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How To Love
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At home, she called Rahui and told her everything about it. “Wow, you’re going to meet each other again, huh? Thanks to the tv show,” Rahui commented on that. “I just hope that it doesn’t go awkward on set just because you guys didn’t talk for months,” Ella was kind of like being stabbed with this word. It really hit her.

“Yeah. Any addition…?”

“Soo Hyuk called me and asked me a reason,” Rahui started. Ella was in panic.

“What did he want to know?” she asked Rahui quickly. Her pronounciation was really fast and Rahui knew Ella was sincere to know all about it. Rahui told her.

Soo Hyuk had called Rahui before he went to Ella’s store the day before. He told Rahui everything he intended to do to Ella on the party, just a kiss. Of course he knew that Ella was a bit flustered by that… and shock because both of them are just friend. Soo Hyuk asked Rahui about what Ella thought about him.

“Then you answered…?” Ella was not in her calm state. Afraid that Rahui would say anything wrong.

“I said him to ask it to you himself. Then he hung up the phone and I guess, he straightly went to your place,” Rahui deducted. So… yesterday was kind of important day, huh? Ella made a conclusion. “Just talk to him,” Rahui adviced her.

“Okay, I’ll think about it,” then Ella hung up the phone because she didn’t want to hear any of Rahui’s advice to her.

So, the next day Ella called him. With plan of words in mind, she prepared herself to bravely call him. She clicked his number but took a long time to dial it. After inhaled and exhaled many times, she decided to call him.

He didn’t answer it yet, and Ella became more nervous from minute to minute. Then he answered, “Hello.”

“Hi,” she said. “I heard you came yesterday,” she said as what she wrote on her paper. Gladly, she presented it naturally without any stuttering.

Soo Hyuk was a bit flustered by it, “Ye…yeah,” he answered. He didn’t know what to do. “Um… are  you busy?” he asked because he didn’t have anything to say.

“Um… yeah,” she said then they went into silence. She braved herself to chuckle, “What’s with this silence?” Soo Hyuk was surprised. Didn’t think she would chuckle and he wondered if she already forgot what happened between them.

“Are you… fine?” he asked. Then, Ella was flustered by it because that moment suddenly came out in mind.

“Uh… yeah… may…be,” slowly her words were faded out. “Congratulations for your show!” Ella broke the ice once again.

“Yeah, thanks,” he said. “Of course, I had nobody like you,” he said it naturally and under his consciousness and he remembered he said that stupid thing that maybe Ella wasn’t ready to hear it.

Ella was surprised. It was not like usual. “Ah… haha,” she chuckled. “Yeah, you got many friends supporting you,” she answered it like that. Soo Hyuk across nodded.

“Yeah, you’re right,” he chuckled. “You’re one of them, thanks,” he said. With sudden gratitude, Ella was surprised.

“Welcome. No problem anyway,” then they went to silence.

“I think we should meet each other again sometimes,” he intended to invite her to meet him next time. She exhaled quietly.

“Yeah, we can do that,” Ella accepted it. Okay, she has to be ready.


It was a busy week for Ella and Soo Hyuk too. She had to finish all the sketches and he had to prepare for the show to go well. It was all on his hand as an MC, luckily he accompanied by his colleague, Jonghyun. It was already in the fifth episode. Ella would come out on the next episode. So for Soo Hyuk, it was already the fifth times where he was surprised by the secret guest called for the shows. From artist, photographer, even a model. What kind of guest would the show bring next?

Dongwoo was busy too taking a picture here and there. And the research went on Ella’s store was closed. He was organizing it and he had a matter too with college. It was not easy for him so he gave his organizing task to staff inside.

Apparently from the result, Ella received a news that the customers wanted to see more variable party clothes. She had already sketched it some, so it meant she had to finish it before deadline. From her sketches, it was 40% done on the making and ready for sell.

Without anyone notice, the day for her to come to the show was coming. She got a call from the representative to come. She sighed and prepared herself well. She came back to the professional Ella like people had known about her long ago. Dongwoo would come later, but she already worried much on the road.

The show was just presenting the famous works by designer in Korea. Soo Hyuk read at his cue card that they would be having a promising designer from Korea that just opened her brand for months ago.

“We will having a designer here, PD-nim?” he asked the producer.

“Yeah, I heard the guest already arrived,” right. Ella already arrived on the place. A staff accompanied Ella to the waiting room and gave her walkie-talkie and Ella herself got ready, just to fix if anything was not good to look on

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Nisa18 #1
Chapter 11: What is this? My heart beat faster by read each chapter. Thanks unni, for writing such a nice story
Chapter 17: This is so beautiful! <3 I love how gentleman soohyuk is here!
eldonpongchut #3
Chapter 16: Story flow is nice and steady, but need more improvements and wow ideas.. Keep it up with your writings..