like_a_flame| The Royals

Tomboy Review Shop Batch 2

Story Title: The Royals
Reviewer: anthroalex12



How effective was the title?

The title is intriguing because it's simple and to the point.

Poster and BG layout? (Only if you have one. If you don't have one, you will not be assessed on it)

Both the poster and BG Layout match the theme and mood of the entire story.

Foreword and description: Did it draw me into wanting to read more?

The foreword and description are both very enticing and mysterious.



How was the plot laid out?

The plot gradually few and did a great job in asserting each plot point.

How was the pacing of the story? Was it draggy or was it rushed through? 

The pacing was almost perfect. I felt like the battle was quicker than the evolution to the battle itself. There was a huge build up but then ended fairly quickly. Sequel?

Was the characterization consistent?

Oh, yes. The characterization was unbelievable. The gradual evolution of Luhan's character was impressive, but in the end how he could not kill Kai expressed how he was still little Luhan, just older. All events that lead to the end stuck to him and these experiences have built Luhan, which is exactly how you build a character.

Was the story flow fluent? Was it choppy or was it smooth?

The story flow was fluent and my only complaint was the fast battle. I ask for a sequel.

How did you organize your events? Was it in order or was it all over the place?

No complaints on organization. Perfect. 


How effective was the ending of each chapter? Did it leave me wanting to read more?

The endings to each chapter did keep me wanting to read. The suspense and mystery was too much.


Grammar and Spelling?

Little to no spelling errors as well as grammar.

Use of Transition Words? (It helps with the flow from paragraph to paragraph so it doesn't seem choppy)

Perfect organization of each transition.

How did I like it overall? Further Comments?

I really did not have time to read it one or two or three sittings. Honestly, it was a good read and anyone can learn a bit about humanity reading this. So, well done! I do redoes.

REMINDER: Do not forget to credit the shop with our banner and the reviewer in your foreword if you are using our review.



























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