I Love You

Sunflower Girl



"ITS HERE!!!" I yelled as I rushed inside the Choi's household with the rest of the guys. Mrs Choi and Myunghee hurried to the living room with expectant smiles.

"Gosh... What if we don't make it?" Yugyeom asked worriedly as he looked down at his envelope.

"I'm sure you all did fine..." Mrs Choi said reassuringly.

"HURRY UP!!!' Myunghee yelled.

We opened it up straight away and we read our letters individually.

"I got in," Mark hyung said.

"So did I," JB said.

"Me too!" Yugyeom and Bambam answered at the same time.

"YES SO DID I!" Jackson squealed.

"Gosh, me too!" Youngjae exclaimed.

Everyone had their eyes on me and the corners of my mouth turned up.

"I GUESS WE ALL GOT IN!" I screame joyfully.

Everyone started hopping around and the guys and I formed one big group hug.

"Okay lets go eat. I'm starving," Myunghee said suddenly as she grabbed her coat and mittens.

"You just ate an hour ago though. You usually don't eat much," Mrs Choi said.

"I know but the past couple of days I've been hungry almost 24/7," Myunghee answered, her tone full of desperation to eat.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked as I grabbed my coat as well.

"Barbeque meat..." everyone answered along with Myunghee.

Everyone started laughing while Myunghee just smiled sheepishly.

Myunghee was walking by my side, hugging onto my arm as we walked. She dug her head slightly into my sleeve and sighed.

"You're so warm..." she said as she closed her eyes for awhile.

I looked down at her and smiled before giving her a kiss on her head.

"If you want me to stay, I'll stay for you, you know that right?" I asked.

She looked up at me and shook her head.

"I want you to leave and chase your dreams," she answered.

I stopped walking and stood in front of her. Slowly, I placed my hands on her cheeks and she placed her hands on mine as she gazed into my eyes. After a few seconds, I broke the silence.

"I can't picture not seeing this everyday," I said, my eyes getting teary.

However instead of being sad, she showed me a bright smile that just warmed up my heart.

"... I love you..." she said suddenly, making my heart skip a beat.

I let out a little laugh and I felt a few tears escape from my eyes. She finally said those three words that I wanted to hear from her so much. She wiped my tears away, her smile still on her face.

"I love you... and I want you to be happy. Listen, maybe you won't get to see me for a few weeks... maybe even months but just know that I'll always love you no matter how far away you are from me," she said.

I continued staring at her, smiling like a fool.

"I love you, Myunghee... more than I ever thought I could," I said as I hugged her tight.



"GOSH!" I exclaimed after devouring my two servings of meat.

"Woah~ You really are hungry, aren't you?" Jinyoung asked with wide eyes as he watched me eat the leftover lettuce wraps.

"I don't know why... I'm just really hungry these past few days," I whined as I rubbed my belly that I could feel was getting bigger.

"Its okay. You're so skinny so its good that you're eating more," he said.

"Oh! I have to go to the departmental store for a while. Want to come with me?" he asked.

I quickly gobbled the lettuce wraps down and nodded. We got up, paid the bill and went to the store. Jinyoung was at the food section while I was just wandering around. Then, something caught my eye.

"What's this?" I asked the ahjumma at the counter as I picked up the small device.

"Its a Pregnancy Test to see if you're pregnant. You have to make sure the stick comes in contact with your urine," she answered.

"Ohhh~ Are there any other ways to tell if you are pregnant?" I asked out of curiousity and also boredom.

"Well, you get cravings and you start to eat more... and you start to vomit sometimes as well," she replied.

"Ahh..." I said as I placed it back.

"Ahjumma! I'd like to buy this please," Jinyoung said as he approached the counter with a carton of milk and a sack of rice.

I held onto the carton while Jinyoung had the sack over his shoulder. We went inside his house and saw Mr and Mrs Park eating their lunch.

"Hello, Omma!... Appa," Jinyoung greeted.

"Hello, Omma! Hello, Ahjusshi," I greeted.

"Omma! I got in!" Jinyoung chirped as he showed her the letter.

