Card XII

Tarot Card

Taeyeon didnt know where her courage came from. It was just so overwhelming that she didnt know how to hold it in anymore, resulting from her confessing to Jessica to her kissing the girl.

It was too much, just too much.

But Taeyeon doesnt want to stop, she doesnt want to stop kissng Jessica.

If its the only way for the other girl to understand what she feel, then she doesnt want to stop even more.

But Jessica had other plan as she pushed Taeyeon off her.

Raising her hand to cover her lip or probably erasing any Taeyeon remnants there, Jessica took two steps back away from the short doctor. "What did you do that for?"

"Its the only way I can show you how I really feel."

Jessica took more steps away from Taeyeon as she shook her head furiously. "No, no, no. This cant be happening. You cant possibly be in love with me."

"But I am. I am in love with you Jessica." Taeyeon said as she followed the confused girl.

"No. No. You cant be. You dont know what youre saying. You.. You love Tiffany."

"I dont. I cant love her because I love you."

Jessica covered her ears. "Stop. Stop. Youre not making any sense to me."

"Love rarely makes any sense. Im not surprise." Taeyeon pulled Jessica's hand off her ears and held it tightly. "I know its all too sudden, but please believe me Jessica. I do love you."

And again, Taeyeon tried to follow Jessica as the latter got away from her hold and started phasing everywhere. "No. You dont understand. Tiffany. She's in love with you and you dont have any idea how much. She'll do anything, everything to have you and.." Jessica paused and looked straight at Taeyeon in a way the doctor cant decipher. "do you even have any idea what she's capable of?" The doctor wanted to ask what she meant by it but was distracted when the latter took steps away from her again.

"You cant hurt her. I wont let you."

Taeyeon was rather getting tired of the mouse-and-cat game theyre playing right now. So she boldly trapped Jessica in between her body and a tree. "Youre giving me more headaches. Cant you stay still for one minute and listen to me?" Taeyeon held Jessica's hand when the latter tried to escape her and pinned it to the tree behind her.

"I dont love Tiffany. I cant love her. If she push herself to me and force her to feel something for her, she'll only get hurt."

"I thought you like her?"

"I do." Taeyeon paused and was momentarilly amazed at how Jessica's brows furrowed with her answer. "I did, but not anymore." She rephrased. "Cause you happened."

"I dont understand any of this Dr. Kim Taeyeon. How can you even love someone you dont even really know?"

"Dont ask me, I dont have any idea as well. All I know is I love you and I know you felt something too when we kissed. I felt it. I felt how your lips trembled as it touched mine. So please tell me that youre feeling something for me too. Please Jessica." Taeyeon cant believe she was pleading, but there she was, pleading someone for affection; something she never thought she'll do.

"I cant... I cant hurt Tiffany." Taeyeon's head bowed low as she heard that. Ofcourse, what does she expect? Theyre sisters for god's sake, ofcourse Jessica would side on Tiffany, no matter what.

"You didnt answer the question though. Do you feel something for me too?" But the doctor was persistent. She needs to know, she wants to know. Taeyeon raised her head and stared at Jessica; eyes dark, heavy and meaningful. "Do you fee anything for me too?" She rephrased.

Jessica was about to answer but Taeyeon shut her up with a kiss. It was the only way she knows to get the answer she was waiting for to hear and her heart was elated when Jessica, although it was a bit late, responded to her kiss; hands on her shoulders either pushing her away or pulling her closer, she couldnt careless. Whats important to Taeyeon right now was Jessica's lips molding against hers.

The intensity of the kiss was too much and it was so overwhelming that Taeyeon felt like she was loosing air in her lungs and she couldnt breathe anymore.

And then Jessica pushes her away with much strength before wincing in pain while holding her head. "Jessica? Are you okay?" Taeyeon asked worriedly but the girl just kept on screaming in pain. "What the hell is happening Jessica?"

Taeyeon pulled the girl to her arms and waited till the pain subsided. It was breaking her heart to see Jessica in pain.

"Im sorry Dr. Kim Taeyeon." Jessica stood up and put a distance between them as she regained control over her head. She still look in pain but more bearable to look at for the doctor. "Im sorry but you cant love someone who doesnt even know her real self." And with that, Jessica took off; running as fast as she can away from the dumbfounded short doctor.

It took long for Taeyeon to process those words that few minutes already passed by till she found herself running in pursuit for her beloved Jessica. She ran and ran till her body collided to something and she was thrown down to the ground.

"Dr. Kim Taeyeon?"

"Yes?" The doctor asked back as she gather herself up from the sandy ground.

"I need to talk to you, its emergency."

"I actually do have one as well right now, can we talk tomorrow or when Im not busy? My hands are kind of full right now." The doctor was about to run but the guy was quick to stop her by holding her wrist.

"I dont think we have much time Doc. Im here for the card." At the mention of the last word, Taeyeon looked at him from head to toe. "And who are you?"

"Im elder Liu's granddaughter. We were not able to meet each other when you came to our house that day. I believe you have something of my Grandma's possession." She looked at the guy again and thats only when she realized her girly feature and physique.

Although the name of the person standing in front of her was familiar and that it already stirred her interest, she's in an emergency; she needs to catch up to Jessica or else, they'd never get the chance to talk again.

Seeing that the boyish girl was no intention to move aside, Taeyeon sighed "Yes, yes, she did gave me a card the day before I came to your house. I dont know what is it for and why she gave it to me since it was my mother who had been her patron for so long. We only saw each other once or twice so I dont understand why would she give me a card with a warning. 'Be careful of the frozen heart.' It just doesnt make sense."

"I know. Im still as confuse as you well. But my grandma's ghost sent me here to help you." Doctor Taeyeon laughed at her but when she didnt gave any sign that she was joking and indeed was serious about what she said, Taeyeon asked her, "Help me? With what? And why?"

"The card. Im sure its giving you a warning about something."

"Oh it did alright." Taeyeon said as she looked ahead where she assumed Jessica went through. "So you said youre going to help me, why? What would you gain with it?"

"My Grandma cant crossover because she left some unfinished business here on earth. I need to help her so she'd crossover." Taeyeon listened carefully. It was all nonesense to her, but she hasnt been sesible for the past days now either, so she just shrugged it off.  "Youre my Grandma's unfinished business, so I need to help you as well."


"Im not sure as well, but how about you show me that card my grandma gave you?"



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Chapter 4: interesting!
Chapter 23: Taeng still kinda a jerk in this one though, who did that to sisters? Even if one turns out to be crazy, you're still a jerk for two timing them
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 23: I can't believe this story slipped right under my nose how in the world did i just find this?!! Haha well I love it thanks for this! Till next time indeed!!
Chapter 23: Aww it ended already.. Please comeback with a new taengsic fic please....
Icecream013 #6
Idk why i just found this fic but still i'm going to read this all
Chapter 23: hey! glad that you were able to finish this.. thanks so much for this story and hope to read some taengsic from you again :)
Chapter 23: Haha I thought that was the end but you never confirmed it. Please come back with taengsic soon. Not many authors out there writing that pair these days so I'm very deprived ><
Chapter 22: Hi, Authornim and fellow Filipino citezen. Omg, I love this story. Bakit ngayon ko lang nabasa 'tong napakagandang story? I'm so proud of your wonderful work ^0^ I'm hoping na ma-update mo'to dahil srsly, ang ganda ng takbo ng story. Love lots Authornim.
Chapter 22: please update soon