Card XVI

Tarot Card

Taeyeon woke up with a throbbing head. She tried to move only to realize that she was tied down on the floor next to a dead Mr. Hwang. She tried to turn to her left but Mrs. Hwang wasnt there anymore. She saw Jessica's feet tapped on the floor. Propping her head with her chin, she looked up to Jessica, still crying and fear written all over her eyes.

Tiffany then appeared. "Good, youre awake."

Gagged, Taeyeon's words came out muffled.

"Dont worry Taeyeon, you'll be next." Then Tiffany pulled her own dad's cold body towards their kitchen, blood covering their floor.

The doctor tried to move her hands but to no avail, the rope around her wrist was too tight.

"They didnt listen to me when I told them I want to kill Jessica, so I killed them first. They were never a good listener in the first place anyway. I told them a lot of thing but they never listened."

Fear ran over Taeyeon's whole being. Tiffany was not in her right mind, that she proved to be true as soon as she stepped her foot inside the Hwangs earlier. She shouldve known better. She shouldve trusted her instinct that something was wrong and Tiffany being all cool about her Jessica was already an obvious hint that there's nothing good about her coming to the Hwangs. She really shouldve trusted herself more. But its too late now.

Tiffany pulled her up. "How about I'll give you a grand tour to my room?"

With the knife around Jessica's throat, Tiffany managed to boss around the doctor -- to towards her said room without any fuzz. As a good puppy Taeyeon is, she obeyed. The last thing she wants to happen is for Jessica to get hurt.

As soon as they entered the room, the doctor was told to lie on her stomach as Tiffany tied Jessica on a chair again.

"You shouldve really thought things through Taeyeon. You shouldve just stick with me instead of Jessica." Goosebumps ran on the short doctor's spine as Tiffany ran the knife along her cheeks. "Is there anything you wish to tell me, Taeyeon?"

​As soon as the clothe around had loosened, Taeyeon pleaded, "Let Jessica go Tiffany, she has nothing to do with this. Its between you and me."

"She had everything to do with all this Tae. She stole you away from me."

"She didnt. I was never yours to begin with." A palm connected to Taeyeon's cheeks.

"Youre mine Taeyeon. Youre mine till that came in the picture." Tiffany said while pointing the knife at Jessica.

Their attentions went towards the window where they heard voices calling out for the sister.

Tiffany walked towards the curtain and peeked. Seeing this as a chance, Taeyeon screamed, "Help." But thinking that it wasnt that loud she tried again but Tiffany was already next to her trying to gag her again but before came in contact with the clothe again, she managed to cry for help again. "Help, somebody help us."

Relief washed over Taeyeon when she heard the sound of glasses breaking and Amber calling her name. As much as she's curious as to why Amber and Yuri was together, she's more in a hurry to be saved so she'll just ask them later, if she gets out this house alive.

She then felt herself being pulled by Tiffany to the center of the room. Then the girl pulled Jessica as well, the chair's legs screeching against the floor.

Footsteps came closer and Amber's body hit the floor as soon as Tiffany swayed the baseball bat against the boyish girl's head. Yuri launched at Amber's attacker by impulse, sending them both on the floor.

"Amber... Amber... Wake up.. Wake the ing up.. Wake up." Yuri called out to the unconscious boyish girl while struggling to keep Tiffany on the ground.

After some time, Amber woke up. "Amber.. Untie Taeyeon. Amber.. Amber.." the boyish girl nodded before staggering towards Taeyeon who asked, "Free Jessica first." as soon as her gag was pulled off.

Taeyeon felt so useless as she watched Tiffany tackled Amber who was untying Jessica from the chair and with her knife stabbed Amber on her stomach.

"Amber, oh my god." Taeyeon gasped and she heard Jessica sobbing, crying for her sister to stop what she's doing.

Yuri then pulled the girl on top of Amber and the short doctor crawled her way towards the boyish girl who had been caught in between this tragic event. Amber only wanted to help her with the Tarot Card, yet there she was stabbed and bleeding.

 "Ohh .. Ohh .." Yuri frantically mumbled out. And when Taeyeon saw Amber's drooping eyes, she found herself saying, "Just.. Just dont close your eyes. Dont ing close your eyes, god damn it Amber.."

The trio's attention then went to Tiffany, "So I guess I'd be starting to kill Jessica then." who by then had Jessica by her hair and a blood covered knife just in front of her neck.


"No.. Wait Tiff. Im the one you want right?" Taeyeon said when Yuri managed to fully untie her hand. "Im the one you want so let Jessica go."

"And have her take you away again? No way." Tiffany took a step back when Taeyeon stepped forward.

"Stay where you are." Tiffany warned as she pointed the knife at the short doctor.

"Taeyeon.." Jessica was crying and Taeyeon can see her pleading in her eyes, begging her to save her life.

"Shut up." Tiffany growled at her sister.

"Please Tiff, just drop the knife and Im going to come with you wherever you want to go. You want me? Let Jessica go and you'll have me, all of me."

"You piece of a lying .. Youre not going to do it because you already chose her the day you decided to love her and not me." Tiffany took another stepped back and dragged the knife on Jessica's neck.

Taeyeon's jaw locked, scared for the girl she loves. "Please Tiffany, let Jessica go and I'll come with you, I'll be with you." She pleaded.

"She needs to die first..." And when Taeyeon saw Tiffany about to stab Jessica's neck with the knife, she just run towards the girl without any hesitation and both of them flew outside the window.

But Taeyeon felt her body being suspended and when she opened her eyes she saw Jessica gripping tightly on her shirt. Yuri then came to help pull her up. They all looked down but tore their eyes away from Tiffany's twisted dead body on the ground a second after to aid on Amber.

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Chapter 4: interesting!
Chapter 23: Taeng still kinda a jerk in this one though, who did that to sisters? Even if one turns out to be crazy, you're still a jerk for two timing them
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 23: I can't believe this story slipped right under my nose how in the world did i just find this?!! Haha well I love it thanks for this! Till next time indeed!!
Chapter 23: Aww it ended already.. Please comeback with a new taengsic fic please....
Icecream013 #6
Idk why i just found this fic but still i'm going to read this all
Chapter 23: hey! glad that you were able to finish this.. thanks so much for this story and hope to read some taengsic from you again :)
Chapter 23: Haha I thought that was the end but you never confirmed it. Please come back with taengsic soon. Not many authors out there writing that pair these days so I'm very deprived ><
Chapter 22: Hi, Authornim and fellow Filipino citezen. Omg, I love this story. Bakit ngayon ko lang nabasa 'tong napakagandang story? I'm so proud of your wonderful work ^0^ I'm hoping na ma-update mo'to dahil srsly, ang ganda ng takbo ng story. Love lots Authornim.
Chapter 22: please update soon