So Little Time So Much to Do

How To Love
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This day, Ella almost like she got a day-off. She just showed herself on the office and from 3 hours ago, no commotion had disturbed her. It’s been once in a while she experienced this. It was rare to find this situation in a famous fashion magazine in local area. Meanwhile, Rahui was busy with things. She has to take care photoshoot, articles, and others that Ella didn’t attract to join her.

Since Ella got this little free time, she decided to brainstorming. Not for the company, but for herself. She got an idea to open her own clothing line. Rahui knew this. Soo Hyuk knew this. Even her mom. She already told this kind of idea to her cousin, Prof. Ahn. He said it was good for her to have a small kind of business.

While working, Ella always spared time for brainstorming with her upcoming brand. She already came with the design, she just needed to contact people that willing to help her with making the clothes, modeling it, even photograph it. But not forgeting one, she needed to find people that willing to promote her brand. She needed people to create a good work together.

She already decided all things, but not yet making a move for it. Once all is ready, she decided to have a part-time in her own company. She would do the part-time until her brand is famous enough to be known by local people.

Her phone was ringing. She was busy writing on her desk. The situation on the office was crowdy, so she didn’t hear anything well. She heard a phone ringing same like her, but assured that call was not to her. Then the call turned into miscall. She wondered why there was no person answering the phone. Yet she didn’t know that the call was for her. Just in a second, the same phone rang again. She began to frustrated because that call was disturbing her working time. She looked around and yet no one was taking an answer. Wonder for whom, then she realized that phone was her. She laughed and took her phone.

Oh, it’s him. Soo Hyuk. It was rare on this afternoon to find him calling her. Usually Soo Hyuk contacted her on the evening or late at night. “Hello,” she took an answer. “Wow, you’re not busy?” she asked suddenly.

He chuckled. “No. Glad that I have my little free time here,” he explained.

She chuckled. “So do I,” then they got no conversations. “So, what happened?” she asked first because she sensed Soo Hyuk wanted to tell her something.

“Can I go to your house later to talk?” he asked suddenly. She was surprised by that. Flustered enough. Why so sudden…? She wondered.

“Hm, yes, you can. After my shift done,” she said. She could hear his chuckles.

“Okay, my lady,” he said and she chuckled.

“What’s with that?” she laughed. “Are you on a good mood or something?” then they talked for a bit. Finally Soo Hyuk hung up the call because his work was on the way. It was a coincidence with her too that the editor in chief called her to the room.

The last hour was coming. She prepared her stuff. Her colleague beside her could see that she was in fast mode this day. Her colleague laughed a bit seeing Ella like that, “You seem so fast today,” Ella just looked at her colleague and smiled. After she had finished, she suddenly went away without telling Rahui first. Usually they would go outside from the office together but not today.

Without looking front, Ella was busy paying attention to her watch and her phone while holding her bag. She bumped with someone, hard. “Oh, sorry,” she said and looked to her victim. It was James.

James smiled. He chuckled. “You look in rush, miss,” he said while holding her arm for her own balance. After the bumping, she was about to fall but he managed to save her.

“Thanks, by the way,” she said.

“What a good coincidence,” he said and she just acted with smile. What was he saying? She was bit annoyed by that. “Do you have plan today? You seem in rush,” he said, she just nodded.

“Yeah, I’ve got to go now. Bye,” she said it quickly. She didn’t want to involve in longer conversation with him. Her answer made him no opportunities to ask her with another question. James looked at her, he was confused and curious. Was there a thing he doesn’t know about her?

Rahui noticed James again, looking someone from a far. His eyes hungered for someone, worried of anything relates to a person so Rahui braced herself to go and talk with him.

“Looks like you just apart from someone,” Rahui said teasingly (but with a meaning). James, then, looked on his right side after hearing Rahui’s voice talking to him. He just replied it with a smile. “Who’s going?” Rahui asked again. James just poked her forehead.

“Don’t you play around at work,” he said, laughed at her and left her. Unfortunately for Rahui, she couldn’t get anything from him. Not a news.


Ella has arrived at her home, noticing that Soo Hyuk’s car already in front of her house. She quickly got out from the car and had her phone left inside so she unlocked the car again to get it. Then she really came i

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Nisa18 #1
Chapter 11: What is this? My heart beat faster by read each chapter. Thanks unni, for writing such a nice story
Chapter 17: This is so beautiful! <3 I love how gentleman soohyuk is here!
eldonpongchut #3
Chapter 16: Story flow is nice and steady, but need more improvements and wow ideas.. Keep it up with your writings..