I Miss You Already

Sunflower Girl

I didn't have to see the doctor to know what was going on as I had already expected it coming since I was back in Tae-Baek. I always knew I wasn't meant to live a long, healthy life... it was just a gut feeling I always had until I made Jinyoung.

Just then, he came out of the hospital, looking as dazed as I was when we were at the cafe. I straightened my back once he got close but he continued walking on as if he didn't see me when I knew he did. He seemed just shattered... broken... as if he lost everything in this world. I continued walking behind him until I couldn't take the silence anymore. I ran in front of him and placed my hands on his chest, forcing him to look at me.

"Say something..." I begged as my tears started rolling down my cheeks.

However he remained silent.

"SAY SOMETHING!" I screamed.

"... I miss you already..." he replied softly.

Those 4 words just made me even more sad than I already was which seemed impossible.

"I... I..." he stuttered.

Then his lips started to tremble and he covered his face with his hands as his tears escaped his eyes. I couldn't move a muscle at that moment. All I could do was just cry with him.

"If I knew... If only I knew I wouldn't have gotten close Jinyoung, I'm so sorry..." I cried out as I turned around to leave.

However just after walking a few steps, I felt his arms around me, making me cry harder.

"No... Not yet... My heart isn't ready yet so please don't leave me so soon when I just got you back..." he pleaded as I felt his tears soak into the fabric of my shirt.



I was in the dorm with Myunghee, just the both of us alone as we waited for the time to pass to pick Cheonsa up from daycare. Her head was on my lap as she just looked to the side, not saying a word.

"Did I tell you that I love you yesterday?" I asked.

"Hm? Oh, yeah, you did," she said replied as she looked up at me.

"How about the day before yesterday?" I asked.

"Jinyoung, you tell me that you love me every single day... at least 3 times," she said with a little laugh.

"Then why do I feel like I don't say it enough? Why do I feel like I hadn't done enough for you and Cheonsa?" I asked as I looked down at her.

She flashed me a lovely smile as she gently cupped my left cheek.

"You've done... way more to help me than anyone else I know. I love you, Jinyoung... because of what you did for me, I can say I love you so easily to the people I love. That's way more than enough," she said.

I leaned down and kissed her forehead then I stayed close down to her.

"I love you, Myunghee..." I whispered.

"I know..." she replied with a smile.


"Jinyoung?" I called out.

"Hm?" he asked as he leaned away slightly to look into my eyes.

"I just want you to know that you're better than a dream," I said.

"Why so?" he asked, smiling.

"Because you're real," I answered.

He replied with a little laugh and at that moment, we heard loud laughter and bickering from outside.

"They're back~" I said as I got up to scare them when they open the door.

I looked at Jinyoung to see him just laughing and shaking his head in disbelief.

"... You know I'm not giving up on you, right?" he asked.

I turned up the corner of my mouth a little.

"I know..." I said.


"AGHHHH!!!" I screamed.

"UGH!!!!!!!!!!" the 6 of them screamed as they started falling over one another.

"YOU GAVE US A HEART ATTACK!" Jackson yelled.

"Um... I have something to tell the 6 of you..." I said.

The 6 of them looked at one another confusedly.

"What? You have another baby?" Jackson teased.

"Pfft~ No... but I need you guys to have a open mind to this as well," Jinyoung said and with that the 6 of them gathered around us.



The guys just remained speechless for a few more seconds after Myunghee and I explained everything.

"... How long more?" Mark hyung asked as he looked at Myunghee sadly.

"No one knows yet," Myunghee answered.

Just then, Youngjae got up and left to go into his room.

"I'll talk to him," Myunghee said as she got up and followed Youngjae.

"You okay, Jinyoung?" JB asked.

"Of course not... I'm thinking of doing more research to try to find anything that can help but I already know it can't be helped," I sighed as I leaned back against the sofa.

"Just why is all of this so difficult?" Bambam said as he bent down and placed his elbow on his thigh, placing his chin on the palm of his hand.

"Myunghee noona could finally be happy after everything she went through... and now this happens..." Yugyeom said, a slight hint of anger in his voice.

"Jinyoung... Its not like I'm already anticipating it but... what's going to happen to Angel if something happens to Myunghee?" Mark hyung asked.

"Myunghee told me she placed Mr and Mrs Park as Angel's guardians in the legal documents... so I guess Cheonsa would be living with them in Tae-Baek," Jackson said.

"No," I answered firmly.

I leaned away and saw that the 5 of them were taken aback by what I said.

"She's my daughter... If something happens, I'm going to take care of her. Its my responsibility as her father and its what I want," I said.

"Jinyoung, if you do that, someone is going to find it weird how there is a little girl in the dorm," JB added.

"... Then I guess I'm going to have to tell them first," I said, bracing myself for wile reactions.





"Look, I don't like the idea and the risks that come with it but I have no choice. i can't let Cheonsa grow up without her father being around her. I already missed 2 years of her life.... I'm not intending on missing out on more," I fought back.

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Sorry guys! No update today because I was out and busy! SO SORRY!


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JYPFan113 #1
Chapter 25: This is very beautiful and your note at the end was very sweet ^^
Thank you for this wonderful story author-nim ^^
SHINee456 #2
Chapter 25: This story is so sad. I wanted Myunghee to live and be Jinyoung's wife!!! And this is a story that I will keep in my head for as long as I can remember!!!(I also cried so much in this story, Especially when everyone found out that she has cancer.) ^-^
Ati5aTHSVR #3
Chapter 25: The first time i cried for a story...
One of the best stories i found on this website
^^ nice job author nim !
parana37 #4
Chapter 25: It's one of the best story i've ever read...
NaNo_ARMY #5
Chapter 25: beautiful story~~ :)
vindyyo #6
Chapter 25: Awwwwwww you and your smart analysis.
Cheonsa grew up all well ! I belive , Myunghee is happy up there
SMentFan99 #7
Chapter 25: Love this story so much!!!! ^^
FallenDemon #8
Chapter 25: Atleast angel knows her mom on how Jr described her:))) I still love this story
Chapter 25: Thank you authornim for finishing the story. It's one of the saddest but the also the best fanfiction I've read in this website.
EXObabyLUV #10
Chapter 25: This is a masterpiece.All of my emotions has been shown while i was reading this.Author-nim jjang! :))