Card VI

Tarot Card

Taeyeon looked at the pocket notebook again, making sure she was on the right track. Earlier, she had managed to reach the address that was written in Yuri's note but its not where Tiffany lives, well not exactly, since Taeyeon thinks Yuri mightve forgotten to put the house number. The town island wasnt that big but the houses were quite far away from each other and Tiffany's house was not an exclusion. Taeyeon found out that the Hwangs lives in the farthest part of the town, near the sea in fact. And Taeyeon had to ask some by-standers for directions which the town's people willingly helped her with; drawn on another page of the pocket notebook which exactly where the doctor's eyes were fixated on right at this very moment.

"Why did they even choose to live so far away from the main road?" Taeyeon whined as he walked farther ahead. She could already smell the sea but till she’s not seeing any beach sand, she’s still far from her destination.

“Seriously, why would anyone want to live near the sea?” And she got her answer with a mesmerizing view of the sunset ahead of her.

Ofcourse, why didn’t she think of that? The beach had always the best view when the sun meets the horizon, surely anyone who loves nature would choose to live there and the Hwangs was known to be a nature-loving family.

And finally, she had reached the Hwang’s humble abode. It was quite bigger than she had imagined it to be. A big bungalow with extremely fine and meticulous wooden carved finishing that just proved the rumor of Tiffany’s father having such an amazing skill in carpentry and handcrafting.

Taeyeon then remembered hearing from someone that Tiffany’s father even owned a big furniture company in the US but it got bankrupt and closed down so their family went back to Korea and lived in the town island where theyre far away from the city.

“Taeyeon?” The short doctor got startled, jumping away from the person who had just called out her name behind her and realizing it was the sister of the person she wanted to meet, she sighed in relief.

“God, you scared the hell out of me.”

“Sorry.” Jessica said as she resumed walking to their house.

“Ahh wait..” Realizing how awkward she’s holding onto Jessica’s shirt, Taeyeon let go and masked her embarrassment by dragging her fingernails to her scalp. “Is Tiffany at home?”

Taeyeon saw how Jessica’s brows creased and she wonders if she asked something wrong. “Well, she hasn’t gone to the clinic for her duty so I thought she’s sick and..”

“She is at the clinic.” Now it was Taeyeon’s turn to get puzzled.  She’s been on duty since she woke up till before Yuri had convinced her to pay Tiffany a visit, she would know if the apple of her affection was just around her. “She’s with mom and dad.”

“Ohh..” Taeyeon felt disappointed, so all along her efforts to go to Tiffany had just been washed away by the waves to the farthest part of the ocean.

“But you can wait for them, Im sure they’ll be back soon. They’ve been out half the day, so..” Jessica trailed off, resuming to walk while Taeyeon followed her behind.

“The place is nice.” The doctor commented, hoping that she can atleast make a proper conversation with Tiffany’s sister. She always find it awkward being around the girl with or without Yuri or Tiffany’s presence.

“Dad said it’ll be good for mom.” Taeyeon tried to strike another conversation but Jessica has her way of answering it in finality, something that tells Taeyeon not to try again. She then wonders if Jessica hates her.

It had always been Tiffany, the first person she noticed even when the whole clinic had a lot of volunteers that day, Taeyeon still noticed how the ambiance of the room got so warm and lively when Tiffany walked in, very contradicting to Jessica’s which Taeyeon undoubtedly agrees to be so dead and cold, as if she’s the life out of anyone near her; and in this case it’s Taeyeon.

The doctor straightened up when she saw Jessica emerged from the kitchen with a glass of water in hand. “You want to wait for them here?” That sounded a bit off to Taeyeon, where else can she wait Tiffany if not inside their house?

“Im going out for a walk, you can come if you want to.” Taeyeon wanted to refuse but she just nodded her head.

“I don’t really like staying inside the house much.” The doctor couldn’t believe it herself; Jessica is talking to her more so she’s telling her something about her. “Its just, its uncomfortable for me.”

“How so? Its your house.” Taeyeon decided to reply as seriously as she can, considering the sad look in Jessica’s face when she turned to look at the latter as they walk at the beach.

“I don’t know. Its just.. I cant explain it but I feel like I don’t belong here.” Taeyeon was about to ask her why but Tiffany’s extremely energetic voice greeted them.  Jessica soon retreated, helping her mother to walk to their house, leaving all those questions inside the doctor’s head.

“Hi Tae Tae..” Taeyeon’s heart skipped a beat or two hearing the sudden pet name Tiffany decided to give her just now.

“Ahh hi-what happened to your face Tiffany?” Since they were under a light post, Taeyeon can properly see the long cut on Tiffany’s right cheek. The latter tried to hide it by covering it with her hair but the doctor was quick enough to prevent her from doing so.

“It was an accident. I was running in the beach and I fell down face first and got this cut from a sea shell.” Tiffany nervously answered.

“That’s an ugly cut Tiff.” Taeyeon commented, seeing how it ruined Tiffany’s lovely face.

“Its okay, it’ll heal.”

“Is that why youre not showing yourself lately at the clinic?”

“I was there today.” Taeyeon felt stupid for forgetting. “What did you do there anyway?”

“I wanted a certain short doctor to check up on me but the nurses said she went home already. That and its my mom’s weekly check up.”

“For?” Taeyeon cant help but ask.

“Nothing serious. She’s old now so we need to be really careful with her health.” Tiffany answered. “And you? Why are you here?”

Taeyeon dug her brain for any answer but nothing came up so it was Tiffany who answered for her. “You missed me, didn’t you?” And when Taeyeon didn’t react, Tiffany laughed her embarrassment out. “Im sorry, Im too assuming, aren’t I?”

“Ohh no, no.. Youre not.. I do.. I mean I did missed you that’s why Im here. I wanted to see you.” Taeyeon swore Tiffany’s wide smile can totally melt anyone’s heart and she thinks hers is starting to now and she’ll probably wont last for another second if Tiffany wont stop smiling at her like that.

But Tiffany had something else inside her head and instead of putting it into words, she decided to act on it; placing a peck on Taeyeon’s cheeks. “I missed you too.”





That night Taeyeon was not able to sleep properly. One reason was the kiss Tiffany gave her and the other was Jessica’s sudden confinement to her about her problem.





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Chapter 4: interesting!
Chapter 23: Taeng still kinda a jerk in this one though, who did that to sisters? Even if one turns out to be crazy, you're still a jerk for two timing them
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 23: I can't believe this story slipped right under my nose how in the world did i just find this?!! Haha well I love it thanks for this! Till next time indeed!!
Chapter 23: Aww it ended already.. Please comeback with a new taengsic fic please....
Icecream013 #6
Idk why i just found this fic but still i'm going to read this all
Chapter 23: hey! glad that you were able to finish this.. thanks so much for this story and hope to read some taengsic from you again :)
Chapter 23: Haha I thought that was the end but you never confirmed it. Please come back with taengsic soon. Not many authors out there writing that pair these days so I'm very deprived ><
Chapter 22: Hi, Authornim and fellow Filipino citezen. Omg, I love this story. Bakit ngayon ko lang nabasa 'tong napakagandang story? I'm so proud of your wonderful work ^0^ I'm hoping na ma-update mo'to dahil srsly, ang ganda ng takbo ng story. Love lots Authornim.
Chapter 22: please update soon