# 7


Summary: Apparently, Jung TaekWoon was the only person who didn't carry a photo of his "pet" around.


TaekWoon worked as a composer and vocal trainer at the company where he met HakYeon years ago while being trainees. At first, it was so hard for him to believe that he had actually made it after his audition (he barely spoke) during his second year in college, but as the years passed and the debut never seemed closer, both of them decided to give up that dream in order to do something with their lives.


Months later, HakYeon was contracted by Jellyfish as the choreographer (although he had a bachelor in Fashion Design) for a new duo which consisted of one of their ex-possible groupmates called Lee JaeHwan and a young boy (at the time). It was very easy for him to get TaekWoon in as the pair's composer, the hard part was for the musician to have enough patience for the trio at practice times (he realized that way too late to escape).


"Hey, hyung, HakYeon told me you have a pet now," TaekWoon eyed the only person with such a deep voice.


That had been at least three years ago, the boy grew up to be a strong young man, and even TaekWoon learned that it was better to be on WonSik's good side. Mostly because he knew not to be fooled by the two fuzzy black ears on top of his head, Kim WonSik had no trace of a small cat inside but rather the hunter traits of a panther.


"He's not a pet, WonSik-ah," he answered, it had been a few months since he adopted SangHyuk and he didn't feel the need to be showing him around like HakYeon did with HongBin.


"Well, what's his name?" WonSik arched a brow, completely intrigued by the new piece of information, he never expected TaekWoon to have a pet of any kind. However, if there was one person that could control him without much effort, it was him.


"SangHyuk!" HakYeon exclaimed walking into the room like he owned it, well, it was his dance studio anyways, "And he's the scardiest cat ever."


"Do you want to die, Cha HakYeon?" HakYeon flinched at the threat, hiding behind JaeHwan who came in a few seconds earlier.


"Ah, so scary..." the red haired mumbled under his breath, making JaeHwan giggle a little, "anyway, why don't you show WonSik-ah a photo of him?"


"Yeah, I want to see him!" the rapper dashed to their vocal trainer's side, ears perked with curiosity.


"I want to see him too!" the singer complained, occupying the space on the other side of TaekWoon who only looked at HakYeon like he was planning a murder, perhaps his murder.


"I don't have pictures of him," he admitted after a minute of intense staring from both of his friends, JaeHwan faked a dramatic gasp which made WonSik and HakYeon laugh, "what?"


"How can you not have pictures of him?" JaeHwan seemed pretty amused by the fact that he didn't have an album of photos of SangHyuk in his phone, "It's like a basic thing to do when you have a pet."


"He's not a pet..."


"Whatever he is to you, he's still yours and you take care of him, don't you?" WonSik was one of few hybrids that were able to know what having his family was, what actually do something like being an artist was, and maybe it had to do with the unusual inner feline he carried, "besides, HakYeon makes us see like fifty photos of HongBin each day, I swear I don't know how that kitty can stand an owner like him, I'd have ran away after the first ten."


"Hey!" HakYeon put a hand on his chest, offended, but the other ignored his little scene.


"Even I carry a photo of WonSik with me..."




"What, what?" 


WonSik narrowed his eyes at the grinning JaeHwan.


"I don't know, I just never thought about it," he shrugged, unaffected by the whole conversation.


"Well, since TaekWoonnie doesn't have photos of SangHyuk...who wants to see HongBinnie asleep?!" the eldest squealed, holding his phone out, he looked so excited that JaeHwan couldn't help it, stretching one of his hands to accept the device, "He fell asleep next to me while I worked on some designs, isn't he the cutest, JaeHwannie? Oh! But wait, I have this one too..."


TaekWoon almost felt bad for the vocalist while he nodded, trying his best to show interest or at least smiling when it was needed.




“Woah!” WonSik bellowed as he stared at TaekWoon’s phone screen showing a picture of SangHyuk a week later.


The catboy had his head very slightly tilted to the side, his eyes focused on something he was holding, which looked a lot like manga, while he sat on the couch but what captivated both, his owner and the rapper, the most was the sweet smile, pearly white teeth almost blinding, on his lips, so wide it reached his eyes turning them into crescent moons. His features looked so soft and sharp under the lights casted on him, he didn’t even seem to notice he was being photograph and that helped capture his innate innocence thanks to the way one of his ears was curved down and his tail loose over his shoulder.


“Oh, pretty!” WonSik was startled by JaeHwan’s voice behind him, almost dropping his hyung’s phone in the process, “HakYeon was right, he’s a little kitty.”


