. "Hi." I said. His eyes widened at me. "Bye." I quickly said and rushed passed him.


"Wait!" He yelled and grabbed my wrist. Suddenly, he pulled me closer to him. "Why the hell are you here?" He shouted in my face but he wasn't loud enough for people to hear. 


I turned my face, facing the other direction so I didn't have to look into his eyes. "Luna wants me to be here." I answered and yanked my wrist from his hand. "That's why."


He looked irritated. "Oh, so you know my grandmother, huh?" He asked and I smirked. "During this whole party, don't even think about talking to me."


"Wasn't planning to're not that interesting. All you do is put me through and be the fake motherer you are." I said and walked down the stairs.



"Hey, Hana!" Jimin said once I arrived in the backyard. I scanned the place. "Yeah, this place is pretty cool." He said and smiled.


"Ooh, a pool!" I screamed and rushed over to the pool while trying not to fall in my heels. "I wish I can swim." I whispered while looking down at the water.


"You can't swim?" Jimin laughed.


"Well, I never learned."


"Guys, come inside! We need to sing Luna a happy birthday!" A woman yelled to us.


"Who's that?" I wondered.


"That's my mom." Jimin said.





We sang to Luna a happy birthday and she blew her candles. Now the party is gradually growing into that stereotypical party: dancing, drinking, smoking, laughing, chatting, karaoke, loud music, and lots more. It was quite unexpected from an old lady's party, but it's not like she ran the whole thing. Apparently, one of Jimin's uncles ran the party, which Luna had no control over besides the whole dressing up formally and acting fancy. Speaking of Luna once again, she actually went out to dine with a few of her close friends. As long as she was having fun, I didn't mind.


It was getting too crowded and sweaty in the house, so I went in the backyard for some peace.


"You okay?" I heard Jimin's voice from behind. I turned to look at him.


"Yeah, I just wanted some fresh air." I explained. "Don't worry about me. You can go back inside now."


"But I kind of like being by you..." He quietly said. I blushed hard. It's not like I like him...I just can't take such compliments. He chuckled at my red face.


"Stop!" I laughed and hit his arm.


"Ok, ok! I'm going to get on the dance floor now. Want to come?"


"I prefer staying out here."


"Ok, bye!" He said and I watched him go back into the house.


I walked by the pool once again. I took off my heels and placed them on the ground beside me while sitting down with my feet dipped into the water. Playing with the water with my feet, I hummed a random song that came upon my mind.


"WOOOHHH!!!!" I heard Taehyung yell as he ran towards the pool. I was about to stand up and move out of the way, but while he jumped, something on his clothing latched onto my dress, and dragged me into the pool with him. I was about to scream, but I couldn't because the water filled my mouth quickly. I held my breath as long as I could. Doing so, I unlatched his clothing from mine, setting me free from his reach. Then, I realized I couldn't even swim.


I was over here trying to catch some air above the water, but the more I moved my arms and legs, the deeper I went in the water. I couldn't just grab onto Taehyung because he wasn't close enough. I didn't know what to do besides move my arms and legs, but doing that made it worse. How does swimming even work? I couldn't just make no movements. If I was going to drown and die, I was going to drown and die while at least trying to live.


I swung my arms up and my fingertips touched exactly just above the tip of the water level. I could tell because I felt the cool, dry air on my fingertips while waving them. But reached above the tip of the water or not, it didn't help me whatsoever because my head was still under water.


I heard yelling from outside the water, but I couldn't tell who was yelling and what they were saying because the water was blocking out most of the sounds.


I could feel heat rush up to my face because I've held my breath for too long...and I couldn't hold it any longer.





Hopefully, this chapter didn't transition too quick. I just wanted to get straight to the point. Anyways, I hoped you liked this chapter. I cannot believe I made Jimin and Taehyung cousins in this story. Actually, I cannot believe I typed that whole scenario with Hana in the end. I want to know what you guys think about this story and/or this chapter, so comment below. Thank you guys so much for making it all the way to this chapter and just supporting what I've done overall!


I probably won't update until July...just saying!


See you guys next time and take care!! ^^ (I wonder why I put "see you guys next time" because I don't actually see y'all...oh well)



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Chapter 24: this story is really good. sad that the last update was 5 years ago. I guess this story won't get updated anymore? but I like the story
zafirahzelo31 #2
Chapter 24: Plese update soon i'm dying to read sorry for the bad english
Chapter 24: Please update soon~
ohyeri #4
Chapter 24: I need moreeeeeee :"----)
nanaDxnx #5
Chapter 24: I cant wait for next chapter update soon ♡
stella2997 #6
Chapter 24: Thank u author nim! I've been waiting so long for the updates but that's okay^^
Chapter 24: Omg it's so cute! Please update soon~
everykpoplover #9
Chapter 24: UPDATE SOON
JongByung #10
Chapter 24: what actually taehyung want from hana?! sometimes he ruin her, sometimes he played her, sometimes he embarrased her, and then pissed her out. now, he having fun with her?! what actually got into his mind?! was it because of jonghyun. i think jonghyun was his best friend and he blame hana for causing the death of jonghyun, i guess?!