"OMONA! WAH, DAEBAK, MY SON!" she exclaimed as she hugged him tightly.

Everyone then looked at Mr. Park who just sighed.

"A deal is a deal... You got number one in school and you got in so... I'll allow you to go," Mr. Park said rather reluctantly.

Even so, Jinyoung's smile grew wider and he bowed down respectfully to his father.

"Thank you, Appa! Thank you!" Jinyoung exclaimed.

"I have to go back to my family. Have a good day!" I said with a wave.

"Hey, let me send you home," Jinyoung offered.

"Nah~ Go celebrate with your family. See you tomorrow, okay?" I said before leaving.

I was just outside my house when I felt nauseous all of a sudden. I rushed into the house, feeling the vomit rising up my throat. I slammed the doors open and ran up the stairs to my bathroom. Just in time when I knelt down in front of the toilet, I vomited out loads. After what felt like an eternity, I finally stopped and leaned my back on the wall close behind me, my energy depleted. I rubbed my belly, wondering what was wrong with me.




The guys and I were at the train station with our families and loved ones. Appa didn't come for obvious reasons but it didn't matter... I was just glad that he gave me his blessing. After saying goodbye to Omma, I turned to look at Myunghee. Her face was a little paler than usual and she seemed less bright. I walked towards her and held onto her arms.

"Hey... You okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine. I've been puking tons since yesterday and something is up with my appetite," she replied weakly.

"I can't go and leave you like this," I said firmly as I placed my bags down.

"Yah, yah, yah... Why are you like this? I get sick sometimes... Its normal~" she said with a laugh as she picked up my bags and gave them to me again.

I sighed and kissed her lips quick. The both of us smiled.

"So, they're going to ask about my relationship status," I said.

"Just tell them you're single... and you are because we're breaking up," she said, making me shocked.

She started laughing.

"I mean... we won't be 'Girlfriend and Boyfriend' officially anymore however we still can love each other like now. Its better that way." she said and I had to agree that she was right.

Then an announcement was made, signalling us that it was time to part.

"I'll see you in 2 months right?" she asked as she bit her lip nervously.

"Hey... I'm coming back for you... so just wait. You can do that for me, right?" I asked as I placed my hand on her left cheek.

She placed her hand on mine and smiled.

"I'll be here waiting..." she said.

With one last kiss, I headed off towards the train.

"YAH, PARK JINYOUNG!" I heard Myunghee scream from behind me.

I turned around and saw her form a big heart by having her arms up over her and her fingertips on her head.

"I LOVE YOU!" she yelled loudly.

I let out a laugh.

"I'LL ANSWER YOU WHEN I GET BACK!" I shouted back mischievously before rushing into the train.

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Sorry guys! No update today because I was out and busy! SO SORRY!


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JYPFan113 #1
Chapter 25: This is very beautiful and your note at the end was very sweet ^^
Thank you for this wonderful story author-nim ^^
SHINee456 #2
Chapter 25: This story is so sad. I wanted Myunghee to live and be Jinyoung's wife!!! And this is a story that I will keep in my head for as long as I can remember!!!(I also cried so much in this story, Especially when everyone found out that she has cancer.) ^-^
Ati5aTHSVR #3
Chapter 25: The first time i cried for a story...
One of the best stories i found on this website
^^ nice job author nim !
parana37 #4
Chapter 25: It's one of the best story i've ever read...
NaNo_ARMY #5
Chapter 25: beautiful story~~ :)
vindyyo #6
Chapter 25: Awwwwwww you and your smart analysis.
Cheonsa grew up all well ! I belive , Myunghee is happy up there
SMentFan99 #7
Chapter 25: Love this story so much!!!! ^^
FallenDemon #8
Chapter 25: Atleast angel knows her mom on how Jr described her:))) I still love this story
Chapter 25: Thank you authornim for finishing the story. It's one of the saddest but the also the best fanfiction I've read in this website.
EXObabyLUV #10
Chapter 25: This is a masterpiece.All of my emotions has been shown while i was reading this.Author-nim jjang! :))