“He turned eighteen last week…”


“He’s beautiful,” two pair of eyes fell on him the moment those words left his lips, his ears weakly fell down, realizing he voiced out a thought he shouldn’t have, “I mean…you should introduce us to him, don’t you think, hyung?” he turned to his groupmate, the older only opened and closed his mouth without making a coherent sentence, choosing to just nod his head with an awkward smile.


TaekWoon stared at WonSik for the longest minute in silence; the mere idea of him being near his kitten was out of question with such a simple action. That was until HakYeon marched in, analyzing every expression on the room before he asked what was wrong and the youngest decided to suggest it’d be good if he hang out with HongBin one day, the red haired clapped in a bliss, instantly planning a dinner in TaekWoon’s department without his permission.

Note: Ok, maybe now you can get why was TaekWoon so much against the idea of SangHyuk going out with WonSik...I didn't want to spoil you guys, if you don't understand something, I usually do it intentionally because I will explain it later on. I actually like this one way better than the #6 (there are two pictures for that one that I haven't been able to post since my internet decided to just die on me on this week full of projects) and I may write how TaekWoon got to take the picture but idk right now I just finished studying for my Anatomy exam, so wish me Luck! (???) Ok, I should just leave this here<3

Oh! Yay for the RaKen, they finally got involved in this! 

As always, any mistakes are mine, please, don't look too much into what HakYeon and TaekWoon do, just go with the flow, alright? And thanks for the comments, in fact, I appreciate them a lot. 


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shizwow #1
Chapter 21: Will be waiting with this update and definitely will follow up w chabean's spin-off and I really cannot wait & looking forward for raken's! What can I say, I'm a er for those two dumb & dumber hehehe

Stay healthy & happy!
Chapter 21: Oh gooooood I'm so glad I found this fanfiction again!
/subscribes for life/
Thank you, thank you , thank you~
This whole story and couple is just so heartwarming and cute and GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
I can't get enough of this!!!!
I hope there will be an update soon because I'd really like to see how it continues!!!!
Hwaitiiiiiiing~ LUCK FOR LIFE
blueangel17 #3
Chapter 21: Thank you for the story so far!! I really loved it and it was one of my first VIXX fanfics ^-^
I can't wait for the ChaBean and RaKen spin-offs!
Fighting :D
06shae #4
Chapter 21: I love that hyuk has worries and expectations from his relationship with taekwoon, it shows that he is still a human. many hybrid fics lack of humanity in the hybrid, usually they are happy with being pets and only want attention as a pet. your writing, however, shows how much of a human a hybrid is ;___; I love the realistic and creative way you write. (although hybrids are not real :p lets just ignore that part) you really deserve to be praised for your creativeness and writing skills! *-* even though I only ship leohyuk in a romantic way in vixx, I will read the chabean side of the story. i think it was mentioned somewhere in the story that their relationship wasn't the way it is now when hongbin was first adopted. also I'm curious to how they became a couple *-* it's just so exciting that I think I'll start shipping them thanks to you :x and for raken... are you an angel ;____; thank you soooo much for that *hugs while crying* you just made my day ;___; I'm sooo excited for that and again thank you sooooooooooo much! have a good day, week, life *whispers* angel...
Kokechan #5
Chapter 21: Oh, I just realised I didn't comment for a while when I enjoy your story so much: I'm really sorry! I love this new chapter and how you hint at your soon-to-be Chabean spin-off. HyukBin friendship is indeed the sweetest thing and it's good to know you still will update Cheshire cause I'll never lost interest in it. There is so much tenderness in the way you write LeoHyuk, it's really soothing and I'm very grateful for this! :)
Chapter 21: i love how you put Hyukbin moment on it, actually i'm Hyukbin hard Shipper, hahaha xD but LeoHyuk comes to number 2 of my fav OTP after Hyukbin, so i'm into this story soooo much~~~ i like to see Hyukie hang out with Hongbin and cutely fall in love with his master Taekwoon. thank you for updating.
i never think that you abadoned this story, because you have your own life too, so never mind, as soon as i get my Vitamin from you, LeoHyuk and little moment of Hyukbin too :)
06shae #7
Chapter 20: aww poor hyukkie... he should watch what he eats >.< and you should too >:( thanks for reminding us not to eat fish from days ago tho, it could be useful :p and I understand that there isn't much to write about raken in these series it's okay ^^ have a good day and watch what you eattt~~~
sellyafida #8
Chapter 20: oohh so sweet. I always smile when reading this story.. . .
06shae #9
Chapter 19: aww so cute c: i loved the ending, I can imagine leo saying that in a serious tone while smiling sweetly... are you planning to write the raken side of the story? idk I just like friendship!raken so much :3 good luck on your exams! study hard >:)