# 5


Summary: It's only natural for cats to just get between you and whatever you're doing (to get what they want or just because they want).


TaekWoon learned that SangHyuk usually liked to give into his feline side rather than to deny or control it (like he saw HongBin trying so hard). He found that after one time when he was working on a new composition on the piano, he had spent most of the afternoon repeating the notes, fixing the tempo and softly practicing the lyrics. For the first two hours, he knew his kitten was on the couch, listening, because of the constant purring that filled his ears but after a while, he lost any sign of him still being there, he didn't think to look for the boy at the time.


That was until he looked up, a yelp escaping from his lips as he stared at the catboy lying on top of the piano; SangHyuk had grown taller than him (but was very light indeed, he worried a lot of what the younger ate) so he occupied almost the whole space there while curled in a ball, his head resting on his arms and tail hanging on the side.


"SangHyuk," he sighed, his companion smiled, "I'm working, please."


"I know," his eyes also smiled, "keep working, I'll be really quiet," he promised.


TaekWoon pursed his lips, still unsure but went back to his song. SangHyuk kept his promise, even though his mere presence distracted the older a lot because of the curious pair of eyes watching his every move, "Fine, I'm done. I'm going to make dinner," he picked his things up to drop them on his desk and walked to the kitchen, followed closely by his kitten.




The next time, TaekWoon was seated on the couch reading some papers that HakYeon gave him when he felt the weight of someone else at his side, he didn't need to turn to know it was SangHyuk getting back from his usual walks around the neighborhood.


He greeted him with a low "Mmh", expecting him to say something if he wanted his full attention but, instead to that, the boy literally crawled his way onto his lap, pushing one of his arms away with his head so he could snuggle up his chest. The black haired man was quite surprised, silently staring as the catboy found a comfortable position there, not caring if his owner could keep on doing whatever he was doing or not.




When it happened during one the few times he actually spent time cooking something (since HakYeon invited WonSik and JaeHwan to have dinner at his apartment), he was less shocked but shocked nonetheless.


SangHyuk had been helping him get everything ready, excited to meet yet another hybrid and because he could eat a lot of TaekWoon's tasty food until he ran out of things to do. The older told him he could go nap or something while he waited for the kimchi to boil in order for the boy to not get bored just standing there however he didn't listen, without a word, he went to sit on the counter next to the oven and in front of the older.


"SangHyuk, you're going to get burn, get off there," he warned, pushing him without much force, "I mean it," if he hadn't known his owner as well as he did, he would have run off at his serious glare but that didn't work anymore so he started headbutting his shoulder, gently meowing to get his affections, until the other gave in and used his free hand to caress his ears.


"You can talk, you know?" SangHyuk only shrugged, "I cannot be guessing what you want."


"You don't need to, I get it anyways," he proudly said as he smirked, gaining a light pull on one of his ears.


"Yah, behave." SangHyuk laughed before he jumped off the counter to go open the door, completely saved by the bell. He heard HakYeon's loud voice calling his name a few seconds after, asking if the food was ready, if he needed any help and that he wanted the biggest plate, he rolled his eyes letting a deep sigh out.

SangHyuk's silent demands were so much better.

Note: I wrote this because omg Error is out and I loved the song, I still have my doubts about the MV but the album rules. 

Oh, I wrote this directly on my phone and posted it from my phone and that's why it's not edited or anything, I'll fix it tomorrow. 

Fixed! <3

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shizwow #1
Chapter 21: Will be waiting with this update and definitely will follow up w chabean's spin-off and I really cannot wait & looking forward for raken's! What can I say, I'm a er for those two dumb & dumber hehehe

Stay healthy & happy!
Chapter 21: Oh gooooood I'm so glad I found this fanfiction again!
/subscribes for life/
Thank you, thank you , thank you~
This whole story and couple is just so heartwarming and cute and GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
I can't get enough of this!!!!
I hope there will be an update soon because I'd really like to see how it continues!!!!
Hwaitiiiiiiing~ LUCK FOR LIFE
blueangel17 #3
Chapter 21: Thank you for the story so far!! I really loved it and it was one of my first VIXX fanfics ^-^
I can't wait for the ChaBean and RaKen spin-offs!
Fighting :D
06shae #4
Chapter 21: I love that hyuk has worries and expectations from his relationship with taekwoon, it shows that he is still a human. many hybrid fics lack of humanity in the hybrid, usually they are happy with being pets and only want attention as a pet. your writing, however, shows how much of a human a hybrid is ;___; I love the realistic and creative way you write. (although hybrids are not real :p lets just ignore that part) you really deserve to be praised for your creativeness and writing skills! *-* even though I only ship leohyuk in a romantic way in vixx, I will read the chabean side of the story. i think it was mentioned somewhere in the story that their relationship wasn't the way it is now when hongbin was first adopted. also I'm curious to how they became a couple *-* it's just so exciting that I think I'll start shipping them thanks to you :x and for raken... are you an angel ;____; thank you soooo much for that *hugs while crying* you just made my day ;___; I'm sooo excited for that and again thank you sooooooooooo much! have a good day, week, life *whispers* angel...
Kokechan #5
Chapter 21: Oh, I just realised I didn't comment for a while when I enjoy your story so much: I'm really sorry! I love this new chapter and how you hint at your soon-to-be Chabean spin-off. HyukBin friendship is indeed the sweetest thing and it's good to know you still will update Cheshire cause I'll never lost interest in it. There is so much tenderness in the way you write LeoHyuk, it's really soothing and I'm very grateful for this! :)
Chapter 21: i love how you put Hyukbin moment on it, actually i'm Hyukbin hard Shipper, hahaha xD but LeoHyuk comes to number 2 of my fav OTP after Hyukbin, so i'm into this story soooo much~~~ i like to see Hyukie hang out with Hongbin and cutely fall in love with his master Taekwoon. thank you for updating.
i never think that you abadoned this story, because you have your own life too, so never mind, as soon as i get my Vitamin from you, LeoHyuk and little moment of Hyukbin too :)
06shae #7
Chapter 20: aww poor hyukkie... he should watch what he eats >.< and you should too >:( thanks for reminding us not to eat fish from days ago tho, it could be useful :p and I understand that there isn't much to write about raken in these series it's okay ^^ have a good day and watch what you eattt~~~
sellyafida #8
Chapter 20: oohh so sweet. I always smile when reading this story.. . .
06shae #9
Chapter 19: aww so cute c: i loved the ending, I can imagine leo saying that in a serious tone while smiling sweetly... are you planning to write the raken side of the story? idk I just like friendship!raken so much :3 good luck on your exams! study hard >:)